Package org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description

Examples of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.ServiceDescriptionWSDL

        //   is returned by getTargetNamespace()
        String portTypeLP = getName();
        String portTypeTNS = getTargetNamespace();
        QName portTypeQN = new QName(portTypeTNS, portTypeLP);

        ServiceDescriptionWSDL serviceDescWSDL = (ServiceDescriptionWSDL)getServiceDescription();

        List<Port> wsdlPortsUsingPortType = serviceDescWSDL.getWSDLPortsUsingPortType(portTypeQN);
        List<Port> wsdlPortsUsingSOAPAddresses =
        if (wsdlPortsUsingSOAPAddresses != null && !wsdlPortsUsingSOAPAddresses.isEmpty()) {
            // We return the first port that uses the particluar PortType and has a SOAP address.
            // HOWEVER, that is not necessarily the first one in the WSDL that meets that criteria! 
            // The problem is that WSDL4J Service.getPorts(), which is used to get a Map of ports under the service
            // DOES NOT return the ports in the order they are defined in the WSDL. 
            // Therefore, we can't necessarily predict which one we'll get back as the "first" one in the collection.
            // REVIEW: Note the above comment; is there anything more predictible and determinstic we can do?
            Port portToUse = (Port)wsdlPortsUsingSOAPAddresses.toArray()[0];
            String portLocalPart = portToUse.getName();
            String portNamespace = serviceDescWSDL.getWSDLService().getQName().getNamespaceURI();
            wsdlPortToUse = new QName(portNamespace, portLocalPart);

        return wsdlPortToUse;
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        //   is returned by getTargetNamespace()
        String portTypeLP = getName();
        String portTypeTNS = getTargetNamespace();
        QName portTypeQN = new QName(portTypeTNS, portTypeLP);

        ServiceDescriptionWSDL serviceDescWSDL = (ServiceDescriptionWSDL)getServiceDescription();

        List<Port> wsdlPortsUsingPortType = serviceDescWSDL.getWSDLPortsUsingPortType(portTypeQN);
        List<Port> wsdlPortsUsingSOAPAddresses =
        if (wsdlPortsUsingSOAPAddresses != null && !wsdlPortsUsingSOAPAddresses.isEmpty()) {
            // We return the first port that uses the particluar PortType and has a SOAP address.
            // HOWEVER, that is not necessarily the first one in the WSDL that meets that criteria! 
            // The problem is that WSDL4J Service.getPorts(), which is used to get a Map of ports under the service
            // DOES NOT return the ports in the order they are defined in the WSDL. 
            // Therefore, we can't necessarily predict which one we'll get back as the "first" one in the collection.
            // REVIEW: Note the above comment; is there anything more predictible and determinstic we can do?
            Port portToUse = (Port)wsdlPortsUsingSOAPAddresses.toArray()[0];
            String portLocalPart = portToUse.getName();
            String portNamespace = serviceDescWSDL.getWSDLService().getQName().getNamespaceURI();
            wsdlPortToUse = new QName(portNamespace, portLocalPart);

        return wsdlPortToUse;
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        //   is returned by getTargetNamespace()
        String portTypeLP = getName();
        String portTypeTNS = getTargetNamespace();
        QName portTypeQN = new QName(portTypeTNS, portTypeLP);

        ServiceDescriptionWSDL serviceDescWSDL = (ServiceDescriptionWSDL)getServiceDescription();

        List<Port> wsdlPortsUsingPortType = serviceDescWSDL.getWSDLPortsUsingPortType(portTypeQN);
        List<Port> wsdlPortsUsingSOAPAddresses =
        if (wsdlPortsUsingSOAPAddresses != null && !wsdlPortsUsingSOAPAddresses.isEmpty()) {
            // We return the first port that uses the particluar PortType and has a SOAP address.
            // HOWEVER, that is not necessarily the first one in the WSDL that meets that criteria! 
            // The problem is that WSDL4J Service.getPorts(), which is used to get a Map of ports under the service
            // DOES NOT return the ports in the order they are defined in the WSDL. 
            // Therefore, we can't necessarily predict which one we'll get back as the "first" one in the collection.
            // REVIEW: Note the above comment; is there anything more predictible and determinstic we can do?
            Port portToUse = (Port)wsdlPortsUsingSOAPAddresses.toArray()[0];
            String portLocalPart = portToUse.getName();
            String portNamespace = serviceDescWSDL.getWSDLService().getQName().getNamespaceURI();
            wsdlPortToUse = new QName(portNamespace, portLocalPart);

        return wsdlPortToUse;
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        //   is returned by getTargetNamespace()
        String portTypeLP = getName();
        String portTypeTNS = getTargetNamespace();
        QName portTypeQN = new QName(portTypeTNS, portTypeLP);

