Examples of MATCH

Examples of org.kie.api.runtime.rule.Match


        ArgumentCaptor<AfterMatchFiredEvent> cap = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( AfterMatchFiredEvent.class );
        Mockito.verify( ael ).afterMatchFired(cap.capture());

        Match activation = cap.getValue().getMatch();
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$sum" )).intValue(),
                    is( 18 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$min" )).intValue(),
                    is( 3 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$avg" )).intValue(),
                    is( 6 ) );

        Mockito.reset( ael );
        // ---------------- 2nd scenario
        final int index = 1;
        cheese[index].setPrice( 9 );
        ksession.update( cheeseHandles[index],
                         cheese[index] );

        Mockito.verify( ael, Mockito.never() ).afterMatchFired(Mockito.any(AfterMatchFiredEvent.class));

        Mockito.reset( ael );
        // ---------------- 3rd scenario
        bob.setLikes( "brie" );
        ksession.update( bobHandle,
                         bob );

        Mockito.verify( ael ).afterMatchFired(cap.capture());

        activation = cap.getValue().getMatch();
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$sum" )).intValue(),
                    is( 20 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$min" )).intValue(),
                    is( 3 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$avg" )).intValue(),
                    is( 10 ) );


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Examples of org.kie.api.runtime.rule.Match


        ArgumentCaptor<AfterMatchFiredEvent> cap = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( AfterMatchFiredEvent.class );
        Mockito.verify( ael ).afterMatchFired(cap.capture());

        Match activation = cap.getValue().getMatch();
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$sum" )).intValue(),
                    is( 18 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$min" )).intValue(),
                    is( 3 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$avg" )).intValue(),
                    is( 6 ) );

        Mockito.reset( ael );
        // ---------------- 2nd scenario
        final int index = 1;
        cheese[index].setPrice( 9 );
        ksession.update( cheeseHandles[index],
                         cheese[index] );

        Mockito.verify( ael ).afterMatchFired(cap.capture());

        activation = cap.getValue().getMatch();
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$sum" )).intValue(),
                    is( 24 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$min" )).intValue(),
                    is( 5 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$avg" )).intValue(),
                    is( 8 ) );

        Mockito.reset( ael );
        // ---------------- 3rd scenario
        bob.setLikes( "brie" );
        ksession.update( bobHandle,
                         bob );

        Mockito.verify( ael ).afterMatchFired(cap.capture());

        activation = cap.getValue().getMatch();
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$sum" )).intValue(),
                    is( 32 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$min" )).intValue(),
                    is( 15 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$avg" )).intValue(),
                    is( 16 ) );

        Mockito.reset( ael );
        // ---------------- 4th scenario
        ksession.retract( cheeseHandles[3] );

        Mockito.verify( ael ).afterMatchFired(cap.capture());

        activation = cap.getValue().getMatch();
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$sum" )).intValue(),
                    is( 17 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$min" )).intValue(),
                    is( 17 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$avg" )).intValue(),
                    is( 17 ) );
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Examples of org.kie.api.runtime.rule.Match


        ArgumentCaptor<AfterMatchFiredEvent> cap = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( AfterMatchFiredEvent.class );
        Mockito.verify( ael ).afterMatchFired(cap.capture());

        Match activation = cap.getValue().getMatch();
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$sum" )).intValue(),
                    is( 18 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$min" )).intValue(),
                    is( 3 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$avg" )).intValue(),
                    is( 6 ) );

        Mockito.reset( ael );
        // ---------------- 2nd scenario
        final int index = 1;
        cheese[index].setPrice( 9 );
        ksession.update( cheeseHandles[index],
                         cheese[index] );

        Mockito.verify( ael, Mockito.never() ).afterMatchFired(Mockito.any(AfterMatchFiredEvent.class));

        Mockito.reset( ael );
        // ---------------- 3rd scenario
        bob.setLikes( "brie" );
        ksession.update( bobHandle,
                         bob );

        Mockito.verify( ael ).afterMatchFired(cap.capture());

        activation = cap.getValue().getMatch();
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$sum" )).intValue(),
                    is( 20 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$min" )).intValue(),
                    is( 3 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$avg" )).intValue(),
                    is( 10 ) );

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Examples of org.kie.api.runtime.rule.Match

        verify( ael,
                times( 7 ) ).afterMatchFired(captor.capture());

        List<AfterMatchFiredEvent> values = captor.getAllValues();
        // first rule
        Match act = values.get( 0 ).getMatch();
        assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                    is( "launch" ) );

        if ( phreak == RuleEngineOption.PHREAK ) {
            // first rule
            act = values.get( 1 ).getMatch();
            assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                        is( "ba" ) );
            assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$a" )).intValue(),
                        is( 2 ) );
            assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$b" )).intValue(),
                        is( 1 ) );

