
Examples of

      for (int i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) {
        // by default button with current index is null
        actionButtons[i] = null;
        // CustomRB form provides like button ONLY delete action
        if (actions[i] instanceof IDeleteRowProvider) {
          ActionButtonControl aButton = new ActionButtonControl(this,
              actions[i], this);
          if (aButton.isAuth()) {
            actionButtons[i] = aButton;
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        // Item type casting.
        IActionFormItem actionFormItem = (IActionFormItem) items[i];
        // If controls must be small.
        if (actionFormItem.getSize() == FormItemSize.Small) {
          // Creating control.
          ActionButtonControl ctrl = new ActionButtonControl(
              this.parentWindow, actionFormItem.getAction(),
          // Binding row to control.
          ctrl.bind(dataRow, null);

          addedControl = ctrl;
        } else {
          // Creating control.
          ActionSliderControl ctrl = new ActionSliderControl(
              this.parentWindow, actionFormItem.getAction(),
          // Binding row to control.
          ctrl.bind(dataRow, null);

          addedControl = ctrl;
      } else
      // If item is selector.
      if (items[i] instanceof ISelectorFormItem) {
        // Interface type cast.
        ISelectorFormItem item = (ISelectorFormItem) items[i];

        // Creating control.
        SelectorControl ctrl = new SelectorControl(this.parentWindow,

        // Binding row and column to control.
        ctrl.bind(dataRow, item.getShownColumn());

        addedControl = ctrl;
      } else
      // If item is enumeration selector.
      if (items[i] instanceof IEditEnumColumnFormItem) {
        // Interface type cast.
        IEditEnumColumnFormItem item = (IEditEnumColumnFormItem) items[i];

        // Creating control.
        EnumComboBoxDataControl ctrl = new EnumComboBoxDataControl(item
        // Binding row and column to control.
        ctrl.bind(dataRow, item.getDataColumn());
        addedControl = ctrl;
      } else
      // If this is range edit item.
      if (items[i] instanceof IEditRangeFormItem) {
        // Interface type cast.
        IEditRangeFormItem item = (IEditRangeFormItem) items[i];
        // Getting values for DB type detecting.
        IDBValue valueLow = dataRow.getCell(item
        IDBValue valueHigh = dataRow.getCell(item

        // If this is date range.
        if (valueLow instanceof DBDate && valueHigh instanceof DBDate) {
          DateRangeControl ctrl = new DateRangeControl();
          ctrl.bind(dataRow, item.getLowBoundDataColumn(), item
          addedControl = ctrl;
        // If this is floats range.
        else if (valueLow instanceof DBFloat
            && valueHigh instanceof DBFloat) {
          FloatRangeControl ctrl = new FloatRangeControl();
          ctrl.bind(dataRow, item.getLowBoundDataColumn(), item
          addedControl = ctrl;
        // If this is time range.
        else if (valueLow instanceof DBStringTime
            && valueHigh instanceof DBStringTime) {
          TimeRangeControl ctrl = new TimeRangeControl();
          ctrl.bind(dataRow, item.getLowBoundDataColumn(), item
          addedControl = ctrl;
        } else
          throw new NotImplementedFeatureException(
              "There is no implementation to edit range of types "
                  + GWT.getTypeName(valueLow) + " and "
                  + GWT.getTypeName(valueHigh) + ".");
      } else
      // If this is simple editable column.
      if (items[i] instanceof IEditColumnFormItem) {
        // Interface type cast.
        IEditColumnFormItem item = (IEditColumnFormItem) items[i];
        // Getting value for DB type detecting.
        IDBValue value = dataRow.getCell(item.getDataColumn());

        ISingleColumnBind ctrl = null;

        // If this is multiline edited item.
        if (item instanceof IMultilineEditFormItem
            && value instanceof DBString) {
          ctrl = new TextAreaDataControl(
              ((IMultilineEditFormItem) item).getRowsCount());
        } else {
          // Creating control depending on retrieved value type.
          if (value instanceof DBHTMLString)
            ctrl = new RichTextAreaDataControl();
          if (value instanceof DBString)
            ctrl = new TextBoxDataControl();
          else if (value instanceof DBInteger)
            ctrl = new IntegerDataControl();
          else if (value instanceof DBBoolean) {
            if (item.isRequired())
              ctrl = new BooleanDataControl();
              ctrl = new BooleanComboBoxDataControl();
          } else if (value instanceof DBBigInt)
            ctrl = new IntegerDataControl();
          else if (value instanceof DBDate)
            ctrl = new CalendarDataControl();
          else if (value instanceof DBStringTime)
            ctrl = new TextBoxDataControl();
          else if (value instanceof DBFloat)
            ctrl = new FloatDataControl();

        // Binding row and column to control.
        ctrl.bind(dataRow, item.getDataColumn());
        addedControl = (IBindableDataControl) ctrl;

      // If this is read only information enumeration item.
      else if (items[i] instanceof IInfoEnumColumnFormItem) {
        // Creating control.
        InfoDataControl ctrl = new InfoDataControl(
            ((IInfoEnumColumnFormItem) items[i]).getEnum());
        // Binding row and column to control.
        ctrl.bind(dataRow, ((IInfoFormItem) items[i]).getDataColumn());
        addedControl = ctrl;
      } else
      // If this is read only information item.
      if (items[i] instanceof IInfoFormItem) {
        // Creating control.
        InfoDataControl ctrl = new InfoDataControl();
        // Binding row and column to control.
        ctrl.bind(dataRow, ((IInfoFormItem) items[i]).getDataColumn());
        addedControl = ctrl;
      } else
        // Throwing exception for unknown item type.
        throw new NotImplementedFeatureException(
            "Can't build control for type "
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