Package org.apache.axis.handlers.soap

Examples of org.apache.axis.handlers.soap.SOAPService$SOAPRequestHandler

        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Enter: JavaProvider::generateWSDL (" + this + ")");

        /* Find the service we're invoking so we can grab it's options */
        SOAPService service = msgContext.getService();
        ServiceDesc serviceDesc = service.getInitializedServiceDesc(msgContext);

        // Calculate the appropriate namespaces for the WSDL we're going
        // to put out.
        // If we've been explicitly told which namespaces to use, respect
        // that.  If not:
        // The "interface namespace" should be either:
        // 1) The namespace of the ServiceDesc
        // 2) The transport URL (if there's no ServiceDesc ns)

        try {
            // Location URL is whatever is explicitly set in the MC
            String locationUrl =

            if (locationUrl == null) {
                // If nothing, try what's explicitly set in the ServiceDesc
                locationUrl = serviceDesc.getEndpointURL();

            if (locationUrl == null) {
                // If nothing, use the actual transport URL
                locationUrl = msgContext.getStrProp(MessageContext.TRANS_URL);

            // Interface namespace is whatever is explicitly set
            String interfaceNamespace =

            if (interfaceNamespace == null) {
                // If nothing, use the default namespace of the ServiceDesc
                interfaceNamespace = serviceDesc.getDefaultNamespace();

            if (interfaceNamespace == null) {
                // If nothing still, use the location URL determined above
                interfaceNamespace = locationUrl;

//  Do we want to do this?
//            if (locationUrl == null) {
//                locationUrl = url;
//            } else {
//                try {
//                    URL urlURL = new URL(url);
//                    URL locationURL = new URL(locationUrl);
//                    URL urlTemp = new URL(urlURL.getProtocol(),
//                            locationURL.getHost(),
//                            locationURL.getPort(),
//                            urlURL.getFile());
//                    interfaceNamespace += urlURL.getFile();
//                    locationUrl = urlTemp.toString();
//                } catch (Exception e) {
//                    locationUrl = url;
//                    interfaceNamespace = url;
//                }
//            }

            Emitter emitter = new Emitter();

            // service alias may be provided if exact naming is required,
            // otherwise Axis will name it according to the implementing class name
            String alias = (String)service.getOption("alias");
            if(alias != null) emitter.setServiceElementName(alias);

            emitter.setMode( (service.getStyle() == Style.RPC)
                             ? Emitter.MODE_RPC
                             : Emitter.MODE_DOCUMENT);

            emitter.setClsSmart(serviceDesc.getImplClass(), locationUrl);

            // If a wsdl target namespace was provided, use the targetNamespace.
            // Otherwise use the interfaceNamespace constructed above.
            String targetNamespace = (String) service.getOption(OPTION_WSDL_TARGETNAMESPACE);
            if (targetNamespace == null ||
                targetNamespace.length() == 0) {
                targetNamespace = interfaceNamespace;


            String wsdlPortType = (String) service.getOption(OPTION_WSDL_PORTTYPE);
            String wsdlServiceElement = (String) service.getOption(OPTION_WSDL_SERVICEELEMENT);
            String wsdlServicePort = (String) service.getOption(OPTION_WSDL_SERVICEPORT);

            if (wsdlPortType != null && wsdlPortType.length() > 0) {
            if (wsdlServiceElement != null && wsdlServiceElement.length() > 0) {
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        if (!accessAllHeaders) {
            MessageContext mc = MessageContext.getCurrentContext();
            if (mc != null) {
                if (header != null) {
                    String actor = header.getActor();
                    SOAPService soapService = mc.getService();
                    if (soapService != null) {
                        ArrayList actors = mc.getService().getActors();
                        if ((actor != null) &&
                            !Constants.URI_SOAP11_NEXT_ACTOR.equals(actor) &&
                            (actors == null || !actors.contains(actor))) {
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        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("Enter: JavaProvider::generateWSDL (" + this + ")");

        /* Find the service we're invoking so we can grab it's options */
        SOAPService service = msgContext.getService();
        ServiceDesc serviceDesc = service.getInitializedServiceDesc(msgContext);

        // Calculate the appropriate namespaces for the WSDL we're going
        // to put out.
        // If we've been explicitly told which namespaces to use, respect
        // that.  If not:
        // The "interface namespace" should be either:
        // 1) The namespace of the ServiceDesc
        // 2) The transport URL (if there's no ServiceDesc ns)

        try {
            // Location URL is whatever is explicitly set in the MC
            String locationUrl =

            if (locationUrl == null) {
                // If nothing, try what's explicitly set in the ServiceDesc
                locationUrl = serviceDesc.getEndpointURL();

            if (locationUrl == null) {
                // If nothing, use the actual transport URL
                locationUrl = msgContext.getStrProp(MessageContext.TRANS_URL);

            // Interface namespace is whatever is explicitly set
            String interfaceNamespace =

            if (interfaceNamespace == null) {
                // If nothing, use the default namespace of the ServiceDesc
                interfaceNamespace = serviceDesc.getDefaultNamespace();

            if (interfaceNamespace == null) {
                // If nothing still, use the location URL determined above
                interfaceNamespace = locationUrl;

//  Do we want to do this?
//            if (locationUrl == null) {
//                locationUrl = url;
//            } else {
//                try {
//                    URL urlURL = new URL(url);
//                    URL locationURL = new URL(locationUrl);
//                    URL urlTemp = new URL(urlURL.getProtocol(),
//                            locationURL.getHost(),
//                            locationURL.getPort(),
//                            urlURL.getFile());
//                    interfaceNamespace += urlURL.getFile();
//                    locationUrl = urlTemp.toString();
//                } catch (Exception e) {
//                    locationUrl = url;
//                    interfaceNamespace = url;
//                }
//            }

