if (len == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
AbstractElement script = (AbstractElement) scripts.item(i);
String type = script.getAttributeNS
(null, SVGConstants.SVG_TYPE_ATTRIBUTE);
if (type.length() == 0) {
// Java code invocation.
if (type.equals(SVGConstants.SVG_SCRIPT_TYPE_JAVA)) {
try {
String href = XLinkSupport.getXLinkHref(script);
ParsedURL purl = new ParsedURL(script.getBaseURI(), href);
checkCompatibleScriptURL(type, purl);
DocumentJarClassLoader cll;
URL docURL = null;
try {
docURL = new URL(docPURL.toString());
} catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
/* nothing just let docURL be null */
cll = new DocumentJarClassLoader
(new URL(purl.toString()), docURL);
// Get the 'Script-Handler' entry in the manifest.
URL url = cll.findResource("META-INF/MANIFEST.MF");
if (url == null) {
Manifest man = new Manifest(url.openStream());
String sh;
sh = man.getMainAttributes().getValue("Script-Handler");
if (sh != null) {
// Run the script handler.
ScriptHandler h;
h = (ScriptHandler)cll.loadClass(sh).newInstance();
if (window == null) {
window = createWindow();
h.run(document, window);
sh = man.getMainAttributes().getValue("SVG-Handler-Class");
if (sh != null) {
// Run the initializer
EventListenerInitializer initializer;
initializer =
if (window == null) {
window = createWindow();
} catch (Exception e) {
if (userAgent != null) {
// Scripting language invocation.
Interpreter interpreter = getInterpreter(type);
if (interpreter == null)
// Can't find interpreter so just skip this script block.
try {
String href = XLinkSupport.getXLinkHref(script);
String desc = null;
Reader reader = null;
if (href.length() > 0) {
desc = href;
// External script.
ParsedURL purl = new ParsedURL(script.getBaseURI(), href);
checkCompatibleScriptURL(type, purl);
InputStream is = purl.openStream();
String mediaType = purl.getContentTypeMediaType();
String enc = purl.getContentTypeCharset();
if (enc != null) {
try {
reader = new InputStreamReader(is, enc);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
enc = null;
if (reader == null) {
if (APPLICATION_ECMASCRIPT.equals(mediaType)) {
// No encoding was specified in the MIME type, so
// infer it according to RFC 4329.
if (purl.hasContentTypeParameter("version")) {
// Future versions of application/ecmascript
// are not supported, so skip this script
// element if the version parameter is present.
PushbackInputStream pbis =
new PushbackInputStream(is, 8);
byte[] buf = new byte[4];
int read = pbis.read(buf);
if (read > 0) {
pbis.unread(buf, 0, read);
if (read >= 2) {
if (buf[0] == (byte)0xff &&
buf[1] == (byte)0xfe) {
if (read >= 4 && buf[2] == 0 &&
buf[3] == 0) {
enc = "UTF32-LE";
} else {
enc = "UTF-16LE";
} else if (buf[0] == (byte)0xfe &&
buf[1] == (byte)0xff) {
enc = "UTF-16BE";
} else if (read >= 3
&& buf[0] == (byte)0xef
&& buf[1] == (byte)0xbb
&& buf[2] == (byte)0xbf) {
enc = "UTF-8";
} else if (read >= 4 && buf[0] == 0 &&
buf[1] == 0 &&
buf[2] == (byte)0xfe &&
buf[3] == (byte)0xff) {
enc = "UTF-32BE";
if (enc == null) {
enc = "UTF-8";
reader = new InputStreamReader(pbis, enc);
} else {
reader = new InputStreamReader(is);
} else {
checkCompatibleScriptURL(type, docPURL);
DocumentLoader dl = bridgeContext.getDocumentLoader();
Element e = script;
SVGDocument d = (SVGDocument)e.getOwnerDocument();
int line = dl.getLineNumber(script);
desc = Messages.formatMessage
new Object [] {d.getURL(),
new Integer(line)});
// Inline script.
Node n = script.getFirstChild();
if (n != null) {
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
while (n != null) {
if (n.getNodeType() == Node.CDATA_SECTION_NODE
|| n.getNodeType() == Node.TEXT_NODE)