// Firespout deals 3 damage to each creature without flying if {R} was spent to cast Firespout and 3 damage to each creature with flying if {G} was spent to cast it.
this.getSpellAbility().addEffect(new ConditionalOneShotEffect(
new DamageAllEffect(3, filter1),
new ManaWasSpentCondition(ColoredManaSymbol.R), "{this} deals 3 damage to each creature without flying if {R} was spent to cast {this}"));
this.getSpellAbility().addEffect(new ConditionalOneShotEffect(
new DamageAllEffect(3, filter2),
new ManaWasSpentCondition(ColoredManaSymbol.G), " And 3 damage to each creature with flying if {G} was spent to cast it"));
this.addInfo("Info1", "<i>(Do both if {R}{G} was spent.)</i>");
this.addWatcher(new ManaSpentToCastWatcher());