Examples of OperationInfoHelper

Examples of org.apache.servicemix.jbi.management.OperationInfoHelper

     * @return array of OperationInfos
     * @throws JMException
    public MBeanOperationInfo[] getOperationInfos() throws JMException {
        OperationInfoHelper helper = new OperationInfoHelper();
        ParameterHelper ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "loadNewInstaller", 1, "load a new Installer ");
        ph.setDescription(0, "installJarURL", "URL locating the install Jar");
        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "loadInstaller", 1, "load installer for a previously installed component");
        ph.setDescription(0, "componentName", "Name of the Component");
        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "unloadInstaller", 2, "unload an installer");
        ph.setDescription(0, "componentName", "Name of the Component");
        ph.setDescription(1, "isToBeDeleted", "true if component is to be deleted");
        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "installSharedLibrary", 1, "Install a shared library jar");
        ph.setDescription(0, "sharedLibURI", "URI for the jar to be installed");
        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "uninstallSharedLibrary", 1, "Uninstall a shared library jar");
        ph.setDescription(0, "sharedLibName", "name of the shared library");
        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "install", 1, "install and deplot an archive");
        ph.setDescription(0, "location", "location of archive");
        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "install", 2, "install and deplot an archive");
        ph.setDescription(0, "location", "location of archive");
        ph.setDescription(1, "autostart", "automatically start the Component");
        return OperationInfoHelper.join(super.getOperationInfos(), helper.getOperationInfos());
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Examples of org.apache.servicemix.jbi.management.OperationInfoHelper

        helper.addAttribute(getObjectToManage(), "description", "description of the service unit");
        return helper.getAttributeInfos();

    public MBeanOperationInfo[] getOperationInfos() throws JMException {
        OperationInfoHelper helper = new OperationInfoHelper();
        helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "getDescriptor", "retrieve the jbi descriptor for this unit");
        return helper.getOperationInfos();
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Examples of org.apache.servicemix.jbi.management.OperationInfoHelper

    public String getDescription() {
        return "Client Factory Service";

    public MBeanOperationInfo[] getOperationInfos() throws JMException {
        OperationInfoHelper helper = new OperationInfoHelper();
        helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "createClient", 0, "create a new client");
        return OperationInfoHelper.join(super.getOperationInfos(), helper.getOperationInfos());
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Examples of org.apache.servicemix.jbi.management.OperationInfoHelper

     * @return array of OperationInfos
     * @throws JMException
    public MBeanOperationInfo[] getOperationInfos() throws JMException {
        OperationInfoHelper helper = new OperationInfoHelper();
        return OperationInfoHelper.join(super.getOperationInfos(), helper.getOperationInfos());
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Examples of org.apache.servicemix.jbi.management.OperationInfoHelper

        helper.addAttribute(getObjectToManage(), "serviceUnits", "list of service units contained in this assembly");
        return helper.getAttributeInfos();

    public MBeanOperationInfo[] getOperationInfos() throws JMException {
        OperationInfoHelper helper = new OperationInfoHelper();
        helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "start", "start the assembly");
        helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "stop", "stop the assembly");
        helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "shutDown", "shutdown the assembly");
        helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "getDescriptor", "retrieve the jbi descriptor for this assembly");
        return helper.getOperationInfos();
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Examples of org.apache.servicemix.jbi.management.OperationInfoHelper

     * Get an array of MBeanOperationInfo
     * @return array of OperationInfos
    public MBeanOperationInfo[] getOperationInfos() throws JMException {
        OperationInfoHelper helper = new OperationInfoHelper();
        helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "resetAllStats", "reset all statistics");
        return OperationInfoHelper.join(super.getOperationInfos(), helper.getOperationInfos());
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Examples of org.apache.servicemix.jbi.management.OperationInfoHelper

     * @return array of OperationInfos
     * @throws JMException
    public MBeanOperationInfo[] getOperationInfos() throws JMException {
        OperationInfoHelper helper = new OperationInfoHelper();
        ParameterHelper ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "loadNewInstaller", 1, "load a new Installer ");
        ph.setDescription(0, "installJarURL", "URL locating the install Jar");
        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "loadInstaller", 1, "load installer for a previously installed component");
        ph.setDescription(0, "componentName", "Name of the Component");
        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "unloadInstaller", 2, "unload an installer");
        ph.setDescription(0, "componentName", "Name of the Component");
        ph.setDescription(1, "isToBeDeleted", "true if component is to be deleted");
        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "installSharedLibrary", 1, "Install a shared library jar");
        ph.setDescription(0, "sharedLibURI", "URI for the jar to be installed");
        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "uninstallSharedLibrary", 1, "Uninstall a shared library jar");
        ph.setDescription(0, "sharedLibName", "name of the shared library");
        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "install", 1, "install and deplot an archive");
        ph.setDescription(0, "location", "location of archive");
        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "install", 2, "install and deplot an archive");
        ph.setDescription(0, "location", "location of archive");
        ph.setDescription(1, "autostart", "automatically start the Component");
        return OperationInfoHelper.join(super.getOperationInfos(), helper.getOperationInfos());
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Examples of org.apache.servicemix.jbi.management.OperationInfoHelper

