* Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Caucho Technology -- all rights reserved
* This file is part of Resin(R) Open Source
* Each copy or derived work must preserve the copyright notice and this
* notice unmodified.
* Resin Open Source is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Resin Open Source is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* of NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the GNU General Public License for more
* details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Resin Open Source; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330
* Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
* @author Scott Ferguson
package com.caucho.quercus.env;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TimeZone;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.script.Bindings;
import javax.script.ScriptContext;
import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.http.Cookie;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import javax.sql.DataSource;
import com.caucho.quercus.Location;
import com.caucho.quercus.Quercus;
import com.caucho.quercus.QuercusDieException;
import com.caucho.quercus.QuercusErrorException;
import com.caucho.quercus.QuercusException;
import com.caucho.quercus.QuercusExitException;
import com.caucho.quercus.QuercusModuleException;
import com.caucho.quercus.QuercusRuntimeException;
import com.caucho.quercus.expr.Expr;
import com.caucho.quercus.function.AbstractFunction;
import com.caucho.quercus.lib.ErrorModule;
import com.caucho.quercus.lib.OptionsModule;
import com.caucho.quercus.lib.VariableModule;
import com.caucho.quercus.lib.file.FileModule;
import com.caucho.quercus.lib.file.PhpStderr;
import com.caucho.quercus.lib.file.PhpStdin;
import com.caucho.quercus.lib.file.PhpStdout;
import com.caucho.quercus.lib.regexp.RegexpState;
import com.caucho.quercus.lib.string.StringModule;
import com.caucho.quercus.lib.string.StringUtility;
import com.caucho.quercus.module.IniDefinition;
import com.caucho.quercus.module.ModuleContext;
import com.caucho.quercus.module.ModuleStartupListener;
import com.caucho.quercus.page.QuercusPage;
import com.caucho.quercus.program.ClassDef;
import com.caucho.quercus.program.JavaClassDef;
import com.caucho.quercus.program.QuercusProgram;
import com.caucho.quercus.program.UndefinedFunction;
import com.caucho.quercus.resources.StreamContextResource;
import com.caucho.util.CharBuffer;
import com.caucho.util.FreeList;
import com.caucho.util.IntMap;
import com.caucho.util.L10N;
import com.caucho.util.QDate;
import com.caucho.vfs.ByteToChar;
import com.caucho.vfs.Encoding;
import com.caucho.vfs.MemoryPath;
import com.caucho.vfs.NullPath;
import com.caucho.vfs.Path;
import com.caucho.vfs.ReadStream;
import com.caucho.vfs.TempBuffer;
import com.caucho.vfs.WriteStream;
import com.caucho.vfs.i18n.EncodingReader;
* Represents the Quercus environment.
public class Env {
private static final L10N L = new L10N(Env.class);
private static final Logger log
= Logger.getLogger(Env.class.getName());
public static final int B_ERROR = 0;
public static final int B_WARNING = 1;
public static final int B_PARSE = 2;
public static final int B_NOTICE = 3;
public static final int B_CORE_ERROR = 4;
public static final int B_CORE_WARNING = 5;
public static final int B_COMPILE_ERROR = 6;
public static final int B_COMPILE_WARNING = 7;
public static final int B_USER_ERROR = 8;
public static final int B_USER_WARNING = 9;
public static final int B_USER_NOTICE = 10;
public static final int B_STRICT = 11;
public static final int B_RECOVERABLE_ERROR = 12;
public static final int B_LAST = B_RECOVERABLE_ERROR;
public static final int E_ERROR = 1 << B_ERROR;
public static final int E_WARNING = 1 << B_WARNING;
public static final int E_PARSE = 1 << B_PARSE;
public static final int E_NOTICE = 1 << B_NOTICE;
public static final int E_CORE_ERROR = 1 << B_CORE_ERROR;
public static final int E_CORE_WARNING = 1 << B_CORE_WARNING;
public static final int E_COMPILE_ERROR = 1 << B_COMPILE_ERROR;
public static final int E_COMPILE_WARNING = 1 << B_COMPILE_WARNING;
public static final int E_USER_ERROR = 1 << B_USER_ERROR;
public static final int E_USER_WARNING = 1 << B_USER_WARNING;
public static final int E_USER_NOTICE = 1 << B_USER_NOTICE;
public static final int E_ALL = 6143; //(4096 + 2048 - 1)
public static final int E_STRICT = 1 << B_STRICT;
public static final int E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR = 1 << B_RECOVERABLE_ERROR;
public static final int E_DEFAULT = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE;
private static final int _SERVER = 1;
private static final int _GET = 2;
private static final int _POST = 3;
private static final int _COOKIE = 4;
private static final int _GLOBAL = 5;
private static final int _REQUEST = 6;
private static final int _SESSION = 7;
private static final int HTTP_GET_VARS = 8;
private static final int HTTP_POST_VARS = 9;
private static final int HTTP_COOKIE_VARS = 10;
private static final int PHP_SELF = 11;
private static final int _FILES = 12;
private static final int HTTP_POST_FILES = 13;
private static final int _ENV = 14;
private static final int HTTP_SERVER_VARS = 15;
private static final int HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA = 16;
private static final IntMap SPECIAL_VARS = new IntMap();
private static final StringValue PHP_SELF_STRING
= new ConstStringValue("PHP_SELF");
private static final StringValue UTF8_STRING
= new ConstStringValue("utf-8");
public static final Value []EMPTY_VALUE = new Value[0];
private static ThreadLocal<Env> _threadEnv = new ThreadLocal<Env>();
private static final FreeList<AbstractFunction[]> _freeFunList
= new FreeList<AbstractFunction[]>(256);
private static final FreeList<ClassDef[]> _freeClassDefList
= new FreeList<ClassDef[]>(256);
private static final FreeList<QuercusClass[]> _freeClassList
= new FreeList<QuercusClass[]>(256);
private static final FreeList<Value[]> _freeConstList
= new FreeList<Value[]>(256);
private static final FreeList<QDate> _freeGmtDateList
= new FreeList<QDate>(256);
private static final FreeList<QDate> _freeLocalDateList
= new FreeList<QDate>(256);
protected final Quercus _quercus;
private QuercusPage _page;
private HashMap<String,Value> _scriptGlobalMap
= new HashMap<String,Value>(16);
// Function map
public AbstractFunction []_fun;
// anonymous functions created by create_function()
public HashMap<String, AbstractFunction> _anonymousFunMap;
// Class map
public ClassDef []_classDef;
public QuercusClass []_qClass;
// Constant map
public Value []_const;
// Globals
private Map<String, EnvVar> _globalMap
= new HashMap<String, EnvVar>();
private EnvVar []_globalList;
// Current env
private Map<String, EnvVar> _map = _globalMap;
private HashMap<String, Value> _iniMap;
// specialMap is used for implicit resources like the mysql link
private HashMap<String, Object> _specialMap
= new HashMap<String, Object>();
private HashSet<String> _initializedClassSet
= new HashSet<String>();
// include_path ini
private int _iniCount = 1;
private ArrayList<EnvCleanup> _cleanupList;
private ArrayList<ObjectExtValue> _objCleanupList;
private ArrayList<Shutdown> _shutdownList;
private String _defaultIncludePath;
private String _includePath;
private int _includePathIniCount;
private ArrayList<String> _includePathList;
private HashMap<Path,ArrayList<Path>> _includePathMap;
// XXX: may require a LinkedHashMap for ordering?
private HashMap<Path,QuercusPage> _includeMap
= new HashMap<Path,QuercusPage>();
private Value _this = NullThisValue.NULL;
private final boolean _isUnicodeSemantics;
private boolean _isAllowUrlInclude;
private boolean _isAllowUrlFopen;
private HashMap<StringValue,Path> _lookupCache
= new HashMap<StringValue,Path>();
private HashMap<ConnectionEntry,ConnectionEntry> _connMap
= new HashMap<ConnectionEntry,ConnectionEntry>();
private AbstractFunction _autoload;
private HashSet<String> _autoloadClasses
= new HashSet<String>();
private ArrayList<Callback> _autoloadList;
private InternalAutoloadCallback _internalAutoload;
private long _startTime;
private long _timeLimit = 600000L;
private long _endTime;
private Expr [] _callStack;
private Value [] _callThisStack;
private Value [][] _callArgStack;
private int _callStackTop;
private QuercusClass _callingClass;
private Value [] _functionArgs;
private LinkedList<FieldGetEntry> _fieldGetList
= new LinkedList<FieldGetEntry>();
private Path _selfPath;
private Path _selfDirectory;
private Path _pwd;
private Path _uploadPath;
private Path _tmpPath;
private ArrayList<Path> _removePaths;
private final boolean _isStrict;
private HttpServletRequest _request;
private HttpServletResponse _response;
private ArrayValue _postArray;
private StringValue _inputData;
private ArrayValue _files;
private SessionArrayValue _session;
private HttpSession _javaSession;
private ScriptContext _scriptContext;
private WriteStream _originalOut;
private OutputBuffer _outputBuffer;
private WriteStream _out;
private LocaleInfo _locale;
private Callback [] _prevErrorHandlers = new Callback[B_LAST + 1];
private Callback [] _errorHandlers = new Callback[B_LAST + 1];
private Callback _prevExceptionHandler;
private Callback _exceptionHandler;
private SessionCallback _sessionCallback;
private StreamContextResource _defaultStreamContext;
// XXX: need to look this up from the module itself
private int _errorMask = E_DEFAULT;
private int _objectId = 0;
private Logger _logger;
// hold special Quercus php import statements
private ImportMap _importMap;
private TimeZone _defaultTimeZone;
private QDate _localDate;
private QDate _gmtDate;
private Object _gzStream;
private Env _oldThreadEnv;
private RegexpState _freeRegexpState;
private CharBuffer _cb = new CharBuffer();
public Env(Quercus quercus,
QuercusPage page,
WriteStream out,
HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response)
_quercus = quercus;
_isStrict = quercus.isStrict();
_isUnicodeSemantics = quercus.isUnicodeSemantics();
_isAllowUrlInclude = quercus.isAllowUrlInclude();
_isAllowUrlFopen = quercus.isAllowUrlFopen();
_page = page;
// XXX: grab initial from page
// _defState = new DefinitionState(quercus);
AbstractFunction []defFuns = getDefaultFunctionMap();
_fun = _freeFunList.allocate();
if (_fun == null || _fun.length < defFuns.length)
_fun = new AbstractFunction[defFuns.length];
System.arraycopy(defFuns, 0, _fun, 0, defFuns.length);
ClassDef []defClasses = quercus.getClassDefMap();
_classDef = _freeClassDefList.allocate();
if (_classDef == null || _classDef.length < defClasses.length)
_classDef = new ClassDef[defClasses.length];
else {
// list should have been zeroed on call to free
_qClass = _freeClassList.allocate();
if (_qClass == null || _qClass.length < defClasses.length)
_qClass = new QuercusClass[defClasses.length];
else {
// list should have been zeroed on call to free
Value []defConst = quercus.getConstantMap();
_const = _freeConstList.allocate();
if (_const == null || _const.length < defConst.length)
_const = new Value[defConst.length];
else {
// list should have been zeroed on call to free
System.arraycopy(defConst, 0, _const, 0, defConst.length);
_originalOut = out;
_out = out;
_request = request;
_response = response;
if (_page != null) {
if (_page != null) {
// php/0b32
_includeMap.put(_selfPath, _page);
= new InternalAutoloadCallback("com/caucho/quercus/php/");
if (_request != null && _request.getMethod().equals("POST")) {
_postArray = new ArrayValueImpl();
_files = new ArrayValueImpl();
} else if (_request != null && ! _request.getMethod().equals("GET")) {
InputStream is = null;
try {
is = _request.getInputStream();
} catch (IOException e) {
StringValue bb = createBinaryBuilder();
bb.appendReadAll(is, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
// Define the constant string PHP_VERSION
addConstant("PHP_VERSION", OptionsModule.phpversion(this, null), true);
// php://stdin, php://stdout, php://stderr
if (response == null) {
addConstant("STDOUT", wrapJava(new PhpStdout()), false);
addConstant("STDERR", wrapJava(new PhpStderr()), false);
addConstant("STDIN", wrapJava(new PhpStdin(this)), false);
public Env(Quercus quercus)
this(quercus, null, null, null, null);
public static Env getCurrent()
return _threadEnv.get();
public static Env getInstance()
return getCurrent();
protected AbstractFunction []getDefaultFunctionMap()
return getQuercus().getFunctionMap();
* Initialize the page, loading any functions and classes
protected QuercusPage pageInit(QuercusPage page)
if (page.getCompiledPage() != null)
page = page.getCompiledPage();
return page;
// script accessible methods
* External calls to set a global value.
public Value setScriptGlobal(String name, Object object)
Value value;
if (object instanceof Value)
value = (Value) object;
else if (object == null)
value = NullValue.NULL;
value = wrapJava(object);
_scriptGlobalMap.put(name, value);
return value;
// i18n
* Returns true if unicode.semantics is on.
public boolean isUnicodeSemantics()
return _isUnicodeSemantics;
* Returns the encoding used for scripts.
