// Copyright 2010 NexJ Systems Inc. This software is licensed under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 1.0
package nexj.core.scripting;
import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.io.StringReader;
import java.io.StringWriter;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.io.Writer;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import java.security.PrivilegedActionException;
import java.security.PrivilegedExceptionAction;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.security.auth.Subject;
import nexj.core.meta.BinaryFunction;
import nexj.core.meta.Primitive;
import nexj.core.meta.PrimitivePrivilege;
import nexj.core.meta.Type;
import nexj.core.meta.TypeMismatchException;
import nexj.core.meta.Typed;
import nexj.core.persistence.OID;
import nexj.core.rpc.TransferObject;
import nexj.core.runtime.Context;
import nexj.core.runtime.SecurityViolationException;
import nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.CallInstruction;
import nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.PCodeBuffer;
import nexj.core.scripting.match.ExpressionParser;
import nexj.core.scripting.match.MatchNode;
import nexj.core.util.ArrayIterator;
import nexj.core.util.Binary;
import nexj.core.util.BinaryUtil;
import nexj.core.util.Ditto;
import nexj.core.util.EmptyIterator;
import nexj.core.util.GenericHashHolder;
import nexj.core.util.GenericHashTab;
import nexj.core.util.HashHolder;
import nexj.core.util.HashTab;
import nexj.core.util.Holder;
import nexj.core.util.IOUtil;
import nexj.core.util.IdentityHashHolder;
import nexj.core.util.IdentityHashTab;
import nexj.core.util.Iteratable;
import nexj.core.util.Logger;
import nexj.core.util.LoggerHolder;
import nexj.core.util.Lookup;
import nexj.core.util.ObjUtil;
import nexj.core.util.Sortable;
import nexj.core.util.StringId;
import nexj.core.util.StringUtil;
import nexj.core.util.SubstReader;
import nexj.core.util.SysUtil;
import nexj.core.util.TextPositionReader;
import nexj.core.util.URLUtil;
* Intrinsic Scheme functions.
public class Intrinsic
// constants
* Coercion type 2d array: Primitive[nOrdinal1 * Primitive.MAX_COUNT + nOrdinal2].
protected final static Primitive[] COERCION_ARRAY = new Primitive[Primitive.MAX_COUNT * Primitive.MAX_COUNT];
setCoercedType(COERCION_ARRAY, Primitive.STRING, Primitive.STRING, Primitive.STRING);
setCoercedType(COERCION_ARRAY, Primitive.BINARY, Primitive.BINARY, Primitive.BINARY);
setCoercedType(COERCION_ARRAY, Primitive.TIMESTAMP, Primitive.TIMESTAMP, Primitive.TIMESTAMP);
setCoercedType(COERCION_ARRAY, Primitive.BOOLEAN, Primitive.BOOLEAN, Primitive.BOOLEAN);
setCoercedType(COERCION_ARRAY, Primitive.ANY, Primitive.ANY, Primitive.ANY);
Primitive[] nums = new Primitive[]{Primitive.INTEGER, Primitive.LONG,
Primitive.DECIMAL, Primitive.FLOAT, Primitive.DOUBLE};
for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; ++i)
for (int k = 0; k <= i; ++k)
setCoercedType(COERCION_ARRAY, nums[i], nums[k], nums[i]);
* Coercion type 2d array for the division operator.
protected final static Primitive[] DIV_COERCION_ARRAY = new Primitive[COERCION_ARRAY.length];
setCoercedType(DIV_COERCION_ARRAY, Primitive.INTEGER, Primitive.INTEGER, Primitive.DECIMAL);
setCoercedType(DIV_COERCION_ARRAY, Primitive.INTEGER, Primitive.LONG, Primitive.DECIMAL);
setCoercedType(DIV_COERCION_ARRAY, Primitive.LONG, Primitive.LONG, Primitive.DECIMAL);
* Maximum long value as a decimal number.
protected final static BigDecimal MAX_LONG_DECIMAL = BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE);
* Minimum long value as a decimal number.
protected final static BigDecimal MIN_LONG_DECIMAL = BigDecimal.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE);
* Maximum int value as a decimal number.
protected final static BigDecimal MAX_INT_DECIMAL = BigDecimal.valueOf(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
* Minimum int value as a decimal number.
protected final static BigDecimal MIN_INT_DECIMAL = BigDecimal.valueOf(Integer.MIN_VALUE);
* Empty array.
protected final static Object[] EMPTY_ARRAY = new Object[0];
* Empty byte array.
protected final static byte[] EMPTY_BYTEARRAY = new byte[0];
* Pattern matching flags.
* TODO: Change back to Pattern.UNICODE_CASE when Sun fixes the case
* insensitivity bug, which is triggered in JDK 1.5 by this flag.
protected final static int PATTERN_FLAGS = 0;
* Array of Unicode general category symbols, at indices corresponding
* to the return values of {@link java.lang.Character#getType(char)}.
protected final static Symbol[] UNICODE_GENERAL_CATEGORIES = new Symbol[] {
Symbol.UNICODE_CC, Symbol.UNICODE_CF, null, Symbol.UNICODE_CO, Symbol.UNICODE_CS, Symbol.UNICODE_PD,
public final static IntrinsicFunction ABS = new NumericUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(int n)
return Primitive.createInteger(Math.abs(n));
protected Object invoke(long l)
return Primitive.createLong(Math.abs(l));
protected Object invoke(BigDecimal dec)
return dec.abs();
protected Object invoke(float f)
return Primitive.createFloat(Math.abs(f));
protected Object invoke(double d)
return Primitive.createDouble(Math.abs(d));
protected Object invokeNull()
return null;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.ABS;
public final static IntrinsicFunction ACOS = new SimpleNumericUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Primitive.createDouble(Math.acos(((Number)value).doubleValue()));
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.ACOS;
public final static IntrinsicFunction APPEND = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
Object tail;
if (nArgCount == 0)
tail = null;
tail = machine.getArg(nArgCount - 1, nArgCount);
for (int i = nArgCount - 2; i >= 0; --i)
Object pair = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
Pair head = null;
Pair last = null;
while (pair != null)
if (!(pair instanceof Pair))
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badList",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
Pair p = (Pair)pair;
Pair q = new Pair(p.getHead());
if (head == null)
head = last = q;
last = q;
pair = p.getTail();
if (last != null)
tail = head;
machine.returnValue(tail, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.APPEND;
public final static IntrinsicFunction APPEND_M = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
Object head = null;
if (nArgCount > 0)
int i = 0;
head = machine.getArg(i++, nArgCount);
if (i == nArgCount)
machine.returnValue(head, nArgCount);
return false;
while (head == null);
Pair current = (Pair)head;
for (;;)
Object tail = current.getTail();
if (tail == null)
tail = machine.getArg(i++, nArgCount);
if (i == nArgCount)
else if (tail instanceof Pair)
current = (Pair)tail;
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badList",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
machine.returnValue(head, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.APPEND_M;
public final static IntrinsicFunction APPLY = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyMinArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
Object fun = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (nArgCount == 1)
nArgCount = 0;
Object list = machine.pop();
if (nArgCount == 2)
nArgCount = 0;
machine.shiftArgs(1, nArgCount - 1);
nArgCount -= 2;
if (list != null)
if (list instanceof Pair)
for (;;)
Pair pair = (Pair)list;
list = pair.getTail();
if (list == null)
if (!(list instanceof Pair))
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badList",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
else if (list instanceof Collection)
Collection col = (Collection)list;
nArgCount += col.size();
for (Iterator itr = col.iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
else if (list.getClass().isArray())
int nCount = Array.getLength(list);
nArgCount += nCount;
for (int i = 0; i != nCount; ++i)
machine.push(Array.get(list, i));
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.apply(fun, nArgCount);
return true;
public boolean isPCode()
return true;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.APPLY;
public final static IntrinsicFunction ASIN = new SimpleNumericUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Primitive.createDouble(Math.asin(((Number)value).doubleValue()));
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.ASIN;
public final static IntrinsicFunction ASSOC = new ListMemberIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean match(Object obj, Pair pair)
if (!(pair.getHead() instanceof Pair))
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badList",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
return equal(obj, ((Pair)pair.getHead()).getHead());
protected Object getResult(Pair pair)
return pair.getHead();
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.ASSOC;
public final static IntrinsicFunction ASSQ = new ListMemberIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean match(Object obj, Pair pair)
if (!(pair.getHead() instanceof Pair))
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badList",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
return eq(obj, ((Pair)pair.getHead()).getHead());
protected Object getResult(Pair pair)
return pair.getHead();
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.ASSQ;
public final static IntrinsicFunction ASSV = new ListMemberIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean match(Object obj, Pair pair)
if (!(pair.getHead() instanceof Pair))
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badList",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
return eqv(obj, ((Pair)pair.getHead()).getHead());
protected Object getResult(Pair pair)
return pair.getHead();
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.ASSV;
public final static IntrinsicFunction ATAN = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1, 2);
Object x = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (x == null)
machine.returnValue(null, nArgCount);
return false;
if (!(x instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
if (nArgCount == 2)
Object y = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (y == null)
machine.returnValue(null, nArgCount);
return false;
if (!(y instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(Primitive.createDouble(Math.atan2(((Number)x).doubleValue(), ((Number)y).doubleValue())), nArgCount);
machine.returnValue(Primitive.createDouble(Math.atan(((Number)x).doubleValue())), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.ATAN;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BINARY_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Boolean.valueOf(value instanceof Binary);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BINARY_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BITWISE_AND = new IntegerBinaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object getNoArgResult()
return Primitive.createInteger(-1);
protected BigInteger compute(BigInteger intLeft, BigInteger intRight)
return intLeft.and(intRight);
protected long compute(long lLeft, long lRight)
return lLeft & lRight;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BITWISE_AND;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BITWISE_ARITHMETIC_SHIFT = new BitwiseShiftIntegerJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected BigInteger shift(BigInteger intValue, int nBitCount)
// Avoid an infinite loop in the JDK BigInteger.shiftRight()
if (nBitCount == Integer.MIN_VALUE)
return intValue.shiftRight(1).shiftRight(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
return intValue.shiftLeft(nBitCount);
protected long shift(long lValue, int nBitCount)
if (nBitCount > 0)
lValue = shiftLeft(lValue, nBitCount);
if (nBitCount == Integer.MIN_VALUE)
return (lValue < 0) ? -1 : 0;
lValue = shiftRight(lValue, -nBitCount);
return lValue;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BITWISE_ARITHMETIC_SHIFT_LEFT = new BitwiseShiftIntegerJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected void verifyBitCount(int nBitCount)
if (nBitCount < 0)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.negativeCount",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
protected BigInteger shift(BigInteger intValue, int nBitCount)
return intValue.shiftLeft(nBitCount);
protected long shift(long lValue, int nBitCount)
return shiftLeft(lValue, nBitCount);
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BITWISE_ARITHMETIC_SHIFT_RIGHT = new BitwiseShiftIntegerJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected void verifyBitCount(int nBitCount)
if (nBitCount < 0)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.negativeCount",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
protected BigInteger shift(BigInteger intValue, int nBitCount)
return intValue.shiftRight(nBitCount);
protected long shift(long lValue, int nBitCount)
return shiftRight(lValue, nBitCount);
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BITWISE_BIT_COUNT = new BitwiseJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
int nCount;
if (hasBigDecimalArg(nArgCount, machine))
BigInteger intValue = getBigIntegerArg(0, nArgCount, machine);
nCount = intValue.signum() < 0 ? ~(intValue.not().bitCount()) : intValue.bitCount();
long lValue = getLongArg(0, nArgCount, machine);
nCount = (lValue < 0) ? ~(Long.bitCount(~lValue)) : Long.bitCount(lValue);
machine.returnValue(Primitive.createInteger(nCount), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BITWISE_BIT_COUNT;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BITWISE_BIT_FIELD = new BitwiseBitFieldIntegerJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 3);
int nStart = getIntegerArg(1, nArgCount, machine);
int nEnd = getIntegerArg(2, nArgCount, machine);
verifyIndexRange(nStart, nEnd);
Object arg = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (arg instanceof BigDecimal)
machine.returnValue(new BigDecimal(getBitField(getBigInteger(arg), nStart, nEnd)), nArgCount);
machine.returnValue(Primitive.createLong(getBitField(getLong(arg), nStart, nEnd)), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BITWISE_BIT_FIELD;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BITWISE_BIT_SET_P = new BitwiseJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
boolean bBitSet;
int nBitIndex = getIntegerArg(1, nArgCount, machine);
if (hasBigDecimalArg(nArgCount, machine))
bBitSet = getBigIntegerArg(0, nArgCount, machine).testBit(nBitIndex);
long lValue = getLongArg(0, nArgCount, machine);
if (nBitIndex > 63)
bBitSet = lValue < 0;
bBitSet = (lValue & shiftLeft(1, nBitIndex)) != 0;
machine.returnValue(Boolean.valueOf(bBitSet), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BITWISE_BIT_SET_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BITWISE_COPY_BIT = new BitwiseJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 3);
int nBitIndex = getIntegerArg(1, nArgCount, machine);
int nBitValue = getIntegerArg(2, nArgCount, machine);
if (nBitValue != 0 && nBitValue != 1)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.invalidArg",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName(), new StringId("ids.zeroOrOne"),
Object arg = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (arg instanceof BigDecimal)
BigInteger intValue = getBigInteger(arg);
intValue = (nBitValue == 1) ? intValue.setBit(nBitIndex) : intValue.clearBit(nBitIndex);
machine.returnValue(new BigDecimal(intValue), nArgCount);
long lValue = getLong(arg);
if (nBitValue == 1)
lValue |= shiftLeft(1, nBitIndex);
lValue &= ~shiftLeft(1, nBitIndex);
machine.returnValue(Primitive.createLong(lValue), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BITWISE_COPY_BIT;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BITWISE_COPY_BIT_FIELD = new BitwiseBitFieldIntegerJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 4);
int nStart = getIntegerArg(1, nArgCount, machine);
int nEnd = getIntegerArg(2, nArgCount, machine);
verifyIndexRange(nStart, nEnd);
Object dest = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object source = machine.getArg(3, nArgCount);
if (dest instanceof BigDecimal || source instanceof BigDecimal)
BigInteger intDest = getBigInteger(dest);
BigInteger intSource = getBigInteger(source);
machine.returnValue(new BigDecimal(copyBitField(intDest, nStart, nEnd, intSource)), nArgCount);
long lDest = getLong(dest);
long lSource = getLong(source);
machine.returnValue(Primitive.createLong(copyBitField(lDest, nStart, nEnd, lSource)), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BITWISE_FIRST_BIT_SET = new BitwiseJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
int nIndex = -1;
if (hasBigDecimalArg(nArgCount, machine))
nIndex = getBigIntegerArg(0, nArgCount, machine).getLowestSetBit();
long lValue = getLongArg(0, nArgCount, machine);
if (lValue != 0)
nIndex = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(lValue);
machine.returnValue(Primitive.createInteger(nIndex), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BITWISE_IF = new BitwiseJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 3);
if (hasBigDecimalArg(nArgCount, machine))
BigInteger intCondValue = getBigIntegerArg(0, nArgCount, machine);
BigInteger intThenValue = getBigIntegerArg(1, nArgCount, machine);
BigInteger intElseValue = getBigIntegerArg(2, nArgCount, machine);
machine.returnValue(new BigDecimal(intCondValue.and(intThenValue).or(intElseValue.andNot(intCondValue))), nArgCount);
long lCondValue = getLongArg(0, nArgCount, machine);
long lThenValue = getLongArg(1, nArgCount, machine);
long lElseValue = getLongArg(2, nArgCount, machine);
machine.returnValue(Primitive.createLong((lCondValue & lThenValue) | (~lCondValue & lElseValue)), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BITWISE_IF;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BITWISE_IOR = new IntegerBinaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object getNoArgResult()
return Primitive.ZERO_INTEGER;
protected BigInteger compute(BigInteger intLeft, BigInteger intRight)
return intLeft.or(intRight);
protected long compute(long lLeft, long lRight)
return lLeft | lRight;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BITWISE_IOR;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BITWISE_LENGTH = new BitwiseJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
int nBitCount = 0;
if (hasBigDecimalArg(nArgCount, machine))
nBitCount = getBigIntegerArg(0, nArgCount, machine).bitLength();
long lValue = getLongArg(0, nArgCount, machine);
if (lValue < 0)
lValue = ~lValue;
nBitCount = Long.SIZE - Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(lValue);
machine.returnValue(Primitive.createInteger(nBitCount), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BITWISE_LENGTH;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BITWISE_NOT = new BitwiseJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
if (hasBigDecimalArg(nArgCount, machine))
machine.returnValue(new BigDecimal(getBigIntegerArg(0, nArgCount, machine).not()),
machine.returnValue(Primitive.createLong(~getLongArg(0, nArgCount, machine)),
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BITWISE_NOT;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BITWISE_REVERSE_BIT_FIELD = new BitwiseBitFieldIntegerJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 3);
int nStart = getIntegerArg(1, nArgCount, machine);
int nEnd = getIntegerArg(2, nArgCount, machine);
verifyIndexRange(nStart, nEnd);
Object arg = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (arg instanceof BigDecimal)
BigInteger intValue = getBigInteger(arg);
BigInteger intBitField = getBitField(intValue, nStart, nEnd);
BigInteger intReversed = reverseBitField(intBitField, nEnd - nStart);
intValue = copyBitField(intValue, nStart, nEnd, intReversed);
machine.returnValue(new BigDecimal(intValue), nArgCount);
long lValue = getLong(arg);
long lBitField = getBitField(lValue, nStart, nEnd);
long lReversed = reverseBitField(lBitField, nEnd - nStart);
lValue = copyBitField(lValue, nStart, nEnd, lReversed);
machine.returnValue(Primitive.createLong(lValue), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BITWISE_ROTATE_BIT_FIELD = new BitwiseBitFieldIntegerJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 4);
int nStart = getIntegerArg(1, nArgCount, machine);
int nEnd = getIntegerArg(2, nArgCount, machine);
verifyIndexRange(nStart, nEnd);
int nWidth = nEnd - nStart;
int nCount = getIntegerArg(3, nArgCount, machine);
if (nCount < 0)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.negativeCount",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
nCount %= nWidth;
Object arg = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (nCount != 0)
if (arg instanceof BigDecimal)
BigInteger intValue = getBigInteger(arg);
BigInteger intBitField = getBitField(intValue, nStart, nEnd);
if (intBitField.signum() == 0)
machine.returnValue(arg, nArgCount);
BigInteger intRotated = intBitField.shiftLeft(nCount).or(intBitField.shiftRight(nWidth - nCount));
intValue = copyBitField(intValue, nStart, nEnd, intRotated);
machine.returnValue(new BigDecimal(intValue), nArgCount);
long lValue = getLong(arg);
long lBitField = getBitField(lValue, nStart, nEnd);
long lRotated = shiftLeft(lBitField, nCount) | shiftRight(lBitField, (nWidth - nCount));
lValue = copyBitField(lValue, nStart, nEnd, lRotated);
machine.returnValue(Primitive.createLong(lValue), nArgCount);
machine.returnValue(arg, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BITWISE_XOR = new IntegerBinaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object getNoArgResult()
return Primitive.ZERO_INTEGER;
protected BigInteger compute(BigInteger intLeft, BigInteger intRight)
return intLeft.xor(intRight);
protected long compute(long lLeft, long lRight)
return lLeft ^ lRight;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BITWISE_XOR;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BOOLEAN_EQ_P = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyMinArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
boolean bValue = isTrue(machine.getArg(0, nArgCount));
Boolean equal = Boolean.TRUE;
for (int i = 1; i < nArgCount; i++)
if (bValue != isTrue(machine.getArg(i, nArgCount)))
equal = Boolean.FALSE;
machine.returnValue(equal, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BOOLEAN_EQ_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BOOLEAN_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Boolean.valueOf(value instanceof Boolean);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BOOLEAN_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR = new ByteVectorJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
if (nArgCount == 0)
machine.returnValue(EMPTY_BYTEARRAY, nArgCount);
byte[] nArray = new byte[nArgCount];
for (int i = 0; i < nArgCount; ++i)
nArray[i] = (byte)getExactIntArg(i, nArgCount, machine);
machine.returnValue(nArray, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BYTEVECTOR;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_APPEND = new ByteVectorJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
if (nArgCount == 0)
machine.returnValue(EMPTY_BYTEARRAY, nArgCount);
return false;
int nCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i != nArgCount; ++i)
Object arg = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
if (arg instanceof byte[])
nCount += ((byte[])arg).length;
else if (arg != null)
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
byte[] nDstArray = new byte[nCount];
int nOfs = 0;
for (int i = 0; i != nArgCount; ++i)
byte[] nSrcArray = (byte[])machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
if (nSrcArray != null)
int nLength = nSrcArray.length;
System.arraycopy(nSrcArray, 0, nDstArray, nOfs, nLength);
nOfs += nLength;
machine.returnValue(nDstArray, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_COPY = new ByteVectorJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
byte[] nSrcArray = getByteVectorArg(0, nArgCount, machine);
int nLength = nSrcArray.length;
if (nLength == 0)
machine.returnValue(EMPTY_BYTEARRAY, nArgCount);
byte[] nDstArray = new byte[nLength];
System.arraycopy(nSrcArray, 0, nDstArray, 0, nLength);
machine.returnValue(nDstArray, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BYTEVECTOR_COPY;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_COPY_M = new ByteVectorJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 5);
getByteVectorArg(0, nArgCount, machine),
getExactIntArg(1, nArgCount, machine),
getByteVectorArg(2, nArgCount, machine),
getExactIntArg(3, nArgCount, machine),
getExactIntArg(4, nArgCount, machine)),
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BYTEVECTOR_COPY_M;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_EQ_P = new ByteVectorJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Boolean.valueOf(Arrays.equals(getByteVectorArg(0, nArgCount, machine), getByteVectorArg(1, nArgCount, machine))),
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BYTEVECTOR_EQ_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_FILL = new ByteVectorJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
byte[] nArray = getByteVectorArg(0, nArgCount, machine);
Arrays.fill(nArray, (byte)getExactIntArg(1, nArgCount, machine));
machine.returnValue(nArray, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BYTEVECTOR_FILL;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_IEEE_DOUBLE_NATIVE_REF = new ByteVectorNativeRefJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 8;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getNumber(byte[], int)
protected Number getNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex)
return Primitive.createDouble(Double.longBitsToDouble(BinaryUtil.getLong(nArray, nIndex, getByteCount(), true, true)));
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_IEEE_DOUBLE_NATIVE_SET = new ByteVectorNativeSetJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 8;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#setNumber(byte[], int, java.lang.Number)
protected void setNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, Number value)
BinaryUtil.setLong(nArray, nIndex, getByteCount(), Double.doubleToLongBits(value.doubleValue()), true);
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_IEEE_DOUBLE_REF = new ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
public int getByteCount()
return 8;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getNumber(byte[], int, int, boolean)
public Number getNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, int nByteCount, boolean bBigEndian)
return Primitive.createDouble(Double.longBitsToDouble(BinaryUtil.getLong(nArray, nIndex, nByteCount, bBigEndian, true)));
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_IEEE_DOUBLE_SET = new ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 8;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#setNumberBigEndian(byte[], int, int, java.lang.Number)
protected void setNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, int nByteCount, Number value, boolean bBigEndian)
BinaryUtil.setLong(nArray, nIndex, nByteCount, Double.doubleToLongBits(value.doubleValue()), bBigEndian);
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_IEEE_SINGLE_NATIVE_REF = new ByteVectorNativeRefJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 4;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getNumber(byte[], int)
protected Number getNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex)
return Primitive.createFloat(Float.intBitsToFloat(BinaryUtil.getInt(nArray, nIndex, getByteCount(), true, true)));
* @see nexj.core.scripting.IntrinsicFunction#getSymbol()
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_IEEE_SINGLE_NATIVE_SET = new ByteVectorNativeSetJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 4;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#setNumber(byte[], int, java.lang.Number)
protected void setNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, Number value)
BinaryUtil.setInt(nArray, nIndex, getByteCount(), Float.floatToIntBits(value.floatValue()), true);
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_IEEE_SINGLE_REF = new ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
public int getByteCount()
return 4;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getNumber(byte[], int, int, boolean)
public Number getNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, int nByteCount, boolean bBigEndian)
return Primitive.createFloat(Float.intBitsToFloat(BinaryUtil.getInt(nArray, nIndex, nByteCount, bBigEndian, true)));
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_IEEE_SINGLE_SET = new ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 4;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#setNumberBigEndian(byte[], int, int, java.lang.Number)
protected void setNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, int nByteCount, Number value, boolean bBigEndian)
BinaryUtil.setInt(nArray, nIndex, nByteCount, Float.floatToIntBits(value.floatValue()), bBigEndian);
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_LENGTH = new ByteVectorJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
machine.returnValue(Primitive.createInteger(getByteArray(0, nArgCount, machine).length), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object obj)
return Boolean.valueOf(obj instanceof byte[]);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BYTEVECTOR_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_S16_NATIVE_REF = new ByteVectorNativeRefJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 2;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getNumber(byte[], int)
protected Number getNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex)
return Primitive.createInteger(BinaryUtil.getInt(nArray, nIndex, getByteCount(), true, true));
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_S16_NATIVE_SET = new ByteVectorNativeSetJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 2;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#setNumber(byte[], int, java.lang.Number)
protected void setNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, Number value)
BinaryUtil.setInt(nArray, nIndex, getByteCount(), value.intValue(), true);
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_S16_REF = new ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 2;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getNumber(byte[], int, int, boolean)
protected Number getNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, int nByteCount, boolean bBigEndian)
return Primitive.createInteger(BinaryUtil.getInt(nArray, nIndex, nByteCount, bBigEndian, true));
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BYTEVECTOR_S16_REF;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_S16_SET = new ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 2;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#setNumberBigEndian(byte[], int, int, java.lang.Number)
protected void setNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, int nByteCount, Number value, boolean bBigEndian)
BinaryUtil.setInt(nArray, nIndex, nByteCount, value.intValue(), bBigEndian);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BYTEVECTOR_S16_SET;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_S32_NATIVE_REF = new ByteVectorNativeRefJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 4;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getNumber(byte[], int)
protected Number getNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex)
return Primitive.createInteger(BinaryUtil.getInt(nArray, nIndex, getByteCount(), true, true));
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_S32_NATIVE_SET = new ByteVectorNativeSetJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 4;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#setNumber(byte[], int, java.lang.Number)
protected void setNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, Number value)
BinaryUtil.setInt(nArray, nIndex, getByteCount(), value.intValue(), true);
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_S32_REF = new ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 4;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getNumber(byte[], int, int, boolean)
protected Number getNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, int nByteCount, boolean bBigEndian)
return Primitive.createInteger(BinaryUtil.getInt(nArray, nIndex, nByteCount, bBigEndian, true));
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BYTEVECTOR_S32_REF;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_S32_SET = new ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 4;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#setNumberBigEndian(byte[], int, int, java.lang.Number)
protected void setNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, int nByteCount, Number value, boolean bBigEndian)
BinaryUtil.setInt(nArray, nIndex, nByteCount, value.intValue(), bBigEndian);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BYTEVECTOR_S32_SET;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_S64_NATIVE_REF = new ByteVectorNativeRefJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 8;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getNumber(byte[], int)
protected Number getNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex)
return Primitive.createLong(BinaryUtil.getLong(nArray, nIndex, getByteCount(), true, true));
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_S64_NATIVE_SET = new ByteVectorNativeSetJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 8;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#setNumber(byte[], int, java.lang.Number)
protected void setNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, Number value)
BinaryUtil.setLong(nArray, nIndex, getByteCount(), value.longValue(), true);
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_S64_REF = new ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 8;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getNumber(byte[], int, int, boolean)
protected Number getNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, int nByteCount, boolean bBigEndian)
return Primitive.createLong(BinaryUtil.getLong(nArray, nIndex, nByteCount, bBigEndian, true));
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BYTEVECTOR_S64_REF;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_S64_SET = new ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 8;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#setNumberBigEndian(byte[], int, int, java.lang.Number)
protected void setNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, int nByteCount, Number value, boolean bBigEndian)
BinaryUtil.setLong(nArray, nIndex, nByteCount, value.longValue(), bBigEndian);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BYTEVECTOR_S64_SET;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_S8_REF = new ByteVectorJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Primitive.createInteger(getByte(getByteArray(0, nArgCount, machine), getExactIntArg(1, nArgCount, machine))),
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BYTEVECTOR_S8_REF;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_S8_SET = new ByteVectorJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 3);
Object value = machine.getArg(2, nArgCount);
if (!(value instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
setByte(getByteVectorArg(0, nArgCount, machine),
getExactIntArg(1, nArgCount, machine),
machine.returnValue(value, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BYTEVECTOR_S8_SET;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_SINT_LIST = new ByteVectorListConversionJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorListConversionJavaIntrinsicFunction#isSigned()
protected boolean isSigned()
return true;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_SINT_REF = new ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getReqCount()
protected int getReqCount()
return 4;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 0;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getNumber(byte[], int, int, boolean)
protected Number getNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, int nByteCount, boolean bBigEndian)
return BinaryUtil.getNumber(nArray, nIndex, nByteCount, bBigEndian, true);
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_SINT_SET = new ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#getReqCount()
protected int getReqCount()
return 5;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 0;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#setNumberBigEndian(byte[], int, int, java.lang.Number)
protected void setNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, int nByteCount, Number value, boolean bBigEndian)
if (value instanceof BigDecimal && nByteCount > (Long.SIZE >> 3))
BinaryUtil.setBigInteger(nArray, nIndex, nByteCount, ((BigDecimal)value).toBigInteger(), bBigEndian, false);
BinaryUtil.setLong(nArray, nIndex, nByteCount, value.longValue(), bBigEndian);
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_U16_NATIVE_REF = new ByteVectorNativeRefJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 2;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getNumber(byte[], int)
protected Number getNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex)
return Primitive.createInteger(BinaryUtil.getInt(nArray, nIndex, getByteCount(), true, false));
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_U16_NATIVE_SET = new ByteVectorNativeSetJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 2;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#setNumber(byte[], int, java.lang.Number)
protected void setNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, Number value)
BinaryUtil.setInt(nArray, nIndex, getByteCount(), value.intValue(), true);
