* Copyright 2007 Pleso.net
* Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, Version 2.1 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package net.pleso.framework.client.ui.custom.controls;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import net.pleso.framework.client.bl.forms.items.FormItemSize;
import net.pleso.framework.client.bl.forms.items.IActionFormItem;
import net.pleso.framework.client.bl.forms.items.IEditColumnFormItem;
import net.pleso.framework.client.bl.forms.items.IEditEnumColumnFormItem;
import net.pleso.framework.client.bl.forms.items.IEditFormItem;
import net.pleso.framework.client.bl.forms.items.IEditRangeFormItem;
import net.pleso.framework.client.bl.forms.items.IFormItem;
import net.pleso.framework.client.bl.forms.items.IFormItemsGroup;
import net.pleso.framework.client.bl.forms.items.IInfoEnumColumnFormItem;
import net.pleso.framework.client.bl.forms.items.IInfoFormItem;
import net.pleso.framework.client.bl.forms.items.IMultilineEditFormItem;
import net.pleso.framework.client.bl.forms.items.ISelectorFormItem;
import net.pleso.framework.client.dal.IDataRow;
import net.pleso.framework.client.dal.db.IDBValue;
import net.pleso.framework.client.dal.db.types.DBBigInt;
import net.pleso.framework.client.dal.db.types.DBBoolean;
import net.pleso.framework.client.dal.db.types.DBDate;
import net.pleso.framework.client.dal.db.types.DBFloat;
import net.pleso.framework.client.dal.db.types.DBHTMLString;
import net.pleso.framework.client.dal.db.types.DBInteger;
import net.pleso.framework.client.dal.db.types.DBString;
import net.pleso.framework.client.dal.db.types.DBStringTime;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.NotImplementedFeatureException;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.custom.controls.data.ActionButtonControl;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.custom.controls.data.ActionSliderControl;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.custom.controls.data.BooleanComboBoxDataControl;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.custom.controls.data.BooleanDataControl;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.custom.controls.data.CalendarDataControl;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.custom.controls.data.DateRangeControl;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.custom.controls.data.EnumComboBoxDataControl;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.custom.controls.data.FloatDataControl;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.custom.controls.data.FloatRangeControl;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.custom.controls.data.InfoDataControl;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.custom.controls.data.IntegerDataControl;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.custom.controls.data.RichTextAreaDataControl;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.custom.controls.data.SelectorControl;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.custom.controls.data.TextAreaDataControl;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.custom.controls.data.TextBoxDataControl;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.custom.controls.data.TimeRangeControl;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.interfaces.IBindableDataControl;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.interfaces.IEditableDataControl;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.interfaces.IFocusControl;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.interfaces.ISingleColumnBind;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.interfaces.IUpdateControlListener;
import net.pleso.framework.client.ui.interfaces.IWindow;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Composite;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Grid;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.HTML;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.KeyboardListener;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Panel;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.SourcesKeyboardEvents;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.Widget;
* Represents composite widget (grid) that works with {@link IFormItem}
* instances array. Builds corresponding data controls in itself. Grid has two
* columns and number of rows that equal length of {@link IFormItem} instances
* array. In the left column - form item caption. In the right cell -
* corresponding data control.
* <h3>CSS Style Rules</h3>
* <ul>
* <li>pf-form-items-widget {widget itself}</li>
* <li>pf-form-items-widget-caption-column {left column with captions}</li>
* <li>pf-form-items-widget-control-column {right column with data controls}</li>
* <li>pf-form-items-widget-row {each row in grid. contains caption and control
* cells.}</li>
* <li>pf-form-items-widget-item-caption {caption of each item in widget (text
* in left column) }</li>
* </ul>
* @author Scater
public class FormItemsWidget extends Composite {
* Main widget grid that contains data controls
private Grid controlsGrid = new Grid(0, 2);
private KeyboardListener keyboardListener;
private IUpdateControlListener updateControlListenerer;
private IWindow parentWindow;
private Panel slidersPanel;
* Array of data controls in widget
private ArrayList controls = new ArrayList();
* Constructs empty {@link FormItemsWidget}.
* @param parentWindow
* parent {@link IWindow}
* @param updateControlListenerer
* a {@link IUpdateControlListener} instance
* @param keyboardListener
* a {@link KeyboardListener} instance
* @param slidersPanel
* a {@link Panel} where sliders should be placed
public FormItemsWidget(IWindow parentWindow,
IUpdateControlListener updateControlListenerer,
KeyboardListener keyboardListener, Panel slidersPanel) {
if (updateControlListenerer == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"updateControlListenerer can't be null.");
if (keyboardListener == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"keyboardListener can't be null.");
if (parentWindow == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("parentWindow can't be null.");
if (slidersPanel == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("slidersPanel can't be null.");
this.keyboardListener = keyboardListener;
this.updateControlListenerer = updateControlListenerer;
this.parentWindow = parentWindow;
this.slidersPanel = slidersPanel;
* Inits widget whith {@link IFormItemsGroup} and {@link IDataRow}.