public String getScriptEncoding()
StringValue encoding = getIni("unicode.script_encoding");
if (encoding.length() == 0) {
encoding = getIni("unicode.fallback_encoding");
if (encoding.length() == 0)
return getQuercus().getScriptEncoding();
return encoding.toString();
* Returns the encoding used for runtime conversions, e.g. files
* XXX: ISO-8859-1 when unicode.semantics is OFF
public String getRuntimeEncoding()
if (! _isUnicodeSemantics)
return "iso-8859-1";
StringValue encoding = getIni("unicode.runtime_encoding");
if (encoding.length() == 0) {
encoding = getIni("unicode.fallback_encoding");
if (encoding.length() == 0)
encoding = UTF8_STRING;
return encoding.toString();
* Sets the encoding used for runtime conversions.
public Value setRuntimeEncoding(String encoding)
return setIni("unicode.runtime_encoding", encoding);
* Returns the encoding used for runtime conversions, e.g. files
public EncodingReader getRuntimeEncodingFactory()
throws IOException
return Encoding.getReadFactory(getRuntimeEncoding());
* Returns the encoding used for input, i.e. post,
* null if unicode.semantics is off.
public String getHttpInputEncoding()
if (! _isUnicodeSemantics)
return getScriptEncoding();
StringValue encoding = getIni("unicode.http_input_encoding");
if (encoding.length() == 0) {
encoding = getIni("unicode.fallback_encoding");
if (encoding.length() == 0)
encoding = UTF8_STRING;
return encoding.toString();
* Returns the encoding used for output, null if unicode.semantics is off.
public String getOutputEncoding()
if (! _isUnicodeSemantics)
return null;
String encoding = Quercus.INI_UNICODE_OUTPUT_ENCODING.getAsString(this);
if (encoding == null)
encoding = Quercus.INI_UNICODE_FALLBACK_ENCODING.getAsString(this);
if (encoding == null)
encoding = "utf-8";
return encoding;
* Creates a binary builder.
public StringValue createBinaryBuilder()
if (_isUnicodeSemantics)
return new BinaryBuilderValue();
return new StringBuilderValue();
* Creates a binary builder for large things like files.
public StringValue createLargeBinaryBuilder()
if (_isUnicodeSemantics)
return new BinaryBuilderValue();
return new LargeStringBuilderValue();
* Creates a binary builder.
public StringValue createBinaryBuilder(int length)
if (_isUnicodeSemantics)
return new BinaryBuilderValue(length);
return new StringBuilderValue(length);
* Creates a binary builder.
public StringValue createBinaryBuilder(byte []buffer, int offset, int length)
if (_isUnicodeSemantics)
return new BinaryBuilderValue(buffer, offset, length);
return new StringBuilderValue(buffer, offset, length);
* Creates a binary builder.
public StringValue createBinaryBuilder(byte []buffer)
if (_isUnicodeSemantics)
return new BinaryBuilderValue(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
return new StringBuilderValue(buffer, 0, buffer.length);
* Creates a unicode builder.
public StringValue createUnicodeBuilder()
if (_isUnicodeSemantics)
return new UnicodeBuilderValue();
return new StringBuilderValue();
public TimeZone getDefaultTimeZone()
return _defaultTimeZone;
public QDate getGmtDate()
if (_gmtDate == null) {
_gmtDate = _freeGmtDateList.allocate();
if (_gmtDate == null)
_gmtDate = new QDate();
return _gmtDate;
public QDate getLocalDate()
if (_localDate == null) {
_localDate = _freeLocalDateList.allocate();
if (_localDate == null)
_localDate = QDate.createLocal();
return _localDate;
public void setDefaultTimeZone(String id)
_defaultTimeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone(id);
public void setDefaultTimeZone(TimeZone zone)
_defaultTimeZone = zone;
* Returns the ServletContext.
public ServletContext getServletContext()
return _quercus.getServletContext();
* Sets the ScriptContext.
public void setScriptContext(ScriptContext context)
_scriptContext = context;
* Returns the input (POST, PUT) data.
public StringValue getInputData()
return _inputData;
* Sets the post data.
public void setInputData(StringValue data)
_inputData = data;
* Returns true for strict mode.
public final boolean isStrict()
return _isStrict;
* Returns true if allowed to include urls.
public boolean isAllowUrlInclude()
return _isAllowUrlInclude;
* Returns true if allowed to fopen urls.
public boolean isAllowUrlFopen()
return _isAllowUrlFopen;
* Returns the connection status
public int getConnectionStatus()
// always returns a valid value for now
return 0;
public void start()
_oldThreadEnv = _threadEnv.get();
_startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
_timeLimit = getIniLong("max_execution_time") * 1000;
if (_timeLimit > 0)
_endTime = _startTime + _timeLimit;
_endTime = Long.MAX_VALUE / 2;
// quercus/1b06
String encoding = getOutputEncoding();
String type = getIniString("default_mimetype");
if ("".equals(type) || _response == null) {
else if (encoding != null)
_response.setContentType(type + "; charset=" + encoding);
if (_out != null && encoding != null) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.WARNING, e.toString(), e);
HashSet<ModuleStartupListener> listeners
= _quercus.getModuleStartupListeners();
for (ModuleStartupListener listener : listeners)
* add resource to the list of refrences that are
* cleaned up when finished with this environment.
public void addCleanup(EnvCleanup envCleanup)
if (_cleanupList == null)
_cleanupList = new ArrayList<EnvCleanup>();
* add an object with a destructor to the list of references that are
* cleaned up when finished with this environment.
public void addObjectCleanup(ObjectExtValue objCleanup)
if (_objCleanupList == null)
_objCleanupList = new ArrayList<ObjectExtValue>();
* remove resource from the list of references that are
* cleaned up when finished with this environment.
* @param resource
public void removeCleanup(EnvCleanup envCleanup)
if (_cleanupList == null)
for (int i = _cleanupList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
EnvCleanup res = _cleanupList.get(i);
if (envCleanup.equals(res)) {
* Returns the owning PHP engine.
public Quercus getQuercus()
return _quercus;
* Returns the owning PHP engine.
public ModuleContext getModuleContext()
return _quercus.getModuleContext();
* Returns the configured database.
public DataSource getDatabase()
return _quercus.getDatabase();
protected final DataSource findDatabase(String driver, String url)
throws Exception
return _quercus.findDatabase(driver, url);
* Returns a connection to the given database. If there is
* already a connection to this specific database, then
* return the connection from the pool. Otherwise, create
* a new connection and add it to the pool.
public ConnectionEntry getConnection(String driver, String url,
String userName, String password,
boolean isReuse)
throws Exception
// XXX: connections might not be reusable (see gallery2), because
// of case with two reuses and one closes because of CREATE or
// catalog
isReuse = false;
DataSource database = _quercus.getDatabase();
if (database != null) {
userName = null;
password = null;
else {
database = findDatabase(driver, url);
if (database == null)
return null;
ConnectionEntry entry = new ConnectionEntry(this);
entry.init(database, userName, password);
ConnectionEntry oldEntry = null;
if (isReuse)
oldEntry = _connMap.get(entry);
if (oldEntry != null && oldEntry.isReusable())
return oldEntry;
if (isReuse)
_connMap.put(entry, entry);
return entry;
* Returns the configured database.
public DataSource getDataSource(String driver, String url)
throws Exception
DataSource database = _quercus.getDatabase();
if (database != null)
return database;
return findDatabase(driver, url);
* Sets the time limit.
public void setTimeLimit(long ms)
if (ms <= 0)
ms = Long.MAX_VALUE / 2;
_timeLimit = ms;
* Checks for the program timeout.
public final void checkTimeout()
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (_endTime < now)
throw new QuercusRuntimeException(L.l("script timed out"));
public void resetTimeout()
_startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
_endTime = _startTime + _timeLimit;
* Returns the writer.
public WriteStream getOut()
return _out;
* Returns the writer.
public WriteStream getOriginalOut()
return _originalOut;
* Flushes the output buffer.
public final void flush()
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new QuercusModuleException(e);
* Prints a string
public final void print(String v)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new QuercusModuleException(e);
* Prints a character buffer.
public final void print(char []buffer, int offset, int length)
try {
getOut().print(buffer, offset, length);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new QuercusModuleException(e);
* Prints a char
public final void print(char v)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new QuercusModuleException(e);
* Prints a long
public final void print(long v)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new QuercusModuleException(e);
* Prints a double
public final void print(double v)
try {
long longV = (long) v;
if (v == longV)
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new QuercusModuleException(e);
* Prints an object
public final void print(Object v)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new QuercusModuleException(e);
* Prints a value
public final void print(Value v)
* Prints a string
public final void println()
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new QuercusModuleException(e);
* Prints a string
public final void println(String v)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new QuercusModuleException(e);
* Prints a string
public final void println(Value v)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new QuercusModuleException(e);
* Prints and object.
public final void println(Object v)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new QuercusModuleException(e);
* Prints a byte buffer.
public final void write(byte []buffer, int offset, int length)
try {
getOut().write(buffer, offset, length);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new QuercusModuleException(e);
* Returns the current output buffer.
public OutputBuffer getOutputBuffer()
return _outputBuffer;
* Returns the writer.
public void pushOutputBuffer(Callback callback, int chunkSize, boolean erase)
if (_outputBuffer == null) {
_outputBuffer =
new OutputBuffer(_outputBuffer, this, callback, chunkSize, erase);
_outputBuffer =
new OutputBuffer(_outputBuffer, this, callback, chunkSize, erase);
_out = _outputBuffer.getOut();
* Pops the output buffer
public boolean popOutputBuffer()
OutputBuffer outputBuffer = _outputBuffer;
if (outputBuffer == null)
return false;
_outputBuffer = outputBuffer.getNext();
if (_outputBuffer != null)
_out = _outputBuffer.getOut();
else {
_out = _originalOut;
return true;
* Returns the current directory.
public Path getPwd()
return _pwd;
public String getShellPwd()
if (_pwd instanceof MemoryPath)
return System.getProperty("user.dir");
return _pwd.getNativePath();
* Returns the current directory.
public Path getWorkDir()
return _quercus.getWorkDir();
* Sets the current directory.
public void setPwd(Path path)
_pwd = path;
* Returns the initial directory.
public Path getSelfPath()
return _selfPath;
* Returns the initial directory.
public Path getSelfDirectory()
return _selfDirectory;
* Sets the initial directory.
public void setSelfPath(Path path)
_selfPath = path;
_selfDirectory = _selfPath.getParent();
* Returns the upload directory.
public Path getUploadDirectory()
if (_uploadPath == null) {
String realPath = getIniString("upload_tmp_dir");
if (realPath == null)
realPath = getServletContext().getRealPath("/WEB-INF/upload");
_uploadPath = _quercus.getPwd().lookup(realPath);
try {
if (! _uploadPath.isDirectory())
catch (IOException e) {
log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e);
_uploadPath = _uploadPath.createRoot();
return _uploadPath;
* Returns the temp directory (used by tmpfile()).
public Path getTempDirectory()
String realPath;
if (_tmpPath == null) {
if (getRequest() != null)
realPath = getServletContext().getRealPath("/WEB-INF/tmp");
realPath = "file:/tmp";
_tmpPath = getPwd().lookup(realPath);
try {
if (! _tmpPath.isDirectory())
catch (IOException e) {
log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e);
return _tmpPath;
* Adds an auto-remove path.
public void addRemovePath(Path path)
if (_removePaths == null)
_removePaths = new ArrayList<Path>();
* Returns the request.
public HttpServletRequest getRequest()
return _request;
* Returns the most recently modified time of all of the {@link Path}'s that
* have been used for this Env, or 0 if that cannot be determined.
public long getLastModified()
long lastModified = 0;
if (_page != null) {
Path pagePath = _page.getSelfPath(this);
if (pagePath != null)
lastModified = pagePath.getLastModified();
for (Path includePath : _includeSet) {
long includeLastModified = includePath.getLastModified();
if (lastModified < includeLastModified)
lastModified = includeLastModified;
return lastModified;
* Returns the response.
public HttpServletResponse getResponse()
return _response;
* Sets the session callback.
public void setSessionCallback(SessionCallback callback)
_sessionCallback = callback;
* Gets the session callback.
public SessionCallback getSessionCallback()
return _sessionCallback;
* Returns the session.
public SessionArrayValue getSession()
return _session;
* Returns the Java Http session.
public HttpSession getJavaSession()
return _javaSession;
* Sets the session.
public void setSession(SessionArrayValue session)
_session = session;
if (session != null) {
Value var = getGlobalVar("_SESSION");
if (! (var instanceof SessionVar)) {
var = new SessionVar();
setGlobalValue("_SESSION", var);
setGlobalValue("HTTP_SESSION_VARS", session);
else {
// php/1k0v
Value v = getGlobalVar("_SESSION");
if (v != null)
v = getGlobalVar("HTTP_SESSION_VARS");
if (v != null)
* Returns a new session id.
public String generateSessionId()
String sessionId =
if (_javaSession != null)
sessionId = _javaSession.getId().substring(0, 3) + sessionId.substring(3);
return sessionId;
* Create the session.
