private void parse(PageDefinition pgdef, NodeInfo parent,
Element el, AnnotationHelper annHelper, boolean bNativeContent)
throws Exception {
final String nm = el.getLocalName();
final Namespace ns = el.getNamespace();
final String pref = ns != null ? ns.getPrefix(): "";
final String uri = ns != null ? ns.getURI(): "";
LanguageDefinition langdef = pgdef.getLanguageDefinition();
if ("zscript".equals(nm) && isZkElement(langdef, nm, pref, uri)) {
parseZScript(parent, el, annHelper);
} else if ("attribute".equals(nm) && isZkElement(langdef, nm, pref, uri)) {
if (!(parent instanceof ComponentInfo))
throw new UiException("<attribute> cannot be the root element, "+el.getLocator());
parseAttribute(pgdef, (ComponentInfo)parent, el, annHelper);
} else if ("custom-attributes".equals(nm) && isZkElement(langdef, nm, pref, uri)) {
parseCustomAttributes(langdef, parent, el, annHelper);
} else if ("variables".equals(nm) && isZkElement(langdef, nm, pref, uri)) {
parseVariables(langdef, parent, el, annHelper);
} else if (LanguageDefinition.ANNO_NAMESPACE.equals(uri)
|| "annotation".equals(uri)) {
parseAnnotation(el, annHelper);
} else {
//if (D.ON && log.debugable()) log.debug("component: "+nm+", ns:"+ns);
final ComponentInfo compInfo;
final boolean bzk =
"zk".equals(nm) && isZkElement(langdef, nm, pref, uri);
if (bzk) {
if (annHelper.clear())
log.warning("Annotations are ignored since <zk> doesn't support them, "+el.getLocator());
compInfo = new ZkInfo(parent);
} else {
if (isZkSwitch(parent))
throw new UiException("Only <zk> can be used in <zk switch>, "+el.getLocator());
boolean prefRequired =
boolean bNative = bNativeContent || prefRequired
|| LanguageDefinition.NATIVE_NAMESPACE.equals(uri)
|| "native".equals(uri);
if (!bNative && langdef.isNative()
&& !langdef.getNamespace().equals(uri))
bNative = prefRequired =
("".equals(pref) && "".equals(uri))
|| !LanguageDefinition.exists(uri);
//Spec: if pref/URI not specified => native
// if uri unknown => native
if (bNative) {
if (annHelper.clear())
log.warning("Annotations are ignored since native doesn't support them, "+el.getLocator());
final NativeInfo ni;
compInfo = ni = new NativeInfo(
parent, langdef.getNativeDefinition(),
prefRequired && pref.length() > 0 ? pref + ":" + nm: nm);
//add declared namespace if starting with native:
final Collection dns = el.getDeclaredNamespaces();
if (!dns.isEmpty())
addDeclaredNamespace(ni, dns, langdef);
} else {
final boolean defaultNS = isDefaultNS(langdef, pref, uri);
final LanguageDefinition complangdef =
defaultNS ? langdef: LanguageDefinition.lookup(uri);
ComponentDefinition compdef =
defaultNS ? pgdef.getComponentDefinitionMap().get(nm): null;
if (compdef != null) {
compInfo = new ComponentInfo(parent, compdef);
} else if (complangdef.hasComponentDefinition(nm)) {
compdef = complangdef.getComponentDefinition(nm);
compInfo = new ComponentInfo(parent, compdef);
langdef = complangdef;
} else {
compdef = complangdef.getDynamicTagDefinition();
if (compdef == null)
throw new DefinitionNotFoundException("Component definition not found: "+nm+" in "+complangdef+", "+el.getLocator());
compInfo = new ComponentInfo(parent, compdef, nm);
langdef = complangdef;
//process use first because addProperty needs it
String use = el.getAttributeValue("use");
if (use != null) {
use = use.trim();
if (use.length() != 0)
//Resolve later since might defined in zscript
String ifc = null, unless = null,
forEach = null, forEachBegin = null, forEachEnd = null;
AnnotationHelper attrAnnHelper = null;
for (Iterator it = el.getAttributeItems().iterator();
it.hasNext();) {
final Attribute attr = (Attribute)it.next();
final Namespace attrns = attr.getNamespace();
final String attURI = attrns != null ? attrns.getURI(): "";
final String attnm = attr.getLocalName();
final String attval = attr.getValue();
if (LanguageDefinition.ANNO_NAMESPACE.equals(attURI)
|| "annotation".equals(attURI)) {
if (bzk) warnWrongZkAttr(attr);
else {
if (attrAnnHelper == null)
attrAnnHelper = new AnnotationHelper();
attrAnnHelper.addByRawValue(attnm, attval);
} else if ("apply".equals(attnm) && isZkAttr(langdef, attrns)) {
if (bzk) warnWrongZkAttr(attr);
else compInfo.setApply(attval);
} else if ("forward".equals(attnm) && isZkAttr(langdef, attrns)) {
if (bzk) warnWrongZkAttr(attr);
else compInfo.setForward(attval);
} else if ("if".equals(attnm) && isZkAttr(langdef, attrns)) {
ifc = attval;
} else if ("unless".equals(attnm) && isZkAttr(langdef, attrns)) {
unless = attval;
} else if ("forEach".equals(attnm) && isZkAttr(langdef, attrns)) {
forEach = attval;
} else if ("forEachBegin".equals(attnm) && isZkAttr(langdef, attrns)) {
forEachBegin = attval;
} else if ("forEachEnd".equals(attnm) && isZkAttr(langdef, attrns)) {
forEachEnd = attval;
} else if ("fulfill".equals(attnm) && isZkAttr(langdef, attrns)) {
if (bzk) warnWrongZkAttr(attr);
else compInfo.setFulfill(attval);
} else if (bzk) {
if ("switch".equals(attnm) || "choose".equals(attnm)) {
if (isZkSwitch(parent))
throw new UiException("<zk "+attnm+"> cannot be used in <zk switch/choose>, "+el.getLocator());
} else if ("case".equals(attnm)) {
if (!isZkSwitch(parent))
throw new UiException("<zk case> can be used only in <zk switch>, "+attr.getLocator());
} else if ("when".equals(attnm)) {
ifc = attval;
} else {
final String attPref = attrns != null ? attrns.getPrefix(): null;
if (!"xmlns".equals(attnm) && !"xml".equals(attnm)
&& attURI.indexOf("w3.org") < 0
&& (attPref == null
|| (!"xmlns".equals(attPref) && !"xml".equals(attPref))))
} else if (!("use".equals(attnm) && isZkAttr(langdef, attrns))) {
final String attPref = attrns != null ? attrns.getPrefix(): "";
if (!"xmlns".equals(attPref)
&& !("xmlns".equals(attnm) && "".equals(attPref))
&& !"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance".equals(attURI)) {
if (isAttrAnnot(attval)) { //annotation
if (attrAnnHelper == null)