* Copyright 2007 Pleso.net
* Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package net.pleso.framework.client.ui.custom;
import net.pleso.framework.client.bl.providers.IActionProvider;
import net.pleso.framework.client.bl.providers.IActionProviders;
import net.pleso.framework.client.bl.providers.IDeleteRowProvider;
import net.pleso.framework.client.bl.providers.ISearchFormProvider;
import net.pleso.framework.client.bl.providers.IViewFormProvider;
import net.pleso.framework.client.bl.rb.IRB;
import net.pleso.framework.client.bl.rb.IRowClassifiersProvider;
import net.pleso.framework.client.dal.IDataRow;
import net.pleso.framework.client.dal.SelectParams;
import net.pleso.framework.client.localization.FrameworkLocale;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.controls.datagrid.DataGrid;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.controls.datagrid.interfaces.IDataGridEventListener;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.custom.controls.ActionButtonPanel;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.custom.controls.data.ActionButtonControl;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.custom.controls.data.ActionSliderControl;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.custom.controls.datagrid.DataGridWrapper;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.interfaces.HideWindowListener;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.interfaces.IBindableDataControl;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.interfaces.IUpdateControlListener;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.interfaces.IWindow;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.windows.Slider;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.windows.Window;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Button;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.ClickListener;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HTML;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HorizontalPanel;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.VerticalPanel;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget;
* Customizable form for reference books. Builds action sliders (search, edit,
* insert, etc.), buttons and {@link DataGridWrapper} by business-logic
* interfaces (see {@link IRB} etc.)
* <h3>CSS Style Rules</h3>
* <ul>
* <li>pf-customrb { custom reference book form itself }</li>
* <li>pf-customrb-header { form header }</li>
* </ul>
* @author Scater
public class CustomRBWindow extends Window implements ClickListener,
HideWindowListener, IDataGridEventListener, IUpdateControlListener {
* Main widget of this composite widget (see {@link Window}).
private VerticalPanel panel = new VerticalPanel();
* Panel with buttons added by actions.
private ActionButtonPanel buttonsPanel = new ActionButtonPanel(HorizontalPanel.ALIGN_LEFT);
* Default close form button.
private Button btnClose = new Button(FrameworkLocale.constants()
.close_button_caption(), this);
* Default select button for selector forms (CustomRBType.Select).
private Button btnSelect = new Button(FrameworkLocale.constants()
.select_button_caption(), this);
* Default refresh button.
private Button btnRefresh = new Button(FrameworkLocale.constants()
.refresh_button_caption(), this);
* {@link DataGridWrapper} instance for data view.
private DataGridWrapper dataGridWrapper;
* Header of form.
private HTML header = new HTML();
* Business-logic class of reference book.
private IRB rb;
* If forceSearch = true, reference book not loads the data and shows search
* form If forceSearch = false, reference book loads the data immediately.
private boolean forceSearch = false;
* Type of custom form
private CustomRBType type = CustomRBType.Normal;
* Current selected row in reference book
private IDataRow selectedRow;
* Array of buttons by actions
private ActionButtonControl[] actionButtons;
* Array of sliders by actions
private ActionSliderControl[] actionSliders;
* Search slider (for search action)
private ActionSliderControl defaultSearchFormSlider;
* Constructor.
* @param parentSlider
* parent-slider for this from.
* @param rb
* business-logic class of reference book.
* @param forceSearch
* if forceSearch = true, reference book not loads the data and
* shows search form. If forceSearch = false, reference book
* loads the data immediately.
* @param type
* type of custom form.
public CustomRBWindow(Slider parentSlider, IRB rb, boolean forceSearch,
CustomRBType type) {
// Initialization properties of class by parameters from constructor
this.rb = rb;
this.type = type;
this.forceSearch = forceSearch;
// format header
if (this.type != null) {
// Sets header's text by CustomRBType.
if (this.type == CustomRBType.Normal) {
} else if (this.type == CustomRBType.Select)
// Sets header style
// Create grid wrapper and add it into form
dataGridWrapper = new DataGridWrapper(this, rb.getDataSource(), rb
// check IRowClassifiersProvider implementation
if (rb instanceof IRowClassifiersProvider)
dataGridWrapper.setRowClassifiers(((IRowClassifiersProvider) rb)
// Builds button panel with buttons by actions
// Add button panel into main widget
* Overloaded constructor for normal (CustomRBType.Normal) reference books.
* @param parentSlider
* parent-slider for this from.
* @param rb
* business-logic class of reference book.
* @param forceSearch
* if forceSearch = true, reference book not loads the data and
* shows search form. If forceSearch = false, reference book
* loads the data immediately.
public CustomRBWindow(Slider parentSlider, IRB rb, boolean forceSearch) {
this(parentSlider, rb, forceSearch, CustomRBType.Normal);
* Overloaded constructor for normal (CustomRBType.Normal) reference books without parent sliders and search.