public SessionArrayValue createSession(String sessionId, boolean create)
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
SessionCallback callback = getSessionCallback();
_javaSession = _request.getSession(true);
if (create && _javaSession.getId().length() >= 3
&& sessionId.length() >= 3)
sessionId = _javaSession.getId().substring(0, 3) + sessionId.substring(3);
SessionArrayValue session = _quercus.loadSession(this, sessionId);
if (callback != null) {
StringValue value = callback.read(this, sessionId);
if (value != null && value.length() != 0) {
Value unserialize = VariableModule.unserialize(this, value);
if (unserialize instanceof ArrayValue) {
ArrayValue arrayValue = (ArrayValue) unserialize;
return session;
* Destroy the session.
public void destroySession(String sessionId)
SessionCallback callback = getSessionCallback();
if (callback != null) {
callback.destroy(this, sessionId);
else {
* Returns the logger used for syslog.
public Logger getLogger()
if (_logger == null)
_logger = Logger.getLogger("quercus.quercus");
return _logger;
* Returns the configuration value of an init var.
public Value getConfigVar(String name)
return getIniDefinition(name).getValue(_quercus);
* Returns a map of the ini values that have been explicitly set.
public HashMap<String, Value> getIniMap(boolean create)
if (_iniMap == null && create)
_iniMap = new HashMap<String,Value>();
return _iniMap;
* Sets an ini value.
public StringValue setIni(String name, Value value)
StringValue oldValue = getIni(name);
getIniDefinition(name).set(this, value);
return oldValue;
* Sets an ini value.
public StringValue setIni(String name, String value)
StringValue oldValue = getIni(name);
getIniDefinition(name).set(this, value);
return oldValue;
* Returns an ini value.
public StringValue getIni(String name)
return getIniDefinition(name).getAsStringValue(this);
private IniDefinition getIniDefinition(String name)
return _quercus.getIniDefinitions().get(name);
* Returns an ini value.
public boolean getIniBoolean(String name)
return getIniDefinition(name).getAsBoolean(this);
* Returns an ini value as a long.
public long getIniLong(String name)
return getIniDefinition(name).getAsLong(this);
* Returns an ini value as a string, null for missing or empty string
public String getIniString(String name)
return getIniDefinition(name).getAsString(this);
* Returns an ini value.
public long getIniBytes(String name, long deflt)
return getIniDefinition(name).getAsLongBytes(this, deflt);
* Returns the ByteToChar converter.
public ByteToChar getByteToChar()
return ByteToChar.create();
* Returns the 'this' value.
public Value getThis()
return _this;
* Sets the 'this' value, returning the old value.
public Value setThis(Value value)
Value oldThis = _this;
_this = value.toValue();
return oldThis;
* Gets a value.
public Value getValue(String name)
EnvVar var = getEnvVar(name);
// XXX: not auto-create?
return var.get();
if (var != null)
return var.toValue();
return NullValue.NULL;
* Gets a special value, a special value is used to store and retrieve module
* specific values in the env using a unique name.
public Object getSpecialValue(String name)
return _specialMap.get(name);
* Gets a global
public Value getGlobalValue(String name)
EnvVar var = getGlobalEnvVar(name);
// XXX: don't allocate?
return var.get();
if (var != null)
return var.toValue();
return NullValue.NULL;
* Gets a variable
* @param name the variable name
* @param var the current value of the variable
public final Var getVar(String name, Value value)
if (value != null)
return (Var) value;
return getRef(name);
* Gets a variable
* @param name the variable name
* @param value the current value of the variable
public final Var getGlobalVar(String name, Value value)
if (value != null)
return (Var) value;
return getGlobalRef(name);
* Gets a value.
public Var getRef(String name)
EnvVar envVar = getEnvVar(name);
// XXX: can return null?
return envVar.getRef();
Var var = _map.get(name);
// required for $$ref where $ref is the name of a superglobal
if (var == null) {
// php/0809
if (Quercus.isSuperGlobal(name))
return getGlobalRef(name);
return var;
* Gets a value.
public Var getRef(String name, boolean isAutoCreate)
EnvVar envVar = getEnvVar(name, isAutoCreate);
if (envVar != null)
return envVar.getRef();
return null;
* Returns the raw global lookup.
public EnvVar getGlobalRaw(String name)
return _globalMap.get(name);
* Gets a global value.
public Var getGlobalRef(String name)
EnvVar envVar = getGlobalEnvVar(name);
// XXX: not create?
return envVar.getRef();
public final EnvVar getEnvVar(String name)
return getEnvVar(name, true);
* Gets a variable
* @param name the variable name
* @param var the current value of the variable
public final EnvVar getEnvVar(String name, boolean isAutoCreate)
EnvVar envVar = _map.get(name);
if (envVar != null)
return envVar;
if (_map == _globalMap)
return getGlobalEnvVar(name, isAutoCreate);
envVar = getSuperGlobalRef(name, true);
// php/0809
if (envVar != null)
_globalMap.put(name, envVar);
else if (! isAutoCreate)
return null;
envVar = new EnvVarImpl(new Var());
_map.put(name, envVar);
return envVar;
* Gets a variable
* @param name the variable name
public final EnvVar getGlobalEnvVar(String name)
return getGlobalEnvVar(name, true);
* Gets a variable
* @param name the variable name
* @param isAutoCreate
public final EnvVar getGlobalEnvVar(String name, boolean isAutoCreate)
EnvVar envVar = _globalMap.get(name);
if (envVar != null)
return envVar;
envVar = getSuperGlobalRef(name);
if (envVar == null) {
// variables set by the caller, e.g. the servlet
Value value = _scriptGlobalMap.get(name);
if (value != null) {
envVar = new EnvVarImpl(new Var());
if (envVar == null)
envVar = getGlobalScriptContextRef(name);
if (envVar == null) {
if (! isAutoCreate)
return null;
Var var = new Var();
envVar = new EnvVarImpl(var);
_globalMap.put(name, envVar);
return envVar;
* Pushes a new environment.
public Map<String,EnvVar> pushEnv(Map<String,EnvVar> map)
Map<String,EnvVar> oldEnv = _map;
_map = map;
return oldEnv;
* Restores the old environment.
public void popEnv(Map<String,EnvVar> oldEnv)
_map = oldEnv;
* Returns the current environment.
public Map<String,EnvVar> getEnv()
return _map;
* Returns the current environment.
public Map<String,EnvVar> getGlobalEnv()
return _globalMap;
public boolean isGlobalEnv()
return _map == _globalMap;
* Gets a static variable name.
public final String createStaticName()
return _quercus.createStaticName();
* Gets a static variable
* @param name the variable name
public final Var getStaticVar(String name)
return getGlobalVar(name);
* Unsets variable
* @param name the variable name
public final Var unsetVar(String name)
EnvVar envVar = _map.get(name);
if (envVar != null)
envVar.setRef(new Var());
return null;
* Gets a variable
* @param name the variable name
* @param value the current value of the variable
public final Var setVar(String name, Value value)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
Var var;
if (value instanceof Var) {
var = (Var) value;
if (_map == _globalMap)
var = new Var(value.toValue());
_map.put(name, var);
return var;
* Unsets variable
* @param name the variable name
public final Var unsetLocalVar(String name)
EnvVar envVar = _map.get(name);
if (envVar != null)
envVar.setRef(new Var());
return null;
* Unsets variable
* @param name the variable name
public final Var unsetGlobalVar(String name)
EnvVar envVar = _globalMap.get(name);
if (envVar != null)
envVar.setRef(new Var());
return null;
* Gets a local
* @param var the current value of the variable
public static final Value getLocalVar(Value var)
if (var == null)
var = new Var();
return var;
* Gets a local value
* @param var the current value of the variable
public static final Value getLocalValue(Value var)
if (var != null)
return var;
return NullValue.NULL;
* Gets a local
* @param var the current value of the variable
public static final Value setLocalVar(Value var, Value value)
value = value.toValue();
if (var instanceof Var)
return value;
private EnvVar getSuperGlobalRef(String name)
return getSuperGlobalRef(name, false);
* Returns a superglobal.
private EnvVar getSuperGlobalRef(String name, boolean isCheckGlobal)
Var var;
EnvVar envVar;
int specialVarId = SPECIAL_VARS.get(name);
if (isCheckGlobal) {
if (specialVarId != IntMap.NULL) {
envVar = _globalMap.get(name);
if (envVar != null)
return envVar;
String encoding = getHttpInputEncoding();
if (encoding == null)
encoding = "iso-8859-1";
switch (specialVarId) {
case _ENV: {
var = new Var();
envVar = new EnvVarImpl(var);
_globalMap.put(name, envVar);
envVar.set(new ArrayValueImpl());
return envVar;
if (! Quercus.INI_REGISTER_LONG_ARRAYS.getAsBoolean(this))
return null;
return getGlobalEnvVar("_POST");
case _POST: {
var = new Var();
envVar = new EnvVarImpl(var);
_globalMap.put(name, envVar);
ArrayValue post = new ArrayValueImpl();
if (_request == null)
return null;
if (! "POST".equals(_request.getMethod()))
return envVar;
if (_postArray != null) {
for (Map.Entry<Value, Value> entry : _postArray.entrySet()) {
post.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return envVar;
if (! Quercus.INI_REGISTER_LONG_ARRAYS.getAsBoolean(this))
return null;
return getGlobalEnvVar("_FILES");
case _FILES: {
var = new Var();
envVar = new EnvVarImpl(var);
_globalMap.put(name, envVar);
ArrayValue files = new ArrayValueImpl();
if (_files != null) {
for (Map.Entry<Value, Value> entry : _files.entrySet()) {
files.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return envVar;
if (! Quercus.INI_REGISTER_LONG_ARRAYS.getAsBoolean(this))
return null;
return getGlobalEnvVar("_GET");
case _GET: {
if (isCheckGlobal) {
EnvVar e = _globalMap.get(name);
if (e != null)
return e;
var = new Var();
envVar = new EnvVarImpl(var);
_globalMap.put(name, envVar);
ArrayValue array = new ArrayValueImpl();
if (_request == null)
return envVar;
String queryString = _request.getQueryString();
if (queryString == null)
return envVar;
return envVar;
case _REQUEST: {
var = new Var();
envVar = new EnvVarImpl(var);
ArrayValue array = new ArrayValueImpl();
_globalMap.put(name, envVar);
if (_request == null)
return envVar;
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e);
ArrayList<String> keys = new ArrayList<String>();
boolean isMagicQuotes = getIniBoolean("magic_quotes_gpc");
for (String key : keys) {
String []value = _request.getParameterValues(key);
if (name.equals("_REQUEST") && _postArray != null) {
for (Map.Entry<Value, Value> entry : _postArray.entrySet()) {
Value key = entry.getKey();
Value value = entry.getValue();
Value existingValue = array.get(key);
if (existingValue.isArray() && value.isArray())
array.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().copy());
Cookie []cookies = _request.getCookies();
for (int i = 0; cookies != null && i < cookies.length; i++) {
Cookie cookie = cookies[i];
String decodedValue = decodeValue(cookie.getValue());
new String[] { decodedValue },
return envVar;
if (! Quercus.INI_ALWAYS_POPULATE_RAW_POST_DATA.getAsBoolean(this))
return null;
if (_inputData == null)
return null;
var = new Var();
envVar = new EnvVarImpl(var);
_globalMap.put(name, envVar);
return envVar;
if (! Quercus.INI_REGISTER_LONG_ARRAYS.getAsBoolean(this))
return null;
return getGlobalEnvVar("_SERVER");
case _SERVER: {
var = new Var();
envVar = new EnvVarImpl(var);
_globalMap.put(name, envVar);
var.set(new ServerArrayValue(this));
return envVar;
case _GLOBAL: {
var = new Var();
envVar = new EnvVarImpl(var);
_globalMap.put(name, envVar);
var.set(new GlobalArrayValue(this));
return envVar;
if (! Quercus.INI_REGISTER_LONG_ARRAYS.getAsBoolean(this))
return null;
return getGlobalEnvVar("_COOKIE");
case _COOKIE: {
var = new Var();
envVar = new EnvVarImpl(var);
_globalMap.put(name, envVar);
if (_request == null)
return envVar;
ArrayValue array = new ArrayValueImpl();
Cookie []cookies = _request.getCookies();
if (cookies != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) {
Cookie cookie = cookies[i];
String value = decodeValue(cookie.getValue());
StringValue valueAsValue = createString(value, encoding);
if (getIniBoolean("magic_quotes_gpc")) // php/0876
valueAsValue = StringModule.addslashes(valueAsValue);
array.append(createString(cookie.getName(), encoding), valueAsValue);
return envVar;
case _SESSION: {
return _globalMap.get("_SESSION");
case PHP_SELF: {
var = new Var();
envVar = new EnvVarImpl(var);
_globalMap.put(name, envVar);
return envVar;
return null;
* Gets a value.