* @param formItemsGroup
* a {@link IFormItemsGroup} instance
* @param dataRow
* a {@link IDataRow} instance
public void initFormControls(IFormItem[] items, IDataRow dataRow) {
if (items == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("items parameter can't be null.");
if (dataRow == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"dataRow parameter can't be null.");
// loop by all form items
for (int i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
// this is local variable, that will contains new data control
// instance
IBindableDataControl addedControl = null;
// Created control depends on form item interface type. Descendant
// interfaces checked first.
// If item is action.
if (items[i] instanceof IActionFormItem) {
// Item type casting.
IActionFormItem actionFormItem = (IActionFormItem) items[i];
// If controls must be small.
if (actionFormItem.getSize() == FormItemSize.Small) {
// Creating control.
ActionButtonControl ctrl = new ActionButtonControl(
this.parentWindow, actionFormItem.getAction(),
// Binding row to control.
ctrl.bind(dataRow, null);
addedControl = ctrl;
} else {
// Creating control.
ActionSliderControl ctrl = new ActionSliderControl(
this.parentWindow, actionFormItem.getAction(),
// Binding row to control.
ctrl.bind(dataRow, null);
addedControl = ctrl;
} else
// If item is selector.
if (items[i] instanceof ISelectorFormItem) {
// Interface type cast.
ISelectorFormItem item = (ISelectorFormItem) items[i];
// Creating control.
SelectorControl ctrl = new SelectorControl(this.parentWindow,
// Binding row and column to control.
ctrl.bind(dataRow, item.getShownColumn());
addedControl = ctrl;
} else
// If item is enumeration selector.
if (items[i] instanceof IEditEnumColumnFormItem) {
// Interface type cast.
IEditEnumColumnFormItem item = (IEditEnumColumnFormItem) items[i];
// Creating control.
EnumComboBoxDataControl ctrl = new EnumComboBoxDataControl(item
// Binding row and column to control.
ctrl.bind(dataRow, item.getDataColumn());
addedControl = ctrl;
} else
// If this is range edit item.
if (items[i] instanceof IEditRangeFormItem) {
// Interface type cast.
IEditRangeFormItem item = (IEditRangeFormItem) items[i];
// Getting values for DB type detecting.
IDBValue valueLow = dataRow.getCell(item
IDBValue valueHigh = dataRow.getCell(item
// If this is date range.
if (valueLow instanceof DBDate && valueHigh instanceof DBDate) {
DateRangeControl ctrl = new DateRangeControl();
ctrl.bind(dataRow, item.getLowBoundDataColumn(), item
addedControl = ctrl;
// If this is floats range.
else if (valueLow instanceof DBFloat
&& valueHigh instanceof DBFloat) {
FloatRangeControl ctrl = new FloatRangeControl();
ctrl.bind(dataRow, item.getLowBoundDataColumn(), item
addedControl = ctrl;
// If this is time range.
else if (valueLow instanceof DBStringTime
&& valueHigh instanceof DBStringTime) {
TimeRangeControl ctrl = new TimeRangeControl();
ctrl.bind(dataRow, item.getLowBoundDataColumn(), item
addedControl = ctrl;
} else
throw new NotImplementedFeatureException(
"There is no implementation to edit range of types "
+ GWT.getTypeName(valueLow) + " and "
+ GWT.getTypeName(valueHigh) + ".");
} else
// If this is simple editable column.
if (items[i] instanceof IEditColumnFormItem) {
// Interface type cast.
IEditColumnFormItem item = (IEditColumnFormItem) items[i];
// Getting value for DB type detecting.
