SubscriptionKey key = new SubscriptionKey(context.getClientId(), info.getSubscriptionName());
DurableTopicSubscription sub = durableSubscriptions.get(key);
if (sub == null) {
sub = new DurableTopicSubscription(broker, usageManager, context, info, keepDurableSubsActive);
ActiveMQDestination destination = info.getDestination();
if (destination != null && broker.getDestinationPolicy() != null) {
PolicyEntry entry = broker.getDestinationPolicy().getEntryFor(destination);
if (entry != null) {
entry.configure(broker, usageManager, sub);
durableSubscriptions.put(key, sub);
} else {
throw new JMSException("That durable subscription is already active.");
return sub;
try {
TopicSubscription answer = new TopicSubscription(broker, context, info, usageManager);
// lets configure the subscription depending on the destination
ActiveMQDestination destination = info.getDestination();
if (destination != null && broker.getDestinationPolicy() != null) {
PolicyEntry entry = broker.getDestinationPolicy().getEntryFor(destination);
if (entry != null) {
entry.configure(broker, usageManager, answer);