protected EnvVar getGlobalSpecialRef(String name)
if (Quercus.isSuperGlobal(name))
return _globalMap.get(name);
return null;
protected EnvVar getGlobalScriptContextRef(String name)
if (_scriptContext == null)
return null;
EnvVar envVar = _globalMap.get(name);
if (envVar != null)
return envVar;
Object value = _scriptContext.getAttribute(name);
if (value == null) {
Bindings bindings
= _scriptContext.getBindings(ScriptContext.ENGINE_SCOPE);
if (bindings != null)
value = bindings.get(name);
if (value == null) {
Bindings bindings
= _scriptContext.getBindings(ScriptContext.GLOBAL_SCOPE);
if (bindings != null)
value = bindings.get(name);
if (value != null) {
envVar = new EnvVarImpl(new Var());
_globalMap.put(name, envVar);
return envVar;
private static String decodeValue(String s)
int len = s.length();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
char ch = s.charAt(i);
if (ch == '%' && i + 2 < len) {
int d1 = s.charAt(i + 1);
int d2 = s.charAt(i + 2);
int v = 0;
if ('0' <= d1 && d1 <= '9')
v = 16 * (d1 - '0');
else if ('a' <= d1 && d1 <= 'f')
v = 16 * (d1 - 'a' + 10);
else if ('A' <= d1 && d1 <= 'F')
v = 16 * (d1 - 'A' + 10);
else {
if ('0' <= d2 && d2 <= '9')
v += (d2 - '0');
else if ('a' <= d2 && d2 <= 'f')
v += (d2 - 'a' + 10);
else if ('A' <= d2 && d2 <= 'F')
v += (d2 - 'A' + 10);
else {
i += 2;
sb.append((char) v);
else if (ch == '+')
sb.append(' ');
return sb.toString();
* Gets a value.
public Var getVar(String name)
EnvVar envVar = getEnvVar(name);
return envVar.getRef();
* Gets a value.
public Var getGlobalVar(String name)
EnvVar envVar = getGlobalEnvVar(name);
return envVar.getRef();
* Sets a value.
public Value setValue(String name, Value value)
EnvVar envVar = getEnvVar(name);
if (value instanceof Var)
envVar.setRef((Var) value);
return value;
* Sets a value.
public Value setRef(String name, Value value)
EnvVar envVar = getEnvVar(name);
if (value instanceof Var)
envVar.setRef((Var) value);
return value;
* Sets a value.
public static Var toRef(Value value)
// php/3243
if (value instanceof Var)
return (Var) value;
return new Var(value);
* Sets a special value, a special value is used to store and retrieve module
* specific values in the env using a unique name.
public Object setSpecialValue(String name, Object value)
_specialMap.put(name, value);
return value;
* External calls to set a global value.
public Value setGlobalValue(String name, Value value)
EnvVar envVar = getGlobalEnvVar(name);
return value;
* Gets a static class field.
* @param className of the owning class
* @param name of the variable
public Value getStaticClassFieldValue(String className,
String name)
return getStaticClassFieldValue(className + "::" + name,
* Gets a static class field.
* @param fieldName qualified field name, e.g. "Foo::bar"
* @param className of the owning class
* @param name of the variable
public Value getStaticClassFieldValue(String fieldName,
String className,
String name)
Var var = getStaticClassFieldVar(fieldName, className, name);
if (var != null) {
Value val = var.toValue();
return val;
return NullValue.NULL;
* Gets a static class field.
* @param className of the owning class
* @param name of the variable
public Value getStaticClassFieldVar(String className,
String name)
return getStaticClassFieldVar(className + "::" + name,
* Gets a static field from a class.
* @param className of the owning class
* @param name of the variable
public final Var getStaticClassFieldVar(String fieldName,
String className,
String name)
EnvVar envVar = getGlobalRaw(fieldName);
if (envVar != null)
return envVar.getRef();
QuercusClass cl = getClass(className);
Var var = cl.getStaticField(this, name);
if (var == null) {
error(L.l("{0}::${1} is an undeclared static property", className, name));
return var;
* Sets the calling function expression.
public void pushCall(Expr call, Value obj, Value []args)
if (_callStack == null) {
_callStack = new Expr[256];
_callThisStack = new Value[256];
_callArgStack = new Value[256][];
if (_callStack.length <= _callStackTop) {
Expr []newStack = new Expr[2 * _callStack.length];
System.arraycopy(_callStack, 0, newStack, 0, _callStack.length);
_callStack = newStack;
Value []newThisStack = new Value[2 * _callThisStack.length];
0, newThisStack,
0, _callThisStack.length);
_callThisStack = newThisStack;
Value [][]newArgStack = new Value[2 * _callArgStack.length][];
0, newArgStack,
0, _callArgStack.length);
_callArgStack = newArgStack;
_callStack[_callStackTop] = call;
_callThisStack[_callStackTop] = obj;
_callArgStack[_callStackTop] = args;
* Pops the top call.
public Expr popCall()
if (_callStack == null)
throw new IllegalStateException();
return _callStack[--_callStackTop];
* Returns the stack depth.
public int getCallDepth()
return _callStackTop;
* Peeks at the the top call.
public Expr peekCall(int depth)
if (_callStackTop - depth > 0)
return _callStack[_callStackTop - depth - 1];
return null;
* Peeks at the "this" top call.
public Value peekCallThis(int depth)
if (_callStackTop - depth > 0)
return _callThisStack[_callStackTop - depth - 1];
return null;
* Peeks at the the top call.
public Value []peekArgs(int depth)
if (_callStackTop - depth > 0)
return _callArgStack[_callStackTop - depth - 1];
return null;
// allocations
* Allocate the free regexp
public RegexpState allocateRegexpState()
RegexpState state = _freeRegexpState;
_freeRegexpState = null;
return state;
* Free the free regexp
public void freeRegexpState(RegexpState state)
_freeRegexpState = state;
// profiling
public void pushProfile(int id)
public void popProfile(long nanos)
* Returns true if <code>name</code> doesn't already exist on the
* field __get() stack.
public boolean pushFieldGet(String className, StringValue fieldName)
FieldGetEntry entry = new FieldGetEntry(className, fieldName);
if (_fieldGetList.contains(entry))
return false;
else {
return true;
public void popFieldGet()
* Returns the calling class.
public QuercusClass getCallingClass()
return _callingClass;
* Sets the calling class.
public QuercusClass setCallingClass(QuercusClass cls)
QuercusClass oldCallingClass = _callingClass;
_callingClass = cls;
return oldCallingClass;
public ArrayList<String> getStackTrace()
ArrayList<String> trace = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = _callStackTop - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
String entry;
Location location = _callStack[i].getLocation();
String loc;
if (location != null && location.getFileName() != null) {
loc = (" (at " + location.getFileName()
+ ":" + location.getLineNumber() + ")");
loc = "";
if (_callThisStack[i] != null
&& ! "".equals(_callThisStack[i].toString())) {
entry = _callThisStack[i] + "." + _callStack[i].toString() + loc;
entry = _callStack[i].toString() + loc;
return trace;
* Pushes a new environment.
public final Value []setFunctionArgs(Value []args)
Value []oldArgs = _functionArgs;
Value []newArgs = new Value[args.length];
for (int i = 0; args != null && i < args.length; i++) {
// php/3715, 3768
newArgs[i] = args[i].toValue().toArgValue();
_functionArgs = newArgs;
return oldArgs;
* Pushes a new environment.
public final Value []setFunctionArgsNoCopy(Value []args)
Value []oldArgs = _functionArgs;
for (int i = 0; args != null && i < args.length; i++)
args[i] = args[i].toValue();
_functionArgs = args;
return oldArgs;
* Pushes a new environment.
public final void restoreFunctionArgs(Value []args)
_functionArgs = args;
* Returns the function args.
public final Value []getFunctionArgs()
return _functionArgs;
* Removes a specialValue
public Object removeSpecialValue(String name)
return _specialMap.remove(name);
* Returns a constant.
public Value getConstant(String name)
Value value = getConstantImpl(name);
if (value != null)
return value;
/* XXX:
notice(L.l("Converting undefined constant '{0}' to string.",
value = createStringOld(name);
return value;
* Returns true if the constant is defined.
public boolean isDefined(String name)
return getConstantImpl(name) != null;
* Returns a constant.
private Value getConstantImpl(String name)
int id = _quercus.getConstantId(name);
if (id < _const.length) {
Value value = _const[id];
if (value != null)
return value;
int lowerId = _quercus.getConstantLower(id);
if (lowerId < _const.length) {
Value value = _const[lowerId];
if (value != null)
return value;
return null;
value = _quercus.getConstant(name);
if (value != null)
return value;
if (_lowerConstMap != null) {
value = _lowerConstMap.get(name.toLowerCase());
if (value != null)
return value;
return null;
* Returns a constant.
public Value getConstant(int id)
if (_const.length <= id)
return _quercus.getConstantName(id);
Value value = _const[id];
if (value != null)
return value;
int lowerId = _quercus.getConstantLower(id);
value = _const[lowerId];
if (value != null)
return value;
return _quercus.getConstantName(id);
value = _quercus.getConstant(name);
if (value != null)
return value;
if (_lowerConstMap != null) {
value = _lowerConstMap.get(name.toLowerCase());
if (value != null)
return value;
return null;
* Removes a constant.
public Value removeConstant(String name)
int id = _quercus.getConstantId(name);
Value value = _const[id];
_const[id] = null;
return value;
* Sets a constant.
public Value addConstant(String name,
Value value,
boolean isCaseInsensitive)
int id = _quercus.getConstantId(name);
return addConstant(id, value, isCaseInsensitive);
* Sets a constant.
public Value addConstant(StringValue name,
Value value,
boolean isCaseInsensitive)
int id = _quercus.getConstantId(name);
return addConstant(id, value, isCaseInsensitive);
* Sets a constant.
public Value addConstant(int id,
Value value,
boolean isCaseInsensitive)
if (_const.length <= id) {
Value []newConst = new Value[id + 256];
System.arraycopy(_const, 0, newConst, 0, _const.length);
_const = newConst;
if (_const[id] != null)
return notice(L.l("cannot redefine constant {0}",
_const[id] = value;
if (isCaseInsensitive) {
int lowerId = _quercus.getConstantLower(id);
if (lowerId >= _const.length) {
Value []newConst = new Value[lowerId + 256];
System.arraycopy(_const, 0, newConst, 0, _const.length);
_const = newConst;
_const[lowerId] = value;
return value;
* Returns an array of the defined functions.
public ArrayValue getDefinedConstants()
ArrayValue result = new ArrayValueImpl();
for (int i = 0; i < _const.length; i++) {
if (_const[i] != null) {
result.append(_quercus.getConstantName(i), _const[i]);
return result;
* Returns true if an extension is loaded.
public boolean isExtensionLoaded(String name)
return getQuercus().isExtensionLoaded(name);
* Returns true if an extension is loaded.
public HashSet<String> getLoadedExtensions()
return getQuercus().getLoadedExtensions();
* Returns true if an extension is loaded.
public Value getExtensionFuncs(String name)
return getQuercus().getExtensionFuncs(name);
* Returns the default stream resource.
public StreamContextResource getDefaultStreamContext()
if (_defaultStreamContext == null)
_defaultStreamContext = new StreamContextResource();
return _defaultStreamContext;
// function handling
public ArrayValue getDefinedFunctions()
ArrayValueImpl funs = new ArrayValueImpl();
ArrayValueImpl system = new ArrayValueImpl();
ArrayValueImpl user = new ArrayValueImpl();
AbstractFunction []systemFuns = _quercus.getFunctionMap();
AbstractFunction []envFuns = _fun;
for (int i = 0; i < envFuns.length; i++) {
if (i < systemFuns.length
&& systemFuns[i] != null
&& ! (systemFuns[i] instanceof UndefinedFunction)) {
else if (envFuns[i] != null
&& ! (envFuns[i] instanceof UndefinedFunction)) {
funs.append(createStringOld("internal"), system);
funs.append(createStringOld("user"), user);
return funs;
* Returns the function with a given name.
* Compiled mode normally uses the _fun array directly, so this call
* is rare.
public AbstractFunction findFunction(String name)
int id = _quercus.findFunctionId(name);
if (id >= 0) {
if (id < _fun.length && ! (_fun[id] instanceof UndefinedFunction))
return _fun[id];
return null;
AbstractFunction fun = _quercus.findFunctionImpl(name);
if (fun != null)
return fun;
if (isStrict())
return null;
name = name.toLowerCase();
id = _quercus.findFunctionId(name);
if (id >= 0) {
if (id < _fun.length && ! (_fun[id] instanceof UndefinedFunction))
return _fun[id];
return null;
fun = _quercus.findLowerFunctionImpl(name);
if (fun != null)
return fun;
if (_anonymousFunMap != null)
return _anonymousFunMap.get(name);
return null;
public AbstractFunction getFunction(String name)
AbstractFunction fun = findFunction(name);
if (fun != null)
return fun;
throw createErrorException(L.l("'{0}' is an unknown function.", name));
public void updateFunction(int id, AbstractFunction fun)
if (_fun.length <= id) {
AbstractFunction []oldFun = _fun;
_fun = new AbstractFunction[id + 256];
System.arraycopy(oldFun, 0, _fun, 0, oldFun.length);
if (_fun[id] == null)
_fun[id] = fun;
public int getFunctionId(String name)
int id = _quercus.getFunctionId(name);
if (_fun.length <= id) {
AbstractFunction []oldFun = _fun;
_fun = new AbstractFunction[id + 256];
System.arraycopy(oldFun, 0, _fun, 0, oldFun.length);
AbstractFunction []defFuns = _quercus.getFunctionMap();
if (_fun[id] == null)
_fun[id] = defFuns[id];
return id;
public int getFunctionIdCount()
return _quercus.getFunctionIdCount();
* Finds the java reflection method for the function with the given name.