IDBValue value = dataRow.getCell(item.getDataColumn());
ISingleColumnBind ctrl = null;
// If this is multiline edited item.
if (item instanceof IMultilineEditFormItem
&& value instanceof DBString) {
ctrl = new TextAreaDataControl(
((IMultilineEditFormItem) item).getRowsCount());
} else {
// Creating control depending on retrieved value type.
if (value instanceof DBHTMLString)
ctrl = new RichTextAreaDataControl();
if (value instanceof DBString)
ctrl = new TextBoxDataControl();
else if (value instanceof DBInteger)
ctrl = new IntegerDataControl();
else if (value instanceof DBBoolean) {
if (item.isRequired())
ctrl = new BooleanDataControl();
ctrl = new BooleanComboBoxDataControl();
} else if (value instanceof DBBigInt)
ctrl = new IntegerDataControl();
else if (value instanceof DBDate)
ctrl = new CalendarDataControl();
else if (value instanceof DBStringTime)
ctrl = new TextBoxDataControl();
else if (value instanceof DBFloat)
ctrl = new FloatDataControl();
// Binding row and column to control.
ctrl.bind(dataRow, item.getDataColumn());
addedControl = (IBindableDataControl) ctrl;
// If this is read only information enumeration item.
else if (items[i] instanceof IInfoEnumColumnFormItem) {
// Creating control.
InfoDataControl ctrl = new InfoDataControl(
((IInfoEnumColumnFormItem) items[i]).getEnum());
// Binding row and column to control.
ctrl.bind(dataRow, ((IInfoFormItem) items[i]).getDataColumn());
addedControl = ctrl;
} else
// If this is read only information item.
if (items[i] instanceof IInfoFormItem) {
// Creating control.
InfoDataControl ctrl = new InfoDataControl();
// Binding row and column to control.
ctrl.bind(dataRow, ((IInfoFormItem) items[i]).getDataColumn());
addedControl = ctrl;
} else
// Throwing exception for unknown item type.
throw new NotImplementedFeatureException(
"Can't build control for type "
+ GWT.getTypeName(items[i]) + ".");
// Throwing exception if no control created.
if (addedControl == null)
throw new NullPointerException(
"Can`t find user control for item type "
+ GWT.getTypeName(items[i]) + ".");
// if control and item supports required staus.
if (items[i] instanceof IEditFormItem
&& addedControl instanceof IEditableDataControl)
((IEditableDataControl) addedControl)
.setRequired(((IEditFormItem) items[i]).isRequired());
// Check authorization for action controls.
if (addedControl instanceof ActionButtonControl) {
if (!((ActionButtonControl) addedControl).isAuth()) {
if (addedControl instanceof ActionSliderControl) {
if (!((ActionSliderControl) addedControl).isAuth()) {
// Adding controls to controls list.
if (addedControl instanceof ActionSliderControl) {
this.slidersPanel.add((ActionSliderControl) addedControl);
} else {
// Resizing grid.
controlsGrid.resizeRows(controlsGrid.getRowCount() + 1);
// Adding item caption to firsh column.
HTML itemCaption = new HTML(items[i].getCaption());
controlsGrid.setWidget(controlsGrid.getRowCount() - 1, 0,
// Adding created control to second column.
controlsGrid.setWidget(controlsGrid.getRowCount() - 1, 1,
(Widget) addedControl);
// Setting style.
controlsGrid.getRowCount() - 1,
// Adding keyboard listener.
if (addedControl instanceof SourcesKeyboardEvents)
((SourcesKeyboardEvents) addedControl)
// Reading data from row to control.
* Make validation on all controls.
public void validate() {
for (int i = 0; i < controls.size(); i++)
if (controls.get(i) instanceof IEditableDataControl)
((IEditableDataControl) controls.get(i)).validate();
* Returns validation success result.
* @return <code>true</code> if all form controls' values are valid
public boolean isValid() {
for (int i = 0; i < controls.size(); i++)
if (controls.get(i) instanceof IEditableDataControl)
if (!((IEditableDataControl) controls.get(i)).isValid())
return false;
return true;
* Hides all windows in child sliders.
public void hideSlidersWindows() {
for (int i = 0; i < controls.size(); i++)
if (controls.get(i) instanceof ActionSliderControl)
((ActionSliderControl) controls.get(i)).hideChildWindow();
* Forces bindable controls to read binded data.
public void reReadBindableControls() {
for (int i = 0; i < controls.size(); i++) {
IBindableDataControl control = (IBindableDataControl) controls
if (control != null && !(control instanceof IEditableDataControl))
* Updates binded {@link #dataRow} by values from all controls.
public void updateData() {
for (int i = 0; i < controls.size(); i++) {
if (controls.get(i) instanceof IEditableDataControl)
((IEditableDataControl) controls.get(i)).updateData();
* Makes first {@link IFocusControl} controls in all controlls list to be
* focused.
* @return <code>true</code> if some control was focused
public boolean focusOnFirstControl() {
boolean focused = false;
for (int i = 0; i < controls.size() && !focused; i++)
if (controls.get(i) instanceof IFocusControl) {
((IFocusControl) controls.get(i)).setFocus(true);
focused = true;
return focused;