Defines a single match with was found.
@author sbrosinski
@version $$Id: Match.java,v 1.4 2004/06/15 11:49:17 sbrosin Exp $$
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An object which is the result of a successful identification.
This allows the client to retrieve the individual migration steps that are required to be run in order to perform the migration.
@author maximillianeo
Match is THE central class in JPortal. Here all the game actually takes place. Although the match class does not enforce all rules, card abilties are all left to the cards, cards can nearly do everything good and evil (otherwise the game wouldn´t be as open as it is), the game keeps track of players, turns and phases and (most importantly all cards that are in game, and where they are -possible: Library, Hand, Creature, Land, Graveyard, Discarded). And in general provides support for players to "look at the table" and "move things on the table". Like tapping, drawing cards and so on.
(Most those methods won´t be called from the actual player, but rather by the cards they play)
- two players (hardcoded at the moment)
- each player provides a "display", the display is thus player related and views all things in the match from the view of the player it belongs to
- (computer players don´t really need a display, so far only a "Hot Seat" display for a human player is implemented (another display possibility might be: a display for a human player over internet for example doesn´t need to display any information on "THIS" computer, it will only pass information over ip, in both directions)
- methods invoked by a player, asking questions about the match must allways pass the reference of that player to the method, so the match knows who is asking
- this provides match with a mechanism to decide which information to share and which not to share
- for example:
calling of the method: CardList getHandOpponent(MatchPlayable p)
It would be quite a bad idea to provide the player with THAT information. The players can not be allowed to cheat by looking in the opponents hand. On the other side SOME information can be provided, for example how many cards are left on the opponents hand.
For above example its quite easy, it is implemented as:
return hide(mHand[otherPlayerNumber(mPlayerToInt.get(p))]);
@author Malban
Generate when a device detection is requested to include the signature matched, the confidence of the match and the method used to obtain the match.
@author BetaSteward_at_googlemail.com
{@code Match} is a representation in {@code Grok} world of your log.
@author anthonycorbacho
@since 0.0.1
Match represents correlation expressions formatted with the MUWS Simple Property Boolean Match (PBM) schema. PBM allows the user to declare fairly complex conditionals for evaluating two resources for equality. The official PBM Match types are Match, MatchAll, and MatchAny.
@author Dan Jemiolo (danj)
A pair of matching offer to {@linkplain Bid buy} and {@linkplain Ask sell}. This is not a persistent entity. But it is in the persistent domain because it is often is the result of query.
@author Pinaki Poddar
Implementation for the MATCH() Excel function.
Syntax: MATCH(
lookup_array, match_type)
Returns a 1-based index specifying at what position in the
lookup_array the specified
lookup_value is found.
Specific matching behaviour can be modified with the optional
match_type parameter.
Value | Matching Behaviour |
1 | (default) find the largest value that is less than or equal to lookup_value. The lookup_array must be in ascending order*. |
0 | find the first value that is exactly equal to lookup_value. The lookup_array can be in any order. |
-1 | find the smallest value that is greater than or equal to lookup_value. The lookup_array must be in descending order*. |
* Note regarding
order - For the
match_type cases that require the lookup_array to be ordered, MATCH() can produce incorrect results if this requirement is not met. Observed behaviour in Excel is to return the lowest index value for which every item after that index breaks the match rule.
The (ascending) sort order expected by MATCH() is:
numbers (low to high), strings (A to Z), boolean (FALSE to TRUE)
MATCH() ignores all elements in the lookup_array with a different type to the lookup_value. Type conversion of the lookup_array elements is never performed.
A mixin for a text field that allows for autocompletion of text fields. This is based on Prototype's autocompleter control.
The mixin renders an (initially invisible) progress indicator after the field (it will also be after the error icon most fields render). The progress indicator is made visible during the request to the server. The mixin then renders a <div> that will be filled in on the client side with dynamically obtained selections.
Multiple selection on the client is enabled by binding the tokens parameter (however, the mixin doesn't help split multiple selections up on the server, that is still your code's responsibility).
The container is responsible for providing an event handler for event "providecompletions". The context will be the partial input string sent from the client. The return value should be an array or list of completions, in presentation order. I.e.
