// retrieve the object reference from the NameService because the SecurityInterceptor
// attached to the main ORB instance may add additional service contexts to the
// NameService request that will cause failures. We use one configuration to access
// the server, and the activate the object on the real one.
org.omg.CORBA.Object ref = nssORB.string_to_object(nsURI.toString());
NamingContextExt ic = NamingContextExtHelper.narrow(ref);
NameComponent[] nameComponent = ic.to_name(name);
org.omg.CORBA.Object bean = ic.resolve(nameComponent);
// Ok, now we have an object reference from the naming service, but we need to
// activate that object on the cssORB instance before we hand it out. Activating it
// on the cssORB will ensure that all of the interceptors and policies we define on the
// cssORB will get used for all requests involving this bean.