* @param name the method name
* @return the found method or null if no method found.
public AbstractFunction getFunction(Value name)
name = name.toValue();
if (name instanceof CallbackFunction)
return ((CallbackFunction) name).getFunction();
return getFunction(name.toString());
public DefinitionState getDefinitionState()
return _defState;
public Value addFunction(String name, AbstractFunction fun)
AbstractFunction staticFun
= _quercus.findLowerFunctionImpl(name.toLowerCase());
if (staticFun != null)
throw new QuercusException(L.l("can't redefine function {0}", name));
int id = _quercus.getFunctionId(name);
// XXX: anonymous/generated functions(?), e.g. like foo2431
if (_fun.length <= id) {
AbstractFunction []funMap = new AbstractFunction[id + 256];
System.arraycopy(_fun, 0, funMap, 0, _fun.length);
_fun = funMap;
if (_fun[id] != null && ! (_fun[id] instanceof UndefinedFunction))
throw new QuercusException(L.l("can't redefine function {0}", name));
_fun[id] = fun;
return BooleanValue.TRUE;
public AbstractFunction createAnonymousFunction(String args, String code)
throws IOException
if (_anonymousFunMap == null)
_anonymousFunMap = new HashMap<String, AbstractFunction>();
// PHP naming style for anonymous functions
String name = "\u0000lamba" + (_anonymousFunMap.size() + 1);
AbstractFunction fun = getQuercus().parseFunction(name, args, code);
_anonymousFunMap.put(name, fun);
return fun;
* Adds a function from a compiled include
* @param name the function name, must be an intern() string
* @param lowerName the function name, must be an intern() string
public Value addFunctionFromPage(String name, String lowerName,
AbstractFunction fun)
// XXX: skip the old function check since the include for compiled
// pages is already verified. Might have a switch here?
AbstractFunction oldFun = _lowerFunMap.get(lowerName);
if (oldFun == null)
oldFun = _quercus.findLowerFunctionImpl(lowerName);
if (oldFun != null) {
throw new QuercusException(L.l("can't redefine function {0}", name));
_funMap.put(name, fun);
if (! isStrict())
_lowerFunMap.put(lowerName, fun);
return BooleanValue.TRUE;
// method handling
* Finds the java reflection method for the function with the given name.
* @param className the class name
* @param methodName the method name
* @return the found method or null if no method found.
public AbstractFunction findMethod(String className, String methodName)
QuercusClass cl = findClass(className);
if (cl == null) {
error(L.l("'{0}' is an unknown class.", className));
return null;
AbstractFunction fun = cl.findFunction(methodName);
if (fun == null) {
error(L.l("'{0}::{1}' is an unknown method.",
className, methodName));
return null;
return fun;
// evaluation
* Compiles and evalutes the given code
* @param code the code to evalute
* @return the result
public Value evalCode(String code)
throws IOException
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER))
Quercus quercus = getQuercus();
QuercusProgram program = quercus.parseEvalExpr(code);
Value value = program.execute(this);
if (value == null)
return NullValue.NULL;
return value;
* Evaluates the top-level code
* @return the result
public Value executeTop()
Path oldPwd = getPwd();
Path pwd = _page.getPwd(this);
try {
return executePageTop(_page);
} catch (QuercusLanguageException e) {
log.log(Level.FINER, e.toString(), e);
if (getExceptionHandler() != null) {
try {
getExceptionHandler().call(this, e.getValue());
catch (QuercusLanguageException e2) {
else {
return NullValue.NULL;
} finally {
* Throws an error for this uncaught exception.
private void uncaughtExceptionError(QuercusLanguageException e)
Location location = e.getLocation(this);
String type = e.getValue().getClassName();
String message = e.getMessage(this);
L.l("Uncaught exception of type '{0}' with message '{1}'", type, message));
* Executes the given page
protected Value executePage(QuercusPage page)
if (page.getCompiledPage() != null)
return page.getCompiledPage().execute(this);
return page.execute(this);
* Executes the given page
protected Value executePageTop(QuercusPage page)
if (page.getCompiledPage() != null)
return page.getCompiledPage().execute(this);
return page.execute(this);
* Evaluates the named function.
* @param name the function name
* @return the function value
public Value call(String name)
AbstractFunction fun = findFunction(name);
if (fun == null)
return error(L.l("'{0}' is an unknown function.", name));
return fun.call(this);
// function calls (obsolete?)
* Evaluates the named function.
* @param name the function name
* @param a0 the first argument
* @return the function value
public Value call(String name, Value a0)
AbstractFunction fun = findFunction(name);
if (fun == null)
return error(L.l("'{0}' is an unknown function.", name));
return fun.call(this, a0);
* Evaluates the named function.
* @param name the function name
* @param a0 the first argument
* @param a1 the second argument
* @return the function value
public Value call(String name, Value a0, Value a1)
return getFunction(name).call(this, a0, a1);
* Evaluates the named function.
* @param name the function name
* @param a0 the first argument
* @param a1 the second argument
* @param a2 the third argument
* @return the function value
public Value call(String name, Value a0, Value a1, Value a2)
return getFunction(name).call(this, a0, a1, a2);
* Evaluates the named function.
* @param name the function name
* @param a0 the first argument
* @param a1 the second argument
* @param a2 the third argument
* @param a3 the fourth argument
* @return the function value
public Value call(String name, Value a0, Value a1, Value a2, Value a3)
return getFunction(name).call(this, a0, a1, a2, a3);
* Evaluates the named function.
* @param name the function name
* @param a0 the first argument
* @param a1 the second argument
* @param a2 the third argument
* @param a3 the fourth argument
* @param a4 the fifth argument
* @return the function value
public Value call(String name, Value a0, Value a1,
Value a2, Value a3, Value a4)
return getFunction(name).call(this, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4);
* Evaluates the named function.
* @param name the function name
* @param args the arguments
* @return the function value
public Value call(String name, Value []args)
return getFunction(name).call(this, args);
* Evaluates the named function.
* @param name the function name
* @return the function value
public Value callRef(String name)
AbstractFunction fun = findFunction(name);
if (fun == null)
return error(L.l("'{0}' is an unknown function.", name));
return fun.callRef(this);
* EvalRefuates the named function.
* @param name the function name
* @param a0 the first argument
* @return the function value
public Value callRef(String name, Value a0)
AbstractFunction fun = findFunction(name);
if (fun == null)
return error(L.l("'{0}' is an unknown function.", name));
return fun.callRef(this, a0);
* EvalRefuates the named function.
* @param name the function name
* @param a0 the first argument
* @param a1 the second argument
* @return the function value
public Value callRef(String name, Value a0, Value a1)
AbstractFunction fun = findFunction(name);
if (fun == null)
return error(L.l("'{0}' is an unknown function.", name));
return fun.callRef(this, a0, a1);
* EvalRefuates the named function.
* @param name the function name
* @param a0 the first argument
* @param a1 the second argument
* @param a2 the third argument
* @return the function value
public Value callRef(String name, Value a0, Value a1, Value a2)
AbstractFunction fun = findFunction(name);
if (fun == null)
return error(L.l("'{0}' is an unknown function.", name));
return fun.callRef(this, a0, a1, a2);
* Evaluates the named function.
* @param name the function name
* @param a0 the first argument
* @param a1 the second argument
* @param a2 the third argument
* @param a3 the fourth argument
* @return the function value
public Value callRef(String name, Value a0, Value a1, Value a2, Value a3)
AbstractFunction fun = findFunction(name);
if (fun == null)
return error(L.l("'{0}' is an unknown function.", name));
return fun.callRef(this, a0, a1, a2, a3);
* Evaluates the named function.
* @param name the function name
* @param a0 the first argument
* @param a1 the second argument
* @param a2 the third argument
* @param a3 the fourth argument
* @param a4 the fifth argument
* @return the function value
public Value callRef(String name, Value a0, Value a1,
Value a2, Value a3, Value a4)
AbstractFunction fun = findFunction(name);
if (fun == null)
return error(L.l("'{0}' is an unknown function.", name));
return fun.callRef(this, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4);
* Evaluates the named function.
* @param name the function name
* @param args the arguments
* @return the function value
public Value callRef(String name, Value []args)
AbstractFunction fun = findFunction(name);
if (fun == null)
return error(L.l("'{0}' is an unknown function.", name));
return fun.callRef(this, args);
* Adds a class, e.g. from an include.
public void addClassDef(String name, ClassDef cl)
int id = _quercus.getClassId(name);
if (_classDef.length <= id) {
ClassDef []def = new ClassDef[id + 256];
System.arraycopy(_classDef, 0, def, 0, _classDef.length);
_classDef = def;
if (_classDef[id] == null)
_classDef[id] = cl;
public ClassDef findClassDef(String name)
int id = _quercus.getClassId(name);
if (id < _classDef.length)
return _classDef[id];
return null;
* Saves the current state
public SaveState saveState()
if (_globalMap != _map)
throw new QuercusException(L.l("Env.saveState() only allowed at top level"));
return new SaveState(this,
EnvVar []getGlobalList()
return _globalList;
* Returns true for any special variables, i.e. which should not be
* saved
boolean isSpecialVar(String name)
if (Quercus.isSuperGlobal(name))
return true;
else if (_scriptGlobalMap.get(name) != null)
return true;
return false;
* Restores to a given state
public void restoreState(SaveState saveState)
AbstractFunction []fun = saveState.getFunctionList();
if (_fun.length < fun.length)
_fun = new AbstractFunction[fun.length];
System.arraycopy(fun, 0, _fun, 0, fun.length);
ClassDef []classDef = saveState.getClassDefList();
if (_classDef.length < classDef.length)
_classDef = new ClassDef[classDef.length];
System.arraycopy(classDef, 0, _classDef, 0, classDef.length);
QuercusClass []qClass = saveState.getQuercusClassList();
if (_qClass.length < qClass.length)
_qClass = new QuercusClass[qClass.length];
System.arraycopy(qClass, 0, _qClass, 0, qClass.length);
Value []constList = saveState.getConstantList();
if (_const.length < constList.length)
_const = new Value[constList.length];
System.arraycopy(constList, 0, _const, 0, constList.length);
IntMap globalNameMap = saveState.getGlobalNameMap();
Value []globalList = saveState.getGlobalList();
Map<String,EnvVar> oldGlobal = _globalMap;
_globalMap = new LazySymbolMap(globalNameMap, globalList);
_map = _globalMap;
// php/4045 - set the vars for any active EnvVar entries
for (Map.Entry<String,EnvVar> oldEntry : oldGlobal.entrySet()) {
EnvVar oldEnvVar = oldEntry.getValue();
EnvVar newEnvVar = _globalMap.get(oldEntry.getKey());
if (newEnvVar != null)
// php/404j - include_once
HashMap<Path,QuercusPage> includeMap = saveState.getIncludeMap();
_includeMap = new HashMap<Path,QuercusPage>(includeMap);
// php/404l
// XXX: import and namespaces
_importMap = saveState.getImportMap().copy();
* Creates a stdClass object.
public ObjectValue createObject()
try {
return (ObjectValue) _quercus.getStdClass().createObject(this);
catch (Exception e) {
throw new QuercusModuleException(e);
* Creates a stdClass object.
public ObjectValue createIncompleteObject(String name)
try {
ObjectValue obj
= (ObjectValue) _quercus.getStdClass().createObject(this);
return obj;
catch (Exception e) {
throw new QuercusModuleException(e);
* Creates an empty string.
public StringValue getEmptyString()
if (_isUnicodeSemantics)
return UnicodeBuilderValue.EMPTY;
return ConstStringValue.EMPTY;
* Creates an empty string builder.
public StringValue createStringBuilder()
if (_isUnicodeSemantics)
return new UnicodeBuilderValue();
return new StringBuilderValue();
* Creates a PHP string from a byte buffer.
public StringValue createString(byte []buffer, int offset, int length)
if (_isUnicodeSemantics)
return new UnicodeValueImpl(new String(buffer, offset, length));
return new ConstStringValue(buffer, offset, length);
* Creates a PHP string from a byte buffer.
public StringValue createString(char []buffer, int length)
if (_isUnicodeSemantics)
return new UnicodeBuilderValue(buffer, length);
return new ConstStringValue(buffer, length);
* Creates a PHP string from a char buffer.
public StringValue createString(char []buffer, int offset, int length)
if (_isUnicodeSemantics)
return new UnicodeBuilderValue(buffer, offset, length);
return new ConstStringValue(buffer, offset, length);
* Creates a PHP string from a java String.