            // second rule
            act = values.get( 2 ).getMatch();
            assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                        is( "ba" ) );
            assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$a" )).intValue(),
                        is( 3 ) );
            assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$b" )).intValue(),
                        is( 1 ) );

            // third rule
            act = values.get( 3 ).getMatch();
            assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                        is( "ba" ) );
            assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$a" )).intValue(),
                        is( 3 ) );
            assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$b" )).intValue(),
                        is( 2 ) );

            // fourth rule
            act = values.get( 4 ).getMatch();
            assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                        is( "ab" ) );
            assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$a" )).intValue(),
                        is( 2 ) );
            assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$b" )).intValue(),
                        is( 1 ) );

            // fifth rule
            act = values.get( 5 ).getMatch();
            assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                        is( "ab" ) );
            assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$a" )).intValue(),
                        is( 3 ) );
            assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$b" )).intValue(),
                        is( 1 ) );

            // sixth rule
            act = values.get( 6 ).getMatch();
            assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                        is( "ab" ) );
            assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$a" )).intValue(),
                        is( 3 ) );
            assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$b" )).intValue(),
                        is( 2 ) );
        } else {
            // second rule
            act = values.get( 1 ).getMatch();
            assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                        is( "ba" ) );
            assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$a" )).intValue(),
                        is( 3 ) );
            assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$b" )).intValue(),
                        is( 2 ) );

            // third rule
            act = values.get( 2 ).getMatch();
            assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                        is( "ab" ) );
            assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$a" )).intValue(),
                        is( 3 ) );
            assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$b" )).intValue(),
                        is( 2 ) );

            // fourth rule
            act = values.get( 3 ).getMatch();
            assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                        is( "ba" ) );
            assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$a" )).intValue(),
                        is( 3 ) );
            assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$b" )).intValue(),
                        is( 1 ) );

            // fifth rule
            act = values.get( 4 ).getMatch();
            assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                        is( "ab" ) );
            assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$a" )).intValue(),
                        is( 3 ) );
            assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$b" )).intValue(),
                        is( 1 ) );

            // sixth rule
            act = values.get( 5 ).getMatch();
            assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                        is( "ba" ) );
            assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$a" )).intValue(),
                        is( 2 ) );
            assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$b" )).intValue(),
                        is( 1 ) );

            // seventh rule
            act = values.get( 6 ).getMatch();
            assertThat( act.getRule().getName(),
                        is( "ab" ) );
            assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$a" )).intValue(),
                        is( 2 ) );
            assertThat( ((Number) act.getDeclarationValue( "$b" )).intValue(),
                        is( 1 ) );

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Examples of org.kie.api.runtime.rule.Match


        ArgumentCaptor<AfterMatchFiredEvent> cap = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( AfterMatchFiredEvent.class );
        Mockito.verify( ael ).afterMatchFired(cap.capture());

        Match activation = cap.getValue().getMatch();
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$sum" )).intValue(),
                    is( 18 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$min" )).intValue(),
                    is( 3 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$avg" )).intValue(),
                    is( 6 ) );

        Mockito.reset( ael );
        // ---------------- 2nd scenario
        final int index = 1;
        cheese[index].setPrice( 9 );
        ksession.update( cheeseHandles[index],
                         cheese[index] );

        Mockito.verify( ael ).afterMatchFired(cap.capture());

        activation = cap.getValue().getMatch();
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$sum" )).intValue(),
                    is( 24 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$min" )).intValue(),
                    is( 5 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$avg" )).intValue(),
                    is( 8 ) );

        Mockito.reset( ael );
        // ---------------- 3rd scenario
        bob.setLikes( "brie" );
        ksession.update( bobHandle,
                         bob );

        Mockito.verify( ael ).afterMatchFired(cap.capture());

        activation = cap.getValue().getMatch();
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$sum" )).intValue(),
                    is( 32 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$min" )).intValue(),
                    is( 15 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$avg" )).intValue(),
                    is( 16 ) );

        Mockito.reset( ael );
        // ---------------- 4th scenario
        ksession.retract( cheeseHandles[3] );

        Mockito.verify( ael ).afterMatchFired(cap.capture());

        activation = cap.getValue().getMatch();
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$sum" )).intValue(),
                    is( 17 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$min" )).intValue(),
                    is( 17 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$avg" )).intValue(),
                    is( 17 ) );
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Examples of org.kie.api.runtime.rule.Match