            Emitter emitter = new Emitter();

            // service alias may be provided if exact naming is required,
            // otherwise Axis will name it according to the implementing class name
            String alias = (String)service.getOption("alias");
            if(alias != null) emitter.setServiceElementName(alias);

            emitter.setMode( (service.getStyle() == Style.RPC)
                             ? Emitter.MODE_RPC
                             : Emitter.MODE_DOCUMENT);

            emitter.setClsSmart(serviceDesc.getImplClass(), locationUrl);

            // If a wsdl target namespace was provided, use the targetNamespace.
            // Otherwise use the interfaceNamespace constructed above.
            String targetNamespace = (String) service.getOption(OPTION_WSDL_TARGETNAMESPACE);
            if (targetNamespace == null ||
                targetNamespace.length() == 0) {
                targetNamespace = interfaceNamespace;


            String wsdlPortType = (String) service.getOption(OPTION_WSDL_PORTTYPE);
            String wsdlServiceElement = (String) service.getOption(OPTION_WSDL_SERVICEELEMENT);
            String wsdlServicePort = (String) service.getOption(OPTION_WSDL_SERVICEPORT);

            if (wsdlPortType != null && wsdlPortType.length() > 0) {
            if (wsdlServiceElement != null && wsdlServiceElement.length() > 0) {
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                /*   Protocol Specific-Handler/Checker                        */

                // When do we call init/cleanup??

                SOAPService service = null ;

                /* Process the Service Specific Request Chain */
                service = msgContext.getService();
                if ( service != null ) {
                    h = service.getRequestHandler();
                    if ( h != null )
                        h.invoke( msgContext );

                /* Process the Global Request Chain */
                if ((h = getGlobalRequest()) != null )

                /* Process the JAXRPC Handlers */

                /** Process the Transport Specific stuff
                 * NOTE: Somewhere in here there is a handler which actually
                 * sends the message and receives a response.  Generally
                 * this is the pivot point in the Transport chain.
                hName = msgContext.getTransportName();
                if ( hName != null && (h = getTransport( hName )) != null ) {
                else {
                    throw new AxisFault(
                        JavaUtils.getMessage("noTransport00", hName));

                /* Process the JAXRPC Handlers */

                /* Process the Global Response Chain */
                if ((h = getGlobalResponse()) != null) {

                if ( service != null ) {
                    h = service.getResponseHandler();
                    if ( h != null ) {

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  // Otherwise, use the container support
  if (!clientSpecified) {
      SOAPService soapService = context.getService();
      if (soapService != null) {
    // A client configuration exists for this service.  Check
    // to see if there is a HandlerInfoChain configured on it.
    hiChainFactory = (HandlerInfoChainFactory)

  if (hiChainFactory == null) {
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            /* that we invoke.                                                */
            // Cache the rpc service created to handle the class.  The cache
            // is based on class name, so only one .jws/.jwr class can be active
            // in the system at a time.
            SOAPService rpc = (SOAPService)soapServices.get(clsName);
            if (rpc == null) {
                rpc = new SOAPService(new RPCProvider());
                rpc.setOption(RPCProvider.OPTION_CLASSNAME, clsName );
                // Support specification of "allowedMethods" as a parameter.
                String allowed = (String)getOption(RPCProvider.OPTION_ALLOWEDMETHODS);
                if (allowed == null) allowed = "*";
                rpc.setOption(RPCProvider.OPTION_ALLOWEDMETHODS, allowed);
                // Take the setting for the scope option from the handler
                // parameter named "scope"
                String scope = (String)getOption(RPCProvider.OPTION_SCOPE);
                if (scope == null) scope = Scope.DEFAULT.getName();
                rpc.setOption(RPCProvider.OPTION_SCOPE, scope);
                // Set up service description
                ServiceDesc sd = rpc.getServiceDescription();
                TypeMappingRegistry tmr = msgContext.getAxisEngine().getTypeMappingRegistry();
                soapServices.put(clsName, rpc);
            // Set engine, which hooks up type mappings.
            rpc.init();   // ??

            // OK, this is now the destination service!
            msgContext.setService( rpc );

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                } else {

            SOAPService svc = msgContext.getService();
            if (svc != null) {
            } else {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
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    public void setClientHandlers(Handler reqHandler, Handler respHandler)
        // Create a SOAPService which will be used as the client-side service
        // handler.
        setSOAPService(new SOAPService(reqHandler, null, respHandler));
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                SOAPEnvelope env = requestMessage.getSOAPEnvelope();
                if (env != null && env.getSOAPConstants() != null) {
                SOAPService service = messageContext.getService();


                responseMessage = messageContext.getResponseMessage();
            } catch (AxisFault fault) {
                 if(req.getMethod() == req.GET && req.getParameters().isEmpty()){
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        this.soapHandler = webContainers.iterator().next();

        RPCProvider provider = new EjbRpcProvider(ejbDeploymentContext.getDeploymentInfo(), serviceInfo.getHandlerInfos());
        SOAPService service = new SOAPService(null, provider, null);

        JavaServiceDesc serviceDesc = serviceInfo.getServiceDesc();

        ClassLoader classLoader = ejbDeploymentContext.getClassLoader();

        Class serviceEndpointInterface =

        service.setOption("className", serviceEndpointInterface.getName());

        AxisWebServiceContainer axisContainer = new AxisWebServiceContainer(location, wsdlURI, service, serviceInfo.getWsdlMap(), classLoader);
        if (soapHandler != null) {
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Related Classes of org.apache.axis.handlers.soap.SOAPService$SOAPRequestHandler

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