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_U16_REF = new ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 2;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getNumber(byte[], int, int, boolean)
protected Number getNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, int nByteCount, boolean bBigEndian)
return Primitive.createInteger(BinaryUtil.getInt(nArray, nIndex, nByteCount, bBigEndian, false));
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BYTEVECTOR_U16_REF;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_U16_SET = new ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 2;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#setNumberBigEndian(byte[], int, int, java.lang.Number)
protected void setNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, int nByteCount, Number value, boolean bBigEndian)
BinaryUtil.setInt(nArray, nIndex, nByteCount, value.intValue(), bBigEndian);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BYTEVECTOR_U16_SET;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_U32_NATIVE_REF = new ByteVectorNativeRefJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 4;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getNumber(byte[], int)
protected Number getNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex)
return Primitive.createLong(BinaryUtil.getLong(nArray, nIndex, getByteCount(), true, false));
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_U32_NATIVE_SET = new ByteVectorNativeSetJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 4;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#setNumber(byte[], int, java.lang.Number)
protected void setNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, Number value)
BinaryUtil.setLong(nArray, nIndex, getByteCount(), value.longValue(), true);
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_U32_REF = new ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 4;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getNumber(byte[], int, int, boolean)
protected Number getNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, int nByteCount, boolean bBigEndian)
return Primitive.createLong(BinaryUtil.getLong(nArray, nIndex, nByteCount, bBigEndian, false));
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BYTEVECTOR_U32_REF;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_U32_SET = new ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 4;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#setNumberBigEndian(byte[], int, int, java.lang.Number)
protected void setNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, int nByteCount, Number value, boolean bBigEndian)
BinaryUtil.setLong(nArray, nIndex, nByteCount, value.longValue(), bBigEndian);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BYTEVECTOR_U32_SET;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_U64_NATIVE_REF = new ByteVectorNativeRefJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 8;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getNumber(byte[], int)
protected Number getNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex)
return new BigDecimal(BinaryUtil.getBigInteger(nArray, nIndex, getByteCount(), true, false));
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_U64_NATIVE_SET = new ByteVectorNativeSetJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 8;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorNativeSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#setNumber(byte[], int, java.lang.Number)
protected void setNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, Number value)
BinaryUtil.setLong(nArray, nIndex, getByteCount(), value.longValue(), true);
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_U64_REF = new ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 8;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getNumber(byte[], int, int, boolean)
protected Number getNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, int nByteCount, boolean bBigEndian)
return new BigDecimal(BinaryUtil.getBigInteger(nArray, nIndex, nByteCount, bBigEndian, false));
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BYTEVECTOR_U64_REF;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_U64_SET = new ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 8;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#setNumberBigEndian(byte[], int, int, java.lang.Number)
protected void setNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, int nByteCount, Number value, boolean bBigEndian)
BinaryUtil.setLong(nArray, nIndex, nByteCount, value.longValue(), bBigEndian);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BYTEVECTOR_U64_SET;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_U8_LIST = new ByteVectorJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
byte[] nArray = getByteArray(0, nArgCount, machine);
Pair tail = null;
for (int i = nArray.length - 1; i > -1; i--)
tail = new Pair(Primitive.createInteger(nArray[i] & 0xFF), tail);
machine.returnValue(tail, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BYTEVECTOR_U8_LIST;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_U8_REF = new ByteVectorJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Primitive.createInteger(getByte(getByteArray(0, nArgCount, machine), getExactIntArg(1, nArgCount, machine)) & 0xFF),
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BYTEVECTOR_U8_REF;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_U8_SET = new ByteVectorJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 3);
Object value = machine.getArg(2, nArgCount);
if (!(value instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
setByte(getByteVectorArg(0, nArgCount, machine),
getExactIntArg(1, nArgCount, machine),
machine.returnValue(value, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.BYTEVECTOR_U8_SET;
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_UINT_LIST = new ByteVectorListConversionJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorListConversionJavaIntrinsicFunction#isSigned()
protected boolean isSigned()
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_UINT_REF = new ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getReqCount()
protected int getReqCount()
return 4;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 0;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction#getNumber(byte[], int, int, boolean)
protected Number getNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, int nByteCount, boolean bBigEndian)
return BinaryUtil.getNumber(nArray, nIndex, nByteCount, bBigEndian, false);
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction BYTEVECTOR_UINT_SET = new ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#getReqCount()
protected int getReqCount()
return 5;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#getByteCount()
protected int getByteCount()
return 0;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction#setNumberBigEndian(byte[], int, int, java.lang.Number)
protected void setNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, int nByteCount, Number value, boolean bBigEndian)
int nBitCount = nByteCount << 3;
if (nBitCount > Long.SIZE && value instanceof BigDecimal)
BinaryUtil.setBigInteger(nArray, nIndex, nByteCount,
((BigDecimal)value).toBigInteger().andNot(BigInteger.valueOf(-1).shiftLeft(nBitCount)), bBigEndian, false);
BinaryUtil.setLong(nArray, nIndex, nByteCount, value.longValue(), bBigEndian);
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction CAAAAR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CAAAAR, 0x10);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CAAADR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CAAADR, 0x11);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CAAAR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CAAAR, 0x8);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CAADAR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CAADAR, 0x12);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CAADDR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CAADDR, 0x13);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CAADR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CAADR, 0x9);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CAAR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CAAR, 0x4);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CADAAR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CADAAR, 0x14);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CADADR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CADADR, 0x15);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CADAR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CADAR, 0xA);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CADDAR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CADDAR, 0x16);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CADDDR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CADDDR, 0x17);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CADDR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CADDR, 0xB);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CADR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CADR, 0x5);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CALL_AS_JAAS_SUBJECT = new CallAsJAASSubjectIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CALL_AS_JAAS_SUBJECT);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CALL_CC = new CallCCIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CALL_CC);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CALL_WITH_CURRENT_CONTINUATION = new CallCCIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CALL_WITH_CURRENT_CONTINUATION);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CALL_WITH_VALUES = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object producer = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object consumer = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
machine.apply(producer, 0);
return true;
public boolean isPCode()
return true;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CALL_WITH_VALUES;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CAR = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
if (value instanceof Pair)
return ((Pair)value).getHead();
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CAR;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.IntrinsicFunction#generate(nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.PCodeBuffer, nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.CallInstruction)
public boolean generate(Compiler.PCodeBuffer buf, Compiler.CallInstruction instr)
if (instr.getArgCount() == 1)
return true;
return false;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CDAAAR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CDAAAR, 0x18);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CDAADR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CDAADR, 0x19);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CDAAR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CDAAR, 0xC);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CDADAR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CDADAR, 0x1A);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CDADDR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CDADDR, 0x1B);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CDADR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CDADR, 0xD);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CDAR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CDAR, 0x6);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CDDAAR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CDDAAR, 0x1C);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CDDADR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CDDADR, 0x1D);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CDDAR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CDDAR, 0xE);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CDDDAR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CDDDAR, 0x1E);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CDDDDR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CDDDDR, 0x1F);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CDDDR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CDDDR, 0xF);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CDDR = new CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.CDDR, 0x7);
public final static IntrinsicFunction CDR = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
if (value instanceof Pair)
return ((Pair)value).getTail();
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CDR;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.IntrinsicFunction#generate(nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.PCodeBuffer, nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.CallInstruction)
public boolean generate(Compiler.PCodeBuffer buf, Compiler.CallInstruction instr)
if (instr.getArgCount() == 1)
return true;
return false;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CEILING = new NumericUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(int n)
return Primitive.createInteger(n);
protected Object invoke(long l)
return Primitive.createLong(l);
protected Object invoke(BigDecimal dec)
return dec.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_CEILING);
protected Object invoke(float f)
return Primitive.createFloat((float)Math.ceil(f));
protected Object invoke(double d)
return Primitive.createDouble(Math.ceil(d));
protected Object invokeNull()
return null;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CEILING;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CHAR_ALPHABETIC_P = new CharacterUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(char ch)
return Boolean.valueOf(Character.isLetter(ch));
protected Object invokeNull()
return Boolean.FALSE;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CHAR_ALPHABETIC_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CHAR_CI_EQ_P = new CharacterComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean cmp(char chLeft, char chRight)
return Character.toUpperCase(chLeft) == Character.toUpperCase(chRight);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CHAR_CI_EQ_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CHAR_CI_GE_P = new CharacterComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean cmp(char chLeft, char chRight)
return Character.toUpperCase(chLeft) >= Character.toUpperCase(chRight);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CHAR_CI_GE_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CHAR_CI_GT_P = new CharacterComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean cmp(char chLeft, char chRight)
return Character.toUpperCase(chLeft) > Character.toUpperCase(chRight);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CHAR_CI_GT_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CHAR_CI_LE_P = new CharacterComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean cmp(char chLeft, char chRight)
return Character.toUpperCase(chLeft) <= Character.toUpperCase(chRight);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CHAR_CI_LE_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CHAR_CI_LT_P = new CharacterComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean cmp(char chLeft, char chRight)
return Character.toUpperCase(chLeft) < Character.toUpperCase(chRight);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CHAR_CI_LT_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CHAR_DOWNCASE = new CharacterUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(char ch)
return Primitive.createCharacter(Character.toLowerCase(ch));
protected Object invokeNull()
return null;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CHAR_DOWNCASE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CHAR_EQ_P = new CharacterComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean cmp(char chLeft, char chRight)
return chLeft == chRight;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CHAR_EQ_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CHAR_FOLDCASE = new CharacterUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(char ch)
if (ch == '\u0130' || ch == '\u0131')
return Primitive.createCharacter(ch);
return Primitive.createCharacter(Character.toLowerCase(Character.toUpperCase(ch)));
protected Object invokeNull()
return null;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CHAR_FOLDCASE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CHAR_GE_P = new CharacterComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean cmp(char chLeft, char chRight)
return chLeft >= chRight;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CHAR_GE_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CHAR_GENERAL_CATEGORY = new CharacterUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(char ch)
return UNICODE_GENERAL_CATEGORIES[Character.getType(ch)];
protected Object invokeNull()
return null;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction CHAR_GT_P = new CharacterComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean cmp(char chLeft, char chRight)
return chLeft > chRight;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CHAR_GT_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CHAR_INTEGER = new CharacterUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(char ch)
return Primitive.createInteger(ch);
protected Object invokeNull()
return null;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CHAR_INTEGER;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CHAR_LE_P = new CharacterComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean cmp(char chLeft, char chRight)
return chLeft <= chRight;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CHAR_LE_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CHAR_LOWER_CASE_P = new CharacterUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(char ch)
return Boolean.valueOf(Character.isLowerCase(ch));
protected Object invokeNull()
return Boolean.FALSE;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CHAR_LOWER_CASE_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CHAR_LT_P = new CharacterComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean cmp(char chLeft, char chRight)
return chLeft < chRight;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CHAR_LT_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CHAR_NUMERIC_P = new CharacterUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(char ch)
return Boolean.valueOf(Character.isDigit(ch));
protected Object invokeNull()
return Boolean.FALSE;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CHAR_NUMERIC_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CHAR_READY_P = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
Reader reader = getReader(0, nArgCount, machine);
machine.returnValue(Boolean.valueOf(reader.ready()), nArgCount);
catch (IOException e)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.io", e);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CHAR_READY_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CHAR_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Boolean.valueOf(value instanceof Character);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CHAR_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CHAR_TITLE_CASE_P = new CharacterUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(char ch)
return Boolean.valueOf(Character.isTitleCase(ch));
protected Object invokeNull()
return Boolean.FALSE;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CHAR_TITLE_CASE_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CHAR_TITLECASE = new CharacterUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(char ch)
return Primitive.createCharacter(Character.toTitleCase(ch));
protected Object invokeNull()
return null;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CHAR_TITLECASE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CHAR_UPCASE = new CharacterUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(char ch)
return Primitive.createCharacter(Character.toUpperCase(ch));
protected Object invokeNull()
return null;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CHAR_UPCASE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CHAR_UPPER_CASE_P = new CharacterUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(char ch)
return Boolean.valueOf(Character.isUpperCase(ch));
protected Object invokeNull()
return Boolean.FALSE;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CHAR_UPPER_CASE_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CHAR_WHITESPACE_P = new CharacterUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(char ch)
return Boolean.valueOf(Character.isWhitespace(ch));
protected Object invokeNull()
return Boolean.FALSE;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CHAR_WHITESPACE_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CLOSE_INPUT_PORT = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
if (!(value instanceof Reader))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
catch (IOException e)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.io", e);
return null;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CLOSE_INPUT_PORT;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CLOSE_OUTPUT_PORT = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
if (!(value instanceof Writer))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
catch (IOException e)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.io", e);
return null;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CLOSE_OUTPUT_PORT;
public final static IntrinsicFunction COLLECTION = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
List list = new ArrayList(Math.max(8, nArgCount));
for (int i = 0; i < nArgCount; ++i)
list.add(machine.getArg(i, nArgCount));
machine.returnValue(list, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.COLLECTION;
public final static IntrinsicFunction COLLECTION_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Boolean.valueOf(value instanceof Collection);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.COLLECTION_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction COMPLEX_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Boolean.valueOf(value instanceof Number);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.COMPLEX_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CONS = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
machine.returnValue(new Pair(machine.getArg(0, nArgCount), machine.getArg(1, nArgCount)), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CONS;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.IntrinsicFunction#generate(nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.PCodeBuffer, nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.CallInstruction)
public boolean generate(Compiler.PCodeBuffer buf, Compiler.CallInstruction instr)
if (instr.getArgCount() == 2)
return true;
return false;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CONS_A = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyMinArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
Object tail = machine.getArg(nArgCount - 1, nArgCount);
for (int i = nArgCount - 2; i >= 0; i--)
tail = new Pair(machine.getArg(i, nArgCount), tail);
machine.returnValue(tail, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.CONS_A;
public final static IntrinsicFunction COS = new SimpleNumericUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Primitive.createDouble(Math.cos(((Number)value).doubleValue()));
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.COS;
public final static IntrinsicFunction CURRENT_INPUT_PORT = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 0);
Reader reader = machine.getReader();
if (reader == null)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.defaultReader");
machine.returnValue(reader, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction CURRENT_OUTPUT_PORT = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 0);
Writer writer = machine.getWriter();
if (writer == null)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.defaultWriter");
machine.returnValue(writer, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction DELETE_FILE = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object str)
if (!(str instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return null;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.DELETE_FILE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction DERIVED_ENVIRONMENT = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
GlobalEnvironment env = new GlobalEnvironment(machine.getGlobalEnvironment());
for (int i = 0; i < nArgCount; ++i)
Object arg = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
if (arg instanceof Pair)
Pair pair = (Pair)arg;
if (pair.getHead() instanceof Pair)
Pair assoc = (Pair)pair.getHead();
defineVariable(env, assoc.getHead(), assoc.getTail());
pair = pair.getNext();
while (pair != null);
defineVariable(env, pair.getHead(), pair.getTail());
else if (arg instanceof Lookup)
for (Lookup.Iterator itr = ((Lookup)arg).iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
defineVariable(env, itr.getKey(), itr.getValue());
else if (arg instanceof Map)
for (Iterator itr = ((Map)arg).entrySet().iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
Map.Entry entry =(Map.Entry)itr.next();
defineVariable(env, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(env, nArgCount);
return false;
protected void defineVariable(GlobalEnvironment env, Object name, Object value)
if (name instanceof Symbol)
env.defineVariable((Symbol)name, value);
else if (name instanceof String)
env.defineVariable((String)name, value);
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction DISPLAY = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
Writer writer = getWriter(1, nArgCount, machine);
write(machine.getArg(0, nArgCount), writer, true);
catch (IOException e)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.io", e);
machine.returnValue(null, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.DISPLAY;
public final static IntrinsicFunction DIV = new IntegerBinaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected void verifyArgCount(int nArgCount)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
protected BigInteger compute(BigInteger intLeft, BigInteger intRight)
if (intLeft.signum() >= 0)
return intLeft.divide(intRight);
return intLeft.subtract(intRight.abs()).add(BigInteger.ONE).divide(intRight);
protected long compute(long lLeft, long lRight)
return ((lLeft >= 0) ? lLeft : (lLeft - Math.abs(lRight) + 1)) / lRight;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.DIV;
public final static IntrinsicFunction DIV_AND_MOD = new IntegerBinaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected void verifyArgCount(int nArgCount)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
protected int getResultCount()
return 2;
protected void compute(BigInteger intLeft, BigInteger intRight, BigInteger[] results)
BigInteger[] intResults = intLeft.divideAndRemainder(intRight);
if (intResults[1].signum() < 0)
intResults[1] = intResults[1].add(intRight.abs());
results[0] = intLeft.subtract(intResults[1]).divide(intRight);
results[1] = intResults[1];
results[0] = intResults[0];
results[1] = intResults[1];
protected void compute(long lLeft, long lRight, long[] lResults)
lResults[1] = lLeft % lRight;
if (lResults[1] < 0)
lResults[1] += Math.abs(lRight);
lResults[0] = (lLeft - lResults[1]) / lRight;
lResults[0] = lLeft / lRight;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.DIV_AND_MOD;
public final static IntrinsicFunction DIV0 = new IntegerBinaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected void verifyArgCount(int nArgCount)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
protected BigInteger compute(BigInteger intLeft, BigInteger intRight)
if (intLeft.signum() >= 0)
intLeft = intLeft.add(intRight.abs().shiftRight(1));
intLeft = intLeft.subtract(intRight.abs().subtract(BigInteger.ONE).shiftRight(1));
return intLeft.divide(intRight);
protected long compute(long lLeft, long lRight)
if (lLeft >= 0)
lLeft += Math.abs(lRight) >> 1;
lLeft -= Math.abs(lRight) - 1 >> 1;
return lLeft / lRight;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.DIV0;
public final static IntrinsicFunction DIV0_AND_MOD0 = new IntegerBinaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected void verifyArgCount(int nArgCount)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
protected int getResultCount()
return 2;
protected void compute(BigInteger intLeft, BigInteger intRight, BigInteger[] results)
BigInteger[] intResults = intLeft.divideAndRemainder(intRight);
BigInteger intDouble = intResults[1].shiftLeft(1);
boolean bNegative = intRight.signum() == -1;
intRight = intRight.abs();
if (intDouble.compareTo(intRight) >= 0)
results[0] = (bNegative) ? intResults[0].subtract(BigInteger.ONE) : intResults[0].add(BigInteger.ONE);
results[1] = intResults[1].subtract(intRight);
else if (intDouble.compareTo(intRight.negate()) < 0)
results[0] = (bNegative) ? intResults[0].add(BigInteger.ONE) : intResults[0].subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
results[1] = intResults[1].add(intRight);
results[0] = intResults[0];
results[1] = intResults[1];
protected void compute(long lLeft, long lRight, long[] lResults)
lResults[0] = lLeft / lRight;
lResults[1] = lLeft % lRight;
long lDouble = lResults[1] << 1;
boolean bNegative = lRight < 0;
lRight = Math.abs(lRight);
if (lDouble >= lRight)
lResults[0] += (bNegative) ? -1 : 1;
lResults[1] -= lRight;
else if (lDouble < -lRight)
lResults[0] += (bNegative) ? 1 : -1;
lResults[1] += lRight;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.DIV0_AND_MOD0;
public final static IntrinsicFunction DIVIDE = new NumericBinaryJavaIntrinsicFunction(Machine.DIV)
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.JavaIntrinsicFunction#getCoercedType(nexj.core.meta.Primitive, nexj.core.meta.Primitive)
protected Primitive getCoercedType(Primitive left, Primitive right)
Primitive type = DIV_COERCION_ARRAY[left.getOrdinal() * Primitive.MAX_COUNT + right.getOrdinal()];
if (type == null)
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return type;
protected BinaryFunction getBinaryFunction(Primitive type)
return type.findDivisionFunction(type);
protected Object getNoArgResult()
verifyArgCount(0, 1);
return null;
protected Object getOneArgResult(Object arg)
if (arg != null)
return Primitive.INTEGER.getDivisionFunction(Primitive.primitiveOf(arg)).invoke(Primitive.ONE_INTEGER, arg);
return arg;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.DIVIDE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction ENUM_SET_COMPLEMENT = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object enumSet)
if (!(enumSet instanceof EnumSet))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return ((EnumSet)enumSet).complement();
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction ENUM_SET_CONSTRUCTOR = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(final Object enumSet)
if (!(enumSet instanceof EnumSet))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
if (nArgCount != 1)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.enum.constructorArgCount",
new Object[]{Primitive.createInteger(nArgCount)});
EnumSet.createSubset((EnumSet)enumSet, machine.getArg(0, nArgCount)),
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction ENUM_SET_DIFFERENCE = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object enumSet1 = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object enumSet2 = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (!(enumSet1 instanceof EnumSet && enumSet2 instanceof EnumSet))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
enumSet1 = ((EnumSet)enumSet1).difference((EnumSet)enumSet2);
if (enumSet1 == null)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.enum.typeMismatch", new Object[]{getSymbol()});
machine.returnValue(enumSet1, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction ENUM_SET_EQ_P = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object enumSet1 = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object enumSet2 = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (!(enumSet1 instanceof EnumSet && enumSet2 instanceof EnumSet))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.ENUM_SET_EQ_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction ENUM_SET_INDEXER = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(final Object enumSet)
if (!(enumSet instanceof EnumSet))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return new Function()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
if (nArgCount != 1)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.enum.indexerArgCount",
new Object[]{Primitive.createInteger(nArgCount)});
Object sym = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (!(sym instanceof Symbol))
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.enum.unsupportedValueType");
Object nIndex = ((EnumSet)enumSet).getMasterIndex(sym);
machine.returnValue((nIndex == null) ? Boolean.FALSE : nIndex, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.ENUM_SET_INDEXER;
public final static IntrinsicFunction ENUM_SET_INTERSECTION = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object enumSet1 = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object enumSet2 = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (!(enumSet1 instanceof EnumSet && enumSet2 instanceof EnumSet))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
enumSet1 = ((EnumSet)enumSet1).intersection((EnumSet)enumSet2);
if (enumSet1 == null)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.enum.typeMismatch", new Object[]{getSymbol()});
machine.returnValue(enumSet1, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction ENUM_SET_LIST = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object obj)
if (!(obj instanceof EnumSet))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return ((EnumSet)obj).toPair();
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.ENUM_SET_LIST;
public final static IntrinsicFunction ENUM_SET_MEMBER_P = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object sym = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object enumSet = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (!(sym instanceof Symbol && enumSet instanceof EnumSet))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(Boolean.valueOf(((EnumSet)enumSet).contains(sym)), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.ENUM_SET_MEMBER_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction ENUM_SET_PROJECTION = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object enumSet1 = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object enumSet2 = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (!(enumSet1 instanceof EnumSet && enumSet2 instanceof EnumSet))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(((EnumSet)enumSet1).projection((EnumSet)enumSet2), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction ENUM_SET_SUBSET_P = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object enumSet1 = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object enumSet2 = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (!(enumSet1 instanceof EnumSet && enumSet2 instanceof EnumSet))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.ENUM_SET_SUBSET_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction ENUM_SET_UNION = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object enumSet1 = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object enumSet2 = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (!(enumSet1 instanceof EnumSet && enumSet2 instanceof EnumSet))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
enumSet1 = ((EnumSet)enumSet1).union((EnumSet)enumSet2);
if (enumSet1 == null)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.enum.typeMismatch", new Object[]{getSymbol()});
machine.returnValue(enumSet1, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.ENUM_SET_UNION;
public final static IntrinsicFunction ENUM_SET_UNIVERSE = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object enumSet)
if (!(enumSet instanceof EnumSet))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return ((EnumSet)enumSet).getMasterSet();
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.ENUM_SET_UNIVERSE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction EOF_OBJECT_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Boolean.valueOf(value == Parser.EOF);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.EOF_OBJECT_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction EQ = new ComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction(false, Machine.EQ)
protected boolean nullCmp(boolean bLeftNull, boolean bRightNull)
return bLeftNull == bRightNull;
protected BinaryFunction getBinaryFunction(Primitive type)
return type.findEQFunction(type);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.EQ;
public final static IntrinsicFunction EQUAL_HASH = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object obj)
return Primitive.createInteger(EqualHashTab.equalHash(obj));
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.EQUAL_HASH;
public final static IntrinsicFunction EQUAL_P = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
machine.returnValue(Boolean.valueOf(equal(machine.getArg(0, nArgCount), machine.getArg(1, nArgCount))), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.EQUAL_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction EQV_P = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
machine.returnValue(Boolean.valueOf(eqv(machine.getArg(0, nArgCount), machine.getArg(1, nArgCount))), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.EQV_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction EQ_P = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
