for (TKeyExtent keyExtent : tbatch.keySet()) {
tables.add(new String(keyExtent.getTable(), Constants.UTF8));
// check if user has permission to the tables
Authorizations userauths = null;
for (String table : tables)
if (!security.canScan(credentials, table))
throw new ThriftSecurityException(credentials.getPrincipal(), SecurityErrorCode.PERMISSION_DENIED);
userauths = security.getUserAuthorizations(credentials);
for (ByteBuffer auth : authorizations)
if (!userauths.contains(ByteBufferUtil.toBytes(auth)))
throw new ThriftSecurityException(credentials.getPrincipal(), SecurityErrorCode.BAD_AUTHORIZATIONS);
KeyExtent threadPoolExtent = null;
Map<KeyExtent,List<Range>> batch = Translator.translate(tbatch, Translators.TKET, new Translator.ListTranslator<TRange,Range>(Translators.TRT));
for (KeyExtent keyExtent : batch.keySet()) {
if (threadPoolExtent == null) {
threadPoolExtent = keyExtent;
} else if (keyExtent.isRootTablet()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot batch query root tablet with other tablets " + threadPoolExtent + " " + keyExtent);
} else if (keyExtent.isMeta() && !threadPoolExtent.isMeta()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot batch query !METADATA and non !METADATA tablets " + threadPoolExtent + " " + keyExtent);
if (waitForWrites)
MultiScanSession mss = new MultiScanSession();
mss.user = credentials.getPrincipal();
mss.queries = batch;
mss.columnSet = new HashSet<Column>(tcolumns.size());
mss.ssiList = ssiList;
mss.ssio = ssio;
mss.auths = new Authorizations(authorizations);
mss.numTablets = batch.size();
for (List<Range> ranges : batch.values()) {
mss.numRanges += ranges.size();