Many client operations locate a piece of information in Riak via a bucket type, bucket name, and a key. This class encapsulates these three items by combining a {@link Namespace} with a key and is used with most client operations.
Riak itself is character set agnostic; everything is stored as bytes. The convenience methods in this class rely on either the default Charset or a supplied one to convert Strings to a byte[].
@author Brian Roach
class, except that objects of this type are immutable.
A criterion of this type can only be created using an ID. A criterion of this type can be either targeted or excluded. This is enabled for AdX.
A criterion of this type can only be created using an ID. A criterion of this type can be either targeted or excluded. This is enabled for AdX.
A criterion of this type can only be created using an ID. A criterion of this type can be either targeted or excluded. This is enabled for AdX.
A criterion of this type can only be created using an ID. A criterion of this type can be either targeted or excluded. This is enabled for AdX.
A criterion of this type can only be created using an ID. A criterion of this type can be either targeted or excluded. This is enabled for AdX.
A criterion of this type can only be created using an ID. A criterion of this type can be either targeted or excluded. This is enabled for AdX.
represent a location related to an element. The location is expressed as an offset and length, but the offset is relative to the resource containing the element rather than the start of the element within that resource.
@coverage dart.engine.index
Locations are mostly provided by {@link Locatable}s objects.
Like {@code Vectors}, {@code Locations} are immutable and mutator methodswill create a new copy.
At the moment, but this may change in the future, {@link #hashCode()} and{@link #equals(Object)} are subject to minor differences caused byfloating point errors.
The availability of a line number for a location will depend on the level of debugging information available from the target VM.
Several mirror interfaces have locations. Each such mirror extends a {@link Locatable} interface.
The source information for a Location is dependent on the stratum which is used. A stratum is a source code level within a sequence of translations. For example, say the baz program is written in the programming language "Foo" then translated to the language "Bar" and finally translated into the Java programming language. The Java programming language stratum is named "Java"
, let's say the other strata are named "Foo" and "Bar". A given location (as viewed by the {@link #sourceName()} and {@link #lineNumber()} methods)might be at line 14 of "" in the "Foo"
stratum, line 23 of "" in the "Bar"
stratum and line 71 of the "Java"
stratum. Note that while the Java programming language may have only one source file for a reference type, this restriction does not apply to other strata - thus each Location should be consulted to determine its source path. Queries which do not specify a stratum ( {@link #sourceName()}, {@link #sourcePath()} and{@link #lineNumber()}) use the VM's default stratum ( {@link VirtualMachine#getDefaultStratum()}). If the specified stratum (whether explicitly specified by a method parameter or implicitly as the VM's default) is null
or is not available in the declaring type, the declaring type's default stratum is used ( {@link #declaringType()}. {@link ReferenceType#defaultStratum() defaultStratum()}). Note that in the normal case, of code that originates as Java programming language source, there will be only one stratum ("Java"
) and it will be returned as the default. To determine the available strata use {@link ReferenceType#availableStrata()}.
@see com.sun.jdi.request.EventRequestManager
@see StackFrame
@see com.sun.jdi.event.BreakpointEvent
@see com.sun.jdi.event.ExceptionEvent
@see Locatable
@author Robert Field
@author Gordon Hirsch
@author James McIlree
@since 1.3
Location objects may be compared with each other using the equals() method, and may be used as keys in tree and hash maps and sets. Note that it is only valid to compare Locations produced from the same CFG. @author David Hovemeyer @see CFG
object, which contains information about the URL of the document and provides methods for changing that URL. You can also assign to this property to load another URL.
The following features are supported:
An object that represents the Location of a tag or attribute of a tag in a View Declaration Language file.
@since 2.0The location method is indicated using a bit field. The individual bits are defined using constants in this class. This bit field is a bitwise combination of the location method technology bits (MTE_*), method type (MTY_*) and method assistance information (MTA_*). All other bits in the 32 bit integer than those that have defined constants in this class are reserved and MUST not be set by implementations (i.e. these bits must be 0).
A Location object may be either 'valid' or 'invalid'. The validity can be queried using the isValid method. A valid Location object represents a location with valid coordinates and the getQualifiedCoordinates method must return there coordinates. An invalid Location object doesn't have valid coordinates, but the extra info that is obtained from the getExtraInfo method can provide information about the reason why it was not possible to provide a valid Location. For an invalid Location object, the getQualifiedCoordinates method may return either null or some coordinates where the information is not necessarily fully correct. The periodic location updates to the LocationListener may return invalid Location objects if it isn't possible to determine the location.
This class is only a container for the information. When the platform implementation returns Location objects, it MUST ensure that it only returns objects where the parameters have values set as described for their semantics in this class.
Locations are mostly provided by {@link Locatable}s objects. @since 2.1.8 @version $Id: 587751 2007-10-24 02:41:36Z vgritsenko $
{@link Location} is agnostic to the type of file system the resource is on.
This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
@since 3.0 @noimplement This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.Locations are mostly provided by {@link Locatable}s objects. @since 2.1.8
Typically used to track the location of problematic or erroneous metadata in XML configuration files. For example, a {@link #getSource() source} location might be 'The bean defined online 76 of has an invalid Class'; another source might be the actual DOM Element from a parsed XML {@link org.w3c.dom.Document}; or the source object might simply be null
@author Rob Harrop
@since 2.0
By default, an instance of this class is not visible in a user interface. This is indicated to the user interface by returning NONE to the getVisibility() method. The location is specified by calling setExpression() with a string that has the form "x,y" or "[x,y]" or "{x,y}", where x and y can be parsed into doubles.
The default location is a two dimensional location with value {0.0, 0.0}. This class can also handle locations with greater than two dimensions. @author Steve Neuendorffer and Edward A. Lee @version $Id:,v 1.65 2007/12/06 21:56:23 cxh Exp $ @since Ptolemy II 2.1 @Pt.ProposedRating Green (cxh) @Pt.AcceptedRating Green (cxh)