machine.returnValue(Boolean.valueOf(eq(machine.getArg(0, nArgCount), machine.getArg(1, nArgCount))), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.EQ_P;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.IntrinsicFunction#generate(nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.PCodeBuffer, nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.CallInstruction)
public boolean generate(Compiler.PCodeBuffer buf, Compiler.CallInstruction instr)
if (instr.getArgCount() == 2)
return true;
return false;
public final static IntrinsicFunction ERROR = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyMinArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
Object err = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (!(err instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
Object[] args = null;
Throwable cause = null;
if (nArgCount > 1)
int nCount = nArgCount - 1;
Object obj = machine.getArg(nCount, nArgCount);
if (obj instanceof Throwable)
cause = (Throwable)obj;
if (nCount > 0)
args = new Object[nCount];
for (int i = 1; i <= nCount; ++i)
args[i - 1] = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
throw new ScriptingError((String)err, args, cause);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.ERROR;
public final static IntrinsicFunction EVAL = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1, 2);
Machine evalMachine;
if (nArgCount == 2)
Object obj = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (!(obj instanceof GlobalEnvironment))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
if (obj == machine.getGlobalEnvironment())
evalMachine = machine;
evalMachine = new Machine((GlobalEnvironment)obj, machine);
evalMachine = machine;
Context context = machine.getContext();
Machine machineSaved = context.getMachine();
PCodeFunction fun = new Compiler().compile(machine.getArg(0, nArgCount),
evalMachine.getGlobalEnvironment().getTextPositionMap(), evalMachine, true);
if (evalMachine != machine)
machine.returnValue(evalMachine.invoke(fun, (Pair)null), nArgCount);
return Machine.EMPTY_FUNCTION.invoke(0, machine);
return fun.invoke(0, machine);
public boolean isPCode()
return true;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.EVAL;
public final static IntrinsicFunction EVEN_P = new NumericUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(int n)
return Boolean.valueOf((n & 1) == 0);
protected Object invoke(long l)
return Boolean.valueOf((l & 1) == 0);
protected Object invoke(BigDecimal dec)
BigDecimal r = dec.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);
return Boolean.valueOf(r.compareTo(dec) == 0 && !r.toBigInteger().testBit(0));
protected Object invoke(float f)
return Boolean.valueOf(Math.IEEEremainder(f, 2) == 0);
protected Object invoke(double d)
return Boolean.valueOf(Math.IEEEremainder(d, 2) == 0);
protected Object invokeNull()
return Boolean.FALSE;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.EVEN_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction EXACT_INEXACT = new NumericUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(int n)
return Primitive.createDouble(n);
protected Object invoke(long l)
return Primitive.createDouble(l);
protected Object invoke(BigDecimal dec)
if (dec.scale() >= Primitive.MAX_SCALE)
return dec;
return dec.setScale(Primitive.MAX_SCALE);
protected Object invoke(float f)
return Primitive.createFloat(f);
protected Object invoke(double d)
return Primitive.createDouble(d);
protected Object invokeNull()
return null;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.EXACT_INEXACT;
public final static IntrinsicFunction EXACT_INTEGER_SQRT = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
Object value = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (value == null)
return machine.returnValues(null, null, null, nArgCount);
Number sqrt, diff;
double dValue = ((Number)value).doubleValue();
double dSqrt = Math.sqrt(dValue);
if (value instanceof Integer || value instanceof Long)
long lSqrt = (long)dSqrt;
sqrt = Primitive.createLong(lSqrt);
diff = Primitive.createLong((long)(dValue - lSqrt * lSqrt));
else if (value instanceof Float || value instanceof Double || value instanceof BigDecimal) //TODO BigDec has no sqrt method
BigDecimal decSqrt = BigDecimal.valueOf(dSqrt).setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);
sqrt = decSqrt;
diff = BigDecimal.valueOf(dValue).setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN).subtract(decSqrt.multiply(decSqrt));
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return machine.returnValues(sqrt, diff, null, nArgCount);
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction EXACT_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected final Object invoke(Object value)
if (value == null)
return Boolean.FALSE;
switch (Primitive.primitiveOf(value).getOrdinal())
case Primitive.INTEGER_ORDINAL:
case Primitive.LONG_ORDINAL:
return Boolean.TRUE;
case Primitive.DECIMAL_ORDINAL:
return Boolean.valueOf(((BigDecimal)value).scale() < Primitive.MAX_SCALE);
case Primitive.FLOAT_ORDINAL:
case Primitive.DOUBLE_ORDINAL:
return Boolean.FALSE;
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.EXACT_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction EXP = new SimpleNumericUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Primitive.createDouble(Math.exp(((Number)value).doubleValue()));
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.EXP;
public final static IntrinsicFunction EXPT = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object x = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object y = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (!(x instanceof Number) || !(y instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
if (x instanceof Float || x instanceof Double || y instanceof Float || y instanceof Double || y instanceof BigDecimal)
machine.returnValue(Primitive.createDouble(Math.pow(((Number)x).doubleValue(), ((Number)y).doubleValue())), nArgCount);
return false;
BigDecimal decX;
if (x instanceof BigDecimal)
decX = (BigDecimal)x;
decX = BigDecimal.valueOf(((Number)x).longValue());
long lExp = ((Number)y).longValue();
BigDecimal decRes;
if (lExp == 0)
decRes = Primitive.ONE_DECIMAL;
decRes = null;
boolean bNeg = false;
if (lExp < 0)
bNeg = true;
lExp = -lExp;
for (;;)
if ((lExp & 1) != 0)
if (decRes == null)
decRes = decX;
decRes = decRes.multiply(decX);
lExp >>>= 1;
if (lExp == 0)
decX = decX.multiply(decX);
if (bNeg)
decRes = Primitive.ONE_DECIMAL.divide(decRes, Primitive.MAX_SCALE, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
machine.returnValue(decRes, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.EXPT;
public final static IntrinsicFunction FILE_EXISTS_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object str)
if (!(str instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return Boolean.valueOf(fileExists((String)str));
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.FILE_EXISTS_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction FINITE_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
if (value == null)
return Boolean.FALSE;
if (value instanceof Float)
float fValue = ((Float)value).floatValue();
return Boolean.valueOf(!Float.isInfinite(fValue) && !Float.isNaN(fValue));
if (value instanceof Double)
double dValue = ((Double)value).doubleValue();
return Boolean.valueOf(!Double.isInfinite(dValue) && !Double.isNaN(dValue));
if (value instanceof Number)
return Boolean.TRUE;
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.FINITE_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction FLOOR = new NumericUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(int n)
return Primitive.createInteger(n);
protected Object invoke(long l)
return Primitive.createLong(l);
protected Object invoke(BigDecimal dec)
return dec.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_FLOOR);
protected Object invoke(float f)
return Primitive.createFloat((float)Math.floor(f));
protected Object invoke(double d)
return Primitive.createDouble(Math.floor(d));
protected Object invokeNull()
return null;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.FLOOR;
public final static IntrinsicFunction FORCE = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
Object fun = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (fun instanceof Function)
machine.apply((Function)fun, 0);
machine.returnValue(fun, nArgCount);
machine.setFunction(Machine.EMPTY_FUNCTION, 0);
return true;
public boolean isPCode()
return true;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.FORCE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction FORMAT = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyMinArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
Object id = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (id == null)
id = "";
else if (!(id instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
if (nArgCount == 1)
machine.returnValue(machine.getContext().getString((String)id), nArgCount);
Object[] args = new Object[nArgCount - 1];
for (int i = 1; i < nArgCount; ++i)
args[i - 1] = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
machine.returnValue(machine.getContext().formatString((String)id, args), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.FORMAT;
public final static IntrinsicFunction GCD = new IntegerBinaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object getNoArgResult()
return Primitive.ZERO_INTEGER;
protected BigInteger getOneArgResult(BigInteger intValue)
return intValue.abs();
protected long getOneArgResult(long lValue)
return Math.abs(lValue);
protected BigInteger compute(BigInteger intLeft, BigInteger intRight)
return intLeft.abs().gcd(intRight.abs());
protected long compute(long lLeft, long lRight)
return gcd(Math.abs(lLeft), Math.abs(lRight));
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.GCD;
public final static IntrinsicFunction GE = new ComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction(false, Machine.GE)
protected boolean nullCmp(boolean bLeftNull, boolean bRightNull)
return !bLeftNull || bRightNull;
protected BinaryFunction getBinaryFunction(Primitive type)
return type.findGEFunction(type);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.GE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction GET_STRING_ALL = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1, 2);
Object writer = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (!(writer instanceof Writer))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
boolean bClear = nArgCount == 2 && isTrue(machine.getArg(1, nArgCount));
String sValue;
if (writer instanceof FormattingWriter)
FormattingWriter formatter = (FormattingWriter)writer;
sValue = formatter.getOutputString();
if (bClear)
else if (writer instanceof StringWriter)
sValue = writer.toString();
if (bClear)
sValue = "";
machine.returnValue(sValue, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.GET_STRING_ALL;
public final static IntrinsicFunction GET_VALUE = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
Object name = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (name instanceof Symbol)
machine.returnValue(machine.getGlobalEnvironment().findVariable((Symbol)name), nArgCount);
else if (name instanceof String)
machine.returnValue(machine.getGlobalEnvironment().findVariable(Symbol.define((String)name)), nArgCount);
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.GET_VALUE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction GT = new ComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction(false, Machine.GT)
protected boolean nullCmp(boolean bLeftNull, boolean bRightNull)
return !bLeftNull && bRightNull;
protected BinaryFunction getBinaryFunction(Primitive type)
return type.findGTFunction(type);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.GT;
public final static IntrinsicFunction HASHSET_ADD = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object setObj = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object element = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (!(setObj instanceof Set))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(Boolean.valueOf(((Set)setObj).add(element)), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.HASHSET_ADD;
public final static IntrinsicFunction HASHSET_CLEAR = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1, 2);
Object setObj = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (setObj instanceof Holder)
// Can only resize GenericHashHolder
if (nArgCount == 2 && setObj instanceof GenericHashHolder)
Object capacity = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (!(capacity instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
else if (setObj instanceof Set)
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(null, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.HASHSET_CLEAR;
public final static IntrinsicFunction HASHSET_CONTAINS = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object setObj = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object element = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (!(setObj instanceof Set))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(Boolean.valueOf(((Set)setObj).contains(element)), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction HASHSET_COPY = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1, 2);
Object setObj = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
boolean bMutable = nArgCount == 2 && isTrue(machine.getArg(1, nArgCount));
if (setObj instanceof ImmutableHolder)
setObj = (bMutable) ? ((ImmutableHolder)setObj).mutableClone() : ((ImmutableHolder)setObj).clone();
else if (setObj instanceof Holder)
setObj = ((Holder)setObj).clone();
if (!bMutable)
setObj = new ImmutableHolder((Holder)setObj);
else if (setObj instanceof Set)
setObj = new HashSet((Set)setObj);
if (!bMutable)
setObj = new ImmutableSet((Set)setObj);
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(setObj, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.HASHSET_COPY;
public final static IntrinsicFunction HASHSET_EQUIVALENCE_FUNCTION = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object setObj)
if (setObj instanceof HashFunctionHolder)
return ((HashFunctionHolder)setObj).getEquivalenceFunction();
if (setObj instanceof HashHolder)
return SYS_EQUAL_P;
if (setObj instanceof IdentityHashHolder)
return SYS_EQ_P;
if (setObj instanceof Set)
return Boolean.FALSE;
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction HASHSET_HASH_FUNCTION = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object setObj)
if (setObj instanceof HashFunctionHolder)
return ((HashFunctionHolder)setObj).getHashFunction();
if (setObj instanceof Set)
return Boolean.FALSE;
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction HASHSET_MUTABLE_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object setObj)
if (setObj instanceof Holder)
return Boolean.valueOf(!(setObj instanceof ImmutableHolder));
if (setObj instanceof Set)
return Boolean.valueOf(!(setObj instanceof ImmutableSet));
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.HASHSET_MUTABLE_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction HASHSET_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public Object invoke(Object setObj)
return Boolean.valueOf(setObj instanceof Set);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.HASHSET_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction HASHSET_REMOVE = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object setObj = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object element = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (!(setObj instanceof Set))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(Boolean.valueOf(((Set)setObj).remove(element)), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.HASHSET_REMOVE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction HASHSET_SIZE = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public Object invoke(Object setObj)
if (!(setObj instanceof Set))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return Primitive.createInteger(((Set)setObj).size());
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.HASHSET_SIZE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction HASHSET_VALUES = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public Object invoke(Object setObj)
if (!(setObj instanceof Set))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return ((Set)setObj).toArray();
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.HASHSET_VALUES;
public final static IntrinsicFunction HASHTABLE_CLEAR = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1, 2);
Object mapObj = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (mapObj instanceof Lookup)
// Can only resize GenericHashTab
if (nArgCount == 2 && mapObj instanceof GenericHashTab)
Object capacity = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (!(capacity instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
else if (mapObj instanceof Map)
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(null, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.HASHTABLE_CLEAR;
public final static IntrinsicFunction HASHTABLE_CONTAINS_P = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object mapObj = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object key = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
boolean bContained;
if (mapObj instanceof Lookup)
bContained = ((Lookup)mapObj).contains(key);
else if (mapObj instanceof Map)
bContained = ((Map)mapObj).containsKey(key);
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(Boolean.valueOf(bContained), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction HASHTABLE_COPY = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1, 2);
Object mapObj = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
boolean bMutable = nArgCount == 2 && isTrue(machine.getArg(1, nArgCount));
Object newMap;
if (mapObj instanceof Lookup)
if (mapObj instanceof ImmutableLookup)
if (bMutable)
newMap = ((ImmutableLookup)mapObj).mutableClone();
newMap = ((ImmutableLookup)mapObj).clone(); // shallow copy
Lookup copyMap = (Lookup)((Lookup)mapObj).clone();
newMap = (bMutable) ? copyMap : new ImmutableLookup(copyMap);
else if (mapObj instanceof Map)
Map copyMap = new HashMap((Map)mapObj);
newMap = (bMutable) ? copyMap : new ImmutableMap(copyMap);
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(newMap, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.HASHTABLE_COPY;
public final static IntrinsicFunction HASHTABLE_DELETE = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object mapObj = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object key = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (mapObj instanceof Lookup)
machine.returnValue(((Lookup)mapObj).remove(key), nArgCount);
else if (mapObj instanceof Map)
machine.returnValue(((Map)mapObj).remove(key), nArgCount);
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction HASHTABLE_ENTRIES = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
Object mapObj = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object[] keyArray, valueArray;
if (mapObj instanceof Lookup)
Lookup map = (Lookup)mapObj;
int nSize = map.size();
keyArray = new Object[nSize];
valueArray = new Object[nSize];
Lookup.Iterator itr = map.iterator();
for (int i = 0; itr.hasNext(); i++)
keyArray[i] = itr.next();
valueArray[i] = itr.getValue();
else if (mapObj instanceof Map)
Map map = (Map)mapObj;
int nSize = map.size();
keyArray = new Object[nSize];
valueArray = new Object[nSize];
Iterator itr = map.entrySet().iterator();
for (int i = 0; itr.hasNext(); i++)
Entry e = (Entry)itr.next();
keyArray[i] = e.getKey();
valueArray[i] = e.getValue();
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return machine.returnValues(keyArray, valueArray, null, nArgCount);
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction HASHTABLE_EQUIVALENCE_FUNCTION = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object mapObj)
if (mapObj instanceof HashFunctionHolder)
return ((HashFunctionHolder)mapObj).getEquivalenceFunction();
if (mapObj instanceof HashTab)
return SYS_EQUAL_P;
if (mapObj instanceof IdentityHashTab)
return SYS_EQ_P;
if (mapObj instanceof Lookup || mapObj instanceof Map)
return Boolean.FALSE;
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction HASHTABLE_HASH_FUNCTION = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object mapObj)
if (mapObj instanceof HashFunctionHolder)
return ((HashFunctionHolder)mapObj).getHashFunction();
if (mapObj instanceof Lookup || mapObj instanceof Map)
return Boolean.FALSE;
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction HASHTABLE_KEYS = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object mapObj)
Iterator itr;
int nSize;
if (mapObj instanceof Lookup)
itr = ((Lookup)mapObj).iterator();
nSize = ((Lookup)mapObj).size();
else if (mapObj instanceof Map)
itr = ((Map)mapObj).keySet().iterator();
nSize = ((Map)mapObj).size();
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
Object[] vec = new Object[nSize];
for (int i = 0; itr.hasNext(); i++)
vec[i] = itr.next();
return vec;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.HASHTABLE_KEYS;
public final static IntrinsicFunction HASHTABLE_MUTABLE_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object mapObj)
if (mapObj instanceof Lookup)
return Boolean.valueOf(!(mapObj instanceof ImmutableLookup));
if (mapObj instanceof Map)
return Boolean.valueOf(!(mapObj instanceof ImmutableMap));
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction HASHTABLE_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object obj)
return Boolean.valueOf(obj instanceof Lookup || obj instanceof Map);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.HASHTABLE_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction HASHTABLE_REF = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2, 3);
Object mapObj = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object key = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
Object defaultValue = (nArgCount < 3) ? null : machine.getArg(2, nArgCount);
Object value;
if (mapObj instanceof Lookup)
Lookup map = (Lookup)mapObj;
value = map.get(key);
if (value == null && (defaultValue == null || !map.contains(key)))
value = defaultValue;
else if (mapObj instanceof Map)
Map map = (Map)mapObj;
value = map.get(key);
if (value == null && (defaultValue == null || !map.containsKey(key)))
value = defaultValue;
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(value, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.HASHTABLE_REF;
public final static IntrinsicFunction HASHTABLE_SET = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 3);
Object mapObj = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object key = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
Object value = machine.getArg(2, nArgCount);
if (mapObj instanceof Lookup)
machine.returnValue(((Lookup)mapObj).put(key, value), nArgCount);
else if (mapObj instanceof Map)
machine.returnValue(((Map)mapObj).put(key, value), nArgCount);
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.HASHTABLE_SET;
public final static IntrinsicFunction HASHTABLE_SIZE = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object mapObj)
if (mapObj instanceof Lookup)
return Primitive.createInteger(((Lookup)mapObj).size());
if (mapObj instanceof Map)
return Primitive.createInteger(((Map)mapObj).size());
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.HASHTABLE_SIZE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction HASHTABLE_UPDATE = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 4);
Object fun = machine.getArg(2, nArgCount);
if (!(fun instanceof Function))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
Object mapObj = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object key = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
Object defaultValue = machine.getArg(3, nArgCount);
Object value;
if (mapObj instanceof Lookup)
Lookup map = (Lookup)mapObj;
value = map.get(key);
map.put(key, machine.invoke(
(value != null || defaultValue != null && map.contains(key)) ? value : defaultValue, (Pair)null));
else if (mapObj instanceof Map)
Map map = (Map)mapObj;
value = map.get(key);
map.put(key, machine.invoke(
(value != null || defaultValue != null && map.containsKey(key)) ? value : defaultValue, (Pair)null));
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(value, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction HASHTABLE_VALUES = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object mapObj)
Iterator itr;
int nSize;
if (mapObj instanceof Lookup)
itr = ((Lookup)mapObj).valueIterator();
nSize = ((Lookup)mapObj).size();
else if (mapObj instanceof Map)
itr = ((Map)mapObj).values().iterator();
nSize = ((Map)mapObj).size();
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
Object[] vec = new Object[nSize];
for (int i = 0; itr.hasNext(); i++)
vec[i] = itr.next();
return vec;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction IFNULL = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object arg = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
machine.returnValue((arg != null) ? arg : machine.getArg(1, nArgCount), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.IFNULL;
public final static IntrinsicFunction IMPORT = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
for (int i = 0; i < nArgCount; ++i)
Object arg = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
if (arg instanceof Symbol)
importClass((Symbol)arg, machine);
else if (arg instanceof Pair)
Pair pair = (Pair)arg;
while (pair != null)
if (pair.getHead() instanceof Symbol)
importClass((Symbol)pair.getHead(), machine);
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
if (pair.getTail() == null)
if (!(pair.getTail() instanceof Pair))
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badList", new Object[]{getSymbol()});
pair = pair.getNext();
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(null, nArgCount);
return false;
private void importClass(Symbol symbol, Machine machine)
GlobalEnvironment env = machine.getGlobalEnvironment();
if (!(env.findVariable(symbol) instanceof Class))
catch (NoClassDefFoundError e)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.classNotFound", new Object[]{symbol}, e);
catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.classNotFound", new Object[]{symbol}, e);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.IMPORT;
public final static IntrinsicFunction IN_P = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyMinArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
Object left = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (left == null)
for (int i = 1; i < nArgCount; ++i)
Object value = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
if (value instanceof Pair)
for (Pair pair = (Pair)value; pair != null; pair = pair.getNext())
if (pair.getHead() == null)
machine.returnValue(Boolean.TRUE, nArgCount);
return false;
else if (value instanceof Collection)
if (((Collection)value).contains(null))
machine.returnValue(Boolean.TRUE, nArgCount);
return false;
if (value == null)
machine.returnValue(Boolean.TRUE, nArgCount);
return false;
Primitive leftType = Primitive.primitiveOf(left);
if (leftType == Primitive.ANY)
for (int i = 1; i < nArgCount; ++i)
Object right = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
if (right instanceof Collection)
if (((Collection)right).contains(left))
machine.returnValue(Boolean.TRUE, nArgCount);
return false;
else if (right instanceof Pair)
for (Pair pair = (Pair)right; pair != null; pair = pair.getNext())
if (left.equals(pair.getHead()))
machine.returnValue(Boolean.TRUE, nArgCount);
return false;
if (left.equals(right))
machine.returnValue(Boolean.TRUE, nArgCount);
return false;
for (int i = 1; i < nArgCount; ++i)
Object right = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
if (right instanceof Pair)
for (Pair pair = (Pair)right; pair != null; pair = pair.getNext())
if (leftType.getEQFunction(Primitive.primitiveOf(pair.getHead())).invoke(left, pair.getHead()) == Boolean.TRUE)
machine.returnValue(Boolean.TRUE, nArgCount);
return false;
else if (right instanceof Collection)
for (Iterator itr = ((Collection)right).iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
right = itr.next();
if (leftType.getEQFunction(Primitive.primitiveOf(right)).invoke(left, right) == Boolean.TRUE)
machine.returnValue(Boolean.TRUE, nArgCount);
return false;
if (leftType.getEQFunction(Primitive.primitiveOf(right)).invoke(left, right) == Boolean.TRUE)
machine.returnValue(Boolean.TRUE, nArgCount);
return false;
machine.returnValue(Boolean.FALSE, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.IN_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction IN_PRIVILEGE_P; // Isolated
public final static IntrinsicFunction INEXACT_EXACT = new NumericUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(int n)
return Primitive.createInteger(n);
protected Object invoke(long l)
return Primitive.createLong(l);
protected Object invoke(BigDecimal dec)
if (dec.scale() < Primitive.MAX_SCALE)
return dec;
return dec.setScale(Primitive.MAX_SCALE - 1, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
protected Object invoke(float f)
return new BigDecimal(f);
protected Object invoke(double d)
return new BigDecimal(d);
protected Object invokeNull()
return null;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.INEXACT_EXACT;
public final static IntrinsicFunction INEXACT_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected final Object invoke(Object value)
if (value == null)
return Boolean.FALSE;
switch (Primitive.primitiveOf(value).getOrdinal())
case Primitive.INTEGER_ORDINAL:
case Primitive.LONG_ORDINAL:
return Boolean.FALSE;
case Primitive.DECIMAL_ORDINAL:
return Boolean.valueOf(((BigDecimal)value).scale() >= Primitive.MAX_SCALE);
case Primitive.FLOAT_ORDINAL:
case Primitive.DOUBLE_ORDINAL:
return Boolean.TRUE;
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.INEXACT_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction INFINITE_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
if (value == null)
return Boolean.FALSE;
if (value instanceof Float)
return Boolean.valueOf(Float.isInfinite(((Float)value).floatValue()));
if (value instanceof Double)
return Boolean.valueOf(Double.isInfinite(((Double)value).doubleValue()));
if (value instanceof Number)
return Boolean.FALSE;
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.INFINITE_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction INITIAL_ENVIRONMENT = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 0);
new GlobalEnvironment(machine.getContext().getContextMetadata().getGlobalEnvironment()),
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction INPUT_PORT_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Boolean.valueOf(value instanceof Reader);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.INPUT_PORT_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction INSTANCE; // Isolated
public final static IntrinsicFunction INSTANCE_COLLECTION; // Isolated
public final static IntrinsicFunction INSTANCE_COLLECTION_P; // Isolated
public final static IntrinsicFunction INSTANCE_P; // Isolated
public final static IntrinsicFunction INTEGER_CHAR = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
if (value instanceof Number)
return Primitive.createCharacter(((Number)value).intValue());
if (value == null)
return null;
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.INTEGER_CHAR;
public final static IntrinsicFunction INTEGER_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Boolean.valueOf(isInteger(value));
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.INTEGER_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction INTERACTION_ENVIRONMENT = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 0);
machine.returnValue(machine.getGlobalEnvironment(), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction INVOCATION_CONTEXT = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 0);
machine.returnValue(machine.getContext(), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction ITERATABLE_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Boolean.valueOf(value != null && !(value instanceof Pair) &&
(value instanceof Collection || value instanceof Iterator ||
value instanceof Iteratable || value.getClass().isArray()));
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.ITERATABLE_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction ITERATOR = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
Iterator itr = getIterator(value);
if (itr == null)
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return itr;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.ITERATOR;
public final static IntrinsicFunction LCM = new IntegerBinaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object getNoArgResult()
return Primitive.ONE_INTEGER;
protected BigInteger getOneArgResult(BigInteger intValue)
return intValue.abs();
protected long getOneArgResult(long lValue)
return Math.abs(lValue);
protected BigInteger compute(BigInteger intLeft, BigInteger intRight)
intRight = intRight.abs();
BigInteger intGCD = intLeft.gcd(intRight);
if (intGCD.signum() == 0)
return BigInteger.ZERO;
return intLeft.multiply(intRight.divide(intGCD));
protected long compute(long lLeft, long lRight)
lRight = Math.abs(lRight);
long lGCD = gcd(lLeft, lRight);
if (lGCD == 0)
return 0L;
return lLeft * (lRight / lGCD);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.LCM;
public final static IntrinsicFunction LE = new ComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction(false, Machine.LE)
protected boolean nullCmp(boolean bLeftNull, boolean bRightNull)
return !bRightNull || bLeftNull;
protected BinaryFunction getBinaryFunction(Primitive type)
return type.findLEFunction(type);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.LE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction LENGTH = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object pair)
int nCount = 0;
while (pair != null)
if (!(pair instanceof Pair))
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badList",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
pair = ((Pair)pair).getTail();
return Primitive.createInteger(nCount);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.LENGTH;
public final static IntrinsicFunction LIKE_P = new ComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction(false, Machine.LIKE)
protected boolean nullCmp(boolean bLeftNull, boolean bRightNull)
return bLeftNull == bRightNull;
protected BinaryFunction getBinaryFunction(Primitive type)
return type.findLikeFunction(type);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.LIKE_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction LIST = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
Pair pair = null;
for (int i = nArgCount - 1; i >= 0; --i)
pair = new Pair(machine.getArg(i, nArgCount), pair);
machine.returnValue(pair, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.LIST;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.IntrinsicFunction#generate(nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.PCodeBuffer, nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.CallInstruction)
public boolean generate(Compiler.PCodeBuffer buf, Compiler.CallInstruction instr)
switch (instr.getArgCount())
case 0:
return true;
case 1:
return true;
case 2:
return true;
case 3:
return true;
case 4:
return true;
return false;
public final static IntrinsicFunction LIST_FILES = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object str)
if (!(str instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
Object[] sFileArray = listFiles((String)str);
return (sFileArray == null) ? null : Pair.fromArray(sFileArray);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.LIST_FILES;
public final static IntrinsicFunction LIST_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object pair)
Boolean result = Boolean.TRUE;
if (pair != null)
if (pair instanceof Pair)
Pair pair2 = (Pair)pair;
Pair pair3 = pair2;
for (;;)
pair = pair3.getTail();
if (pair == null)
if (!(pair instanceof Pair))
result = Boolean.FALSE;
pair = ((Pair)pair).getTail();
if (pair == null)
if (!(pair instanceof Pair))
result = Boolean.FALSE;
pair2 = pair2.getNext();
pair3 = (Pair)pair;
if (pair2 == pair3)
result = Boolean.FALSE;
result = Boolean.FALSE;
return result;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.LIST_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction LIST_REF = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object list = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object index = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (!(index instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
int n = ((Number)index).intValue();
if (n < 0)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badIndex", new Object[]{index});
while (n-- != 0)
if (!(list instanceof Pair))
if (list == null)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badIndex", new Object[]{index});
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badList",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
list = ((Pair)list).getTail();
if (!(list instanceof Pair))
if (list == null)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badIndex", new Object[]{index});
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badList",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
machine.returnValue(((Pair)list).getHead(), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.LIST_REF;
public final static IntrinsicFunction LIST_STRING = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object arg)
int n = 0;
for (Object list = arg; list != null; list = ((Pair)list).getTail())
if (!(list instanceof Pair))