public StringValue createString(String s, String encoding)
if (s == null || s.length() == 0) {
return (_isUnicodeSemantics
? UnicodeBuilderValue.EMPTY
: ConstStringValue.EMPTY);
} else if (_isUnicodeSemantics) {
if (s.length() == 1)
return UnicodeBuilderValue.create(s.charAt(0));
return _quercus.createUnicodeString(s);
else {
try {
return new ConstStringValue(encoding == null ? s.getBytes(): s.getBytes(encoding));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
byte[] buffer = new byte[s.length()];
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length; ++i) {
buffer[i] = (byte)(s.charAt(i) & 0xff);
return new ConstStringValue(buffer);
* Creates a string from a byte.
public StringValue createStringOld(char ch)
return createString(ch, getScriptEncoding());
public StringValue createStringOld(String str)
return createString(str, getScriptEncoding());
* Creates a string from a byte.
public StringValue createString(char ch, String encoding)
if (_isUnicodeSemantics)
return UnicodeValueImpl.create(ch);
return ConstStringValue.create(ch, encoding == null ? getScriptEncoding(): null);
* Creates a PHP string from a buffer.
public StringValue createBinaryString(TempBuffer head)
StringValue string;
if (_isUnicodeSemantics)
string = new BinaryBuilderValue();
string = new StringBuilderValue();
for (; head != null; head = head.getNext()) {
string.append(head.getBuffer(), 0, head.getLength());
return string;
public Value createException(String exceptionClass, String message)
QuercusClass cls = getClass(exceptionClass);
StringValue messageV = createStringOld(message);
Value []args = { messageV };
Value value = cls.callNew(this, args);
Location location = getLocation();
value.putField(this, "file", createStringOld(location.getFileName()));
value.putField(this, "line", LongValue.create(location.getLineNumber()));
value.putField(this, "trace", ErrorModule.debug_backtrace(this));
return value;
* Creates a PHP Exception.
public Value createException(Throwable e)
QuercusClass cls = findClass("Exception");
StringValue message = createStringOld(e.getMessage());
Value []args = { message };
Value value = cls.callNew(this, args);
StackTraceElement elt = e.getStackTrace()[0];
value.putField(this, "file", createStringOld(elt.getFileName()));
value.putField(this, "line", LongValue.create(elt.getLineNumber()));
value.putField(this, "trace", ErrorModule.debug_backtrace(this));
return value;
* Generate an object id.
public int generateId()
return ++_objectId;
* Returns an introspected Java class definition.
public JavaClassDef getJavaClassDefinition(String className)
JavaClassDef def = getJavaClassDefinition(className, true);
if (def != null)
return def;
throw createErrorException(L.l("'{0}' class definition not found", className));
* Returns an introspected Java class definition.
public JavaClassDef getJavaClassDefinition(Class type)
JavaClassDef def = _quercus.getJavaClassDefinition(type, type.getName());
return def;
private JavaClassDef getJavaClassDefinition(String className,
boolean useImport)
JavaClassDef def = null;
try {
def = _quercus.getJavaClassDefinition(className);
if (def == null && useImport) {
useImport = false;
def = importJavaClass(className);
catch (Throwable e) {
if (useImport)
def = importJavaClass(className);
log.log(Level.FINER, e.toString(), e);
return def;
* Imports a Java class.
* @param className name of class to import
* @return class definition of imported class, null if class not found
public JavaClassDef importJavaClass(String className)
if (_importMap == null)
return null;
String fullName = _importMap.getQualified(className);
if (fullName != null) {
return getJavaClassDefinition(fullName, false);
else {
ArrayList<String> wildcardList
= _importMap.getWildcardList();
for (String entry : wildcardList) {
fullName = entry + '.' + className;
JavaClassDef def = getJavaClassDefinition(fullName, false);
if (def != null) {
_importMap.putQualified(className, fullName);
return def;
return null;
* Adds a Quercus class import.
* @param javaName fully qualified class import string
public void putQualifiedImport(String javaName)
if (_importMap == null)
_importMap = new ImportMap();
* Adds a Quercus class import.
* @param name wildcard class import string minus '*' at the end (i.e. java.util.)
public void addWildcardImport(String name)
if (_importMap == null)
_importMap = new ImportMap();
* Returns a PHP value for a Java object
* @param isNullAsFalse what to return if <i>obj</i> is null, if true return
* {@link BooleanValue.FALSE} otherwise return {@link NullValue.NULL)
public Value wrapJava(Object obj, boolean isNullAsFalse)
if (obj == null) {
if (isNullAsFalse)
return BooleanValue.FALSE;
return NullValue.NULL;
return wrapJava(obj);
* Returns a PHP value for a Java object
* @param isNullAsFalse what to return if <i>obj</i> is null, if true return
* {@link BooleanValue.FALSE} otherwise return {@link NullValue.NULL)
public <T> Value wrapJava(T obj, JavaClassDef<? extends T> def, boolean isNullAsFalse)
if (obj == null) {
if (isNullAsFalse)
return BooleanValue.FALSE;
return NullValue.NULL;
return wrapJava(obj, def);
* Returns a PHP value for a Java object
public <T> Value wrapJava(T obj)
if (obj == null)
return NullValue.NULL;
if (obj instanceof Value)
return (Value) obj;
JavaClassDef<T> def = (JavaClassDef<T>)getJavaClassDefinition(obj.getClass());
return def.wrap(this, obj);
* Returns a PHP value for a Java object
* @param isNullAsFalse what to return if <i>obj</i> is null, if true return
* {@link BooleanValue.FALSE} otherwise return {@link NullValue.NULL)
public <T> Value wrapJava(T obj, JavaClassDef<? extends T> def)
if (obj == null)
return NullValue.NULL;
if (obj instanceof Value)
return (Value) obj;
// XXX: why is this logic here? The def should be correct on the call
// logic is for JavaMarshal, where can avoid the lookup call
if (def.getType() != obj.getClass()) {
// XXX: what if types are incompatible, does it matter?
// if it doesn't matter, simplify this to one if with no else
def = (JavaClassDef<T>)getJavaClassDefinition(obj.getClass());
return ((JavaClassDef<T>)def).wrap(this, obj);
* Finds the class with the given name.
* @param name the class name
* @return the found class or null if no class found.
public QuercusClass findClass(String name)
return findClass(name, true, true);
* Finds the class with the given name.
* @param name the class name
* @param useAutoload use autoload to locate the class if necessary
* @return the found class or null if no class found.
public QuercusClass findClass(String name,
boolean useAutoload,
boolean useImport)
int id = _quercus.getClassId(name);
return findClass(id, useAutoload, useImport);
public QuercusClass findClass(int id,
boolean useAutoload,
boolean useImport)
if (id < _qClass.length && _qClass[id] != null)
return _qClass[id];
QuercusClass cl = createClassFromCache(id, useAutoload, useImport);
if (cl != null) {
_qClass[id] = cl;
// php/09b7
return cl;
else {
String name = _quercus.getClassName(id);
QuercusClass qcl = findClassExt(name, useAutoload, useImport);
if (qcl != null)
_qClass[id] = qcl;
return null;
return qcl;
private QuercusClass findClassExt(String name,
boolean useAutoload,
boolean useImport)
int id = _quercus.getClassId(name);
if (useAutoload) {
StringValue nameString = createStringOld(name);
if (! _autoloadClasses.contains(name)) {
try {
int size = _autoloadList != null ? _autoloadList.size() : 0;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
Callback cb = _autoloadList.get(i);
cb.call(this, nameString);
// php/0977
QuercusClass cls = findClass(name, false, useImport);
if (cls != null)
return cls;
if (size == 0) {
if (_autoload == null)
_autoload = findFunction("__autoload");
if (_autoload != null) {
_autoload.call(this, nameString);
// php/0976
QuercusClass cls = findClass(name, false, useImport);
if (cls != null)
return cls;
} finally {
if (useImport) {
if (importPhpClass(name)) {
return findClass(name, false, false);
else {
try {
JavaClassDef javaClassDef = getJavaClassDefinition(name, true);
if (javaClassDef != null) {
QuercusClass cls = createQuercusClass(id, javaClassDef, null);
_qClass[id] = cls;
return cls;
catch (Exception e) {
log.log(Level.FINER, e.toString(), e);
return _internalAutoload.loadClass(this, name);
* Returns the class with the given id
public QuercusClass getClass(int classId)
if (_qClass.length <= classId) {
QuercusClass []oldClassList = _qClass;
_qClass = new QuercusClass[classId + 256];
System.arraycopy(oldClassList, 0, _qClass, 0, oldClassList.length);
QuercusClass qClass = _qClass[classId];
if (qClass != null)
return qClass;
if (_classDef.length <= classId) {
ClassDef []oldClassDefList = _classDef;
_classDef = new ClassDef[classId + 256];
System.arraycopy(oldClassDefList, 0,
_classDef, 0,
ClassDef def = _classDef[classId];
if (def == null) {
QuercusClass cl = findClass(classId, true, true);
if (cl != null)
return cl;
throw new QuercusException(L.l("'{0}' is an unknown class",
int parentId = -1;
if (def.getParentName() != null)
parentId = _quercus.getClassId(def.getParentName());
addClass(def, classId, parentId);
return _qClass[classId];
* Adds the class with the given name
* @param def the class definition
* @param classId the identifier for the class name
* @param parentId the identifier for the parent class name
public void addClass(ClassDef def, int classId, int parentId)
def = def.loadClassDef();
// php/0cn2 - make sure interfaces have a QuercusClass
/* XXX: temp, needs to be argument
for (String iface : def.getInterfaces()) {
QuercusClass cl = findClass(iface);
QuercusClass parentClass = null;
if (parentId >= 0)
parentClass = getClass(parentId);
QuercusClass qClass = _quercus.getCachedClass(classId);
if (qClass == null
|| qClass.isModified()
|| qClass.getClassDef() != def
|| qClass.getParent() != parentClass) {
qClass = createQuercusClass(classId, def, parentClass);
_quercus.setCachedClass(classId, qClass);
if (_qClass.length <= classId) {
QuercusClass []oldClassList = _qClass;
_qClass = new QuercusClass[classId + 256];
System.arraycopy(oldClassList, 0, _qClass, 0, oldClassList.length);
_qClass[classId] = qClass;
public void addClass(String name, ClassDef def)
int id = _quercus.getClassId(name);
int parentId = -1;
if (def.getParentName() != null)
parentId = _quercus.getClassId(def.getParentName());
addClass(def, id, parentId);
* Finds the class with the given name.
* @param name the class name
* @param useAutoload use autoload to locate the class if necessary
* @param useImport import the class if necessary
* @return the found class or null if no class found.
private QuercusClass createClassFromCache(int id,
boolean useAutoload,
boolean useImport)
if (id < _classDef.length && _classDef[id] != null) {
ClassDef classDef = _classDef[id];
String parentName = classDef.getParentName();
QuercusClass parent = null;
if (parentName != null)
parent = findClass(parentName);
if (parentName == null || parent != null)
return createQuercusClass(id, classDef, parent);
return null; // php/
ClassDef staticClass = _quercus.getClassDef(id);
if (staticClass != null)
return createQuercusClass(id, staticClass, null); // XXX: cache
return null;
* Registers an SPL autoload function.
public void addAutoloadFunction(Callback fun)
if (fun == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
if (_autoloadList == null)
_autoloadList = new ArrayList<Callback>();
* Unregisters an SPL autoload function.
public void removeAutoloadFunction(Callback fun)
if (_autoloadList != null) {
//restore original __autoload functionality
if (_autoloadList.size() == 0)
_autoloadList = null;
* Returns the registered SPL autoload functions.
public ArrayList<Callback> getAutoloadFunctions()
return _autoloadList;
* Imports a PHP class.
* @param name of the PHP class
* @return true if matching php file was found and included.
public boolean importPhpClass(String name)
if (_importMap == null)
return false;
String fullName = _importMap.getQualifiedPhp(name);
URL url = null;
ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
if (fullName != null) {
url = loader.getResource(fullName);
else {
for (String entry : _importMap.getWildcardPhpList()) {
url = loader.getResource(entry + '/' + name + ".php");
if (url != null)
if (url != null) {
includeOnce(new StringBuilderValue(url.toString()));
return true;
else {
return false;
* Returns the declared classes.
* @return an array of the declared classes()
public Value getDeclaredClasses()
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < _classDef.length; i++) {
if (_classDef[i] != null)
HashMap<String, ClassDef> classMap = getModuleContext().getClassMap();
for (Map.Entry<String, ClassDef> entry : classMap.entrySet()) {
ArrayValue array = new ArrayValueImpl();
Iterator<String> iter = list.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
return array;
* Finds the class with the given name.
* @param name the class name
* @return the found class or null if no class found.
public QuercusClass findAbstractClass(String name)
QuercusClass cl = findClass(name, true, true);
if (cl != null)
return cl;
throw createErrorException(L.l("'{0}' is an unknown class name.", name));
// return _quercus.findJavaClassWrapper(name);
return null;
* Finds the class with the given name.
