Package nexj.core.meta

Examples of nexj.core.meta.TypeMismatchException

         long lValue;

         if (!(value instanceof Number))
            throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());

         if (value instanceof Float || value instanceof Double)
            Number num = (Number)value;

            lValue = num.longValue();

            if (lValue != num.doubleValue())
               throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
         else if (value instanceof BigDecimal)
            BigDecimal dec = (BigDecimal)value;

            if (dec.compareTo(dec.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN)) != 0)
               throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());

            lValue = dec.longValue();
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      protected BigInteger getBigInteger(Object value)
         if (!(value instanceof Number))
            throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());

         if (value instanceof BigDecimal)
            BigDecimal dec = (BigDecimal)value;

            if (dec.compareTo(dec.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN)) != 0)
               throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());

            return dec.toBigInteger();

         Number num = (Number)value;
         long lValue = num.longValue();

         if (lValue != num.doubleValue())
            throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());

         return BigInteger.valueOf(lValue);
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            ObjectException e = (ObjectException)((ClassObject)machine.getArg(0, nArgCount)).createObject();
            Object err = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);

            if (!(err instanceof String))
               throw new TypeMismatchException("new");

            Object[] argArray = null;
            Throwable cause = null;
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         Object left = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);

         if (!(left instanceof Character))
            throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());

         char chLeft = ((Character)left).charValue();

         for (int i = 1; i < nArgCount; ++i)
            Object right = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);

            if (!(right instanceof Character))
               throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());

            char chRight = ((Character)right).charValue();

            if (!cmp(chLeft, chRight))
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         boolean bInexactLeft;
         int nOrdinal = 0;

         if (!(left instanceof Number))
            throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());

         if (left instanceof Float || left instanceof Double)
            Number num = (Number)left;

            lLeft = num.longValue();
            intLeft = null;
            bInexactLeft = true;
            nOrdinal = (left instanceof Float) ? Primitive.FLOAT_ORDINAL : Primitive.DOUBLE_ORDINAL;

            if (lLeft != num.doubleValue())
               throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
         else if (left instanceof BigDecimal)
            BigDecimal dec = (BigDecimal)left;

            if (dec.compareTo(dec.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN)) != 0)
               throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());

            lLeft = 0;
            intLeft = dec.toBigInteger();
            bInexactLeft = (dec.scale() >= Primitive.MAX_SCALE);
            nOrdinal = Primitive.DECIMAL_ORDINAL;
            lLeft = ((Number)left).longValue();
            intLeft = null;
            bInexactLeft = false;
            nOrdinal = (left instanceof Long) ? Primitive.LONG_ORDINAL : Primitive.INTEGER_ORDINAL;

         BigInteger[] intResults = null;
         long[] lResults = null;
         int nResultCount = getResultCount();

         if (nResultCount > 1)
            if (intLeft != null)
               intResults = new BigInteger[nResultCount];
               lResults = new long[nResultCount];

         if (nArgCount == 1)
            if (intLeft != null)
               if (nResultCount < 2)
                  intLeft = getOneArgResult(intLeft)
                  getOneArgResult(intLeft, intResults);
               if (nResultCount < 2)
                  lLeft = getOneArgResult(lLeft);
                  getOneArgResult(lLeft, lResults);
            for (int i = 1; i < nArgCount; ++i)
               long lRight = 0;
               BigInteger intRight = null;
               boolean bInexactRight;
               Object right = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);

               if (right == null)
                  machine.returnValue(null, nArgCount);

               if (!(right instanceof Number))
                  throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());

               if (right instanceof Float || right instanceof Double)
                  Number num = (Number)right;

                  lRight = num.longValue();
                  intRight = null;
                  bInexactRight = true;
                  nOrdinal = Math.max(nOrdinal, (right instanceof Float) ? Primitive.FLOAT_ORDINAL : Primitive.DOUBLE_ORDINAL);

                  if (lRight != num.doubleValue())
                     throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
               else if (right instanceof BigDecimal)
                  BigDecimal dec = (BigDecimal)right;

                  if (dec.compareTo(dec.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN)) != 0)
                     throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());

                  lRight = 0;
                  intRight = dec.toBigInteger();
                  bInexactRight = (dec.scale() >= Primitive.MAX_SCALE);
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                        if (obj instanceof byte[])
                           if (!(value instanceof Number))
                              throw new TypeMismatchException(Symbol.BYTEVECTOR_U8_SET);

                           byte nValue = ((Number)value).byteValue();

                           ((byte[])obj)[i] = nValue;
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                  case CAR:
                     value = m_stack[m_nTop - 1];

                     if (!(value instanceof Pair))
                        throw new TypeMismatchException(Symbol.CAR);

                     m_stack[m_nTop - 1] = ((Pair)value).getHead();


                  case CDR:
                     value = m_stack[m_nTop - 1];

                     if (!(value instanceof Pair))
                        throw new TypeMismatchException(Symbol.CDR);

                     m_stack[m_nTop - 1] = ((Pair)value).getTail();

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            Object name = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
            if (!(name instanceof String))
               throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());

            InvocationContext context = (InvocationContext)machine.getContext();
            PrimitivePrivilege privilege = context.getMetadata().getPrimitivePrivilege((String)name);
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            Object classObj = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
            Object oidArray = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
            if (!(classObj instanceof Metaclass))
               throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
            InvocationContext context = (InvocationContext)machine.getContext();
            Metaclass metaclass = (Metaclass)classObj;
            Instance instance;

            if (oidArray != null)
               OID oid;
               if (oidArray instanceof Object[])
                  oid = new OID((Object[])oidArray);
               else if (oidArray instanceof OID)
                  oid = (OID)oidArray;
                  throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());

               instance = context.findInstance(metaclass, oid);

               if (instance == null)
                  instance = new Instance(metaclass, context);
               instance = new Instance(metaclass, context);

            for (int i = 2; i < nArgCount; ++i)
               Object obj = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);

               if (!(obj instanceof Pair))
                  throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());

               Pair pair = (Pair)obj;
               if (!(pair.getHead() instanceof Symbol))
                  throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());

               Attribute attribute = metaclass.getAttribute((Symbol)pair.getHead());

               if (attribute.isStatic())
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               Object instance = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);

               if (!(instance instanceof Instance))
                  throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());

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Related Classes of nexj.core.meta.TypeMismatchException

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