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badList",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(n);
n = 0;
for (Pair pair = (Pair)arg; pair != null; pair = pair.getNext())
Object ch = pair.getHead();
if (!(ch instanceof Character))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return buf.toString();
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.LIST_STRING;
public final static IntrinsicFunction LIST_TAIL = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object list = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object index = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (!(index instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
int n = ((Number)index).intValue();
if (n < 0)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badIndex", new Object[]{index});
while (n-- != 0)
if (!(list instanceof Pair))
if (list == null)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badIndex", new Object[]{index});
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badList",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
list = ((Pair)list).getTail();
machine.returnValue(list, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.LIST_TAIL;
public final static IntrinsicFunction LIST_VECTOR = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object arg)
int n = 0;
for (Object list = arg; list != null; list = ((Pair)list).getTail())
if (!(list instanceof Pair))
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badList",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
Object[] vec = new Object[n];
n = 0;
for (Pair pair = (Pair)arg; pair != null; pair = pair.getNext())
vec[n++] = pair.getHead();
return vec;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.LIST_VECTOR;
public final static IntrinsicFunction LOAD = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
Object fileName = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (!(fileName instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
load((String)fileName, new Machine(machine));
machine.returnValue(null, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.LOAD;
public final static IntrinsicFunction LOCALE_NAME = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 0, 1);
String sLocale;
if (nArgCount == 0)
sLocale = machine.getContext().getLocaleName();
Object locale = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (locale == null)
sLocale = machine.getContext().getLocaleName();
else if (locale instanceof String)
sLocale = (String)locale;
else if (locale instanceof Locale)
sLocale = locale.toString();
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
sLocale = machine.getContext().getContextMetadata().getLocaleName(sLocale);
machine.returnValue(sLocale, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.LOCALE_NAME;
public final static IntrinsicFunction LOG = new SimpleNumericUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Primitive.createDouble(Math.log(((Number)value).doubleValue()));
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.LOG;
public final static IntrinsicFunction LT = new ComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction(false, Machine.LT)
protected boolean nullCmp(boolean bLeftNull, boolean bRightNull)
return bLeftNull && !bRightNull;
protected BinaryFunction getBinaryFunction(Primitive type)
return type.findLTFunction(type);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.LT;
public final static IntrinsicFunction MACRO_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Boolean.valueOf(value instanceof Macro);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.MACRO_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction MAKE_BYTEVECTOR = new ByteVectorJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1, 2);
int nLength = getLengthArg(0, nArgCount, machine);
if (nLength == 0)
machine.returnValue(EMPTY_BYTEARRAY, nArgCount);
byte[] nArray = new byte[nLength];
if (nArgCount == 2)
Arrays.fill(nArray, (byte)getExactIntArg(1, nArgCount, machine));
machine.returnValue(nArray, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.MAKE_BYTEVECTOR;
public final static IntrinsicFunction MAKE_COLLECTION = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 0, 1);
Collection col;
if (nArgCount == 0)
col = new ArrayList();
Object arg = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (arg instanceof Number)
int nCount = ((Number)arg).intValue();
if (nCount < 0)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.negativeCount",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
col = new ArrayList(nCount);
else if (arg instanceof Collection)
if (arg instanceof Ditto)
col = (Collection)((Ditto)arg).ditto();
col = new ArrayList(((Collection)arg).size());
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(col, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.MAKE_COLLECTION;
public final static IntrinsicFunction MAKE_ENUMERATION = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object symbols)
return EnumSet.createMasterSet(symbols);
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction MAKE_EQ_HASHSET = new MakeHashObjectJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object createHashObject(int nCapacity)
return new EqHashHolder(nCapacity);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.MAKE_EQ_HASHSET;
public final static IntrinsicFunction MAKE_EQ_HASHTABLE = new MakeHashObjectJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object createHashObject(int nCapacity)
return new EqHashTab(nCapacity);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.MAKE_EQ_HASHTABLE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction MAKE_EQV_HASHSET = new MakeHashObjectJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object createHashObject(int nCapacity)
return new EqvHashHolder(nCapacity);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.MAKE_EQV_HASHSET;
public final static IntrinsicFunction MAKE_EQV_HASHTABLE = new MakeHashObjectJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object createHashObject(int nCapacity)
return new EqvHashTab(nCapacity);
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction MAKE_HASHSET = new MakeHashObjectJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
if (nArgCount < 2)
return super.invoke(nArgCount, machine);
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 0, 3);
Object hash = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object equiv = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (hash instanceof Function && equiv instanceof Function)
(nArgCount == 2) ?
new ScriptingHashHolder((Function)hash, (Function)equiv)
: new ScriptingHashHolder((Function)hash, (Function)equiv, getCapacityArg(2, nArgCount, machine)),
return false;
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
protected Object createHashObject(int nCapacity)
return new EqualHashHolder(nCapacity);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.MAKE_HASHSET;
public final static IntrinsicFunction MAKE_HASHTABLE = new MakeHashObjectJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
if (nArgCount < 2)
return super.invoke(nArgCount, machine);
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 0, 3);
Object hash = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object equiv = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (hash instanceof Function && equiv instanceof Function)
(nArgCount == 2) ?
new ScriptingHashTab((Function)hash, (Function)equiv)
: new ScriptingHashTab((Function)hash, (Function)equiv, getCapacityArg(2, nArgCount, machine)),
return false;
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
protected Object createHashObject(int nCapacity)
return new EqualHashTab(nCapacity);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.MAKE_HASHTABLE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction MAKE_STRING = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1, 2);
Object count = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (!(count instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
int nCount = ((Number)count).intValue();
if (nCount < 0)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.negativeCount", new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
char ch;
if (nArgCount == 2)
Object chr = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (!(chr instanceof Character))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
ch = ((Character)chr).charValue();
ch = ' ';
char[] chars = new char[nCount];
Arrays.fill(chars, ch);
machine.returnValue(new String(chars), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.MAKE_STRING;
public final static IntrinsicFunction MAKE_VECTOR = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1, 2);
Object count = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (!(count instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
int nCount = ((Number)count).intValue();
if (nCount < 0)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.negativeCount",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
Object[] vec = new Object[nCount];
if (nArgCount == 2)
Arrays.fill(vec, machine.getArg(1, nArgCount));
machine.returnValue(vec, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.MAKE_VECTOR;
public final static IntrinsicFunction MATCH = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.MATCH;
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object value = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object expression = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (expression instanceof String) // parse simplified infix notation
expression = new ExpressionParser().parse((String)value);
expression = MatchNode.parse(expression); // parse / validate
double nValue = MatchNode.evaluate(
(value == null)
? null : value.toString().toUpperCase(machine.getContext().getLocale()),
machine.returnValue((nValue > 0) ? Primitive.createDouble(nValue) : null, nArgCount);
return false;
public final static IntrinsicFunction MAX = new MinMaxJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean nullCmp(boolean bLeftNull, boolean bRightNull)
return bLeftNull && !bRightNull;
protected BinaryFunction getBinaryFunction(Primitive type)
return type.findLTFunction(type);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.MAX;
public final static IntrinsicFunction MEMBER = new ListMemberIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean match(Object obj, Pair pair)
return equal(obj, pair.getHead());
protected Object getResult(Pair pair)
return pair;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.MEMBER;
public final static IntrinsicFunction MEMQ = new ListMemberIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean match(Object obj, Pair pair)
return eq(obj, pair.getHead());
protected Object getResult(Pair pair)
return pair;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.MEMQ;
public final static IntrinsicFunction MEMV = new ListMemberIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean match(Object obj, Pair pair)
return eqv(obj, pair.getHead());
protected Object getResult(Pair pair)
return pair;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.MEMV;
public final static IntrinsicFunction MESSAGE = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
TransferObject tobj = new TransferObject(nArgCount);
for (int i = 0; i < nArgCount; ++i)
Object arg = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
if (!(arg instanceof Pair))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
Pair pair = (Pair)arg;
Object head = pair.getHead();
if (!(head instanceof Symbol))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
String sName = head.toString();
if (sName.length() > 0 && sName.charAt(0) == ':')
Object value = pair.getTail();
if (head == Symbol._EVENT)
if (value != null && !(value instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(Symbol._EVENT);
else if (head == Symbol._CLASS)
if (value != null && !(value instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(Symbol._CLASS);
else if (head == Symbol._OID)
if (value != null && !(value instanceof OID))
throw new TypeMismatchException(Symbol._OID);
else if (head == Symbol._VERSION)
if (!(value instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(Symbol._VERSION);
else if (head == Symbol._PRE)
tobj.setValue(sName, value);
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.tobjAttribute", new Object[]{sName});
tobj.setValue(sName, pair.getTail());
machine.returnValue(tobj, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.MESSAGE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction MIN = new MinMaxJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean nullCmp(boolean bLeftNull, boolean bRightNull)
return !bLeftNull && bRightNull;
protected BinaryFunction getBinaryFunction(Primitive type)
return type.findGTFunction(type);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.MIN;
public final static IntrinsicFunction MINUS = new NumericBinaryJavaIntrinsicFunction(Machine.SUB)
protected BinaryFunction getBinaryFunction(Primitive type)
return type.findMinusFunction(type);
protected Object getNoArgResult()
verifyArgCount(0, 1);
return null;
protected Object getOneArgResult(Object arg)
if (arg != null)
return Primitive.primitiveOf(arg).getNegationFunction().invoke(arg);
return arg;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.MINUS;
public final static IntrinsicFunction MOD = new IntegerBinaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected void verifyArgCount(int nArgCount)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
protected BigInteger compute(BigInteger intLeft, BigInteger intRight)
intLeft = intLeft.remainder(intRight);
return (intLeft.signum() < 0) ? intLeft.add(intRight.abs()) : intLeft;
protected long compute(long lLeft, long lRight)
lLeft %= lRight;
return (lLeft < 0) ? lLeft + Math.abs(lRight) : lLeft;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.MOD;
public final static IntrinsicFunction MOD0 = new IntegerBinaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected void verifyArgCount(int nArgCount)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
protected BigInteger compute(BigInteger intLeft, BigInteger intRight)
intLeft = intLeft.remainder(intRight);
intRight = intRight.abs();
BigInteger intDouble = intLeft.shiftLeft(1);
if (intDouble.compareTo(intRight) >= 0)
intLeft = intLeft.subtract(intRight);
else if (intDouble.compareTo(intRight.negate()) < 0)
intLeft = intLeft.add(intRight);
return intLeft;
protected long compute(long lLeft, long lRight)
lLeft %= lRight;
lRight = Math.abs(lRight);
long lDouble = lLeft << 1;
if (lDouble >= lRight)
lLeft -= lRight;
else if (lDouble < -lRight)
lLeft += lRight;
return lLeft;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.MOD0;
public final static IntrinsicFunction MODULO = new IntegerBinaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected void verifyArgCount(int nArgCount)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
protected BigInteger compute(BigInteger intLeft, BigInteger intRight)
intLeft = intLeft.remainder(intRight);
if (intLeft.signum() * intRight.signum() == -1)
intLeft = intLeft.add(intRight);
return intLeft;
protected long compute(long lLeft, long lRight)
lLeft = lLeft % lRight;
if (lLeft != 0 && (lLeft < 0) != (lRight < 0))
lLeft += lRight;
return lLeft;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.MODULO;
public final static IntrinsicFunction MUL = new NumericBinaryJavaIntrinsicFunction(Machine.MUL)
protected BinaryFunction getBinaryFunction(Primitive type)
return type.findMultiplicationFunction(type);
protected Object getNoArgResult()
return Primitive.ONE_INTEGER;
protected Object getOneArgResult(Object arg)
if (arg != null && !(arg instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return arg;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.MUL;
public final static IntrinsicFunction NAN_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
if (value == null)
return Boolean.FALSE;
if (value instanceof Float)
return Boolean.valueOf(Float.isNaN(((Float)value).floatValue()));
if (value instanceof Double)
return Boolean.valueOf(Double.isNaN(((Double)value).doubleValue()));
if (value instanceof Number)
return Boolean.FALSE;
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.NAN_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction NE = new ComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction(true, Machine.NE)
protected boolean nullCmp(boolean bLeftNull, boolean bRightNull)
return bLeftNull != bRightNull;
protected BinaryFunction getBinaryFunction(Primitive type)
return type.findNEFunction(type);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.NE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction NEGATIVE_P = new NumericUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(int n)
return Boolean.valueOf(n < 0);
protected Object invoke(long l)
return Boolean.valueOf(l < 0);
protected Object invoke(BigDecimal dec)
return Boolean.valueOf(dec.signum() < 0);
protected Object invoke(float f)
return Boolean.valueOf(f < 0);
protected Object invoke(double d)
return Boolean.valueOf(d < 0);
protected Object invokeNull()
return Boolean.FALSE;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.NEGATIVE_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction NEWLINE = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
Writer writer = getWriter(0, nArgCount, machine);
if (writer instanceof FormattingWriter)
catch (IOException e)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.io", e);
machine.returnValue(null, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.NEWLINE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction NOT = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Boolean.valueOf(value instanceof Boolean && !((Boolean)value).booleanValue());
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.NOT;
public final static IntrinsicFunction NOW = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 0);
machine.returnValue(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.NOW;
public final static IntrinsicFunction NULL_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Boolean.valueOf(value == null);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.NULL_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction NUMBER_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Boolean.valueOf(value instanceof Number);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.NUMBER_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction NUMBER_STRING = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1, 2);
Object num = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (!(num instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
int nRadix = 10;
if (nArgCount == 2)
Object radix = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (!(radix instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
nRadix = ((Number)radix).intValue();
if (nRadix < Character.MIN_RADIX || nRadix > Character.MAX_RADIX)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badRadix",
new Object[]{radix, getSymbol()});
if (nRadix != 10)
if (num instanceof Float || num instanceof Double ||
num instanceof BigDecimal && ((BigDecimal)num).scale() > 0)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badRadix",
new Object[]{radix, getSymbol()});
machine.returnValue(Long.toString(((Number)num).longValue(), nRadix), nArgCount);
return false;
String s = num.toString();
if (num instanceof BigDecimal)
BigDecimal dec = (BigDecimal)num;
if (dec.compareTo(MIN_LONG_DECIMAL) >= 0 && dec.compareTo(MAX_LONG_DECIMAL) <= 0)
s += "N";
machine.returnValue(s, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.NUMBER_STRING;
public final static IntrinsicFunction OBJECT; // Isolated
public final static IntrinsicFunction ODD_P = new NumericUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(int n)
return Boolean.valueOf((n & 1) != 0);
protected Object invoke(long l)
return Boolean.valueOf((l & 1) != 0);
protected Object invoke(BigDecimal dec)
BigDecimal r = dec.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);
return Boolean.valueOf(r.compareTo(dec) == 0 && r.toBigInteger().testBit(0));
protected Object invoke(float f)
double dblRem = Math.IEEEremainder(f, 2);
return Boolean.valueOf(dblRem == 1 || dblRem == -1);
protected Object invoke(double d)
double dblRem = Math.IEEEremainder(d, 2);
return Boolean.valueOf(dblRem == 1 || dblRem == -1);
protected Object invokeNull()
return Boolean.FALSE;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.ODD_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction OID = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyMinArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
Object[] values = new Object[nArgCount];
for (int i = 0; i < nArgCount; ++i)
Object value = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
if (value == null || Primitive.primitiveOf(value) == Primitive.ANY)
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
values[i] = value;
machine.returnValue(new OID(values), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.OID;
public final static IntrinsicFunction OPEN_INPUT_FILE = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
if (!(value instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return openReader((String)value);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.OPEN_INPUT_FILE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction OPEN_INPUT_STRING = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
if (!(value instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return new StringReader((String)value);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.OPEN_INPUT_STRING;
public final static IntrinsicFunction OPEN_OUTPUT_FILE = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
if (!(value instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return openWriter((String)value);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.OPEN_OUTPUT_FILE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction OPEN_OUTPUT_FORMATTER = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
FormattingWriter formatter;
if (nArgCount == 0)
formatter = createPrettyFormatter(null, false);
Object arg = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
formatter = createPrettyFormatter(
(Writer)arg, nArgCount == 6 && isTrue(machine.getArg(5, nArgCount)));
if (nArgCount > 1)
if ((arg = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount)) != null)
if (nArgCount > 2)
if ((arg = machine.getArg(2, nArgCount)) != null)
if (nArgCount > 3)
if ((arg = machine.getArg(3, nArgCount)) != null)
Integer value = (Integer)arg;
int nIndentation = value.intValue();
if (nIndentation <= 0)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.invalidIndentation", new Object[]{value});
if (nArgCount == 5 || nArgCount == 6)
if ((arg = machine.getArg(4, nArgCount)) != null)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 0, 6); // throw exception
catch (ClassCastException e)
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(formatter, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction OPEN_OUTPUT_STRING = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 0);
machine.returnValue(new StringWriter(), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction OUTPUT_PORT_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Boolean.valueOf(value instanceof Writer);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.OUTPUT_PORT_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction PAIR_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Boolean.valueOf(value instanceof Pair);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.PAIR_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction PEEK_CHAR = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
Reader reader = getReader(0, nArgCount, machine);
int ch = reader.read();
if (ch == -1)
machine.returnValue(Parser.EOF, nArgCount);
machine.returnValue(Primitive.createCharacter(ch), nArgCount);
catch (IOException e)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.io", e);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.PEEK_CHAR;
public final static IntrinsicFunction PLUS = new NumericBinaryJavaIntrinsicFunction(Machine.ADD)
protected BinaryFunction getBinaryFunction(Primitive type)
return type.findPlusFunction(type);
protected Object getNoArgResult()
return Primitive.ZERO_INTEGER;
protected Object getOneArgResult(Object arg)
if (arg != null && !(arg instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return arg;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.PLUS;
public final static IntrinsicFunction POSITIVE_P = new NumericUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(int n)
return Boolean.valueOf(n > 0);
protected Object invoke(long l)
return Boolean.valueOf(l > 0);
protected Object invoke(BigDecimal dec)
return Boolean.valueOf(dec.signum() > 0);
protected Object invoke(float f)
return Boolean.valueOf(f > 0);
protected Object invoke(double d)
return Boolean.valueOf(d > 0);
protected Object invokeNull()
return Boolean.FALSE;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.POSITIVE_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction PROCEDURE_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Boolean.valueOf(value instanceof Function);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.PROCEDURE_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction QUOTIENT = new IntegerBinaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected void verifyArgCount(int nArgCount)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
protected BigInteger compute(BigInteger intLeft, BigInteger intRight)
return intLeft.divide(intRight);
protected long compute(long lLeft, long lRight)
return lLeft / lRight;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.QUOTIENT;
public final static IntrinsicFunction RATIONAL_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Boolean.valueOf(value instanceof Number);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.RATIONAL_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction READ = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
Reader reader = getReader(0, nArgCount, machine);
machine.returnValue(new SchemeParser(machine.getGlobalEnvironment()).parse(reader, null), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.READ;
public final static IntrinsicFunction READ_CHAR = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
Reader reader = getReader(0, nArgCount, machine);
int ch = reader.read();
if (ch == -1)
machine.returnValue(Parser.EOF, nArgCount);
machine.returnValue(Primitive.createCharacter(ch), nArgCount);
catch (IOException e)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.io", e);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.READ_CHAR;
public final static IntrinsicFunction REAL_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Boolean.valueOf(value instanceof Number);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.REAL_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction REMAINDER = new IntegerBinaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected void verifyArgCount(int nArgCount)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
protected BigInteger compute(BigInteger intLeft, BigInteger intRight)
return intLeft.remainder(intRight);
protected long compute(long lLeft, long lRight)
return lLeft % lRight;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.REMAINDER;
public final static IntrinsicFunction REMOVE = new RemoveJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean match(Object obj1, Object obj2)
return equal(obj1, obj2);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.REMOVE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction REMQ = new RemoveJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean match(Object obj1, Object obj2)
return eq(obj1, obj2);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.REMQ;
public final static IntrinsicFunction REMV = new RemoveJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean match(Object obj1, Object obj2)
return eqv(obj1, obj2);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.REMV;
public final static IntrinsicFunction REVERSE = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object list)
Pair rev = null;
for (Pair pair; list != null; list = pair.getTail())
if (!(list instanceof Pair))
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badList",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
pair = (Pair)list;
rev = new Pair(pair.getHead(), rev);
return rev;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.REVERSE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction ROUND = new NumericUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(int n)
return Primitive.createInteger(n);
protected Object invoke(long l)
return Primitive.createLong(l);
protected Object invoke(BigDecimal dec)
return dec.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_EVEN);
protected Object invoke(float f)
return Primitive.createFloat((float)Math.rint(f));
protected Object invoke(double d)
return Primitive.createDouble(Math.rint(d));
protected Object invokeNull()
return null;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.ROUND;
public final static IntrinsicFunction SET_CAR = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object pair = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object value = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (!(pair instanceof Pair))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(value, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.SET_CAR;
public final static IntrinsicFunction SET_CDR = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object pair = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object value = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (!(pair instanceof Pair))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(value, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.SET_CDR;
public final static IntrinsicFunction SET_CURRENT_INPUT_PORT = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
Object obj = machine.getArg(0, 1);
if (obj != null && !(obj instanceof Reader))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(machine.getReader(), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction SET_CURRENT_OUTPUT_PORT = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
Object obj = machine.getArg(0, 1);
if (obj != null && !(obj instanceof Writer))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(machine.getWriter(), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction SIN = new SimpleNumericUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Primitive.createDouble(Math.sin(((Number)value).doubleValue()));
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.SIN;
public final static IntrinsicFunction SINT_LIST_BYTEVECTOR = new ListByteVectorConversionJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean isSigned()
return true;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction SQRT = new SimpleNumericUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Primitive.createDouble(Math.sqrt(((Number)value).doubleValue()));
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.SQRT;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(nArgCount);
for (int i = 0; i < nArgCount; ++i)
Object ch = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
if (!(ch instanceof Character))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(buf.toString(), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_AFFIX = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 3);
String sLeft = fix(machine.getArg(0, nArgCount));
String sSep = fix(machine.getArg(1, nArgCount));
String sRight = fix(machine.getArg(2, nArgCount));
String sResult;
if (sLeft.length() == 0)
sResult = sRight;
else if (sRight.length() == 0)
sResult = sLeft;
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(sLeft.length() + sSep.length() + sRight.length());
sResult = buf.toString();
machine.returnValue(sResult, nArgCount);
return false;
protected String fix(Object value) throws TypeMismatchException
if (value == null)
return "";
if (!(value instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return (String)value;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_AFFIX;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_APPEND = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
int nCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nArgCount; ++i)
Object str = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
if (str != null)
if (!(str instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
nCount += ((String)str).length();
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(nCount);
for (int i = 0; i < nArgCount; ++i)
Object str = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
if (str != null)
machine.returnValue(buf.toString(), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_APPEND;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_CI_EQ_P = new StringComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean cmp(String sLeft, String sRight)
if (sLeft == null)
return sRight == null;
if (sRight == null)
return false;
return sLeft.equalsIgnoreCase(sRight);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_CI_EQ_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_CI_GE_P = new StringComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean cmp(String sLeft, String sRight)
if (sLeft == null)
return sRight == null;
if (sRight == null)
return true;
return sLeft.compareToIgnoreCase(sRight) >= 0;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_CI_GE_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_CI_GT_P = new StringComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean cmp(String sLeft, String sRight)
if (sLeft == null)
return false;
if (sRight == null)
return true;
return sLeft.compareToIgnoreCase(sRight) > 0;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_CI_GT_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_CI_HASH = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public Object invoke(Object key)
if (key == null)
return Primitive.ZERO_INTEGER;
if (!(key instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
char charArray[] = ((String)key).toCharArray();
int nLength = charArray.length;
int nHash = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < nLength; i++)
nHash = 31 * nHash + Character.toUpperCase(charArray[i]);
return Primitive.createInteger(nHash);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_CI_HASH;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_CI_LE_P = new StringComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean cmp(String sLeft, String sRight)
if (sLeft == null)
return true;
if (sRight == null)
return false;
return sLeft.compareToIgnoreCase(sRight) <= 0;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_CI_LE_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_CI_LT_P = new StringComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean cmp(String sLeft, String sRight)
if (sLeft == null)
return sRight != null;
if (sRight == null)
return false;
return sLeft.compareToIgnoreCase(sRight) < 0;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_CI_LT_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_COPY = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object str)
if (str == null)
return str;
if (!(str instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return new String((String)str);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_COPY;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_DOWNCASE = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
Object str = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (str != null)
if (!(str instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
str = ((String)str).toLowerCase(machine.getContext().getLocale());
machine.returnValue(str, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_DOWNCASE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_EQ_P = new StringComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean cmp(String sLeft, String sRight)
if (sLeft == null)
return sRight == null;
if (sRight == null)
return false;
return sLeft.equals(sRight);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_EQ_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_EOL_EQ_P = new StringComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean cmp(String sLeft, String sRight)
return StringUtil.equalEOL(sLeft, sRight);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_EOL_EQ_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_EMPTY_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
if (value == null)
return Boolean.TRUE;
if (value instanceof String)
return Boolean.valueOf(((String)value).length() == 0);
return Boolean.FALSE;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_EMPTY_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_EXPAND = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, final Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object arg0 = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object arg1 = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (!(arg0 instanceof String) || !(arg1 instanceof Function))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
String str = (String)arg0;
final Function fun = (Function)arg1;
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(str.length());
SubstReader reader = new SubstReader(new StringReader(str))
protected String getValue(String sName) throws IOException
Object result = machine.invoke(fun, sName, (Object[])null);
if (result == null)
return "";
return Primitive.toString(result);
IOUtil.copy(writer, reader);
machine.returnValue(writer.toString(), nArgCount);
