protected void onStompUnsubscribe(StompFrame command) throws ProtocolException {
Map<String, String> headers = command.getHeaders();
ActiveMQDestination destination = null;
Object o = headers.get(Stomp.Headers.Unsubscribe.DESTINATION);
if (o != null) {
destination = frameTranslator.convertDestination(this, (String)o);
String subscriptionId = headers.get(Stomp.Headers.Unsubscribe.ID);
if (subscriptionId == null && destination == null) {
throw new ProtocolException("Must specify the subscriptionId or the destination you are unsubscribing from");
// TODO: Unsubscribing using a destination is a bit wierd if multiple
// subscriptions
// are created with the same destination. Perhaps this should be
// removed.
for (Iterator<StompSubscription> iter = subscriptionsByConsumerId.values().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
StompSubscription sub =;
if ((subscriptionId != null && subscriptionId.equals(sub.getSubscriptionId())) || (destination != null && destination.equals(sub.getDestination()))) {
sendToActiveMQ(sub.getConsumerInfo().createRemoveCommand(), createResponseHandler(command));