* @param rb business-logic class of reference book.
public CustomRBWindow(IRB rb) {
this(null, rb, false, CustomRBType.Normal);
* Loads data without select parameters
private void loadData() {
* Loads data with specified select parameters
* @param params select parameters
private void loadData(SelectParams params) {
if (params == null) {
} else {
* Builds action sliders (insert, edit etc.) by IActionProviders implementation
private void buildSliders() {
// if implemented IActionProviders ...
if (this.rb instanceof IActionProviders) {
// gets the actions
IActionProvider[] actions = ((IActionProviders) this.rb).getActionProviders();
// actions array must be not null
if (actions == null)
// creating array of sliders for all actions
this.actionSliders = new ActionSliderControl[actions.length];
int lastSearchSliderIndex = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) {
// delete action CustomRB form provides like button
// (so if this is IDeleteRowProvider action we don't need slider)
if (actions[i] instanceof IDeleteRowProvider){
// creating slider control for each action
ActionSliderControl aSlider = new ActionSliderControl(this,
actions[i], this,
actions[i] instanceof IViewFormProvider);
// by default slider with current index is null
this.actionSliders[i] = null;
// slider must be authenticated.
if (aSlider.isAuth()) {
// set slider into array
this.actionSliders[i] = aSlider;
// search action slider must be on top of window
if (actions[i] instanceof ISearchFormProvider) {
if (this.defaultSearchFormSlider == null)
this.defaultSearchFormSlider = aSlider;
panel.insert(aSlider, ++lastSearchSliderIndex);
} else {
// another sliders - on bottom by order
* Builds buttons panel and buttons by actions
private void buildButtonsPanel() {
// If this is selector form
if (type == CustomRBType.Select) {
// Add button "Close form"
// If this is selector form
if (type == CustomRBType.Select) {
// Add button "Select row"
if (type == CustomRBType.Normal && this.rb instanceof IActionProviders) {
IActionProvider[] actions = ((IActionProviders) this.rb)
// actions array must be not null
if (actions == null)
// creating array of buttons for all actions
actionButtons = new ActionButtonControl[actions.length];
for (int i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) {
// by default button with current index is null
actionButtons[i] = null;
// CustomRB form provides like button ONLY delete action
if (actions[i] instanceof IDeleteRowProvider) {
ActionButtonControl aButton = new ActionButtonControl(this,
actions[i], this);
if (aButton.isAuth()) {
actionButtons[i] = aButton;
/* Click handler on any widget in form
* @see com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.ClickListener#onClick(com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget)
public void onClick(Widget sender) {
// If close button was clicked - close form
if (sender == this.btnClose) {
// Explicit setting selected row to null.
this.selectedRow = null;
// If "select" button was clicked
if (sender == this.btnSelect) {
// gets current select row from grid wrapper
this.selectedRow = dataGridWrapper.getSelectedRow();
if (this.selectedRow == null)
// User don't select any row. Showing alert
// form knows current selected row. Some high handler will ask it. so close form
} else
if (sender == this.btnRefresh) {
* Shows search form in search slider
private void showSearchForm() {
if (this.defaultSearchFormSlider == null)
throw new NullPointerException(FrameworkLocale.messages().error_cant_show_search_form());
protected void showEvent() {
if (this.forceSearch && this.defaultSearchFormSlider != null)
// If this reference book don't force search or don't have search action
// it loads the data immediately.
* Gets current selected row in reference book
* @return selected row
public IDataRow getSelectedRow() {
return selectedRow;
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see net.pleso.framework.client.ui.controls.dataGrid.interfaces.IDataGridEventListener#selectionChanged(net.pleso.framework.client.ui.controls.dataGrid.DataGrid)
public void selectionChanged(DataGrid sender) {
// gets current selection row from grid
IDataRow selectedRow = dataGridWrapper.getSelectedRow();
// check all action buttons controls and rebind each control with new selected row
if (this.actionButtons != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.actionButtons.length; i++) {
if (this.actionButtons[i] != null) {
this.actionButtons[i].bind(selectedRow, null);
// check all action sliders controls and rebind each control with new selected row
if (this.actionSliders != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < this.actionSliders.length; i++) {
if (this.actionSliders[i] != null) {
this.actionSliders[i].bind(selectedRow, null);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see net.pleso.framework.client.ui.interfaces.HideWindowListener#onHideWindow(net.pleso.framework.client.ui.interfaces.IWindow)
public void onHideWindow(IWindow sender) {
// Make assumption that custom form window was closing
CustomFormWindow window = (CustomFormWindow) sender;
// if this is really custom form window
if (window != null) {
// If it was search form and "close" button was not clicked, then
if (window.getCustomFormType() == CustomFormType.Search
&& !window.isCanceled()) {
// Reload grid with new search parameters
SelectParams params = new SelectParams();
} else {
// Else simply reload grid (if data was changed)
if (window.dataChanged())
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see net.pleso.framework.client.ui.interfaces.IUpdateControlListener#controlUpdated(net.pleso.framework.client.ui.interfaces.IBindableDataControl)
public void controlUpdated(IBindableDataControl sender) {
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see net.pleso.framework.client.ui.windows.Window#hideWindow()
public void hideWindow() {
// For all sliders call hideWindows()
if (actionSliders != null)
for (int i = 0; i < actionSliders.length; i++) {
if (actionSliders[i] != null)
// hides reference book itself