        ServiceDescriptionWSDL serviceDescWSDL = (ServiceDescriptionWSDL) getServiceDescription();

        List<Port> wsdlPortsUsingPortType = serviceDescWSDL.getWSDLPortsUsingPortType(portTypeQN);
        List<Port> wsdlPortsUsingSOAPAddresses = serviceDescWSDL.getWSDLPortsUsingSOAPAddress(wsdlPortsUsingPortType);
        if (wsdlPortsUsingSOAPAddresses != null && !wsdlPortsUsingSOAPAddresses.isEmpty()) {
            // We return the first port that uses the particluar PortType and has a SOAP address.
            // HOWEVER, that is not necessarily the first one in the WSDL that meets that criteria! 
            // The problem is that WSDL4J Service.getPorts(), which is used to get a Map of ports under the service
            // DOES NOT return the ports in the order they are defined in the WSDL. 
            // Therefore, we can't necessarily predict which one we'll get back as the "first" one in the collection.
            // REVIEW: Note the above comment; is there anything more predictible and determinstic we can do?
            Port portToUse = (Port) wsdlPortsUsingSOAPAddresses.toArray()[0];
            String portLocalPart = portToUse.getName();
            String portNamespace = serviceDescWSDL.getWSDLService().getQName().getNamespaceURI();
            wsdlPortToUse = new QName(portNamespace, portLocalPart);

        return wsdlPortToUse;
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        //   is returned by getTargetNamespace()
        String portTypeLP = getName();
        String portTypeTNS = getTargetNamespace();
        QName portTypeQN = new QName(portTypeTNS, portTypeLP);

        ServiceDescriptionWSDL serviceDescWSDL = (ServiceDescriptionWSDL)getServiceDescription();

        List<Port> wsdlPortsUsingPortType = serviceDescWSDL.getWSDLPortsUsingPortType(portTypeQN);
        List<Port> wsdlPortsUsingSOAPAddresses =
        if (wsdlPortsUsingSOAPAddresses != null && !wsdlPortsUsingSOAPAddresses.isEmpty()) {
            // We return the first port that uses the particluar PortType and has a SOAP address.
            // HOWEVER, that is not necessarily the first one in the WSDL that meets that criteria! 
            // The problem is that WSDL4J Service.getPorts(), which is used to get a Map of ports under the service
            // DOES NOT return the ports in the order they are defined in the WSDL. 
            // Therefore, we can't necessarily predict which one we'll get back as the "first" one in the collection.
            // REVIEW: Note the above comment; is there anything more predictible and determinstic we can do?
            Port portToUse = (Port)wsdlPortsUsingSOAPAddresses.toArray()[0];
            String portLocalPart = portToUse.getName();
            String portNamespace = serviceDescWSDL.getWSDLService().getQName().getNamespaceURI();
            wsdlPortToUse = new QName(portNamespace, portLocalPart);

        return wsdlPortToUse;
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    public static TreeSet<String> getPackagesFromSchema(ServiceDescription serviceDesc) {

        TreeSet<String> set = new TreeSet<String>();
        //If we are on client side we will get wsdl definition from ServiceDescription. If we are on server side we will have to
        //read wsdlLocation from @WebService Annotation.
        ServiceDescriptionWSDL sdw = (ServiceDescriptionWSDL)serviceDesc;
        Definition wsdlDefinition = sdw.getWSDLDefinition();
        Collection<EndpointDescription> endpointDescs = serviceDesc.getEndpointDescriptions_AsCollection();
        if (endpointDescs != null) {
            for (EndpointDescription ed:endpointDescs) {

                if (wsdlDefinition == null) {
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        ServerWorker worker = (ServerWorker) msgContext.getProperty(Constants.OUT_TRANSPORT_INFO);
        HttpResponse response = worker.getResponse();

