Package org.apache.batik.gvt

Examples of org.apache.batik.gvt.CompositeGraphicsNode$ListItr

            attrName.equals(SVG_WIDTH_ATTRIBUTE) ||
            attrName.equals(SVG_HEIGHT_ATTRIBUTE) ||
            attrName.equals(SVG_VIEW_BOX_ATTRIBUTE) ||
            attrName.equals(SVG_PRESERVE_ASPECT_RATIO_ATTRIBUTE)) {
            CompositeGraphicsNode gn = node.getParent();

            handleElementAdded(gn, e.getParentNode(), e);
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    protected static GraphicsNode createSVGImageNode(BridgeContext ctx,
                                                     Element e,
                                                     SVGDocument imgDocument) {

        CompositeGraphicsNode result = new CompositeGraphicsNode();

        Rectangle2D r = CSSUtilities.convertEnableBackground(e);
        if (r != null) {

        SVGSVGElement svgElement = imgDocument.getRootElement();
        GraphicsNode node = ctx.getGVTBuilder().build(ctx, svgElement);
        // HACK: remove the clip set by the SVGSVGElement as the overflow
        // and clip properties must be ignored. The clip will be set later
        // using the overflow and clip of the <image> element.

        // create the implicit viewBox for the SVG image. The viewBox for a
        // SVG image is the viewBox of the outermost SVG element of the SVG file
        String viewBox =
            svgElement.getAttributeNS(null, SVG_VIEW_BOX_ATTRIBUTE);
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        GVTBuilder builder = ctx.getGVTBuilder();
        GraphicsNode refNode =, g);


        CompositeGraphicsNode gn = new CompositeGraphicsNode();


        // set an affine transform to take into account the (x, y)
        // coordinates of the <use> element

        // 'visibility'

        // 'enable-background'
        Rectangle2D r = CSSUtilities.convertEnableBackground(e);
        if (r != null) {
        return gn;
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     * @param ctx the bridge context to use
     * @param e the element that describes the graphics node to build
     * @return a graphics node that represents the specified element
    public GraphicsNode createGraphicsNode(BridgeContext ctx, Element e) {
        CompositeGraphicsNode gn =
            (CompositeGraphicsNode)super.createGraphicsNode(ctx, e);
  if (gn == null) {
      return null;

        // 'color-rendering'
        RenderingHints hints = CSSUtilities.convertColorRendering(e, null);
        if (hints != null) {

        // 'enable-background'
        Rectangle2D r = CSSUtilities.convertEnableBackground(e);
        if (r != null) {
        return gn;
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     * Creates a <tt>CompositeGraphicsNode</tt>.
    protected GraphicsNode instantiateGraphicsNode() {
        return new CompositeGraphicsNode();
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    protected static GraphicsNode createSVGImageNode(BridgeContext ctx,
                                                     Element e,
                                                     SVGDocument imgDocument) {

        CompositeGraphicsNode result = new CompositeGraphicsNode();
        CSSStyleDeclaration decl = CSSUtilities.getComputedStyle(e);
        UnitProcessor.Context uctx = UnitProcessor.createContext(ctx, e);

        Rectangle2D r
            = CSSUtilities.convertEnableBackground(e, uctx);
        if (r != null) {

        SVGSVGElement svgElement = imgDocument.getRootElement();
        GraphicsNode node = ctx.getGVTBuilder().build(ctx, svgElement);
        // HACK: remove the clip set by the SVGSVGElement as the overflow
        // and clip properties must be ignored. The clip will be set later
        // using the overflow and clip of the <image> element.

        // create the implicit viewBox for the SVG image. The viewBox for a
        // SVG image is the viewBox of the outermost SVG element of the SVG file
        String viewBox =
            svgElement.getAttributeNS(null, SVG_VIEW_BOX_ATTRIBUTE);
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                               Element markerElement,
                               Element paintedElement) {

        GVTBuilder builder = ctx.getGVTBuilder();

        CompositeGraphicsNode markerContentNode
            = new CompositeGraphicsNode();

        // build the GVT tree that represents the marker
        boolean hasChildren = false;
        for(Node n = markerElement.getFirstChild();
            n != null;
            n = n.getNextSibling()) {

            // check if the node is a valid Element
            if (n.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
            Element child = (Element)n;
            GraphicsNode markerNode =, child) ;
            // check if a GVT node has been created
            if (markerNode == null) {
                continue; // skip element as <marker> can contain <defs>...
            hasChildren = true;
        if (!hasChildren) {
            return null; // no marker content defined

        String s;
        UnitProcessor.Context uctx
            = UnitProcessor.createContext(ctx, paintedElement);