catch (IOException e)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.io", null, e);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_EXPAND;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_FOLDCASE = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
Object str = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (str != null)
if (!(str instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
Locale locale = machine.getContext().getLocale();
str = ((String)str).toUpperCase(locale).toLowerCase(locale);
machine.returnValue(str, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_FOLDCASE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_GE_P = new StringComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean cmp(String sLeft, String sRight)
if (sLeft == null)
return sRight == null;
if (sRight == null)
return true;
return sLeft.compareTo(sRight) >= 0;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_GE_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_GT_P = new StringComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean cmp(String sLeft, String sRight)
if (sLeft == null)
return false;
if (sRight == null)
return true;
return sLeft.compareTo(sRight) > 0;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_GT_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_HASH = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object key)
if (key == null)
return Primitive.ZERO_INTEGER;
if (key instanceof String)
return Primitive.createInteger(((String)key).hashCode());
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_HASH;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_JOIN = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, final Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1, 2);
String sSep;
if (nArgCount == 2)
Object sep = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (sep == null)
sSep = "";
else if (sep instanceof String)
sSep = (String)sep;
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
sSep = "";
Object arg = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (arg == null)
machine.returnValue("", nArgCount);
else if (arg instanceof Pair)
int nCount = 0;
for (Pair pair = (Pair)arg; pair != null; pair = pair.getNext())
nCount += getLength(pair.getHead());
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(nCount + Math.max(nCount - 1, 0) * sSep.length());
for (Pair pair = (Pair)arg; pair != null; pair = pair.getNext())
if (pair != arg)
if (pair.getHead() != null)
machine.returnValue(buf.toString(), nArgCount);
else if (arg instanceof Collection)
int nCount = 0;
for (Iterator itr = ((Collection)arg).iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
nCount += getLength(itr.next());
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(nCount + Math.max(nCount - 1, 0) * sSep.length());
boolean bFirst = true;
for (Iterator itr = ((Collection)arg).iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
String s = (String)itr.next();
if (bFirst)
bFirst = false;
if (s != null)
machine.returnValue(buf.toString(), nArgCount);
else if (arg.getClass().isArray())
int nCount = 0;
int n = Array.getLength(arg);
for (int i = 0; i != n; ++i)
nCount += getLength(Array.get(arg, i));
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(nCount + Math.max(nCount - 1, 0) * sSep.length());
for (int i = 0; i != n; ++i)
String s = (String)Array.get(arg, i);
if (i != 0)
if (s != null)
machine.returnValue(buf.toString(), nArgCount);
else if (arg instanceof Iterator)
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
boolean bFirst = true;
for (Iterator itr = (Iterator)arg; itr.hasNext();)
Object obj = itr.next();
if (bFirst)
bFirst = false;
if (obj != null)
if (obj instanceof String)
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(buf.toString(), nArgCount);
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return false;
protected int getLength(Object value)
if (value == null)
return 0;
if (value instanceof String)
return ((String)value).length();
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_JOIN;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_LENGTH = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object str)
if (!(str instanceof String))
if (str == null)
return null;
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return Primitive.createInteger(((String)str).length());
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_LENGTH;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_LE_P = new StringComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean cmp(String sLeft, String sRight)
if (sLeft == null)
return true;
if (sRight == null)
return false;
return sLeft.compareTo(sRight) <= 0;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_LE_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_LIST = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object str)
if (!(str instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
String s = (String)str;
Pair pair = null;
for (int i = s.length() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
pair = new Pair(Primitive.createCharacter(s.charAt(i)), pair);
return pair;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_LIST;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_LT_P = new StringComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean cmp(String sLeft, String sRight)
if (sLeft == null)
return sRight != null;
if (sRight == null)
return false;
return sLeft.compareTo(sRight) < 0;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_LT_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_MATCH = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object str = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (str == null)
machine.returnValue(Boolean.FALSE, nArgCount);
else if (str instanceof String)
Object regexp = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
Pattern pattern;
if (regexp instanceof Pattern)
pattern = (Pattern)regexp;
else if (regexp instanceof String)
pattern = Pattern.compile((String)regexp, PATTERN_FLAGS);
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher((String)str);
if (matcher.find())
int n = matcher.groupCount() + 1;
String[] matches = new String[n];
for (int i = 0; i != n; ++i)
matches[i] = matcher.group(i);
machine.returnValue(matches, nArgCount);
machine.returnValue(Boolean.FALSE, nArgCount);
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_MATCH;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_NUMBER = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1, 2);
Object str = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (!(str instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
int nRadix;
if (nArgCount == 2)
Object radix = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (!(radix instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
nRadix = ((Number)radix).intValue();
if (nRadix < Character.MIN_RADIX || nRadix > Character.MAX_RADIX)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badRadix",
new Object[]{radix, getSymbol()});
nRadix = 0;
machine.returnValue(new SchemeParser(machine.getGlobalEnvironment())
.parseNumber(new StringReader((String)str), nRadix), nArgCount);
catch (ParserException e)
machine.returnValue(Boolean.FALSE, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_NUMBER;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Boolean.valueOf(value instanceof String);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_PATTERN = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object str)
if (!(str instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return Pattern.compile((String)str, PATTERN_FLAGS);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_PATTERN;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_REF = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object str = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object index = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (!(str instanceof String) || !(index instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(Primitive.createCharacter(((String)str).charAt(((Number)index).intValue())), nArgCount);
catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badIndex", new Object[]{index}, e);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_REF;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_REPLACE = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 3, 4);
Object str = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object regexp = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
Object replacement = machine.getArg(2, nArgCount);
Pattern pattern;
if (regexp instanceof Pattern)
pattern = (Pattern)regexp;
else if (regexp instanceof String)
pattern = Pattern.compile((String)regexp, PATTERN_FLAGS);
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
if (replacement == null)
replacement = "";
else if (!(replacement instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
if (str == null)
machine.returnValue(null, nArgCount);
else if (str instanceof String)
String sText = (String)str;
String sReplacement = (String)replacement;
Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(sText);
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(sText.length());
boolean bAll = nArgCount < 4 || isTrue(machine.getArg(3, nArgCount));
for (boolean bFound = matcher.find(); bFound ; bFound = bAll && matcher.find())
matcher.appendReplacement(buf, sReplacement);
machine.returnValue(buf.toString(), nArgCount);
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_REPLACE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_SPLIT = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2, 3);
Object str = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object regexp = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
Pattern pattern;
if (regexp instanceof Pattern)
pattern = (Pattern)regexp;
else if (regexp instanceof String)
pattern = Pattern.compile((String)regexp, PATTERN_FLAGS);
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
int nLimit = 0;
if (nArgCount > 2)
Object limit = machine.getArg(2, nArgCount);
if (!(limit instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
nLimit = ((Number)limit).intValue();
if (str == null)
machine.returnValue(null, nArgCount);
else if (str instanceof String)
machine.returnValue(Pair.fromArray(pattern.split((String)str, nLimit)), nArgCount);
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_SPLIT;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_SYMBOL = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
Object value = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (value instanceof String)
machine.returnValue(Symbol.define((String)value), nArgCount);
return false;
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_SYMBOL;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_TITLECASE = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
Object str = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (str != null)
if (!(str instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
str = StringUtil.toTitleCase((String)str, machine.getContext().getLocale());
machine.returnValue(str, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_TRIM = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object str)
if (str == null)
return null;
if (!(str instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return ((String)str).trim();
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_TRIM;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_UPCASE = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
Object str = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (str != null)
if (!(str instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
str = ((String)str).toUpperCase(machine.getContext().getLocale());
machine.returnValue(str, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_UPCASE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_UTF16 = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1, 2);
Object str = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
byte[] nArray = EMPTY_BYTEARRAY;
if (str != null)
if (!(str instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
String sValue = (String)str;
if (sValue.length() != 0)
String sCharSet = "UTF-16BE";
if (nArgCount == 2)
Object endianness = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (endianness != Symbol.BIG)
if (endianness == Symbol.LITTLE)
sCharSet = "UTF-16LE";
else if (endianness instanceof Symbol)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.invalidEndianness", new Object[]{endianness, getSymbol().getName()});
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
nArray = sValue.getBytes(sCharSet);
catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
throw ObjUtil.rethrow(e);
machine.returnValue(nArray, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_UTF16;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_UTF32 = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1, 2);
Object str = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
byte[] nArray = EMPTY_BYTEARRAY;
if (str != null)
if (!(str instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
String sValue = (String)str;
if (sValue.length() != 0)
boolean bBigEndian = true;
if (nArgCount == 2)
Object endianness = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (endianness == Symbol.LITTLE)
bBigEndian = false;
else if (endianness != Symbol.BIG)
if (endianness instanceof Symbol)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.invalidEndianness", new Object[]{endianness, getSymbol().getName()});
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
nArray = BinaryUtil.getBytesUTF32(sValue, bBigEndian);
machine.returnValue(nArray, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_UTF32;
public final static IntrinsicFunction STRING_UTF8 = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object str)
if (str != null)
if (!(str instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
String sValue = (String)str;
if (sValue.length() != 0)
return sValue.getBytes("UTF-8");
catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
throw ObjUtil.rethrow(e);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.STRING_UTF8;
public final static IntrinsicFunction SUBSTRING = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 3);
Object index = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
Object end = machine.getArg(2, nArgCount);
if (!(index instanceof Number) || !(end instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
Object str = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (!(str instanceof String))
if (str == null)
machine.returnValue(null, nArgCount);
return false;
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
String s = (String)str;
int nLength = s.length();
machine.returnValue(s.substring(Math.min(((Number)index).intValue(), nLength),
Math.min(((Number)end).intValue(), nLength)), nArgCount);
catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
int nIndex = ((Number)index).intValue();
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badIndex",
new Object[]{(nIndex >= 0 && nIndex <= nLength) ? end : index}, e);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.SUBSTRING;
public final static IntrinsicFunction SYMBOL_EQ_P = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyMinArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object value = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (!(value instanceof Symbol))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
Symbol sym = (Symbol)value;
Boolean equal = Boolean.TRUE;
for (int i = 1; i < nArgCount; i++)
value = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
if (sym != value)
if (!(value instanceof Symbol))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
equal = Boolean.FALSE;
machine.returnValue(equal, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.SYMBOL_EQ_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction SYMBOL_HASH = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object key)
if (key == null)
return Primitive.ZERO_INTEGER;
if (key instanceof Symbol)
return Primitive.createInteger(((Symbol)key).hashCode());
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.SYMBOL_HASH;
public final static IntrinsicFunction SYMBOL_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Boolean.valueOf(value instanceof Symbol);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.SYMBOL_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction SYMBOL_STRING = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
if (value instanceof Symbol)
return ((Symbol)value).getName();
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.SYMBOL_STRING;
public final static IntrinsicFunction SYS_ASSERT = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
if (!isTrue(value))
throw new ScriptingException("err.assert");
return null;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.SYS_ASSERT;
public final static IntrinsicFunction SYS_AUDIT; // Isolated
public final static IntrinsicFunction SYS_CAST = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object type = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (!(type instanceof Type))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(((Type)type).convert(machine.getArg(1, nArgCount)), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.SYS_CAST;
public final static IntrinsicFunction SYS_CHECK_ACCESS; // Isolated
public final static IntrinsicFunction SYS_CHECK_PRIVILEGE = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
Context context = machine.getContext();
if (context.isSecure())
Object privilege = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (!(privilege instanceof PrimitivePrivilege))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
if (!context.getPrivilegeSet().contains((PrimitivePrivilege)privilege))
throw new SecurityViolationException("err.runtime.privilege",
new Object[]{((PrimitivePrivilege)privilege).getName()});
machine.returnValue(null, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction SYS_EQUAL_P = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Boolean.valueOf(ObjUtil.equal(machine.getArg(0, nArgCount), machine.getArg(1, nArgCount))),
return true;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.SYS_EQUAL_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction SYS_EQ_P = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Boolean.valueOf(machine.getArg(0, nArgCount) == machine.getArg(1, nArgCount)),
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.SYS_EQ_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction SYS_FINALIZE = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 0);
machine.apply(machine.popExceptionHandler(), 0);
return true;
public boolean isPCode()
return true;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.SYS_FINALIZE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction SYS_LOG = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyMinArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object logged = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object level = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
Logger logger;
if (logged instanceof LoggerHolder)
logger = ((LoggerHolder)logged).getLogger();
else if (logged == null)
logger = GlobalEnvironment.LOGGER;
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
if (!(level instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
int nLevel = ((Number)level).intValue();
boolean bEnabled = logger.isLevelEnabled(nLevel);
if (bEnabled && nArgCount > 2)
int nLastArg = nArgCount;
Object arg = machine.getArg(nArgCount - 1, nArgCount);
Throwable throwable = null;
if (arg instanceof Throwable)
throwable = (Throwable)arg;
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(128);
for (int i = 2; i < nLastArg; ++i)
if (i > 2)
sw.write(' ');
write(machine.getArg(i, nArgCount), sw, true);
catch (IOException e)
sw.write("I/O Error: " + ObjUtil.getMessage(e));
if (throwable == null)
logger.log(nLevel, sw.toString());
logger.log(nLevel, sw.toString(), throwable);
machine.returnValue(Boolean.valueOf(bEnabled), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.SYS_LOG;
public final static IntrinsicFunction SYS_LOG_LOCALIZED = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyMinArgCount(nArgCount, 3);
Object logged = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object level = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
Logger logger;
if (logged instanceof LoggerHolder)
logger = ((LoggerHolder)logged).getLogger();
else if (logged == null)
logger = GlobalEnvironment.LOGGER;
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
if (!(level instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
int nLevel = ((Number)level).intValue();
boolean bEnabled = logger.isLevelEnabled(nLevel);
if (bEnabled)
Object code = machine.getArg(2, nArgCount);
if (!(code instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
int nLastArg = nArgCount;
Object arg = machine.getArg(nArgCount - 1, nArgCount);
Throwable throwable = null;
if (arg instanceof Throwable)
throwable = (Throwable)arg;
Object args[] = new Object[nLastArg - 3];
for (int i = 3; i < nLastArg; ++i)
args[i - 3] = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
logger.log(nLevel, (String)code, args, throwable);
machine.returnValue(Boolean.valueOf(bEnabled), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.SYS_LOG_LOCALIZED;
public final static IntrinsicFunction SYS_RETURN_VALUES = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
Object arg = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (!(arg instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return machine.returnValues(((Number)arg).intValue());
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.SYS_RETURN_VALUES;
public final static IntrinsicFunction SYS_SET_BARRIER = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 0, 1);
Object cookie;
if (nArgCount == 0)
cookie = machine.createBarrier();
cookie = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
machine.returnValue(cookie, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.SYS_SET_BARRIER;
public final static IntrinsicFunction SYS_SET_DIRTY; // Isolated
public final static IntrinsicFunction SYS_SET_NEW; // Isolated
public final static IntrinsicFunction SYS_TRY = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 3, 4);
Object fun = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object handler = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
Object finalizer = machine.getArg(2, nArgCount);
if (!(fun instanceof PCodeFunction) ||
!(handler instanceof PCodeFunction) ||
!(finalizer instanceof PCodeFunction))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.setTry((PCodeFunction)fun, (PCodeFunction)handler, (PCodeFunction)finalizer,
nArgCount == 4 && isTrue(machine.getArg(3, nArgCount)));
return true;
public boolean isPCode()
return true;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.SYS_TRY;
public final static IntrinsicFunction SYS_TX_BEGIN; // Isolated
public final static IntrinsicFunction SYS_TX_COMMIT; // Isolated
public final static IntrinsicFunction SYS_TX_MANDATE; // Isolated
public final static IntrinsicFunction SYS_TX_MANDATE_NONE; // Isolated
public final static IntrinsicFunction SYS_TX_REQUIRE; // Isolated
public final static IntrinsicFunction SYS_TX_ROLLBACK; // Isolated
public final static IntrinsicFunction SYS_TX_SUSPEND; // Isolated
public final static IntrinsicFunction TAN = new SimpleNumericUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Primitive.createDouble(Math.tan(((Number)value).doubleValue()));
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.TAN;
public final static IntrinsicFunction THROW = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
Object e = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (e instanceof RuntimeException)
throw (RuntimeException)e;
if (e instanceof Throwable)
Throwable t = (Throwable)e;
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.exception",
new Object[]{ObjUtil.getMessage(t)}, t);
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.THROW;
public final static IntrinsicFunction TIMESTAMP_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Boolean.valueOf(value instanceof Timestamp);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.TIMESTAMP_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction TRUNCATE = new NumericUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(int n)
return Primitive.createInteger(n);
protected Object invoke(long l)
return Primitive.createLong(l);
protected Object invoke(BigDecimal dec)
return dec.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN);
protected Object invoke(float f)
return Primitive.createFloat((float)((f < 0) ? Math.ceil(f) : Math.floor(f)));
protected Object invoke(double d)
return Primitive.createDouble((d < 0) ? Math.ceil(d) : Math.floor(d));
protected Object invokeNull()
return null;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.TRUNCATE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction U8_LIST_BYTEVECTOR = new ByteVectorJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
Object head = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Pair pair;
int nLength = 0;
for (Object current = head; current != null; current = pair.getTail())
if (!(current instanceof Pair))
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badList", new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
pair = (Pair)current;
Object value = pair.getHead();
if (!(value instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
if (nLength == 0)
machine.returnValue(EMPTY_BYTEARRAY, nArgCount);
byte[] nArray = new byte[nLength];
pair = (Pair)head;
for (int i = 0; i < nLength; i++)
nArray[i] = ((Number)pair.getHead()).byteValue();
pair = pair.getNext();
machine.returnValue(nArray, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.U8_LIST_BYTEVECTOR;
public final static IntrinsicFunction UINT_LIST_BYTEVECTOR = new ListByteVectorConversionJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected boolean isSigned()
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
public final static IntrinsicFunction UTF16_STRING = new StringByteVectorConversionJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.StringByteVectorConversionJavaIntrinsicFunction#byteArrayToString(byte[], int, boolean)
protected String byteArrayToString(byte[] nArray, int nStartIndex, boolean bBigEndian)
return new String(nArray, nStartIndex, nArray.length - nStartIndex,
(bBigEndian) ? "UTF-16BE" : "UTF-16LE");
catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
throw ObjUtil.rethrow(e);
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.StringByteVectorConversionJavaIntrinsicFunction#getBigEndianByteOrderMark()
protected byte[] getBigEndianByteOrderMark()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.StringByteVectorConversionJavaIntrinsicFunction#getLittleEndianByteOrderMark()
protected byte[] getLittleEndianByteOrderMark()
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.UTF16_STRING;
public final static IntrinsicFunction UTF32_STRING = new StringByteVectorConversionJavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.StringByteVectorConversionJavaIntrinsicFunction#byteArrayToString(byte[], int, boolean)
protected String byteArrayToString(byte[] nArray, int i, boolean bBigEndian)
return BinaryUtil.getStringUTF32(nArray, i, nArray.length, bBigEndian);
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.StringByteVectorConversionJavaIntrinsicFunction#getBigEndianByteOrderMark()
protected byte[] getBigEndianByteOrderMark()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.StringByteVectorConversionJavaIntrinsicFunction#getLittleEndianByteOrderMark()
protected byte[] getLittleEndianByteOrderMark()
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.UTF32_STRING;
public final static IntrinsicFunction UTF8_STRING = new ByteVectorJavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
machine.returnValue(new String(getByteVectorArg(0, nArgCount, machine), "UTF-8"), nArgCount);
catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e)
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.UTF8_STRING;
public final static IntrinsicFunction VALUES = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
return machine.returnValues(nArgCount);
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.VALUES;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Intrinsic.JavaIntrinsicFunction#generate(nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.PCodeBuffer, nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.CallInstruction)
public boolean generate(PCodeBuffer buf, CallInstruction instr)
if (!instr.isLast())
int n = instr.getArgCount();
if (n == 0)
throw new CompilerException("err.scripting.minRetCount",
new Object[]{Primitive.ONE_INTEGER, Primitive.ZERO_INTEGER},
null, instr.getTextPos());
while (--n != 0)
return true;
return false;
public final static IntrinsicFunction VECTOR = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
Object[] vec = new Object[nArgCount];
for (int i = 0; i < nArgCount; ++i)
vec[i] = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
machine.returnValue(vec, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.VECTOR;
public final static IntrinsicFunction VECTOR_APPEND = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
if (nArgCount == 0)
machine.returnValue(EMPTY_ARRAY, nArgCount);
Object arg = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (arg instanceof Collection)
Collection col;
if (arg instanceof Cloneable)
col = (Collection)arg.getClass().getDeclaredMethod("clone", null).invoke(arg, null);
catch (Exception e)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.clone", e);
col = new ArrayList((Collection)arg);
for (int i = 1; i != nArgCount; ++i)
arg = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
if (arg != null)
if (arg instanceof Collection)
else if (arg.getClass().isArray())
for (int k = 0, n = Array.getLength(arg); k != n; ++k)
col.add(Array.get(arg, k));
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(col, nArgCount);
else if (arg == null || arg.getClass().isArray())
int nCount = 0;
for (int i = 0; i != nArgCount; ++i)
arg = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
if (arg != null)
if (arg.getClass().isArray())
nCount += Array.getLength(arg);
else if (arg instanceof Collection)
nCount += ((Collection)arg).size();
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
Object[] vec = new Object[nCount];
int nOfs = 0;
for (int i = 0; i != nArgCount; ++i)
arg = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
if (arg instanceof Collection)
for (Iterator itr = ((Collection)arg).iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
vec[nOfs++] = itr.next();
else if (arg != null)
for (int k = 0, n = Array.getLength(arg); k != n; ++k)
vec[nOfs++] = Array.get(arg, k);
machine.returnValue(vec, nArgCount);
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.VECTOR_APPEND;
public final static IntrinsicFunction VECTOR_FILL = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object vec = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object obj = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (vec != null)
if (vec.getClass().isArray())
for (int i = 0; i < Array.getLength(vec); i++)
Array.set(vec, i, obj);
else if (vec instanceof List)
List list = (List)vec;
for (int i = 0, nCount = list.size(); i < nCount; i++)
list.set(i, obj);
else if (vec instanceof Collection)
Collection col = (Collection)vec;
int nCount = col.size();
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(vec, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.VECTOR_FILL;
public final static IntrinsicFunction VECTOR_LENGTH = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object vec)
if (vec != null)
if (vec.getClass().isArray())
return Primitive.createInteger(Array.getLength(vec));
if (vec instanceof Collection)
return Primitive.createInteger(((Collection)vec).size());
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.VECTOR_LENGTH;
public final static IntrinsicFunction VECTOR_LIST = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object vec)
if (vec == null)
return null;
if (vec.getClass().isArray())
Pair pair = null;
for (int i = Array.getLength(vec) - 1; i >= 0; --i)
pair = new Pair(Array.get(vec, i), pair);
return pair;
if (vec instanceof List)
Pair pair = null;
List list = (List)vec;
for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i)
pair = new Pair(list.get(i), pair);
return pair;
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.VECTOR_LIST;
public final static IntrinsicFunction VECTOR_P = new UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(Object value)
return Boolean.valueOf(value != null &&
(value.getClass().isArray() || value instanceof List));
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.VECTOR_P;
public final static IntrinsicFunction VECTOR_REF = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object vec = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object index = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (vec != null && index instanceof Number)
if (vec.getClass().isArray())
machine.returnValue(Array.get(vec, ((Number)index).intValue()), nArgCount);
return false;
if (vec instanceof List)
machine.returnValue(((List)vec).get(((Number)index).intValue()), nArgCount);
return false;
catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badIndex", new Object[]{index}, e);
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.VECTOR_REF;
public final static IntrinsicFunction VECTOR_SET = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 3);
Object vec = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object index = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
Object value = machine.getArg(2, nArgCount);
if (vec != null && index instanceof Number)
if (vec.getClass().isArray())
Array.set(vec, ((Number)index).intValue(), value);
machine.returnValue(value, nArgCount);
return false;
if (vec instanceof List)
((List)vec).set(((Number)index).intValue(), value);
machine.returnValue(value, nArgCount);
return false;
catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badIndex", new Object[]{index}, e);
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.VECTOR_SET;
public final static IntrinsicFunction VECTOR_SORT = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, final Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object col = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object less = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (!(less instanceof Function))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
final Function fun = (Function)less;
Comparator cmp = new Comparator()
public int compare(Object left, Object right)
return (isTrue(machine.invoke(fun, left, right, null))) ? -1 : 1;
if (col instanceof Sortable)
else if (col instanceof List)
Collections.sort((List)col, cmp);
else if (col instanceof Object[])
Arrays.sort((Object[])col, cmp);
else if (col != null)
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(col, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.VECTOR_SORT;
public final static IntrinsicFunction WRITE = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
Writer writer = getWriter(1, nArgCount, machine);
write(machine.getArg(0, nArgCount), writer, false);
catch (IOException e)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.io", e);
machine.returnValue(null, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.WRITE;
public final static IntrinsicFunction WRITE_CHAR = new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
Writer writer = getWriter(1, nArgCount, machine);
Object ch = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (!(ch instanceof Character))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
catch (IOException e)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.io", e);
machine.returnValue(null, nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.WRITE_CHAR;
public final static IntrinsicFunction ZERO_P = new NumericUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
protected Object invoke(int n)
return Boolean.valueOf(n == 0);
protected Object invoke(long l)
return Boolean.valueOf(l == 0);
protected Object invoke(BigDecimal dec)
return Boolean.valueOf(dec.signum() == 0);
protected Object invoke(float f)
return Boolean.valueOf(f == 0);
protected Object invoke(double d)
return Boolean.valueOf(d == 0);
protected Object invokeNull()
return Boolean.FALSE;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.ZERO_P;
IsolatedFunctions functions;
functions = (IsolatedFunctions)Class.forName("nexj.core.scripting.ServerFunctions").newInstance();
catch (ClassNotFoundException e1)
functions = (IsolatedFunctions)Class.forName("nexj.core.scripting.ClientFunctions").newInstance();
catch (ClassNotFoundException e2)
functions = new IsolatedFunctions();
catch (Exception e)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.exception", new Object[]{ObjUtil.getMessage(e)});
IN_PRIVILEGE_P = functions.getInPrivilegePFunction();
INSTANCE = functions.getInstanceFunction();
INSTANCE_COLLECTION = functions.getInstanceCollectionFunction();
INSTANCE_COLLECTION_P = functions.getInstanceCollectionPFunction();
SYS_AUDIT = functions.getSysAuditFunction();
SYS_CHECK_ACCESS = functions.getSysCheckAccessFunction();
SYS_SET_DIRTY = functions.getSysSetDirtyFunction();
SYS_SET_NEW = functions.getSysSetNewFunction();
SYS_TX_BEGIN = functions.getSysTxBeginFunction();
SYS_TX_COMMIT = functions.getSysTxCommitFunction();
SYS_TX_MANDATE = functions.getSysTxMandateFunction();
SYS_TX_MANDATE_NONE = functions.getSysTxMandateNoneFunction();
SYS_TX_REQUIRE = functions.getSysTxRequireFunction();
SYS_TX_ROLLBACK = functions.getSysTxRollbackFunction();
SYS_TX_SUSPEND = functions.getSysTxSuspendFunction();
OBJECT = functions.getObjectFunction();
INSTANCE_P = functions.getInstancePFunction();
* Array containing the intrinsic functions, indexed by their ordinal number.