String[] onProvideCompletionsFromMyField(String input) { return . . .; }
An instance of this class has ranges captured in matching.
@see org.apache.xerces.utils.regex.RegularExpression#matches(char[],int,int,org.apache.xerces.utils.regex.Match)
@see org.apache.xerces.utils.regex.RegularExpression#matches(char[],org.apache.xerces.utils.regex.Match)
@see org.apache.xerces.utils.regex.RegularExpression#matches(java.text.CharacterIterator,org.apache.xerces.utils.regex.Match)
@see org.apache.xerces.utils.regex.RegularExpression#matches(java.lang.String,int,int,org.apache.xerces.utils.regex.Match)
@see org.apache.xerces.utils.regex.RegularExpression#matches(java.lang.String,org.apache.xerces.utils.regex.Match)
@author TAMURA Kent <kent@trl.ibm.co.jp>
An instance of this class has ranges captured in matching.
@see org.apache.xerces.utils.regex.RegularExpression#matches(char[],int,int,org.apache.xerces.utils.regex.Match)
@see org.apache.xerces.utils.regex.RegularExpression#matches(char[],org.apache.xerces.utils.regex.Match)
@see org.apache.xerces.utils.regex.RegularExpression#matches(java.text.CharacterIterator,org.apache.xerces.utils.regex.Match)
@see org.apache.xerces.utils.regex.RegularExpression#matches(java.lang.String,int,int,org.apache.xerces.utils.regex.Match)
@see org.apache.xerces.utils.regex.RegularExpression#matches(java.lang.String,org.apache.xerces.utils.regex.Match)
@author TAMURA Kent <kent@trl.ibm.co.jp>
An instance of this class has ranges captured in matching.
@see RegularExpression#matches(char[],int,int,Match)
@see RegularExpression#matches(char[],Match)
@see RegularExpression#matches(java.text.CharacterIterator,Match)
@see RegularExpression#matches(java.lang.String,int,int,Match)
@see RegularExpression#matches(java.lang.String,Match)
@author TAMURA Kent <kent@trl.ibm.co.jp>
Used to track fulltext matches throughout the query. {@link org.exist.storage.TextSearchEngine} will add amatch object to every {@link org.exist.dom.NodeProxy}that triggered a fulltext match for every term matched. The Match object contains the nodeId of the text node that triggered the match, the string value of the matching term and a frequency count, indicating the frequency of the matching term string within the corresponding single text node. All path operations copy existing match objects, i.e. the match objects are copied to the selected descendant or child nodes. This means that every NodeProxy being the direct or indirect result of a fulltext selection will have one or more match objects, indicating which text nodes among its descendant nodes contained a fulltext match.
@author wolf
Match encapsulates all of the information relating to a single match. A match is a single play through a game, with a complete history that lists what move each player made at each step through the match. This also includes other relevant metadata about the match, including some unique identifiers, configuration information, and so on. NOTE: Match objects created by a player, representing state read from a server, are not completely filled out. For example, they only get an ephemeral Game object, which has a rulesheet but no key or metadata. Gamers which do not derive from StateMachineGamer also do not keep any information on what states have been observed, because (somehow) they are representing games without using state machines. In general, these player-created Match objects shouldn't be sent out into the ecosystem.
@author Sam
This class implements the most generic ModSecurity-like match. It matches the value of a given variable against a single or set of values using a specific operator. This implementation supports the operators
, by matching the value against regular expressions pm
, by looking for substring matches eq
, by looking for equality of strings
All matches can be inverted by prepending an exclamation-mark "!" to the value.
@author Christian Bockermann <chris@jwall.org>
Reference to a matched token in a pattern, can be formatted and used for matching & suggestions.
@author Marcin Miłkowski
Instances of {@code Match} are used in the{@link DriverSelector#select(ServiceReference,Match[])} method to identifyDriver services matching a Device service.
@author $Id: d162518484495fb4ad5c99153b85d274837c69ab $
@since 1.1
@see DriverSelector
Represents the result of single regular expression match.
@author Alex Ruiz