        // 'markerWidth' attribute - default is 3
        float markerWidth = 3;
        s = markerElement.getAttributeNS(null, SVG_MARKER_WIDTH_ATTRIBUTE);
        if (s.length() != 0) {
            markerWidth = UnitProcessor.svgHorizontalLengthToUserSpace
                (s, SVG_MARKER_WIDTH_ATTRIBUTE, uctx);
        if (markerWidth == 0) {
            // A value of zero disables rendering of the element.
            return null;

        // 'markerHeight' attribute - default is 3
        float markerHeight = 3;
        s = markerElement.getAttributeNS(null, SVG_MARKER_HEIGHT_ATTRIBUTE);
        if (s.length() != 0) {
            markerHeight = UnitProcessor.svgVerticalLengthToUserSpace
                (s, SVG_MARKER_HEIGHT_ATTRIBUTE, uctx);
        if (markerHeight == 0) {
            // A value of zero disables rendering of the element.
            return null;

        // 'orient' attribute - default is '0'
        double orient;
        s = markerElement.getAttributeNS(null, SVG_ORIENT_ATTRIBUTE);
        if (s.length() == 0) {
            orient = 0;
        } else if (SVG_AUTO_VALUE.equals(s)) {
            orient = Double.NaN;
        } else {
            try {
                orient = SVGUtilities.convertSVGNumber(s);
            } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
                throw new BridgeException
                    (markerElement, ERR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_MALFORMED,
                     new Object [] {SVG_ORIENT_ATTRIBUTE, s});

        // 'stroke-width' property
        CSSStyleDeclaration decl
            = CSSUtilities.getComputedStyle(paintedElement);
        CSSValue v = decl.getPropertyCSSValue(CSS_STROKE_WIDTH_PROPERTY);
        float strokeWidth = UnitProcessor.cssOtherLengthToUserSpace
            (v, CSS_STROKE_WIDTH_PROPERTY, uctx);

        // 'markerUnits' attribute - default is 'strokeWidth'
        short unitsType;
        s = markerElement.getAttributeNS(null, SVG_MARKER_UNITS_ATTRIBUTE);
        if (s.length() == 0) {
            unitsType = SVGUtilities.STROKE_WIDTH;
        } else {
            unitsType = SVGUtilities.parseMarkerCoordinateSystem
                (markerElement, SVG_MARKER_UNITS_ATTRIBUTE, s);


        // compute an additional transform for 'strokeWidth' coordinate system
        AffineTransform markerTxf;
        if (unitsType == SVGUtilities.STROKE_WIDTH) {
            markerTxf = new AffineTransform();
            markerTxf.scale(strokeWidth, strokeWidth);
        } else {
            markerTxf = new AffineTransform();

        // 'viewBox' and 'preserveAspectRatio' attributes
        // viewBox -> viewport(0, 0, markerWidth, markerHeight)
        AffineTransform preserveAspectRatioTransform
            = ViewBox.getPreserveAspectRatioTransform(markerElement,
        if (preserveAspectRatioTransform == null) {
            // disable the rendering of the element
            return null;
        } else {
        // now we can set the transform to the 'markerContentNode'

        // 'overflow' property
        if (CSSUtilities.convertOverflow(markerElement)) { // overflow:hidden
            Rectangle2D markerClip;
            float [] offsets = CSSUtilities.convertClip(markerElement);
            if (offsets == null) { // clip:auto
                    = new Rectangle2D.Float(0,
                                            strokeWidth * markerWidth,
                                            strokeWidth * markerHeight);
            } else { // clip:rect(<x>, <y>, <w>, <h>)
                // offsets[0] = top
                // offsets[1] = right
                // offsets[2] = bottom
                // offsets[3] = left
                markerClip = new Rectangle2D.Float
                     strokeWidth * markerWidth - offsets[1] - offsets[3],
                     strokeWidth * markerHeight - offsets[2] - offsets[0]);

            CompositeGraphicsNode comp = new CompositeGraphicsNode();
            Filter clipSrc = comp.getGraphicsNodeRable(true);
            comp.setClip(new ClipRable8Bit(clipSrc, markerClip));
            markerContentNode = comp;

        // 'refX' attribute - default is 0
        float refX = 0;
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                             GraphicsNode paintedNode,
                             float opacity) {

        // extract pattern content
        CompositeGraphicsNode patternContentNode
            = extractPatternContent(patternElement, ctx);
        if (patternContentNode == null) {
            return null; // no content means no paint

        // get pattern region using 'patternUnits'. Pattern region is in tile pace.
        Rectangle2D patternRegion = SVGUtilities.convertPatternRegion
            (patternElement, paintedElement, paintedNode, ctx);

        String s;