protected final static IntrinsicFunction[] s_functionArray =
SYS_FINALIZE, // Must be at index 0
THROW, // Must be at index 1
APPLY, // Must be at index 2
SYS_RETURN_VALUES, // Must be at index 3
* Map of intrinsic function symbols to implementations: IntrinsicFunction[Symbol].
protected final static Lookup s_functionMap = new HashTab(s_functionArray.length);
* Map of intrinsic function implementations to ordinal numbers: Integer[IntrinsicFunction].
protected final static Lookup s_ordinalMap = new HashTab(s_functionArray.length);
for (int i = 0; i < s_functionArray.length; ++i)
IntrinsicFunction f = s_functionArray[i];
if (f.getSymbol() != null)
s_functionMap.put(f.getSymbol(), f);
s_ordinalMap.put(f, Primitive.createInteger(i));
// constructors
* Prevents construction.
protected Intrinsic()
// operations
* Gets an intrinsic function by ordinal number.
* @param nOrdinal The function ordinal number.
* @return The intrinsic function.
public static IntrinsicFunction getFunction(int nOrdinal)
return s_functionArray[nOrdinal];
* Finds an intrinsic function by symbol.
* @param symbol The function symbol.
* @return The intrinsic function, or null if not found.
public static IntrinsicFunction findFunction(Symbol symbol)
return (IntrinsicFunction)s_functionMap.get(symbol);
* Gets an intrinsic function ordinal number.
* @param fun The intrinsic function.
* @return The function ordinal number.
public static int getOrdinal(IntrinsicFunction fun)
Object ordinal = s_ordinalMap.get(fun);
if (ordinal == null)
return -1;
return ((Integer)ordinal).intValue();
* @return The intrinsic function iterator.
public static Iterator getFunctionIterator()
return s_ordinalMap.iterator();
* Determines if a value is an integer (including non-integer types holding an integer).
* @param value The value to check.
* @return True if the value is integer.
public static boolean isInteger(Object value)
if (value instanceof BigDecimal)
BigDecimal dec = (BigDecimal)value;
return dec.compareTo(dec.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN)) == 0;
if (value instanceof Float || value instanceof Double)
double d = ((Number)value).doubleValue();
return Math.rint(d) == d;
return value instanceof Number;
* Determines if the value is true as defined by the R4RS.
* @param value The value to test.
* @return True if the value is not the boolean #f.
public static boolean isTrue(Object value)
if (value instanceof Boolean)
return ((Boolean)value).booleanValue();
return true;
* Compares two objects for eq? equivalence.
* @param obj1 The left object.
* @param obj2 The right object.
* @return True if the objects are eq? equivalent.
public static boolean eq(Object obj1, Object obj2)
return (obj1 == obj2 || obj1 instanceof Boolean && obj1.equals(obj2));
* Compares two objects for eqv? equivalence.
* @param obj1 The left object.
* @param obj2 The right object.
* @return True if the objects are eqv? equivalent.
public static boolean eqv(Object obj1, Object obj2)
if (obj1 == obj2)
return true;
if (obj1 instanceof Number)
if (obj2 instanceof Number)
if (obj1 instanceof BigDecimal)
if (obj2 instanceof BigDecimal)
BigDecimal dec1 = (BigDecimal)obj1;
BigDecimal dec2 = (BigDecimal)obj2;
return (dec1.scale() < Primitive.MAX_SCALE) == (dec2.scale() < Primitive.MAX_SCALE) &&
dec1.compareTo(dec2) == 0;
if (obj2 instanceof Float || obj2 instanceof Double)
BigDecimal dec1 = (BigDecimal)obj1;
return dec1.scale() >= Primitive.MAX_SCALE && dec1.doubleValue() == ((Number)obj2).doubleValue();
BigDecimal dec = (BigDecimal)obj1;
return dec.scale() < Primitive.MAX_SCALE &&
dec.compareTo(BigDecimal.valueOf(((Number)obj2).longValue())) == 0;
if (obj1 instanceof Float || obj1 instanceof Double)
if (obj2 instanceof Float || obj2 instanceof Double)
return ((Number)obj1).doubleValue() == ((Number)obj2).doubleValue();
if (obj2 instanceof BigDecimal)
BigDecimal dec2 = (BigDecimal)obj2;
return dec2.scale() >= Primitive.MAX_SCALE && dec2.doubleValue() == ((Number)obj1).doubleValue();
return false;
if (obj2 instanceof BigDecimal)
BigDecimal dec = (BigDecimal)obj2;
return dec.scale() < Primitive.MAX_SCALE &&
dec.compareTo(BigDecimal.valueOf(((Number)obj1).longValue())) == 0;
if (obj2 instanceof Float || obj2 instanceof Double)
return false;
return ((Number)obj1).longValue() == ((Number)obj2).longValue();
else if (obj1 instanceof Boolean || obj1 instanceof Character || obj1 instanceof Timestamp)
return obj1.equals(obj2);
return false;
* Compares two objects for equal? equivalence.
* @param obj1 The left object.
* @param obj2 The right object.
* @return True if the objects are equal? equivalent.
public static boolean equal(Object obj1, Object obj2)
if (obj1 == obj2)
return true;
if (obj1 instanceof Number)
if (obj2 instanceof Number)
if (obj1 instanceof BigDecimal)
if (obj2 instanceof BigDecimal)
BigDecimal dec1 = (BigDecimal)obj1;
BigDecimal dec2 = (BigDecimal)obj2;
return (dec1.scale() < Primitive.MAX_SCALE) == (dec2.scale() < Primitive.MAX_SCALE) &&
dec1.compareTo(dec2) == 0;
if (obj2 instanceof Float || obj2 instanceof Double)
BigDecimal dec1 = (BigDecimal)obj1;
return dec1.scale() >= Primitive.MAX_SCALE && dec1.doubleValue() == ((Number)obj2).doubleValue();
BigDecimal dec = (BigDecimal)obj1;
return dec.scale() < Primitive.MAX_SCALE &&
dec.compareTo(BigDecimal.valueOf(((Number)obj2).longValue())) == 0;
if (obj1 instanceof Float || obj1 instanceof Double)
if (obj2 instanceof Float || obj2 instanceof Double)
return ((Number)obj1).doubleValue() == ((Number)obj2).doubleValue();
if (obj2 instanceof BigDecimal)
BigDecimal dec2 = (BigDecimal)obj2;
return dec2.scale() >= Primitive.MAX_SCALE && dec2.doubleValue() == ((Number)obj1).doubleValue();
return false;
if (obj2 instanceof BigDecimal)
BigDecimal dec = (BigDecimal)obj2;
return dec.scale() < Primitive.MAX_SCALE &&
dec.compareTo(BigDecimal.valueOf(((Number)obj1).longValue())) == 0;
if (obj2 instanceof Float || obj2 instanceof Double)
return false;
return ((Number)obj1).longValue() == ((Number)obj2).longValue();
else if (obj1 instanceof Pair)
if (obj2 instanceof Pair)
Pair pair1 = (Pair)obj1;
Pair pair2 = (Pair)obj2;
for (;;)
if (!equal(pair1.getHead(), pair2.getHead()))
return false;
obj1 = pair1.getTail();
obj2 = pair2.getTail();
if (obj1 instanceof Pair && obj2 instanceof Pair)
pair1 = (Pair)obj1;
pair2 = (Pair)obj2;
return equal(obj1, obj2);
else if (obj1 != null && obj2 != null)
if (obj1.getClass().isArray())
if (obj2.getClass().isArray())
int nCount = Array.getLength(obj1);
if (Array.getLength(obj2) != nCount)
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i)
if (!equal(Array.get(obj1, i), Array.get(obj2, i)))
return false;
return true;
return obj1.equals(obj2);
return false;
* Opens a character stream reader on a given URL.
* @param sURL The URL or file name to open.
* @return The character stream reader.
* @throws ScriptingException if the stream cannot be opened.
public static Reader openReader(String sURL) throws ScriptingException
InputStream istream;
if (URLUtil.isURL(sURL))
istream = URLUtil.openStream(new URL(sURL));
istream = new FileInputStream(sURL);
return new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(istream, IOUtil.ENCODING));
catch (IOException e)
if (e instanceof FileNotFoundException || e instanceof MalformedURLException)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.fileNotFound", new Object[]{sURL}, e);
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.io", null, e);
* Opens a character stream writer on a given URL.
* @param sURL The URL or file name to open.
* @return The character stream writer.
* @throws ScriptingException if the stream cannot be opened.
public static Writer openWriter(String sURL) throws ScriptingException
OutputStream ostream;
if (URLUtil.isURL(sURL))
// Open using caching/etc. provided by Java library
URLConnection con = new URL(sURL).openConnection();
if (con instanceof HttpURLConnection)
ostream = con.getOutputStream();
ostream = new FileOutputStream(sURL);
return new OutputStreamWriter(new BufferedOutputStream(ostream), IOUtil.ENCODING);
catch (IOException e)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.io", null, e);
* Loads Scheme expressions from the specified character stream.
* @param reader The character stream reader.
* @param sURL The scripting URL of the file being loaded. Can be null.
* @param machine The VM where to execute the code.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
* @throws ParserException, CompilerException, or ScriptingException,
* if the loading fails.
public static void load(Reader reader, String sURL, Machine machine)
throws IOException, ParserException, CompilerException, ScriptingException
GlobalEnvironment env = machine.getGlobalEnvironment();
Parser parser = new SchemeParser(env);
Compiler compiler = new Compiler();
Lookup posMapSaved = env.getTextPositionMap();
Lookup posMap = new IdentityHashTab();
if (!reader.markSupported())
reader = new BufferedReader(reader);
reader = new TextPositionReader(reader, (sURL == null) ? "<reader>" : sURL);
for (;;)
Object expr = parser.parse(reader, posMap);
if (expr == Parser.EOF)
machine.invoke(compiler.compile(expr, posMap, machine, true), (Pair)null);
* Loads Scheme expressions from a file found by the class loader.
* @param sURL The scripting URL of the file being loaded. Can be null.
* @param sClassPathResource The path in the class path to get the resource from
* @param machine The VM where the code is to be executed.
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs.
* @throws ParserException, CompilerException, or ScriptingException,
* if the loading fails.
public static void load(String sURL, String sClassPathResource, Machine machine) throws IOException
InputStream istream = null;
Reader reader = null;
istream = URLUtil.openResource(Intrinsic.class, sClassPathResource);
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(istream, IOUtil.ENCODING));
load(reader, sURL, machine);
* Loads Scheme expressions from the specified file and executes them sequentially.
* Wraps IO exceptions in scripting exceptions.
* @param sFileName The source file name.
* @param machine The VM where code is to be executed.
* @throws ParserException, CompilerException, or ScriptingException,
* if the loading fails.
public static void load(String sFileName, Machine machine)
throws ParserException, CompilerException, ScriptingException
Reader reader = null;
reader = openReader(sFileName);
load(reader, sFileName, machine);
catch (IOException e)
if (e instanceof FileNotFoundException || e instanceof MalformedURLException)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.fileNotFound", new Object[]{sFileName}, e);
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.io", null, e);
* Deletes the file or directory denoted by the given pathname or URL.
* A directory must be empty to be deleted successfully.
* @param str The pathname or URL of the file or directory to delete.
* @return True if the file or directory is successfully deleted.
public static void deleteFile(String str) throws ScriptingException
URL url = URLUtil.getURL(str);
File file;
if (url == null)
file = new File(str);
file = URLUtil.fileFromURL(url);
if (file == null || !file.delete())
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.fileDeletionFailed", new Object[]{str});
catch (SecurityException e)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.fileSystemOpFailed", new Object[]{str}, e);
* Returns true if the file or directory denoted by the given pathname or URL exists.
* @param str The pathname or URL of the file or directory.
* @return True if the file or directory denoted by the given pathname or URL exists.
public static boolean fileExists(String str)
URL url = URLUtil.getURL(str);
File file;
if (url == null)
file = new File(str);
file = URLUtil.fileFromURL(url);
return file != null && file.exists();
catch (SecurityException e)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.fileSystemOpFailed", new Object[]{str}, e);
* If the argument is the pathname of an existing directory, returns all the files
* and directories contained in this directory as abstract pathnames or URL strings,
* depending on the type of the argument; otherwise returns null.
* @param sDir The pathname or URL of the file or directory.
* @return The pathnames or URLs (depending on the type of the argument string)
* of the files or directories contained in this directory, or null if the argument
* does not denote a directory.
public static Object[] listFiles(String sDir)
URL url = URLUtil.getURL(sDir);
if (url == null)
return new File(sDir).list();
Collection col = new ArrayList();
URLUtil.addResourceNames(col, url, "", false);
return col.toArray();
catch (SecurityException e)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.fileSystemOpFailed", new Object[]{sDir}, e);
catch (MalformedURLException e)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.fileSystemOpFailed", new Object[]{sDir}, e);
catch (IOException e)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.fileSystemOpFailed", new Object[]{sDir}, e);
* Creates a pretty formatter for Scheme expressions, using the given argument
* as the underlying writer.
* @param writer The underlying writer. May be null.
* @param bLineSepEnabled True to automatically add a line break separator between code units.
* @return A pretty formatter for Scheme expressions.
public static FormattingWriter createPrettyFormatter(Writer writer, boolean bLineSepEnabled)
if (writer == null)
writer = new StringWriter(256);
else if (writer instanceof PrettyWriter)
return (PrettyWriter)writer;
else if (writer instanceof FormattingWriter)
writer = ((FormattingWriter)writer).getWriter();
return new PrettyWriter(writer, bLineSepEnabled);
* Writes an S-expression to an output character stream.
* @param expr The S-expression to write.
* @param writer The character stream writer.
* @param bDisplay True to display strings without quotes and number without suffixes.
* @throws IOException in an I/O error occurs.
public static void write(Object expr, Writer writer, boolean bDisplay) throws IOException
if (writer instanceof FormattingWriter)
((FormattingWriter)writer).formatUnit(expr, bDisplay);
(new FormattingWriter(writer, false)).formatUnit(expr, bDisplay);
* Converts an S-expression to string.
* @param expr The S-expression to convert.
* @return The resulting string.
public static String toString(Object expr)
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(128);
write(expr, writer, false);
catch (IOException e)
return writer.toString();
* Finds the greatest common divisor of two long numbers.
* @param x The first number.
* @param y The second number.
* @return The greatest common divisor.
public static long gcd(long x, long y)
for (;;)
if (x == 0)
return y;
long l = x;
x = y % x;
y = l;
* Verifies that certain number of arguments is passed.
* @param nArgCount The argument count.
* @param nReqCount The required count.
* @param sName The function name.
* @throws ScriptingException if the argument count is outside the allowed range.
public static void verifyArgCount(int nArgCount, int nReqCount, String sName) throws ScriptingException
if (nArgCount != nReqCount)
throw new ScriptingException(
(nArgCount < nReqCount) ? "err.scripting.minArgCount" : "err.scripting.maxArgCount",
new Object[]{sName,
* Sets the coerced type for a given combination of arguments.
* @param array The destination array.
* @param left The left argument type.
* @param right The right argument type.
* @param result The result type.
private static void setCoercedType(Primitive[] array, Primitive left, Primitive right, Primitive result)
array[left.getOrdinal() * Primitive.MAX_COUNT + right.getOrdinal()] = result;
if (left != right)
array[right.getOrdinal() * Primitive.MAX_COUNT + left.getOrdinal()] = result;
* Gets an iterator for the given collection, iteratable, array, or Pair.
* @param value The collection to iterate.
* @return The iterator; null if no iterator can be created.
public static Iterator getIterator(Object value)
if (value == null)
return EmptyIterator.getInstance();
if (value instanceof Collection)
return ((Collection)value).iterator();
if (value instanceof Iterator)
return (Iterator)value;
if (value instanceof Iteratable)
return ((Iteratable)value).iterator();
if (value.getClass().isArray())
return new ArrayIterator(value);
if (value instanceof Pair)
return Pair.getIterator((Pair)value);
return null;
// inner classes
* Implementation class for p-code intrinsic functions.
public static class PCodeIntrinsicFunction extends PCodeFunction implements IntrinsicFunction
// constants
* Serialization version.
private final static long serialVersionUID = 7465665023711497202L;
// associations
* The function symbol.
private Symbol m_symbol;
// constructors
* Constructs the p-code function.
* @param symbol The function symbol.
* @param code The p-code array.
* @param constants The constant array.
* @param frame The closure frame.
public PCodeIntrinsicFunction(Symbol symbol, char[] code, Object[] constants, Object[] frame)
super(code, constants, frame);
m_symbol = symbol;
// operations
* @see nexj.core.scripting.IntrinsicFunction#getSymbol()
public Symbol getSymbol()
return m_symbol;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.IntrinsicFunction#isPCode()
public boolean isPCode()
return true;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.IntrinsicFunction#generate(nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.PCodeBuffer, nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.CallInstruction)
public boolean generate(Compiler.PCodeBuffer buf, Compiler.CallInstruction instr)
return false;
* Base class for Java intrinsic functions.
public abstract static class JavaIntrinsicFunction implements IntrinsicFunction
// operations
* @see nexj.core.scripting.IntrinsicFunction#isPCode()
public boolean isPCode()
return false;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.IntrinsicFunction#generate(nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.PCodeBuffer, nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.CallInstruction)
public boolean generate(Compiler.PCodeBuffer buf, Compiler.CallInstruction instr)
return false;
* Verifies that the argument count is within the allowed range.
* @param nArgCount The argument count.
* @param nMinCount The minimum allowed count.
* @param nMaxCount The maximum allowed count.
* @throws ScriptingException if the argument count is outside the allowed range.
protected final void verifyArgCount(int nArgCount, int nMinCount, int nMaxCount) throws ScriptingException
if (nArgCount < nMinCount)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.minArgCount",
new Object[]{getSymbol().toString(),
else if (nArgCount > nMaxCount)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.maxArgCount",
new Object[]{getSymbol().toString(),
* Verifies that certain number of arguments is passed.
* @param nArgCount The argument count.
* @param nReqCount The required count.
* @throws ScriptingException if the argument count is outside the allowed range.
protected final void verifyArgCount(int nArgCount, int nReqCount) throws ScriptingException
if (nArgCount != nReqCount)
throw new ScriptingException(
(nArgCount < nReqCount) ? "err.scripting.minArgCount" : "err.scripting.maxArgCount",
new Object[]{getSymbol().toString(),
* Verifies that at least a certain number of arguments is supplied.
* @param nArgCount The argument count.
* @param nMinCount The minimum allowed count.
* @throws ScriptingException if the argument count is outside the allowed range.
protected final void verifyMinArgCount(int nArgCount, int nMinCount) throws ScriptingException
if (nArgCount < nMinCount)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.minArgCount",
new Object[]{getSymbol().toString(),
* Verifies that the supplied index is non-negative.