* @param name the class name
* @return the found class
* @throws QuercusRuntimeException if the class is not found
public QuercusClass getClass(String name)
QuercusClass cl = findClass(name);
if (cl != null)
return cl;
throw createErrorException(L.l("'{0}' is an unknown class.", name));
public void clearClassCache()
// _classCache.clear();
QuercusClass createJavaQuercusClass(JavaClassDef def)
int id = getQuercus().getClassId(def.getName());
if (_qClass.length <= id) {
QuercusClass []oldClassList = _qClass;
_qClass = new QuercusClass[id + 256];
System.arraycopy(oldClassList, 0, _qClass, 0, oldClassList.length);
if (_qClass[id] == null)
_qClass[id] = def.getQuercusClass();
return _qClass[id];
QuercusClass createQuercusClass(int id,
ClassDef def,
QuercusClass parent)
QuercusClass qClass = _quercus.getCachedClass(id);
// php/0ac0
if (_qClass.length <= id) {
QuercusClass []oldClassList = _qClass;
_qClass = new QuercusClass[id + 256];
System.arraycopy(oldClassList, 0, _qClass, 0, oldClassList.length);
if (qClass == null
|| qClass.isModified()
|| qClass.getClassDef() != def
|| qClass.getParent() != parent) {
qClass = new QuercusClass(getModuleContext(), def, parent);
_qClass[id] = qClass;
_quercus.setCachedClass(id, qClass);
_qClass[id] = qClass;
return qClass;
* Returns true if class has already been initialized.
public boolean isInitializedClass(String name)
return _initializedClassSet.contains(name);
* Mark this class as being initialized.
public void addInitializedClass(String name)
* Finds the class and method.
* @param className the class name
* @param methodName the method name
* @return the found method or null if no method found.
public AbstractFunction findFunction(String className, String methodName)
QuercusClass cl = findClass(className);
if (cl == null)
throw new QuercusRuntimeException(L.l("'{0}' is an unknown class",
return cl.findFunction(methodName);
* Returns the appropriate callback.
public Callback createCallback(Value value)
if (value == null || value.isNull())
return null;
value = value.toValue();
if (value instanceof Callback) {
return (Callback) value;
else if (value instanceof StringValue) {
// php/1h0o
if (value.isEmpty())
return null;
String s = value.toString();
int p = s.indexOf("::");
if (p < 0)
return new CallbackFunction(this, s);
else {
String className = s.substring(0, p);
String methodName = s.substring(p + 2);
QuercusClass cl = findClass(className);
if (cl == null)
throw new IllegalStateException(L.l("can't find class {0}",
return new CallbackFunction(cl.getFunction(methodName));
else if (value.isArray()) {
Value obj = value.get(LongValue.ZERO);
Value nameV = value.get(LongValue.ONE);
if (! nameV.isString())
throw new IllegalStateException(L.l("unknown callback name {0}", nameV));
String name = nameV.toString();
if (obj.isObject()) {
AbstractFunction fun;
int p = name.indexOf("::");
// php/09lf
if (p > 0) {
String clsName = name.substring(0, p);
name = name.substring(p + 2);
QuercusClass cls = findClass(clsName);
if (cls == null) {
warning(L.l("Callback: '{0}' is not a valid callback class for {1}",
clsName, name));
return null;
if (cls == null)
throw new IllegalStateException(L.l("can't find class '{0}'",
fun = cls.getFunction(name);
fun = obj.findFunction(name);
return new CallbackObjectMethod(this, (ObjectValue) obj, fun, name);
else {
QuercusClass cl = findClass(obj.toString());
if (cl == null) {
warning(L.l("Callback: '{0}' is not a valid callback string for {1}",
obj.toString(), obj));
return null;
return new CallbackFunction(cl.getFunction(name));
return null;
* Evaluates an included file.
public Value requireOnce(StringValue include)
return include(getSelfDirectory(), include, true, true);
* Evaluates an included file.
public Value require(StringValue include)
return include(getSelfDirectory(), include, true, false);
* Evaluates an included file.
public Value include(StringValue include)
return include(getSelfDirectory(), include, false, false);
* Evaluates an included file.
public Value includeOnce(StringValue include)
return include(getSelfDirectory(), include, false, true);
* Evaluates an included file.
public Value includeOnce(Path scriptPwd, StringValue include,
boolean isRequire)
return include(scriptPwd, include, isRequire, true);
* Evaluates an included file.
public Value include(Path scriptPwd, StringValue include,
boolean isRequire, boolean isOnce)
try {
Path pwd = getPwd();
Path path = lookupInclude(include, pwd, scriptPwd);
if (path != null) {
else if (isRequire) {
error(L.l("'{0}' is not a valid path", include));
return BooleanValue.FALSE;
else {
warning(L.l("'{0}' is not a valid path", include));
return BooleanValue.FALSE;
// php/0b2d
if (! _isAllowUrlInclude && isUrl(path)) {
String msg = (L.l("not allowed to include url {0}", path.getURL()));
log.warning(dbgId() + msg);
return BooleanValue.FALSE;
QuercusPage page = _includeMap.get(path);
if (page != null && isOnce)
return BooleanValue.TRUE;
else if (page == null || page.isModified()) {
page = _quercus.parse(path);
_includeMap.put(path, page);
return executePage(page);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new QuercusModuleException(e);
void executePage(Path path)
try {
QuercusPage page = _quercus.parse(path);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new QuercusException(e);
* Returns true if this path is likely to be a URL.
private boolean isUrl(Path path)
String scheme = path.getScheme();
if ("".equals(scheme)
|| "file".equals(scheme)
|| "memory".equals(scheme))
return false;
// XXX: too restrictive for filters
return ! "php".equals(scheme)
|| "php://input".equals(path.toString())
|| path.toString().startsWith("php://filter");
* Looks up based on the pwd.
public Path lookupPwd(Value relPathV)
if (! relPathV.isset())
return null;
StringValue relPath = relPathV.toStringValue(this);
if (relPath.length() == 0)
return null;
Path path = _lookupCache.get(relPath);
if (path == null) {
path = getPwd().lookup(normalizePath(relPath));
_lookupCache.put(relPath, path);
return path;
* Looks up the path.
public Path lookup(StringValue relPath)
return lookupInclude(getSelfDirectory(), normalizePath(relPath));
* Looks up the path.
public Path lookupInclude(StringValue relPath)
return lookupInclude(relPath, getPwd(), getSelfDirectory());
private Path lookupInclude(StringValue include, Path pwd, Path scriptPwd)
String includePath = getDefaultIncludePath();
Path path = _quercus.getIncludeCache(include, includePath, pwd, scriptPwd);
if (path == null) {
path = lookupIncludeImpl(include, pwd, scriptPwd);
if (path == null)
path = NullPath.NULL;
if (path != null)
_quercus.putIncludeCache(include, includePath, pwd, scriptPwd, path);
if (path == NullPath.NULL)
path = null;
_includePath = includePath;
_includePathIniCount = _iniCount;
return path;
private String getDefaultIncludePath()
String includePath = _includePath;
if (_includePathIniCount != _iniCount) {
includePath = Quercus.INI_INCLUDE_PATH.getAsString(this);
_includePath = null;
_includePathList = null;
if (includePath == null)
includePath = ".";
return includePath;
private Path lookupIncludeImpl(StringValue includeValue,
Path pwd,
Path scriptPwd)
String include = normalizePath(includeValue);
// php/0b0g
Path path = lookupInclude(pwd, include);
if (path == null) {
// php/0b0l
path = lookupInclude(scriptPwd, include);
if (path == null) {
// php/0b21
path = scriptPwd.lookup(include);
if (! includeExists(path))
path = null;
return path;
* Looks up the path.
private Path lookupInclude(Path pwd, String relPath)
ArrayList<Path> pathList = getIncludePath(pwd);
for (int i = 0; i < pathList.size(); i++) {
Path path = pathList.get(i).lookup(relPath);
if (path.canRead() && ! path.isDirectory()) {
return path;
return null;
private boolean includeExists(Path path)
if (path.canRead() && ! path.isDirectory())
return true;
else if (! getQuercus().isRequireSource())
return getQuercus().includeExists(path);
return false;
* Returns the include path.
private ArrayList<Path> getIncludePath(Path pwd)
String includePath = getDefaultIncludePath();
if (_includePathList == null) {
_includePathList = new ArrayList<String>();
_includePathMap = new HashMap<Path,ArrayList<Path>>();
int head = 0;
int tail;
String pathSeparator = FileModule.PATH_SEPARATOR;
int length = pathSeparator.length();
while ((tail = includePath.indexOf(pathSeparator, head)) >= 0) {
String subpath = includePath.substring(head, tail);
head = tail + length;
String subpath = includePath.substring(head);
_includePath = includePath;
_includePathIniCount = _iniCount;
ArrayList<Path> pathList = _includePathMap.get(pwd);
if (pathList == null) {
pathList = new ArrayList<Path>();
for (int i = 0; i < _includePathList.size(); i++) {
_includePathMap.put(pwd, pathList);
return pathList;
* Sets the include path.
public String setIncludePath(String path)
String prevIncludePath = Quercus.INI_INCLUDE_PATH.getAsString(this);
if (_defaultIncludePath == null)
_defaultIncludePath = prevIncludePath;
Quercus.INI_INCLUDE_PATH.set(this, path);
// reset include path cache count
_includePathIniCount = -1;
return prevIncludePath;
public String normalizePath(CharSequence path)
if (Path.isWindows()) {
int len = path.length();
if (len >= 3) {
char ch;
char ch3;
if (path.charAt(1) == ':'
&& ('a' <= (ch = path.charAt(0)) && ch <= 'z'
|| 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z')
&& (ch3 = path.charAt(2)) != '/' && ch3 != '\\') {
for (int i = 3; i < len; i++) {
return _cb.toString();
return path.toString();
if (len >= 3) {
char ch = path.charAt(0);
char ch2 = path.charAt(1);
char ch3 = path.charAt(2);
offset += 2;
if (ch == '/') {
if (('a' <= ch2 && ch2 <= 'z' || 'A' <= ch2 && ch2 <= 'Z')
&& ch3 == ':') {
offset += 1;
char ch4;
if (len >= 4 && (ch4 = path.charAt(3)) != '/' && ch4 != '\\') {
offset += 1;
else if (ch2 == ':' && ch3 != '/' && ch3 != '\\') {
offset += 1;
if (ch == '/'
&& ('a' <= ch2 && ch2 <= 'z' || 'A' <= ch2 && ch2 <= 'Z')
&& ch3 == ':') {
offset += 1;
char ch4;
if (len >= 4
&& (ch4 = path.charAt(3)) != '/' && ch4 != '\\') {
offset += 1;
else if (('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z' || 'A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z')
&& ch2 == ':'
&& ch3 != '/' && ch3 != '\\') {
offset += 1;
for (; offset < len; offset++) {
return _cb.toString();
return path.toString();
* Restores the default include path.
public void restoreIncludePath()
Quercus.INI_INCLUDE_PATH.set(this, _defaultIncludePath);
* Returns all the included files.
public ArrayValue getIncludedFiles()
ArrayValue array = new ArrayValueImpl();
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
for (Path path : _includeMap.keySet()) {
for (String pathName : list) {
array.put(createString(pathName, null));
return array;
* Handles error suppression.
public Value suppress(int errorMask, Value value)
return value;
* Handles exit/die
public Value exit(Value msg)
if (msg.isNull() || msg instanceof LongValue)
return exit();
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
log.log(Level.WARNING, e.toString(), e);
throw new QuercusExitException(msg.toString());
* Handles exit/die
public Value exit()
throw new QuercusExitException();
* Handles exit/die
public Value die(String msg)
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
log.log(Level.WARNING, e.toString(), e);
throw new QuercusDieException(msg);
* Handles exit/die
public Value die()
throw new QuercusDieException();
* Handles exit/die
public Value cast(Class<?> cl, Value value)
value = value.toValue();
if (value.isNull())
return null;
else if (cl.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass()))
return value;
else {
// php/3cr2
warning(L.l("{0} ({1}) is not assignable to {2}",
value, value.getClass().getName(), cl.getName()));
return null;
* Returns the first value
public static Value first(Value value)
return value;
* Returns the first value
public static Value first(Value value, Value a1)
return value;
* Returns the first value
public static Value first(Value value, double a1)
return value;
* Returns the first value
public static long first(long value, Value a1)
return value;
* Returns the first value
public static double first(double value, Value a1)
return value;
* Returns the first value
public static long first(long value, double a1)
return value;
* Returns the first value
public static double first(double value, double a1)
return value;
* Returns the first value
public static Value first(Value value, Value a1, Value a2)
return value;
* Returns the first value
public static Value first(Value value, Value a1, Value a2, Value a3)
return value;
* Returns the first value
public static Value first(Value value, Value a1, Value a2, Value a3,
Value a4)
return value;
* Returns the first value
public static Value first(Value value, Value a1, Value a2, Value a3,
Value a4, Value a5)
return value;
* Check for type hinting
public void checkTypeHint(Value value,
String type,
String argName,
String functionName)
if (value.isNull()) {
error(L.l("'{0}' is an unexpected value for arg '{1}' in function '{2}', expected '{3}'",
value, argName, functionName, type));
* A fatal runtime error.
public Value error(String msg)
return error(B_ERROR, "", msg + getFunctionLocation());
* A fatal runtime error.
public Value error(Location location, String msg)
return error(B_ERROR, location, msg + getFunctionLocation());
* A fatal runtime error.
