* Creates a stylesheet from the data of an xml-stylesheet
* processing instruction or throws a DOMException when it is not possible
* to create the given stylesheet.
public StyleSheet createStyleSheet(Node n, String data) {
HashTable attrs = new HashTable();
attrs.put("alternate", "no");
attrs.put("media", "all");
DOMUtilities.parseStyleSheetPIData(data, attrs);
String type = (String)attrs.get("type");
if ("text/css".equals(type)) {
try {
String title = (String)attrs.get("title");
String media = (String)attrs.get("media");
String href = (String)attrs.get("href");
SVGOMDocument doc = (SVGOMDocument)n.getOwnerDocument();
URL url = new URL(doc.getURLObject(), href);
CSSOMStyleSheet ss = new CSSOMStyleSheet