        ArgumentCaptor<AfterMatchFiredEvent> cap = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( AfterMatchFiredEvent.class );
        Mockito.verify( ael ).afterMatchFired(cap.capture());

        Match activation = cap.getValue().getMatch();
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$sum" )).intValue(),
                    is( 18 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$min" )).intValue(),
                    is( 3 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$avg" )).intValue(),
                    is( 6 ) );

        Mockito.reset( ael );
        // ---------------- 2nd scenario
        final int index = 1;
        cheese[index].setPrice( 9 );
        ksession.update( cheeseHandles[index],
                         cheese[index] );

        Mockito.verify( ael, Mockito.never() ).afterMatchFired(Mockito.any(AfterMatchFiredEvent.class));

        Mockito.reset( ael );
        // ---------------- 3rd scenario
        bob.setLikes( "brie" );
        ksession.update( bobHandle,
                         bob );

        Mockito.verify( ael ).afterMatchFired(cap.capture());

        activation = cap.getValue().getMatch();
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$sum" )).intValue(),
                    is( 20 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$min" )).intValue(),
                    is( 3 ) );
        assertThat( ((Number) activation.getDeclarationValue( "$avg" )).intValue(),
                    is( 10 ) );


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Examples of org.kie.runtime.rule.Match

        AgendaGroup[] agendaGroups = session.getAgenda().getAgendaGroups();
        assertEquals(1, agendaGroups.length);
        assertEquals("MAIN", agendaGroups[0].getName());
        assertEquals(1, agendaGroups[0].getActivations().length);

        Match activation = agendaGroups[0].getActivations()[0];
        assertEquals("ActivationCreator", activation.getRule().getName());
        Entry[] parameters = session.getActivationParameters(
            ((org.drools.spi.Activation) activation).getActivationNumber());
        assertEquals(1, parameters.length);
        assertEquals("o", parameters[0].getKey());
        assertEquals("String1", parameters[0].getValue());
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Examples of org.languagetool.rules.patterns.Match

        for (int i = 0; i < matchingTokens - startPositionCorrection
                + endPositionCorrection; i++) {
          final int position = text.getOriginalPosition(firstMatchToken
                  + correctedStPos + i);
          final Element myEl = patternElements.get(i+startPositionCorrection);
          final Match tmpMatchToken = new Match(myEl.getPOStag(), null,
                  true, myEl.getPOStag(), //myEl.isPOStagRegularExpression()
                  null, Match.CaseConversion.NONE, false, false,
          final String prevValue = whTokens[position].toString();
          final String prevAnot = whTokens[position]
          whTokens[position] = tmpMatchToken.filterReadings();
          annotateChange(whTokens[position], prevValue, prevAnot);
      case IMMUNIZE:
        for (int i = 0; i < matchingTokens - startPositionCorrection + endPositionCorrection; i++) {
          whTokens[text.getOriginalPosition(firstMatchToken + correctedStPos + i)].immunize();
      case FILTER:
        if (matchElement == null) { // same as REPLACE if using <match>
          final Match tmpMatchToken = new Match(disambiguatedPOS, null, true,
                  disambiguatedPOS, null, Match.CaseConversion.NONE,
                  false, false, Match.IncludeRange.NONE);
          final String prevValue = whTokens[fromPos].toString();
          final String prevAnot = whTokens[fromPos].getHistoricalAnnotations();
          whTokens[fromPos] = tmpMatchToken.filterReadings();
          annotateChange(whTokens[fromPos], prevValue, prevAnot);
          filtered = true;
        // FALLTHROUGH
      case REPLACE:
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Examples of org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.search.SearchCompiler.Match

                isDelete = true;
            } else {
                isDelete = false;

            Match compiled = SearchCompiler.compile(filter.text, filter.caseSensitive, filter.regexSearch);
            this.match = filter.inverted?new Not(compiled):compiled;
            this.isInverted = filter.inverted;
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Examples of org.optaplanner.examples.travelingtournament.domain.Match

import org.optaplanner.examples.travelingtournament.domain.Match;

public class InverseMatchSwapMoveFilter implements SelectionFilter<SwapMove> {

    public boolean accept(ScoreDirector scoreDirector, SwapMove move) {
        Match leftMatch = (Match) move.getLeftEntity();
        Match rightMatch = (Match) move.getRightEntity();
        return leftMatch.getHomeTeam().equals(rightMatch.getAwayTeam())
                && leftMatch.getAwayTeam().equals(rightMatch.getHomeTeam());
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