     * @return array of OperationInfos
     * @throws JMException
    public MBeanOperationInfo[] getOperationInfos() throws JMException {
        OperationInfoHelper helper = new OperationInfoHelper();
        ParameterHelper ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "deploy", 1, "deploy An SA");
        ph.setDescription(0, "saZipURL", "location of SA zip file");
        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "undeploy", 1, "undeploy An SA");
        ph.setDescription(0, "saName", "SA name");
        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "getDeployedServiceUnitList", 1,
                "list of SU's currently deployed");
        ph.setDescription(0, "componentName", "Component name");
        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "getServiceAssemblyDescriptor", 1, "Get descriptor for a SA");
        ph.setDescription(0, "saName", "SA name");
        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "getDeployedServiceAssembliesForComponent", 1,
                "list of SA's for a Component");
        ph.setDescription(0, "componentName", "Component name");
        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "getComponentsForDeployedServiceAssembly", 1,
                "list of Components  for a SA");
        ph.setDescription(0, "saName", "SA name");
        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "isDeployedServiceUnit", 2, "is SU deployed at a Component ?");
        ph.setDescription(0, "componentName", "Component name");
        ph.setDescription(1, "suName", "SU name");
        ph = helper
                .addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "canDeployToComponent", 1, "Can a SU be deployed to a Component?");
        ph.setDescription(0, "componentName", "Component name");
        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "start", 1, "start an SA");
        ph.setDescription(0, "saName", "SA name");
        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "stop", 1, "stop an SA");
        ph.setDescription(0, "saName", "SA name");
        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "shutDown", 1, "shutDown an SA");
        ph.setDescription(0, "saName", "SA name");
        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "getState", 1, "Running state of an SA");
        ph.setDescription(0, "saName", "SA name");
        return OperationInfoHelper.join(super.getOperationInfos(), helper.getOperationInfos());
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Examples of org.apache.servicemix.jbi.management.OperationInfoHelper

        helper.addAttribute(getObjectToManage(), "interfaces", "interfaces implemented by this endpoint");
        return helper.getAttributeInfos();

    public MBeanOperationInfo[] getOperationInfos() throws JMException {
        OperationInfoHelper helper = new OperationInfoHelper();
        helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "loadReference", "retrieve the endpoint reference");
        helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "loadWSDL", "retrieve the wsdl description of this endpoint");
        helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "send", "send a simple message exchange to test this endpoint");
        return helper.getOperationInfos();
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Examples of org.apache.servicemix.jbi.management.OperationInfoHelper

        return buffer.toString();

    public MBeanOperationInfo[] getOperationInfos() throws JMException {
        OperationInfoHelper helper = new OperationInfoHelper();
        ParameterHelper ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "installComponent", 3, "install a component");
        ph.setDescription(0, "file", "location of JBI Component to install");
        ph.setDescription(1, "properties", "component installation properties");
        ph.setDescription(1, "deferExceptions", "true if exceptions due to missing dependencies should be differed");

        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "uninstallComponent", 1, "uninstall a component");
        ph.setDescription(0, "name", "component name to uninstall");

        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "installSharedLibrary", 1, "install a shared library");
        ph.setDescription(0, "file", "location of shared library to install");

        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "uninstallSharedLibrary", 1, "uninstall a shared library");
        ph.setDescription(0, "name", "name of shared library to uninstall");

        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "installArchive", 1, "install an archive (component/SA etc)");
        ph.setDescription(0, "location", "file name or url to the location");

        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "startComponent", 1, "start a component");
        ph.setDescription(0, "name", "name of component to start");

        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "stopComponent", 1, "stop a component");
        ph.setDescription(0, "name", "name of component to stop");

        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "shutdownComponent", 1, "shutdown a component");
        ph.setDescription(0, "name", "name of component to shutdown");

        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "deployServiceAssembly", 1, "deploy a service assembly");
        ph.setDescription(0, "file", "location of service assembly to deploy");

        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "undeployServiceAssembly", 1, "undeploy a service assembly");
        ph.setDescription(0, "name", "name of service assembly to undeploy");

        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "startServiceAssembly", 1, "start a service assembly");
        ph.setDescription(0, "name", "name of service assembly to start");

        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "stopServiceAssembly", 1, "stop a service assembly");
        ph.setDescription(0, "name", "name of service assembly to stop");

        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "shutdownServiceAssembly", "shutdown a service assembly");
        ph.setDescription(0, "name", "name of service assembly to shutdown");

        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "listComponents", 5, "list all components installed");
        ph.setDescription(0, "excludeSEs", "if true will exclude service engines");
        ph.setDescription(1, "excludeBCs", "if true will exclude binding components");
        ph.setDescription(1, "excludePojos", "if true will exclude pojos components");
        ph.setDescription(2, "requiredState", "component state to list, if null will list all");
        ph.setDescription(3, "sharedLibraryName", "shared library name to list");
        ph.setDescription(4, "serviceAssemblyName", "service assembly name to list");

        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "listSharedLibraries", 2, "list shared library");
        ph.setDescription(0, "componentName", "component name");
        ph.setDescription(1, "sharedLibraryName", "shared library name");

        ph = helper.addOperation(getObjectToManage(), "listServiceAssemblies", 3, "list service assemblies");
        ph.setDescription(0, "state", "service assembly state to list");
        ph.setDescription(1, "componentName", "component name");
        ph.setDescription(2, "serviceAssemblyName", "service assembly name");

        return OperationInfoHelper.join(super.getOperationInfos(), helper.getOperationInfos());
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