A bsh.This object is a thin layer over a NameSpace that associates it with an Interpreter instance. Together they comprise a Bsh scripted object context.
Note: I'd really like to use collections here, but we have to keep this compatible with JDK1.1
Riak 2.0 introduced bucket types, which form a namespace in Riak when combined with a bucket name. This class encapsulates those two items for use with operations.
Buckets in Riak are automatically created for a type if they do not yet exist. Bucket types, on the other hand, are not. Anything other than the {@literal default}bucket type must be explicitly created using the {@literal riak_admin} command line tool.
Bucket types can only be in UTF-8. Bucket names have no restrictions.
Buckets in the default bucket type can not hold CRDTs (e.g. Maps, Counters, Sets, etc).
@author Brian RoachThe following features are supported:
This class holds attributes added by {@link ArgumentParser#parseArgs(String[])}.
It is just a wrapper of {@link Map} object which stores actual attributes.{@link Map} object can be retrieved using {@link #getAttrs()}. This class provides several shortcut methods to get attribute values. {@link #toString()} provides nice textual representation of storedattributes.
Represents a namespace in scope. It is used by XOM's XPath implementation for the namespace axis. However, it is not really part of the XOM data model. Namespace objects are only created as needed when evaluating XPath. While a namespace node has a parent element (which may be null), that element does not know about these namespace nodes and cannot remove them. (This is an inconsistency in the XPath data model, and is shared with attributes which also have parents but are not children.)
@author Elliotte Rusty Harold @version 1.1b3Namespace
Objects in the namespace are generally referred to as Nodes. Nodes may have a parent, children, content and meta-data. They can also be versioned (so that multiple revisions of the object's content and metadata are stored) and locked (so that only specific principals are allowed to read or modify the object). In addition, access control information can be assigned to every node.
Nodes in the hierarchy are identified by their URI (Unique Resource Identifier). A URI is analogous to a file path in traditional file systems. For example:
/users/john/documents/my_document.txtAs you can see, the slash ("/") is used to separate nodes in the path.
Client applications can not access a Namespace object directly. Instead, access must be requested from the {@link Domain Domain}, which will hand out a proxy object ( {@link NamespaceAccessToken NamespaceAccessToken}) that enables the client application to access the namespace using the helpers.
Namespaces are necessarily self-contained. What this means is that a namespace cannot reference or contain links to another namespace. A namespace is typically assigned per-application, which effectively isolates it's data and security context from those of other applications.
@author Remy Maucherat @author Dirk Verbeeck @version $Revision: $String[] onProvideCompletionsFromMyField(String input) { return . . .; }
is a Flyweight Namespace that can be shared amongst nodes.
This class and subclasses define a namespace for the creation and management of ID instances. Creation of ID instances is accomplished via the {@link #createInstance(Object[])} method, implemented by subclasses of thisNamespace superclass.
All Namespace instances must have a unique name passed to the Namespace upon construction.
Typically Namespace instances are created via plugins that define extensions of the org.eclipse.ecf.namespace extension point. For example, to define a new Namespace subclass XMPPNamespace with name "ecf.xmpp" and add it to the ECF extension registry:
<extension point="org.eclipse.ecf.namespace"> <namespace class="XMPPNamespace" name="ecf.xmpp"/> </extension>@see ID
The following features are supported: