} catch (AxisFault axisFault) {
// there is no way to get this excpetion while in codegeneration
//now get the schema list and write it out
SchemaWriter schemaWriter = new SchemaWriter(
codeGenConfiguration.isFlattenFiles() ?
getOutputDirectory(codeGenConfiguration.getOutputLocation(), null) :
// first write all the schmas.
// then use the changedMap got above to adjust the names.
Map schemaMappings = axisService.getSchemaMappingTable();
Iterator keys = schemaMappings.keySet().iterator();
String key = null;
while (keys.hasNext()) {
key = (String) keys.next();
if (!key.startsWith("http")){
schemaWriter.writeSchema((XmlSchema) schemaMappings.get(key), key);
//switch between the correct writer
if (CommandLineOptionConstants.WSDL2JavaConstants.WSDL_VERSION_2.