* loginContext.login() method fail.
public Authentication authenticate(Authentication auth)
throws AuthenticationException {
if (auth instanceof UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken) {
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken request = (UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken) auth;
try {
//Create the LoginContext object, and pass our InternallCallbackHandler
LoginContext loginContext = new LoginContext(loginContextName,
new InternalCallbackHandler(auth));
//Attempt to login the user, the LoginContext will call our InternalCallbackHandler at this point.
//create a set to hold the authorities, and add any that have already been applied.
Set authorities = new HashSet();
if (request.getauthorities() != null) {
//get the subject principals and pass them to each of the AuthorityGranters
Set principals = loginContext.getSubject().getPrincipals();
for (Iterator iterator = principals.iterator();
iterator.hasNext();) {
Principal principal = (Principal) iterator.next();
for (int i = 0; i < AuthorityGranters.length; i++) {
AuthorityGranter granter = AuthorityGranters[i];
Set roles = granter.grant(principal);
//If the granter doesn't wish to grant any authorities, it should return null.
if ((roles != null) && !roles.isEmpty()) {
for (Iterator roleIterator = roles.iterator();
roleIterator.hasNext();) {
String role = roleIterator.next().toString();
authorities.add(new JaasGrantedAuthority(role,
//Convert the authorities set back to an array and apply it to the token.
JaasAuthenticationToken result = new JaasAuthenticationToken(request
.getPrincipal(), request.getCredentials(),
(GrantedAuthority[]) authorities.toArray(
new GrantedAuthority[authorities.size()]), loginContext);
//Publish the success event