        OMOutputFormat format = NhttpUtil.getOMOutputFormat(msgContext);
        MessageFormatter messageFormatter =
        Boolean noEntityBody = (Boolean) msgContext.getProperty(NhttpConstants.NO_ENTITY_BODY);
        if (noEntityBody == null || Boolean.FALSE == noEntityBody) {
                messageFormatter.getContentType(msgContext, format, msgContext.getSoapAction()));
        response.setStatusCode(determineHttpStatusCode(msgContext, response));

        // set any transport headers
        Map transportHeaders = (Map) msgContext.getProperty(MessageContext.TRANSPORT_HEADERS);
        if (transportHeaders != null && !transportHeaders.values().isEmpty()) {
            Iterator iter = transportHeaders.keySet().iterator();
            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                Object header =;
                Object value = transportHeaders.get(header);
                if (value != null && header instanceof String && value instanceof String) {
                    response.setHeader((String) header, (String) value);

        boolean forceContentLength = msgContext.isPropertyTrue(
        boolean forceContentLengthCopy = msgContext.isPropertyTrue(

        BasicHttpEntity entity = (BasicHttpEntity) response.getEntity();

        MetricsCollector lstMetrics = worker.getServiceHandler().getMetrics();
        try {
            if (forceContentLength) {
                if (forceContentLengthCopy && contentLength > 0) {
                } else {
                    setStreamAsTempData(entity, messageFormatter, msgContext, format);

            worker.getServiceHandler().commitResponse(worker.getConn(), response);
            OutputStream out = worker.getOutputStream();

             * if this is a dummy message to handle http 202 case with non-blocking IO
             * write an empty byte array as body
            if (msgContext.isPropertyTrue(NhttpConstants.SC_ACCEPTED)
                || Boolean.TRUE == noEntityBody) {
                out.write(new byte[0]);
            } else {
                if (forceContentLength) {
                    if (forceContentLengthCopy && contentLength > 0) {
                        messageFormatter.writeTo(msgContext, format, out, false);
                    } else {
                        writeMessageFromTempData(out, msgContext);
                } else {
                    messageFormatter.writeTo(msgContext, format, out, false);
            if (lstMetrics != null) {
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            String charSetEncoding = BuilderUtil.getCharSetEncoding(contentTypeStr);
                    Constants.Configuration.CHARACTER_SET_ENCODING, charSetEncoding);
            boolean eprFound = false;
            if (endpointsConfiguration != null) {
                URLEndpoint epr = endpointsConfiguration.getEndpoint(request.getRequestLine().getUri());
                if (epr != null) {
                    eprFound = true;
                    String type = TransportUtils.getContentType(contentTypeStr, msgContext);
                    msgContext.setProperty(Constants.Configuration.MESSAGE_TYPE, type);

                    Builder builder = epr.getBuilder(type);
                    if (HTTPTransportUtils.isRESTRequest(contentTypeStr)) {
                        RESTUtil.processPOSTRequest(msgContext, is, os,
                                request.getRequestLine().getUri(), contentType, builder, isRestDispatching);
                    } else {
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            String contentTypeStr = contentType != null ?
                    contentType.getValue() : inferContentType();

            boolean eprFound = false;
            if (endpointsConfiguration != null) {
                URLEndpoint epr = endpointsConfiguration.getEndpoint(request.getRequestLine().getUri());
                if (epr != null) {
                    eprFound = true;
                    String type = TransportUtils.getContentType(contentTypeStr, msgContext);
                    msgContext.setProperty(Constants.Configuration.MESSAGE_TYPE, type);


                    Builder builder = epr.getBuilder(type);
                            msgContext, os, request.getRequestLine().getUri(),
                            request.getFirstHeader(HTTP.CONTENT_TYPE), builder,
                            method, isRestDispatching);
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        params = getListenerParameters();

        param = transportIn.getParameter(NhttpConstants.ENDPOINTS_CONFIGURATION);
        if (param != null && param.getValue() != null) {
            endpoints = new URLEndpointsConfigurationFactory().create(param.getValue().toString());
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Related Classes of org.apache.axis2.jaxws.description.ServiceDescriptionWSDL

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