* @param nIndex The index.
* @throws ScriptingException if the index is negative.
protected final void verifyIndex(int nIndex) throws ScriptingException
if (nIndex < 0)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.negativeIndex",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
* Verifies that the supplied index is within bounds.
* @param nIndex The index.
* @param nLength The length of the referenced array or vector.
* @throws ScriptingException if the index is out of bounds.
protected final void verifyIndex(int nIndex, int nLength) throws ScriptingException
if (nIndex >= nLength)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badIndex",
new Object[]{Primitive.createInteger(nIndex)});
* Verifies that the supplied index range is valid.
* @param nStartIndex The start index (inclusive).
* @param nEndIndex The end index (exclusive).
* @throws ScriptingException if either of the indices is negative, or if
* the start index is greater than the end index.
protected final void verifyIndexRange(int nStartIndex, int nEndIndex) throws ScriptingException
if (nStartIndex > nEndIndex)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.invalidIndexRange",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
* Verifies that the supplied index range is valid.
* @param nStartIndex The start index.
* @param nCount The number of elements in the index range.
* @param nLength The length of the referenced array or vector. Assumed to be non-negative.
* @throws ScriptingException if nStartIndex is negative, or if nCount is negative,
* or if the index range goes out of bound.
protected final void verifyIndexRange(int nStartIndex, int nCount, int nLength) throws ScriptingException
if (nStartIndex + nCount > nLength || nCount < 0)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.invalidIndexRange",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
* Gets the coerced type for a given combination of argument types.
* @param left The left argument type.
* @param right The right argument type.
* @return The coerced type.
* @throws TypeMismatchException if the coercion is not supported.
protected Primitive getCoercedType(Primitive left, Primitive right)
Primitive type = COERCION_ARRAY[left.getOrdinal() * Primitive.MAX_COUNT + right.getOrdinal()];
if (type == null)
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return type;
* Gets the character stream reader from the last argument.
* @param nArg The ordinal number of the argument from which to get the reader.
* @param nArgCount The total argument count.
* @param machine The VM.
* @throws ScriptingException if an error occurs.
protected final Reader getReader(int nArg, int nArgCount, Machine machine) throws ScriptingException
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, nArg, nArg + 1);
Reader reader;
if (nArg + 1 == nArgCount)
Object obj = machine.getArg(nArg, nArgCount);
if (!(obj instanceof Reader))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
reader = (Reader)obj;
reader = machine.getReader();
if (reader == null)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.defaultReader");
return reader;
* Gets the character stream writer from the last argument.
* @param nArg The ordinal number of the argument from which to get the writer.
* @param nArgCount The total argument count.
* @param machine The VM.
* @throws ScriptingException if an error occurs.
protected final Writer getWriter(int nArg, int nArgCount, Machine machine) throws ScriptingException
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, nArg, nArg + 1);
Writer writer;
if (nArg + 1 == nArgCount)
Object obj = machine.getArg(nArg, nArgCount);
if (!(obj instanceof Writer))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
writer = (Writer)obj;
writer = machine.getWriter();
if (writer == null)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.defaultWriter");
return writer;
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString()
return "intrinsic:" + getSymbol();
* Base class for unary java intrinsic functions.
public abstract static class UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction extends JavaIntrinsicFunction
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
machine.returnValue(invoke(machine.getArg(0, nArgCount)), nArgCount);
return false;
protected abstract Object invoke(Object value);
* Base class for non-dispatching numeric unary java intrinsic functions.
public abstract static class SimpleNumericUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction extends UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
Object value = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (value != null)
value = invoke(value);
machine.returnValue(value, nArgCount);
return false;
catch (ClassCastException e)
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
* Base class for dispatching numeric unary java intrinsic functions.
public abstract static class NumericUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction extends UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction
protected final Object invoke(Object value)
if (value == null)
return invokeNull();
switch (Primitive.primitiveOf(value).getOrdinal())
case Primitive.INTEGER_ORDINAL:
return invoke(((Integer)value).intValue());
case Primitive.LONG_ORDINAL:
return invoke(((Long)value).longValue());
case Primitive.DECIMAL_ORDINAL:
return invoke((BigDecimal)value);
case Primitive.FLOAT_ORDINAL:
return invoke(((Float)value).floatValue());
case Primitive.DOUBLE_ORDINAL:
return invoke(((Double)value).doubleValue());
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
protected abstract Object invoke(int n);
protected abstract Object invoke(long l);
protected abstract Object invoke(BigDecimal dec);
protected abstract Object invoke(float f);
protected abstract Object invoke(double d);
protected abstract Object invokeNull();
* Base class for character unary java intrinsic functions.
protected abstract static class CharacterUnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction extends UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction
protected final Object invoke(Object value)
if (value instanceof Character)
return invoke(((Character)value).charValue());
if (value == null)
return invokeNull();
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
protected abstract Object invokeNull();
protected abstract Object invoke(char ch);
* Implementation of c..r functions.
protected final static class CxrIntrinsicFunction extends UnaryJavaIntrinsicFunction
private Symbol m_symbol;
private int m_nMask;
public CxrIntrinsicFunction(Symbol symbol, int nMask)
m_symbol = symbol;
m_nMask = nMask;
protected Object invoke(Object value)
for (int n = m_nMask; n > 1; n >>= 1)
if (value instanceof Pair)
if ((n & 1) == 0)
value = ((Pair)value).getHead();
value = ((Pair)value).getTail();
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return value;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return m_symbol;
* Base class for list member intrinsic functions.
protected abstract static class ListMemberIntrinsicFunction extends JavaIntrinsicFunction
public final boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object obj = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Pair pair;
for (Object list = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount); list != null; list = pair.getTail())
if (!(list instanceof Pair))
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badList",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
pair = (Pair)list;
if (match(obj, pair))
machine.returnValue(getResult(pair), nArgCount);
return false;
machine.returnValue(Boolean.FALSE, nArgCount);
return false;
protected abstract boolean match(Object obj, Pair pair);
protected abstract Object getResult(Pair pair);
* Base class for binary multiarg java intrinsic functions.
protected abstract static class BinaryJavaIntrinsicFunction extends JavaIntrinsicFunction
* Array of binary functions, indexed by primitive type ordinal number.
* Null means that the function is not supported for a given type.
protected BinaryFunction[] m_functionArray = new BinaryFunction[Primitive.MAX_COUNT];
protected BinaryJavaIntrinsicFunction()
for (int i = 0; i < Primitive.MAX_COUNT; ++i)
m_functionArray[i] = getBinaryFunction(Primitive.get(i));
protected abstract BinaryFunction getBinaryFunction(Primitive type);
* Base class for numeric binary multiarg java intrinsic functions.
protected abstract static class NumericBinaryJavaIntrinsicFunction extends BinaryJavaIntrinsicFunction
protected char m_pcode;
public NumericBinaryJavaIntrinsicFunction(char pcode)
m_pcode = pcode;
public final boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
if (nArgCount == 0)
machine.returnValue(getNoArgResult(), nArgCount);
else if (nArgCount == 1)
machine.returnValue(getOneArgResult(machine.getArg(0, nArgCount)), nArgCount);
Object left = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (left != null)
Primitive leftType = Primitive.primitiveOf(left);
Primitive rightType, resultType;
BinaryFunction fun;
Object right;
for (int i = 1; i < nArgCount; ++i)
right = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
if (right == null)
left = null;
rightType = Primitive.primitiveOf(right);
resultType = getCoercedType(leftType, rightType);
if (leftType != resultType)
left = resultType.getConverter(leftType).invoke(left);
leftType = resultType;
if (rightType != resultType)
right = resultType.getConverter(rightType).invoke(right);
if ((fun = m_functionArray[resultType.getOrdinal()]) == null)
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
left = fun.invoke(left, right);
machine.returnValue(left, nArgCount);
return false;
protected abstract Object getNoArgResult();
protected abstract Object getOneArgResult(Object arg);
* @see nexj.core.scripting.IntrinsicFunction#generate(nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.PCodeBuffer, nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.CallInstruction)
public boolean generate(Compiler.PCodeBuffer buf, Compiler.CallInstruction instr)
if (instr.getArgCount() == 2)
return true;
return false;
* Base class for comparison multiarg java intrinsic functions.
protected abstract static class ComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction extends BinaryJavaIntrinsicFunction
protected Boolean m_stopResult;
protected Boolean m_endResult;
protected char m_pcode;
public ComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction(boolean bStopResult, char pcode)
m_stopResult = Boolean.valueOf(bStopResult);
m_endResult = Boolean.valueOf(!bStopResult);
m_pcode = pcode;
public final boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyMinArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object left = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Primitive leftType = Primitive.primitiveOf(left);
Primitive rightType, coercedType = null;
BinaryFunction fun;
Object right;
for (int i = 1; i < nArgCount; ++i)
right = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
rightType = Primitive.primitiveOf(right);
if (leftType == null)
if (rightType != null)
coercedType = rightType;
else if (rightType == null)
coercedType = leftType;
coercedType = getCoercedType(leftType, rightType);
if (coercedType != null)
if (leftType != coercedType)
left = coercedType.getConverter(leftType).invoke(left);
leftType = coercedType;
if (rightType != coercedType)
right = coercedType.getConverter(rightType).invoke(right);
if ((fun = m_functionArray[coercedType.getOrdinal()]) == null)
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
if (fun.invoke(left, right) == m_stopResult)
machine.returnValue(m_stopResult, nArgCount);
return false;
if (nullCmp(left == null, right == null) == m_stopResult.booleanValue())
machine.returnValue(m_stopResult, nArgCount);
return false;
left = right;
machine.returnValue(m_endResult, nArgCount);
return false;
protected abstract boolean nullCmp(boolean bLeftNull, boolean bRightNull);
* @see nexj.core.scripting.IntrinsicFunction#generate(nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.PCodeBuffer, nexj.core.scripting.Compiler.CallInstruction)
public boolean generate(Compiler.PCodeBuffer buf, Compiler.CallInstruction instr)
if (instr.getArgCount() == 2)
return true;
return false;
* Base class for min and max multiarg java intrinsic functions.
protected abstract static class MinMaxJavaIntrinsicFunction extends BinaryJavaIntrinsicFunction
public final boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyMinArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
Object left = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Primitive leftType = Primitive.primitiveOf(left);
Primitive rightType, coercedType = null;
BinaryFunction fun;
Object right;
for (int i = 1; i < nArgCount; ++i)
right = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
rightType = Primitive.primitiveOf(right);
if (leftType == null)
if (rightType != null)
coercedType = rightType;
else if (rightType == null)
coercedType = leftType;
coercedType = getCoercedType(leftType, rightType);
if (coercedType != null)
if (leftType != coercedType)
left = coercedType.getConverter(leftType).invoke(left);
leftType = coercedType;
if (rightType != coercedType)
right = coercedType.getConverter(rightType).invoke(right);
if ((fun = m_functionArray[coercedType.getOrdinal()]) == null)
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
if (fun.invoke(left, right) == Boolean.TRUE)
left = right;
if (nullCmp(left == null, right == null))
left = right;
machine.returnValue(left, nArgCount);
return false;
protected abstract boolean nullCmp(boolean bLeftNull, boolean bRightNull);
* Base class for string comparison functions.
protected abstract static class StringComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction extends JavaIntrinsicFunction
public final boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyMinArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object left = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (left != null && !(left instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
String sLeft = (String)left;
for (int i = 1; i < nArgCount; ++i)
Object right = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
if (right != null && !(right instanceof String))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
String sRight = (String)right;
if (!cmp(sLeft, sRight))
machine.returnValue(Boolean.FALSE, nArgCount);
return false;
sLeft = sRight;
machine.returnValue(Boolean.TRUE, nArgCount);
return false;
protected abstract boolean cmp(String sLeft, String sRight);
* Base class for character comparison functions.
protected abstract static class CharacterComparisonJavaIntrinsicFunction extends JavaIntrinsicFunction
public final boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyMinArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object left = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (!(left instanceof Character))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
char chLeft = ((Character)left).charValue();
for (int i = 1; i < nArgCount; ++i)
Object right = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
if (!(right instanceof Character))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
char chRight = ((Character)right).charValue();
if (!cmp(chLeft, chRight))
machine.returnValue(Boolean.FALSE, nArgCount);
return false;
chLeft = chRight;
machine.returnValue(Boolean.TRUE, nArgCount);
return false;
protected abstract boolean cmp(char chLeft, char chRight);
* Base class for multiarg integer binary intrinsic functions.
protected abstract static class IntegerBinaryJavaIntrinsicFunction extends JavaIntrinsicFunction
public final boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
if (nArgCount == 0)
machine.returnValue(getNoArgResult(), nArgCount);
return false;
Object left = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (left == null)
machine.returnValue(null, nArgCount);
return false;
long lLeft;
BigInteger intLeft;
boolean bInexactLeft;
int nOrdinal = 0;
if (!(left instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
if (left instanceof Float || left instanceof Double)
Number num = (Number)left;
lLeft = num.longValue();
intLeft = null;
bInexactLeft = true;
nOrdinal = (left instanceof Float) ? Primitive.FLOAT_ORDINAL : Primitive.DOUBLE_ORDINAL;
if (lLeft != num.doubleValue())
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
else if (left instanceof BigDecimal)
BigDecimal dec = (BigDecimal)left;
if (dec.compareTo(dec.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN)) != 0)
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
lLeft = 0;
intLeft = dec.toBigInteger();
bInexactLeft = (dec.scale() >= Primitive.MAX_SCALE);
nOrdinal = Primitive.DECIMAL_ORDINAL;
lLeft = ((Number)left).longValue();
intLeft = null;
bInexactLeft = false;
nOrdinal = (left instanceof Long) ? Primitive.LONG_ORDINAL : Primitive.INTEGER_ORDINAL;
BigInteger[] intResults = null;
long[] lResults = null;
int nResultCount = getResultCount();
if (nResultCount > 1)
if (intLeft != null)
intResults = new BigInteger[nResultCount];
lResults = new long[nResultCount];
if (nArgCount == 1)
if (intLeft != null)
if (nResultCount < 2)
intLeft = getOneArgResult(intLeft);
getOneArgResult(intLeft, intResults);
if (nResultCount < 2)
lLeft = getOneArgResult(lLeft);
getOneArgResult(lLeft, lResults);
for (int i = 1; i < nArgCount; ++i)
long lRight = 0;
BigInteger intRight = null;
boolean bInexactRight;
Object right = machine.getArg(i, nArgCount);
if (right == null)
machine.returnValue(null, nArgCount);
if (!(right instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
if (right instanceof Float || right instanceof Double)
Number num = (Number)right;
lRight = num.longValue();
intRight = null;
bInexactRight = true;
nOrdinal = Math.max(nOrdinal, (right instanceof Float) ? Primitive.FLOAT_ORDINAL : Primitive.DOUBLE_ORDINAL);
if (lRight != num.doubleValue())
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
else if (right instanceof BigDecimal)
BigDecimal dec = (BigDecimal)right;
if (dec.compareTo(dec.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN)) != 0)
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
lRight = 0;
intRight = dec.toBigInteger();
bInexactRight = (dec.scale() >= Primitive.MAX_SCALE);
nOrdinal = Math.max(nOrdinal, Primitive.DECIMAL_ORDINAL);
lRight = ((Number)right).longValue();
intRight = null;
bInexactRight = false;
nOrdinal = Math.max(nOrdinal, (right instanceof Long) ? Primitive.LONG_ORDINAL : Primitive.INTEGER_ORDINAL);
if (intLeft != null)
if (intRight == null)
if (bInexactRight)
lLeft = intLeft.longValue();
intLeft = null;
intRight = BigInteger.valueOf(lRight);
else if (intRight != null)
if (bInexactLeft)
lRight = intRight.longValue();
intLeft = BigInteger.valueOf(lLeft);
bInexactLeft |= bInexactRight;
if (intLeft != null)
if (nResultCount < 2)
intLeft = compute(intLeft, intRight);
compute(intLeft, intRight, intResults);
if (nResultCount < 2)
lLeft = compute(lLeft, lRight);
compute(lLeft, lRight, lResults);
if (nResultCount < 2)
if (intLeft != null)
if (bInexactLeft)
left = new BigDecimal(intLeft).setScale(Primitive.MAX_SCALE);
left = new BigDecimal(intLeft);
if (bInexactLeft)
if (nOrdinal == Primitive.DOUBLE_ORDINAL)
left = Primitive.createDouble((double)lLeft);
left = Primitive.createFloat((float)lLeft);
if (nOrdinal == Primitive.LONG_ORDINAL)
left = Primitive.createLong(lLeft);
left = Primitive.createInteger((int)lLeft);
machine.returnValue(left, nArgCount);
return false;
Object[] results = new Object[nResultCount];
if (intResults != null)
if (bInexactLeft)
for (int i = 0; i < nResultCount; i++)
results[i] = new BigDecimal(intResults[i]).setScale(Primitive.MAX_SCALE);
for (int i = 0; i < nResultCount; i++)
results[i] = new BigDecimal(intResults[i]);
else if (bInexactLeft)
if (nOrdinal == Primitive.DOUBLE_ORDINAL)
for (int i = 0; i < nResultCount; i++)
results[i] = Primitive.createDouble((double)lResults[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < nResultCount; i++)
results[i] = Primitive.createFloat((float)lResults[i]);
if (nOrdinal == Primitive.LONG_ORDINAL)
for (int i = 0; i < nResultCount; i++)
results[i] = Primitive.createLong(lResults[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < nResultCount; i++)
results[i] = Primitive.createInteger((int)lResults[i]);
return machine.returnValues(results, nArgCount);
protected void verifyArgCount(int nArgCount)
protected int getResultCount()
return 1;
protected Object getNoArgResult()
return null;
protected BigInteger getOneArgResult(BigInteger intValue)
return intValue;
protected void getOneArgResult(BigInteger intLeft, BigInteger[] intResults)
protected long getOneArgResult(long lValue)
return lValue;
protected void getOneArgResult(long lLeft, long[] lResults)
protected BigInteger compute(BigInteger intLeft, BigInteger intRight)
return null;
protected long compute(long lLeft, long lRight)
return -1L;
protected void compute(BigInteger intLeft, BigInteger intRight, BigInteger[] intResults)
protected void compute(long lLeft, long lRight, long[] lResults)
* Base class for multiarg integer intrinsic functions.
protected abstract static class BitwiseJavaIntrinsicFunction extends JavaIntrinsicFunction
protected final static BigInteger NEGATIVE_ONE = BigInteger.valueOf(-1);
* @return The given argument at index nOrdinal as an int, performing truncation if necessary.
protected int getIntegerArg(int nOrdinal, int nArgCount, Machine machine)
return getInteger(machine.getArg(nOrdinal, nArgCount));
* @return The given argument at index nOrdinal as a long, performing truncation if necessary.
protected long getLongArg(int nOrdinal, int nArgCount, Machine machine)
return getLong(machine.getArg(nOrdinal, nArgCount));
* @return The given argument at index nOrdinal as a BigInteger, performing truncation if necessary.
protected BigInteger getBigIntegerArg(int nOrdinal, int nArgCount, Machine machine)
return getBigInteger(machine.getArg(nOrdinal, nArgCount));
* @return The given argument as an int, performing truncation if necessary.
protected int getInteger(Object value)
int nValue;
if (!(value instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
if (value instanceof Float || value instanceof Double)
Number num = (Number)value;
nValue = num.intValue();
if (nValue != num.doubleValue())
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
else if (value instanceof BigDecimal)
BigDecimal dec = (BigDecimal)value;
if (dec.compareTo(dec.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN)) != 0)
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
nValue = dec.intValue();
nValue = ((Number)value).intValue();
return nValue;
* @return The given argument as a long, performing truncation if necessary.
protected long getLong(Object value)
long lValue;
if (!(value instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
if (value instanceof Float || value instanceof Double)
Number num = (Number)value;
lValue = num.longValue();
if (lValue != num.doubleValue())
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
else if (value instanceof BigDecimal)
BigDecimal dec = (BigDecimal)value;
if (dec.compareTo(dec.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN)) != 0)
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
lValue = dec.longValue();
lValue = ((Number)value).longValue();
return lValue;
* @return The given argument as a BigInteger, performing truncation if necessary.
protected BigInteger getBigInteger(Object value)
if (!(value instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
if (value instanceof BigDecimal)
BigDecimal dec = (BigDecimal)value;
if (dec.compareTo(dec.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN)) != 0)
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return dec.toBigInteger();
Number num = (Number)value;
long lValue = num.longValue();
if (lValue != num.doubleValue())
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return BigInteger.valueOf(lValue);
* @return True if any of the arguments does not fit into a long.
protected static boolean hasBigDecimalArg(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
for (int i = 0; i < nArgCount; i++)
if (machine.getArg(i, nArgCount) instanceof BigDecimal)
return true;
return false;
* Shifts nValue by nCount bits to the left.
* @param lValue The long value to shift.
* @param nCount The number of bits to shift to the left. Assumed to be non-negative.
* @return The long value resulting from the shift operation, or 0 when the shift distance
* is greater than 63.
protected static long shiftLeft(long lValue, int nCount)
// Java's shift distance for << is between 0 and 63
return (nCount > 63) ? 0 : lValue << nCount;
* Shifts nValue by nCount bits to the right, preserving the sign.
* @param lValue The long value to shift.
* @param nCount The number of bits to shift to the right. Assumed to be non-negative.
* @return The long value resulting from the shift operation, or 0 or -1 when the shift
* distance is greater than 63 (depending on the sign of lValue).
protected static long shiftRight(long lValue, int nCount)
if (nCount > 63)
return (lValue < 0) ? -1L : 0L; // Java's shift distance for >> is between 0 and 63
return lValue >> nCount;
* Shifts nValue by nCount bits to the right, without preserving the sign.
* @param lValue The long value to shift.
* @param nCount The number of bits to shift to the right. Assumed to be non-negative.
* @return The long value resulting from the shift operation, or 0 when the shift distance
* is greater than 63.
protected static long unsignedShiftRight(long lValue, int nCount)
// Java's shift distance for >>> is between 0 and 63
return (nCount > 63) ? 0 : lValue >>> nCount;
* Base class for intrinsic functions that deal with bitwise bit fields.
protected abstract static class BitwiseBitFieldIntegerJavaIntrinsicFunction extends BitwiseJavaIntrinsicFunction
* Returns a new BigInteger represented by the bits in intValue from indices nStart
* (inclusive) to nEnd (exclusive). The bits are indexed from right to left, so that
* the least significant bit is at index 0.
* @param intValue The exact integer from which the bits are drawn.
* @param nStart The starting index (inclusive).
* @param nEnd The ending index (exclusive).
* @return The new BigInteger object represented by the specified bits.
protected static BigInteger getBitField(BigInteger intValue, int nStart, int nEnd)
return intValue.andNot(NEGATIVE_ONE.shiftLeft(nEnd)).shiftRight(nStart);
* Returns a long represented by the bits in lValue from indices nStart (inclusive)
* to nEnd (exclusive). The bits are indexed from right to left, so that the least
* significant bit is at index 0.
* @param lValue The exact integer from which the bits are drawn.
* @param nStart The starting index (inclusive).
* @param nEnd The ending index (exclusive).
* @return The long represented by the specified bits.
protected static long getBitField(long lValue, int nStart, int nEnd)
return shiftRight(lValue, nStart) & ~shiftLeft(-1, nEnd - nStart);
* Replaces the bits in intDest from indices nStart (inclusive) to nEnd (exclusive)
* with the bits in intSource, starting from index 0, and returns the resulting
* BigInteger object. The bits are indexed from right to left, so that the least
* significant bit is at index 0.
* @param intDest The exact integer to copy to.
* @param nStart The starting index (inclusive).
* @param nEnd The ending index (exclusive).
* @param intSource The exact integer to copy from.
* @return The new BigInteger object resulting from the bit replacement.
protected static BigInteger copyBitField(BigInteger intDest, int nStart, int nEnd, BigInteger intSource)
BigInteger intMask = NEGATIVE_ONE.shiftLeft(nStart).andNot(NEGATIVE_ONE.shiftLeft(nEnd));
return intSource.shiftLeft(nStart).and(intMask).or(intDest.andNot(intMask));
* Replaces the bits in lDest from indices nStart (inclusive) to nEnd (exclusive)
* with the bits in lSource, starting from index 0, and returns the resulting long.
* The bits are indexed from right to left, so that the least significant bit is
* at index 0.
* @param lDest The long to copy to.
* @param nStart The starting index (inclusive).
* @param nEnd The ending index (exclusive).
* @param lSource The long to copy from.
* @return The long value resulting from the bit replacement.
protected static long copyBitField(long lDest, int nStart, int nEnd, long lSource)
long lMask = shiftLeft(-1, nStart) & ~shiftLeft(-1, nEnd);
return (shiftLeft(lSource, nStart) & lMask) | (lDest & ~lMask);
* Reverses the nBitCount least significant bits in intValue and returns a new
* BigInteger object represented by these bits. The bits in intValue from indices
* nBitCount and above are not included in the return value.
* @param intValue The exact integer object whose bits are to be reversed.
* @param nBitCount The number of least significant bits to reverse.
* @return The new BigInteger object whose value is represented by the reversal of
* the nBitCount least significant bits of intValue.
protected static BigInteger reverseBitField(BigInteger intValue, int nBitCount)
if (intValue.signum() != 0 && !intValue.equals(NEGATIVE_ONE))
byte[] byteArray = intValue.toByteArray();
int i = 0;
int k = byteArray.length - 1;
while (i <= k)
byte nTemp = byteArray[i];
byteArray[i] = reverseByte(byteArray[k]);
byteArray[k] = reverseByte(nTemp);
intValue = new BigInteger(byteArray).shiftRight(byteArray.length * Byte.SIZE - nBitCount);
return intValue;
* Reverses the bits in the given byte and returns the new byte as an int.
* @param n The byte whose bits are to be reversed.
