private org.omg.CORBA.Object resolveCorbaname( CorbanameURL theCorbaName ) {
org.omg.CORBA.Object result = null;
try {
NamingContextExt theNamingContext = null;
if( theCorbaName.getRIRFlag( ) ) {
// Case 1 of corbaname: rir#
theNamingContext = getDefaultRootNamingContext( );
} else {
// Case 2 of corbaname: ::hostname#
org.omg.CORBA.Object corbalocResult =
getIORUsingCorbaloc( theCorbaName );
if( corbalocResult == null ) {
return null;
theNamingContext =
NamingContextExtHelper.narrow( corbalocResult );
String StringifiedName = theCorbaName.getStringifiedName( );
if( StringifiedName == null ) {
// This means return the Root Naming context
return theNamingContext;
} else {
return theNamingContext.resolve_str( StringifiedName );
} catch( Exception e ) {
clearRootNamingContextCache( );
return null;