        // 'patternTransform' attribute - default is an Identity matrix
        AffineTransform patternTransform;
        s = SVGUtilities.getChainableAttributeNS
            (patternElement, null, SVG_PATTERN_TRANSFORM_ATTRIBUTE, ctx);
        if (s.length() != 0) {
            patternTransform = SVGUtilities.convertTransform
                (patternElement, SVG_PATTERN_TRANSFORM_ATTRIBUTE, s);
        } else {
            patternTransform = new AffineTransform();

        // 'overflow' on the pattern element
        boolean overflowIsHidden = CSSUtilities.convertOverflow(patternElement);

        // 'patternContentUnits' - default is userSpaceOnUse
        short contentCoordSystem;
        s = SVGUtilities.getChainableAttributeNS
            (patternElement, null, SVG_PATTERN_CONTENT_UNITS_ATTRIBUTE, ctx);
        if (s.length() == 0) {
            contentCoordSystem = SVGUtilities.USER_SPACE_ON_USE;
        } else {
            contentCoordSystem = SVGUtilities.parseCoordinateSystem
                (patternElement, SVG_PATTERN_CONTENT_UNITS_ATTRIBUTE, s);

        // Compute a transform according to viewBox,  preserveAspectRatio
        // and patternContentUnits and the pattern transform attribute.
        // The stack of transforms is:
        // +-------------------------------+
        // | viewPortTranslation           |
        // +-------------------------------+
        // | preserveAspectRatioTransform  |
        // +-------------------------------+
        // + patternContentUnitsTransform  |
        // +-------------------------------+
        // where:
        //   - viewPortTranslation is the transform that translate to
        //     the viewPort's origin.
        //   - preserveAspectRatioTransform is the transformed implied by the
        //     preserveAspectRatio attribute.
        //   - patternContentUnitsTransform is the transform implied by the
        //     patternContentUnits attribute.
        // Note that there is an additional transform from the tiling
        // space to the user space (patternTransform) that is passed
        // separately to the PatternPaintContext.
        AffineTransform patternContentTransform = new AffineTransform();

        // Process viewPortTranslation

        // Process preserveAspectRatioTransform

        // 'viewBox' attribute
        String viewBoxStr = SVGUtilities.getChainableAttributeNS
            (patternElement, null, SVG_VIEW_BOX_ATTRIBUTE, ctx);

        if (viewBoxStr.length() > 0) {
            // There is a viewBox attribute. Then, take
            // preserveAspectRatio into account.
            String aspectRatioStr = SVGUtilities.getChainableAttributeNS
               (patternElement, null, SVG_PRESERVE_ASPECT_RATIO_ATTRIBUTE, ctx);
            float w = (float)patternRegion.getWidth();
            float h = (float)patternRegion.getHeight();
            AffineTransform preserveAspectRatioTransform
                = ViewBox.getPreserveAspectRatioTransform
                (patternElement, viewBoxStr, aspectRatioStr, w, h);


        // Process patternContentUnitsTransform
        if(contentCoordSystem == SVGUtilities.OBJECT_BOUNDING_BOX){
            AffineTransform patternContentUnitsTransform
                = new AffineTransform();
            Rectangle2D objectBoundingBox = paintedNode.getGeometryBounds();



        // Apply transform

        // take the opacity into account. opacity is implemented by a Filter
        if (opacity != 1) {
            Filter filter = patternContentNode.getGraphicsNodeRable(true);
            filter = new ComponentTransferRable8Bit
                 (opacity, 0), //alpha
                 ConcreteComponentTransferFunction.getIdentityTransfer(), //Red
                 ConcreteComponentTransferFunction.getIdentityTransfer(), //Grn

        return new PatternPaint(patternContentNode,
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        CompositeGraphicsNode extractPatternContent(Element patternElement,
                                                    BridgeContext ctx) {

        List refs = new LinkedList();
        for (;;) {
            CompositeGraphicsNode content
                = extractLocalPatternContent(patternElement, ctx);
            if (content != null) {
                return content; // pattern content found, exit
            String uri = XLinkSupport.getXLinkHref(patternElement);
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    protected static
        CompositeGraphicsNode extractLocalPatternContent(Element e,
                                                         BridgeContext ctx) {

        GVTBuilder builder = ctx.getGVTBuilder();
        CompositeGraphicsNode content = null;
        for (Node n = e.getFirstChild(); n != null; n = n.getNextSibling()) {
            // check if the Node is valid
            if (n.getNodeType() != Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {

            GraphicsNode gn =, (Element)n);
            // check if a GraphicsNode has been created
            if (gn != null) {
                // lazy instantation of the list of stop elements
                if (content == null) {
                    content = new CompositeGraphicsNode();
        return content;
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