* @return The byte represented by the reversal of the bits in nByte.
protected static byte reverseByte(byte n)
n = (byte)(((n >>> 4) & 0x0F) | ((n & 0x0F) << 4));
n = (byte)(((n >>> 2) & 0x33) | ((n & 0x33) << 2));
return (byte)(((n >>> 1) & 0x55) | ((n & 0x55) << 1));
* Reverses the nBitCount least significant bits in lValue and returns the new
* value as a long. The bits in lValue from indices nBitCount and above are not
* included in the return value. The sign of the return value is determined by
* the least significant bit in lValue.
* @param lValue The long whose bits are to be reversed.
* @param nBitCount The number of least significant bits to reverse.
* @return The long whose value is represented by the reversal of the nBitCount
* least significant bits of lValue.
protected static long reverseBitField(long lValue, int nBitCount)
boolean bNegative = lValue < 0;
lValue = ((lValue >>> 1) & 0x5555555555555555L) | ((lValue & 0x5555555555555555L) << 1);
lValue = ((lValue >>> 2) & 0x3333333333333333L) | ((lValue & 0x3333333333333333L) << 2);
lValue = ((lValue >>> 4) & 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0FL) | ((lValue & 0x0F0F0F0F0F0F0F0FL) << 4);
lValue = ((lValue >>> 8) & 0x00FF00FF00FF00FFL) | ((lValue & 0x00FF00FF00FF00FFL) << 8);
lValue = ((lValue >>> 16) & 0x00000000FFFF0000L) | ((lValue & 0x00000000FFFF0000L) << 16) |
(lValue >>> 48) | (lValue << 48);
if (nBitCount > Long.SIZE)
lValue = shiftLeft(lValue, nBitCount - Long.SIZE);
if (bNegative)
lValue |= ~(-1L << (nBitCount - Long.SIZE));
lValue >>= (Long.SIZE - nBitCount);
return lValue;
* Base class for bitwise-shifting intrinsic functions.
protected abstract static class BitwiseShiftIntegerJavaIntrinsicFunction extends BitwiseJavaIntrinsicFunction
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
int nBitCount = getIntegerArg(1, nArgCount, machine);
Object arg = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (arg instanceof BigDecimal)
machine.returnValue(new BigDecimal(shift(getBigInteger(arg), nBitCount)), nArgCount);
machine.returnValue(Primitive.createLong(shift(getLong(arg), nBitCount)), nArgCount);
return false;
* Checks that the bit count meets the requirements of the intrinsic function.
* @param nBitCount The number of bits to shift.
protected void verifyBitCount(int nBitCount)
* The shift function.
* @param intValue The exact integer to shift.
* @param nBitCount The number of bits to shift.
* @return The value resulting from the shift operation.
protected abstract BigInteger shift(BigInteger intValue, int nBitCount);
* The shift function
* @param lValue The exact integer to shift.
* @param nBitCount The number of bits to shift.
* @return The value resulting from the shift operation.
protected abstract long shift(long lValue, int nBitCount);
* Base class to construct new hash tables of different types.
protected abstract static class MakeHashObjectJavaIntrinsicFunction extends JavaIntrinsicFunction
* The invoke function for the case of 0 or 1 arguments.
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Function#invoke(int, nexj.core.scripting.Machine)
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 0, 1);
machine.returnValue((nArgCount == 0) ?
createHashObject(8) :
createHashObject(getCapacityArg(0, nArgCount, machine)),
return false;
* Checks that the capacity argument is valid and returns it.
* @param nCapacityIndex The 0-based index of the capacity argument.
* @param nArgCount The argument count.
* @param machine The machine.
* @return The int value of the capacity argument.
protected final int getCapacityArg(int nCapacityIndex, int nArgCount, Machine machine)
Object value = machine.getArg(nCapacityIndex, nArgCount);
if (!(value instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
int nCapacity = ((Number)value).intValue();
if (nCapacity < 0)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.negativeCount",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
return nCapacity;
* Create a new hash object with an initial capacity argument.
* @param nCapacity The initial capacity of the hash object.
* @return The new hash object.
protected abstract Object createHashObject(int nCapacity);
* Base class for bytevector intrinsic functions.
protected abstract static class ByteVectorJavaIntrinsicFunction extends JavaIntrinsicFunction
// operations that handle arguments obtained from the VM
* Verifies that the argument at nArgIndex is an exact integer and returns its int value.
protected int getExactIntArg(int nArgIndex, int nArgCount, Machine machine)
Object value = machine.getArg(nArgIndex, nArgCount);
if (!(value instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return ((Number)value).intValue();
* Verifies that the argument at nArgIndex is a valid length argument and returns its int value.
* @throws TypeMismatchException if the length value does not fit into a 32-bit integer.
* @throws ScriptingException if length value is negative.
protected int getLengthArg(int nArgIndex, int nArgCount, Machine machine)
int nLength = getExactIntArg(nArgIndex, nArgCount, machine);
if (nLength < 0)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.negativeCount",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
return nLength;
* Verifies that the argument at nArgIndex is a byte array and returns it.
* @throws TypeMismatchException if the argument is not a byte array.
protected byte[] getByteVectorArg(int nArgIndex, int nArgCount, Machine machine)
Object obj = machine.getArg(nArgIndex, nArgCount);
if (!(obj instanceof byte[]))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return (byte[])obj;
* Verifies that the argument at nArgIndex is a byte array or a Binary object
* with byte array data, and returns the byte array.
* @throws TypeMismatchException if the argument is not a byte array or a Binary object.
protected byte[] getByteArray(int nArgIndex, int nArgCount, Machine machine)
Object obj = machine.getArg(nArgIndex, nArgCount);
if (obj instanceof byte[])
return (byte[])obj;
if (obj instanceof Binary)
return ((Binary)obj).getData();
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
// operations that handle bytes and byte arrays.
* Copies n elements from nSrcArray, starting from nSrcIndex, to nDstArray,
* starting from nDstIndex, in the same order as in nSrcArray.
* @param nSrcArray The source array to copy from.
* @param nSrcIndex The starting index in the source array.
* @param nDstArray The destination array to copy to.
* @param nDstIndex The starting index in the destination array.
* @param n The number of elements to copy.
* @return The modified destination array.
* @throws ScriptingException if either of the given index ranges is invalid.
protected byte[] copy(byte[] nSrcArray, int nSrcIndex, byte[] nDstArray, int nDstIndex, int n)
System.arraycopy(nSrcArray, nSrcIndex, nDstArray, nDstIndex, n);
catch (Exception e)
// Provide a more detailed error message
verifyIndexRange(nSrcIndex, n, nSrcArray.length);
verifyIndexRange(nDstIndex, n, nDstArray.length);
return nDstArray;
* Returns the value in the byte array at the given index as a byte.
* @param nArray The byte array to reference.
* @param nIndex The index of the byte.
* @return The byte value at nIndex.
* @throws ScriptingException if nIndex is out of bounds.
protected byte getByte(byte[] nArray, int nIndex)
verifyIndex(nIndex, nArray.length);
return nArray[nIndex];
* Replaces the byte in nArray at nIndex with nByte and returns
* the old byte value.
* @param nArray The byte array to modify.
* @param nIndex The index of the byte to be replaced.
* @param nByte The new byte value.
* @return The previous byte value.
* @throws ScriptingException if nIndex is out of bounds.
protected byte setByte(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, byte nByte)
verifyIndex(nIndex, nArray.length);
byte nOldValue = nArray[nIndex];
nArray[nIndex] = (byte)nByte;
return nOldValue;
* Base class for intrinsic functions that return an integer value composed from a byte vector,
* using native endian byte order.
protected abstract static class ByteVectorNativeRefJavaIntrinsicFunction extends ByteVectorJavaIntrinsicFunction
public final boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object indexArg = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (!(indexArg instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
int nIndex = ((Number)indexArg).intValue();
int nByteCount = getByteCount();
if ((nIndex & (nByteCount - 1)) != 0)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.invalidNativeAlignment",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName(), Primitive.createInteger(nByteCount), indexArg});
byte[] nArray = getByteArray(0, nArgCount, machine);
verifyIndexRange(nIndex, nByteCount, nArray.length);
machine.returnValue(getNumber(nArray, nIndex), nArgCount);
return false;
* @return The number of bytes that make up the integer value.
protected abstract int getByteCount();
* @return The numerical value represented by the bytes in nArray, in native endian byte order,
* starting from nIndex. The number of bytes that make up the return value is the integer returned
* by {@link #getByteCount()}.
protected abstract Number getNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex);
* Base class for intrinsic functions that return an integer value composed from a byte vector.
protected abstract static class ByteVectorRefJavaIntrinsicFunction extends ByteVectorJavaIntrinsicFunction
public final boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
int nReqCount = getReqCount();
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, nReqCount);
int nByteCount = getByteCount();
if (nByteCount == 0) // variable-size case
nByteCount = getLengthArg(3, nArgCount, machine);
byte[] nArray = getByteArray(0, nArgCount, machine);
int nIndex = getExactIntArg(1, nArgCount, machine);
verifyIndexRange(nIndex, nByteCount, nArray.length);
Object endianness = machine.getArg(2, nArgCount);
boolean bBigEndian;
if (endianness == Symbol.BIG)
bBigEndian = true;
else if (endianness == Symbol.LITTLE)
bBigEndian = false;
else if (endianness instanceof Symbol)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.invalidEndianness", new Object[]{endianness, getSymbol().getName()});
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(getNumber(nArray, nIndex, nByteCount, bBigEndian), nArgCount);
return false;
* @return The number of required arguments.
protected int getReqCount()
return 3;
* @return The number of bytes that make up the integer value.
protected abstract int getByteCount();
* Returns the numerical value represented by the bytes in nArray, in the specified endian byte order,
* starting from nIndex. The number of bytes that make up the return value is the integer returned
* by {@link #getByteCount()}.
* @param nArray The array to reference.
* @param nIndex The start index.
* @param nByteCount The number of bytes that make up the return value.
* @param bBigEndian Indicates whether to use big-endian (if true) or little-endian byte order (if false).
* @return The numerical value represented by the specified bytes.
protected abstract Number getNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, int nByteCount, boolean bBigEndian);
* Base class for intrinsic functions that modify a byte vector using an integer value,
* interpreted in native endian byte order.
protected abstract static class ByteVectorNativeSetJavaIntrinsicFunction extends ByteVectorJavaIntrinsicFunction
public final boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 3);
Object indexArg = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (!(indexArg instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
int nIndex = ((Number)indexArg).intValue();
int nByteCount = getByteCount();
byte[] nArray = getByteVectorArg(0, nArgCount, machine);
verifyIndexRange(nIndex, nByteCount, nArray.length);
if ((nIndex & (nByteCount - 1)) != 0)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.invalidNativeAlignment",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName(), Primitive.createInteger(nByteCount), indexArg});
Object value = machine.getArg(2, nArgCount);
if (!(value instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
setNumber(nArray, nIndex, (Number)value);
machine.returnValue(value, nArgCount);
return false;
* @return The number of bytes that make up the integer value argument to set the byte array.
* The number of bytes must be no less than the minimum number of bytes needed to represent
* that integer.
* @see #verifyValue
protected abstract int getByteCount();
* Modify nArray by replacing the bytes starting at nIndex with the bytes that represent
* value in native endian byte order.
* @param nArray The byte array to be modified.
* @param nIndex The index from which modification starts.
* @param value The number whose byte representation is used to replace the bytes in nArray.
protected abstract void setNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, Number value);
* Base class for intrinsic functions that modify a byte vector using an integer value.
protected abstract static class ByteVectorSetJavaIntrinsicFunction extends ByteVectorJavaIntrinsicFunction
public final boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
int nReqCount = getReqCount();
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, nReqCount);
byte[] nArray = getByteVectorArg(0, nArgCount, machine);
int nIndex = getExactIntArg(1, nArgCount, machine);
int nByteCount = getByteCount();
if (nByteCount == 0) // variable-size case
nByteCount = getLengthArg(4, nArgCount, machine);
verifyIndexRange(nIndex, nByteCount, nArray.length);
Object value = machine.getArg(2, nArgCount);
Object endianness = machine.getArg(3, nArgCount);
boolean bBigEndian;
if (!(value instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
if (endianness == Symbol.BIG)
bBigEndian = true;
else if (endianness == Symbol.LITTLE)
bBigEndian = false;
else if (endianness instanceof Symbol)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.invalidEndianness", new Object[]{endianness, getSymbol().getName()});
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
setNumber(nArray, nIndex, nByteCount, (Number)value, bBigEndian);
machine.returnValue(value, nArgCount);
return false;
* @return The number of required arguments.
protected int getReqCount()
return 4;
* @return The number of bytes that make up the integer value argument to set the byte array.
* The number of bytes must be no less than the minimum number of bytes needed to represent
* that integer.
protected abstract int getByteCount();
* Modify nArray by replacing the bytes starting at nIndex with the bytes that represent the given value.
* @param nArray The byte array to be modified.
* @param nIndex The index from which modification starts.
* @param nByteCount The number of bytes to replace.
* @param value The number whose byte representation is used to replace the bytes in nArray.
* @param bBigEndian Indicates whether to use big-endian (if true) or little-endian byte order (if false).
protected abstract void setNumber(byte[] nArray, int nIndex, int nByteCount, Number value, boolean bBigEndian);
public abstract static class ByteVectorListConversionJavaIntrinsicFunction extends ByteVectorJavaIntrinsicFunction
public final boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 3);
byte[] nArray = getByteArray(0, nArgCount, machine);
int nByteCount = getLengthArg(2, nArgCount, machine);
if (nArray.length % nByteCount != 0)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.byteVectorLength",
new Object[]{getSymbol().getName(), Primitive.createInteger(nByteCount)});
Object endianness = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
boolean bBigEndian;
if (endianness == Symbol.BIG)
bBigEndian = true;
else if (endianness == Symbol.LITTLE)
bBigEndian = false;
else if (endianness instanceof Symbol)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.invalidEndianness", new Object[]{endianness, getSymbol().getName()});
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(toNumberList(nArray, nByteCount, bBigEndian, isSigned()), nArgCount);
return false;
* @return True if signed numbers are used.
protected abstract boolean isSigned();
* Returns the integer list corresponding to the given byte array. Each consecutive sequence of
* nCount bytes in the byte array makes up an integer in the integer list.
* @param nArray The byte array to form the integer list.
* @param nCount The number of bytes that form each integer. Must divide the length of nArray.
* @param bBigEndian Indicates whether to use big-endian (if true) or little-endian byte order (if false).
* @param bSigned Indicates whether to use the signed (if true) or unsigned representation (if false).
* @return The integer list corresponding to the given byte array.
protected static Pair toNumberList(byte[] nArray, int nCount, boolean bBigEndian, boolean bSigned)
Pair tail = null;
if (nCount < (Long.SIZE >> 3) + ((bSigned) ? 1 : 0))
for (int i = nArray.length - nCount; i > -1; i -= nCount)
tail = new Pair(Primitive.createLong(BinaryUtil.getLong(nArray, i, nCount, bBigEndian, bSigned)), tail);
for (int i = nArray.length - nCount; i > -1; i -= nCount)
tail = new Pair(new BigDecimal(BinaryUtil.getBigInteger(nArray, i, nCount, bBigEndian, bSigned)), tail);
return tail;
* Base class for intrinsic functions that convert integer lists to byte vectors.
public abstract static class ListByteVectorConversionJavaIntrinsicFunction extends ByteVectorJavaIntrinsicFunction
public final boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 3);
Object endianness = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (endianness != Symbol.BIG && endianness != Symbol.LITTLE)
if (endianness instanceof Symbol)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.invalidEndianness",
new Object[]{endianness, getSymbol().getName()});
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
Object head = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Pair pair;
int nLength = 0;
int nByteCount = getLengthArg(2, nArgCount, machine);
for (Object next = head; next != null; next = pair.getTail())
if (!(next instanceof Pair))
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.badList", new Object[]{getSymbol().getName()});
pair = (Pair)next;
Object num = pair.getHead();
if (!(num instanceof Number))
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue((nLength == 0) ? EMPTY_BYTEARRAY :
fromList((Pair)head, nByteCount, nLength * nByteCount, endianness == Symbol.BIG, isSigned()), nArgCount);
return false;
* @return True if signed numbers are used.
protected abstract boolean isSigned();
* Creates a new byte array made up from the numerical values in the given list of exact integers.
* @param head The list of integers that make up the byte array.
* @param nCount The number of bytes that each integer in intList comprises.
* @param nLength The length of the byte array.
* @param bBigEndian Indicates whether to use big-endian (if true) or little-endian byte order (if false).
* @param bSigned Indicates whether to use the signed (if true) or unsigned representation (if false).
* @return The new byte array created from the integer list.
protected static byte[] fromList(Pair head, int nCount, int nLength, boolean bBigEndian, boolean bSigned)
byte[] nArray = new byte[nLength];
if (nCount <= Long.SIZE >> 3)
for (int i = 0; i < nLength; i += nCount)
BinaryUtil.setLong(nArray, i, nCount, ((Number)head.getHead()).longValue(), bBigEndian);
head = head.getNext();
for (int i = 0; i < nLength; i += nCount)
BinaryUtil.setBigInteger(nArray, i, nCount, ((BigDecimal)head.getHead()).toBigInteger(), bBigEndian, bSigned);
head = head.getNext();
return nArray;
* Base class to convert between a string and a byte vector.
public abstract static class StringByteVectorConversionJavaIntrinsicFunction extends ByteVectorJavaIntrinsicFunction
* The byte order mark for UTF-32BE.
protected final static byte[] UTF32BE_BYTE_ORDER_MARK = new byte[]{0, 0, (byte)0xFE, (byte)0xFF};
* The byte order mark for UTF-32LE.
protected final static byte[] UTF32LE_BYTE_ORDER_MARK = new byte[]{(byte)0xFF, (byte)0xFE, 0, 0};
* The byte order mark for UTF-16BE.
protected final static byte[] UTF16BE_BYTE_ORDER_MARK = new byte[]{(byte)0xFE, (byte)0xFF};
* The byte order mark for UTF-16LE.
protected final static byte[] UTF16LE_BYTE_ORDER_MARK = new byte[]{(byte)0xFF, (byte)0xFE};
public final boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2, 3);
byte[] nArray = getByteVectorArg(0, nArgCount, machine);
Object endianness = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
boolean bBigEndian = true;
int nStartIndex = 0;
if (endianness == Symbol.LITTLE)
bBigEndian = false;
else if (endianness != Symbol.BIG)
if (endianness instanceof Symbol)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.invalidEndianness", new Object[]{endianness, getSymbol().getName()});
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
if (nArgCount == 2 || !isTrue(machine.getArg(2, nArgCount)))
byte[] nBOMArray = getBigEndianByteOrderMark();
int nLength = nBOMArray.length;
if (nArray.length >= nLength)
if (Binary.compare(nArray, nBOMArray, nLength, nLength) == 0)
bBigEndian = true;
nStartIndex += nLength;
else if (Binary.compare(nArray, getLittleEndianByteOrderMark(), nLength, nLength) == 0)
bBigEndian = false;
nStartIndex += nLength;
machine.returnValue(byteArrayToString(nArray, nStartIndex, bBigEndian), nArgCount);
return false;
* @return The byte array whose bytes make up the big-endian byte order mark of the encoding in use.
protected abstract byte[] getBigEndianByteOrderMark();
* @return The byte array whose bytes make up the little-endian byte order mark of the encoding in use.
protected abstract byte[] getLittleEndianByteOrderMark();
* Convert the given byte array to a String according to the encoding in use,
* starting from the given index.
* @param nArray The byte array to convert.
* @param nStartIndex The index into nArray from which conversion starts.
* @param bBigEndian The byte array is to be in big-endian byte order, if true,
* and in little-endian byte order, if false.
* @return The resulting string.
protected abstract String byteArrayToString(byte[] nArray, int nStartIndex, boolean bBigEndian);
* Continuation implementation class.
public static class Continuation implements Function, Serializable
private final static long serialVersionUID = 2072443986653018581L;
private Object[] m_stack;
public Continuation(Object[] stack)
m_stack = stack;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Function#invoke(int, nexj.core.scripting.Machine)
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
return machine.setContinuation(m_stack, nArgCount);
* @see java.lang.Object#toString()
public String toString()
return "intrinsic:continuation";
* @return The stack for this continuation.
public Object[] getStack()
return m_stack;
* call-as-jaas-subject implementation class.
protected static class CallAsJAASSubjectIntrinsicFunction extends JavaIntrinsicFunction
private Symbol m_sym;
public CallAsJAASSubjectIntrinsicFunction(Symbol sym)
m_sym = sym;
public boolean invoke(final int nArgCount, final Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
final Object fun = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Subject subject = (Subject) machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (fun instanceof Function)
Subject.doAs(subject, new PrivilegedExceptionAction()
public Object run() throws Exception
Object result = machine.invoke((Function)fun, (Object[])null);
machine.returnValue(result, nArgCount);
return result;
catch (PrivilegedActionException e)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.privilegedAction", e);
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.funCall");
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return m_sym;
* Call/cc implementation class.
protected static class CallCCIntrinsicFunction extends JavaIntrinsicFunction
private Symbol m_sym;
public CallCCIntrinsicFunction(Symbol sym)
m_sym = sym;
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 1);
Object fun = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
if (fun instanceof Function)
machine.push(new Continuation(machine.cloneStack()));
machine.apply((Function)fun, 1);
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.funCall");
return true;
public boolean isPCode()
return true;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return m_sym;
* Base class for the remove family of functions (remove, remq, remv).
public abstract static class RemoveJavaIntrinsicFunction extends JavaIntrinsicFunction
* Tests for equality.
* @param left The object to test for equality.
* @param right The object to test for equality.
* @return True if left and right are considered the same.
public abstract boolean match(Object left, Object right);
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object obj = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object arg = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
if (arg == null)
machine.returnValue(null, nArgCount);
else if (arg instanceof Pair)
Pair prev = new Pair(null);
Pair first = prev;
Pair current = null;
for (Pair pair = (Pair)arg; pair != null; pair = pair.getNext())
if (!match(obj, pair.getHead()))
current = new Pair(pair.getHead());
prev = current;
machine.returnValue(first.getTail(), nArgCount);
else if (arg instanceof Collection)
Collection col = (arg instanceof Ditto) ?
(Collection)((Ditto)arg).ditto() :
new ArrayList(((Collection)arg).size());
for (Iterator itr = ((Collection)arg).iterator(); itr.hasNext();)
Object item = itr.next();
if (!match(obj, item))
machine.returnValue(col, nArgCount);
else if (arg.getClass().isArray())
int nCount = Array.getLength(arg);
List list = new ArrayList(nCount);
for (int i = 0; i != nCount; ++i)
Object item = Array.get(arg, i);
if (!match(obj, item))
machine.returnValue(list.toArray(), nArgCount);
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
return false;
* Unimplemented intrinsic function.
protected static class UnimplementedIntrinsicFunction extends JavaIntrinsicFunction
private final Symbol m_sym;
public UnimplementedIntrinsicFunction(Symbol sym)
m_sym = sym;
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Function#invoke(int, nexj.core.scripting.Machine)
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
throw new ScriptingException("err.scripting.unimplemented", new Object[]{getSymbol()});
* @see nexj.core.scripting.IntrinsicFunction#getSymbol()
public Symbol getSymbol()
return m_sym;
* Functions which availability varies according to the installed libraries (client/server).
protected static class IsolatedFunctions
public IntrinsicFunction getInPrivilegePFunction()
return new UnimplementedIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.IN_PRIVILEGE_P);
public IntrinsicFunction getInstanceFunction()
return new UnimplementedIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.INSTANCE);
public IntrinsicFunction getInstanceCollectionFunction()
return new UnimplementedIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.INSTANCE_COLLECTION);
public IntrinsicFunction getInstanceCollectionPFunction()
return new UnimplementedIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.INSTANCE_COLLECTION_P);
public IntrinsicFunction getSysAuditFunction()
return new UnimplementedIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.SYS_AUDIT);
public IntrinsicFunction getSysCheckAccessFunction()
return new UnimplementedIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.SYS_CHECK_ACCESS);
public IntrinsicFunction getSysSetDirtyFunction()
return new UnimplementedIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.SYS_SET_DIRTY);
public IntrinsicFunction getSysSetNewFunction()
return new UnimplementedIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.SYS_SET_NEW);
public IntrinsicFunction getSysTxBeginFunction()
return new UnimplementedIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.SYS_TX_BEGIN);
public IntrinsicFunction getSysTxCommitFunction()
return new UnimplementedIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.SYS_TX_COMMIT);
public IntrinsicFunction getSysTxMandateFunction()
return new UnimplementedIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.SYS_TX_MANDATE);
public IntrinsicFunction getSysTxMandateNoneFunction()
return new UnimplementedIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.SYS_TX_MANDATE_NONE);
public IntrinsicFunction getSysTxRequireFunction()
return new UnimplementedIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.SYS_TX_REQUIRE);
public IntrinsicFunction getSysTxRollbackFunction()
return new UnimplementedIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.SYS_TX_ROLLBACK);
public IntrinsicFunction getSysTxSuspendFunction()
return new UnimplementedIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.SYS_TX_SUSPEND);
public IntrinsicFunction getObjectFunction()
return new UnimplementedIntrinsicFunction(Symbol.OBJECT);
public IntrinsicFunction getInstancePFunction()
return new JavaIntrinsicFunction()
* @see nexj.core.scripting.Function#invoke(int, nexj.core.scripting.Machine)
public boolean invoke(int nArgCount, Machine machine)
verifyArgCount(nArgCount, 2);
Object obj = machine.getArg(0, nArgCount);
Object clazz = machine.getArg(1, nArgCount);
boolean bResult;
if (clazz instanceof Type)
if (obj instanceof Typed)
bResult = ((Type)clazz).isUpcast(((Typed)obj).getType());
bResult = false;
else if (clazz instanceof Class)
bResult = (obj != null) && ((Class)clazz).isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass());
throw new TypeMismatchException(getSymbol());
machine.returnValue(Boolean.valueOf(bResult), nArgCount);
return false;
public Symbol getSymbol()
return Symbol.INSTANCE_P;