* @see SwitchUserGrantedAuthority
private UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken createSwitchUserToken(HttpServletRequest request, String username,
UserDetails targetUser) {
UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken targetUserRequest;
// grant an additional authority that contains the original Authentication object
// which will be used to 'exit' from the current switched user.
Authentication currentAuth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
GrantedAuthority switchAuthority = new SwitchUserGrantedAuthority(ROLE_PREVIOUS_ADMINISTRATOR, currentAuth);
// get the original authorities
ArrayList orig = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i < targetUser.getAuthorities().length; i++) {
// Allow subclasses to change the authorities to be granted
if (switchUserAuthorityChanger != null) {
switchUserAuthorityChanger.modifyGrantedAuthorities(targetUser, currentAuth, orig);
// add the new switch user authority
List newAuths = new ArrayList(orig);
GrantedAuthority[] authorities = {};
authorities = (GrantedAuthority[]) newAuths.toArray(authorities);
// create the new authentication token
targetUserRequest = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(targetUser, targetUser.getPassword(), authorities);
// set details
targetUserRequest.setDetails(authenticationDetailsSource.buildDetails((HttpServletRequest) request));
return targetUserRequest;