public InitialScan startScan(TInfo tinfo, TCredentials credentials, TKeyExtent textent, TRange range, List<TColumn> columns, int batchSize,
List<IterInfo> ssiList, Map<String,Map<String,String>> ssio, List<ByteBuffer> authorizations, boolean waitForWrites, boolean isolated)
throws NotServingTabletException, ThriftSecurityException, org.apache.accumulo.core.tabletserver.thrift.TooManyFilesException {
Authorizations userauths = null;
if (!security.canScan(credentials, new String(textent.getTable(), Constants.UTF8)))
throw new ThriftSecurityException(credentials.getPrincipal(), SecurityErrorCode.PERMISSION_DENIED);
userauths = security.getUserAuthorizations(credentials);
for (ByteBuffer auth : authorizations)
if (!userauths.contains(ByteBufferUtil.toBytes(auth)))
throw new ThriftSecurityException(credentials.getPrincipal(), SecurityErrorCode.BAD_AUTHORIZATIONS);
KeyExtent extent = new KeyExtent(textent);
// wait for any writes that are in flight.. this done to ensure
// consistency across client restarts... assume a client writes
// to accumulo and dies while waiting for a confirmation from
// accumulo... the client process restarts and tries to read
// data from accumulo making the assumption that it will get
// any writes previously made... however if the server side thread
// processing the write from the dead client is still in progress,
// the restarted client may not see the write unless we wait here.
// this behavior is very important when the client is reading the
// !METADATA table
if (waitForWrites)
Tablet tablet = onlineTablets.get(extent);
if (tablet == null)
throw new NotServingTabletException(textent);
ScanSession scanSession = new ScanSession();
scanSession.user = credentials.getPrincipal();
scanSession.extent = new KeyExtent(extent);
scanSession.columnSet = new HashSet<Column>();
scanSession.ssiList = ssiList;
scanSession.ssio = ssio;
scanSession.auths = new Authorizations(authorizations);
scanSession.interruptFlag = new AtomicBoolean();
for (TColumn tcolumn : columns) {
scanSession.columnSet.add(new Column(tcolumn));