public Value error(String loc, String msg)
return error(B_ERROR, loc, msg + getFunctionLocation());
* A warning with an exception.
public Value error(String msg, Throwable e)
log.log(Level.WARNING, e.toString(), e);
return error(msg);
* A warning with an exception.
public Value error(Throwable e)
log.log(Level.WARNING, e.toString(), e);
return error(e.toString());
* A fatal runtime error.
public QuercusRuntimeException createErrorException(String msg)
throws QuercusRuntimeException
return createErrorException(null, msg);
* A fatal runtime error.
public QuercusRuntimeException createErrorException(Location location, String msg)
throws QuercusRuntimeException
if (location == null)
location = getLocation();
String fullMsg = msg + getFunctionLocation();
error(B_ERROR, location, fullMsg);
return new QuercusRuntimeException(fullMsg);
* A runtime warning.
public Value warning(String msg)
int mask = 1 << B_WARNING;
if ((_errorMask & mask) != 0) {
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
QuercusException e = new QuercusException(msg);
log.log(Level.FINER, e.toString(), e);
return error(B_WARNING, "", msg + getFunctionLocation());
* A runtime warning.
public Value warning(Location location, String msg)
int mask = 1 << B_WARNING;
if ((_errorMask & mask) != 0) {
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
QuercusException e = new QuercusException(msg);
log.log(Level.FINER, e.toString(), e);
return error(B_WARNING, location, "", msg + getFunctionLocation());
* A warning with an exception.
public Value warning(String msg, Throwable e)
log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e);
return warning(msg);
* A warning with an exception.
public Value warning(Location location, String msg, Throwable e)
log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e);
return warning(location, msg);
* A warning with an exception.
public Value warning(Throwable e)
return warning(e.toString(), e);
* A warning with an exception.
public Value warning(Location location, Throwable e)
return warning(location, e.toString(), e);
* A runtime strict warning.
public Value strict(String msg)
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
QuercusException e = new QuercusException(msg);
log.log(Level.FINER, e.toString(), e);
return error(B_STRICT, "", msg + getFunctionLocation());
* A warning about an invalid argument passed to a function.
public Value invalidArgument(String name, Object value)
return warning(L.l("invalid value `{0}' for `{1}'", value, name));
* A warning about an deprecated argument passed to a function.
public Value deprecatedArgument(String name)
return strict(L.l("argument `{1}' is deprecated", name));
* A notice.
public Value notice(String msg)
return error(B_NOTICE, "", msg + getFunctionLocation());
* A notice with an exception.
public Value notice(String msg, Throwable e)
log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e);
return notice(msg);
* A stub notice.
public Value stub(String msg)
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
log.fine(getLocation().getMessagePrefix() + msg);
return NullValue.NULL;
public static Value nullAsFalse(Value value)
return value == null || value.isNull() ? BooleanValue.FALSE : value;
* A parse error
public Value parse(String msg)
throws Exception
return error(B_PARSE, "", msg);
* A parse error
public Value compileError(String msg)
return error(B_COMPILE_ERROR, "", msg);
* A parse warning
public Value compileWarning(String msg)
return error(B_COMPILE_WARNING, "", msg);
* Returns the error mask.
public int getErrorMask()
return _errorMask;
* Sets the error mask.
public int setErrorMask(int mask)
int oldMask = _errorMask;
_errorMask = mask;
return oldMask;
* Sets an error handler
public void setErrorHandler(int mask, Callback fun)
for (int i = 0; i < _errorHandlers.length; i++)
_prevErrorHandlers[i] = _errorHandlers[i];
if ((mask & E_ERROR) != 0)
_errorHandlers[B_ERROR] = fun;
if ((mask & E_WARNING) != 0)
_errorHandlers[B_WARNING] = fun;
if ((mask & E_PARSE) != 0)
_errorHandlers[B_PARSE] = fun;
if ((mask & E_NOTICE) != 0)
_errorHandlers[B_NOTICE] = fun;
if ((mask & E_USER_ERROR) != 0)
_errorHandlers[B_USER_ERROR] = fun;
if ((mask & E_USER_WARNING) != 0)
_errorHandlers[B_USER_WARNING] = fun;
if ((mask & E_USER_NOTICE) != 0)
_errorHandlers[B_USER_NOTICE] = fun;
if ((mask & E_STRICT) != 0)
_errorHandlers[B_STRICT] = fun;
if ((mask & E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR) != 0)
_errorHandlers[B_RECOVERABLE_ERROR] = fun;
* Sets an error handler
public void restoreErrorHandler()
for (int i = 0; i < _errorHandlers.length; i++)
_errorHandlers[i] = _prevErrorHandlers[i];
* Gets the exception handler
public Callback getExceptionHandler()
return _exceptionHandler;
* Sets an exception handler
public Value setExceptionHandler(Callback fun)
_prevExceptionHandler = _exceptionHandler;
_exceptionHandler = fun;
if (_prevExceptionHandler != null)
return _prevExceptionHandler.toStringValue(this);
return NullValue.NULL;
* Restore an exception handler
public void restoreExceptionHandler()
_exceptionHandler = _prevExceptionHandler;
* Writes an error.
public Value error(int code, String locString, String msg)
return error(code, null, locString, msg);
* Writes an error.
public Value error(int code, Location location, String msg)
return error(code, location, "", msg);
* Writes an error.
public Value error(int code, Location location, String loc, String msg)
int mask = 1 << code;
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINEST)) {
QuercusException e = new QuercusException(loc + msg);
log.log(Level.FINEST, e.toString(), e);
if ((_errorMask & mask) != 0) {
if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE))
log.fine(this + " " + loc + msg);
if (code >= 0 && code < _errorHandlers.length
&& _errorHandlers[code] != null) {
Callback handler = _errorHandlers[code];
try {
_errorHandlers[code] = null;
Value fileNameV = NullValue.NULL;
if (location == null)
location = getLocation();
String fileName = location.getFileName();
if (fileName != null)
fileNameV = createString(fileName, null);
Value lineV = NullValue.NULL;
int line = location.getLineNumber();
if (line > 0)
lineV = LongValue.create(line);
Value context = NullValue.NULL;
handler.call(this, LongValue.create(mask), createStringOld(msg),
fileNameV, lineV, context);
return NullValue.NULL;
catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
catch (Throwable e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
finally {
_errorHandlers[code] = handler;
if ((_errorMask & mask) != 0) {
try {
String fullMsg = (getLocationPrefix(location, loc)
+ getCodeName(mask) + msg);
if (getIniBoolean("track_errors"))
setGlobalValue("php_errormsg", createStringOld(fullMsg));
if ("stderr".equals(getIniString("display_errors")))
else if (getIniBoolean("display_errors"))
if (getIniBoolean("log_errors"))
catch (IOException e) {
log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e);
String locPrefix = getLocationPrefix(location, loc);
if (! "".equals(locPrefix)) {
throw new QuercusLineExitException(getLocation() +
getCodeName(mask) +
throw new QuercusErrorException(locPrefix
+ getCodeName(mask)
+ msg);
throw new QuercusErrorException(msg);
return NullValue.NULL;
* Returns the displayable location prefix. This may be slow
* for compiled-mode because of the need to match line numbers.
private String getLocationPrefix(Location location, String loc)
if (loc != null && ! "".equals(loc))
return loc;
if (location == null)
location = getLocation();
return location.getMessagePrefix();
* Returns the error code name.
private String getCodeName(int code)
switch (code) {
case E_ERROR:
return "Fatal Error: ";
return "Warning: ";
case E_PARSE:
return "Parse Error: ";
case E_NOTICE:
return "Notice: ";
return "Fatal Error: ";
return "Warning: ";
return "Fatal Error: ";
return "Warning : ";
return "Fatal Error: ";
return "Warning: ";
return "Notice: ";
case E_STRICT:
return "Notice: ";
return "Error: ";
return String.valueOf("ErrorCode(" + code + ")");
* Returns the source of an error line.
public static String []getSourceLine(Path path, int sourceLine, int length)
if (path == null)
return null;
else if (path instanceof NullPath) {
// for QuercusScriptEngine.eval() where only a Reader is passed in
// XXX: not too pretty
return null;
ReadStream is = null;
try {
is = path.openRead();
int ch;
boolean hasCr = false;
int line = 1;
while (line < sourceLine) {
ch = is.read();
if (ch < 0)
return null;
else if (ch == '\r') {
hasCr = true;
else if (ch == '\n') {
if (! hasCr)
hasCr = false;
hasCr = false;
String []result = new String[length];
int i = 0;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
while (i < length && (ch = is.read()) > 0) {
if (ch == '\n' && hasCr) {
hasCr = false;
else if (ch == '\r') {
hasCr = true;
result[i++] = sb.toString();
else if (ch == '\n') {
hasCr = false;
result[i++] = sb.toString();
else {
hasCr = false;
sb.append((char) ch);
if (i < length)
result[i] = sb.toString();
return result;
catch (IOException e) {
log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e);
finally {
if (is != null)
return null;
* Returns the current execution location.
* Use with care, for compiled code this can be a relatively expensive
* operation.
public Location getLocation()
Expr call = peekCall(0);
if (call != null)
return call.getLocation();
return Location.UNKNOWN;
public int getSourceLine(String className, int javaLine)
return javaLine;
* Returns the current function.
public String getFunctionLocation()
// XXX: need to work with compiled code, too
Expr call = peekCall(0);
if (call != null)
return call.getFunctionLocation();
return "";
* Converts a boolean to the boolean value
public static Value toValue(boolean value)
return value ? BooleanValue.TRUE : BooleanValue.FALSE;
* Converts a boolean to the boolean value
public static Value toValue(long value)
return LongValue.create(value);
* Converts to a variable
public static Var toVar(Value value)
if (value instanceof Var)
return (Var) value;
else if (value == null)
return new Var();
return new Var(value);
* Sets a vield variable
public static Value setFieldVar(Value oldValue, Value value)
if (value instanceof Var)
return value;
else if (oldValue instanceof Var)
return new Var(value);
return value;
* Sets a reference
public static Value setRef(Value oldValue, Value value)
// php/3243
if (value instanceof Var)
return value;
else if (oldValue instanceof Var) {
return oldValue;
return new Var(value);
* Sets a reference
public static Var setEnvRef(Var oldVar, Value value)
// 3ab7
// XXX: need better test case, since that one isn't allowed by php
if (value instanceof Var)
return (Var) value;
else {
return oldVar;
* Returns the last value.
public static Value comma(Value a0, Value a1)
return a1;
* Returns the last value.
public static Value comma(Value a0, Value a1, Value a2)
return a2;
* Returns the last value.
public static Value comma(Value a0, Value a1, Value a2, Value a3)
return a3;
* Returns the last value.
public static Value comma(Value a0, Value a1, Value a2, Value a3, Value a4)
return a4;
// long comma
* Returns the last value.
public static long comma(Value a0, long a1)
return a1;
* Returns the last value.
public static long comma(long a0, long a1)
return a1;
* Returns the last value.
public static Value comma(long a0, Value a1)
return a1;
// comma
* Returns the last value.
public static double comma(Value a0, double a1)
return a1;
* Returns the last value.
public static double comma(double a0, double a1)
return a1;
* Returns the last value.
public static Value comma(double a0, Value a1)
return a1;
public String toString()
return "Env[]";
* Returns ifNull if condition.isNull(), otherwise returns ifNotNull.
public Value ifNull(Value condition, Value ifNull, Value ifNotNull)
return condition.isNull() ? ifNull : ifNotNull;
* Returns the locale info.
public LocaleInfo getLocaleInfo()
if (_locale == null)
_locale = new LocaleInfo();
return _locale;
public long getMicroTime()
return System.currentTimeMillis() * 1000;
* Registers a shutdown function.
public void addShutdown(Callback callback, Value []args)
if (_shutdownList == null)
_shutdownList = new ArrayList<Shutdown>();
_shutdownList.add(new Shutdown(callback, args));
// XXX: hack until can clean up
public void setGzStream(Object obj)
_gzStream = obj;
// XXX: hack until can clean up
public Object getGzStream()
return _gzStream;
* Called when the Env is no longer needed.
public void close()
try {
// php/1l0t
// output buffers callbacks may throw an exception
while (_outputBuffer != null) {
//catch (Exception e) {
//throw new RuntimeException(e);
finally {
private void cleanup()
// cleanup is in reverse order of creation
if (_objCleanupList != null) {
for (int i = _objCleanupList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ObjectExtValue objCleanup = _objCleanupList.get(i);
try {
if (objCleanup != null)
catch (Throwable e) {
log.log(Level.FINER, e.toString(), e);
if (_shutdownList != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < _shutdownList.size(); i++) {
try {
catch (Throwable e) {
log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e);
try {
} catch (Throwable e) {
log.log(Level.FINE, e.toString(), e);
if (_cleanupList != null) {
ArrayList<EnvCleanup> cleanupList
= new ArrayList<EnvCleanup>(_cleanupList);
// cleanup is in reverse order of creation
for (int i = cleanupList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
EnvCleanup envCleanup = cleanupList.get(i);
try {
if (envCleanup != null)
catch (Throwable e) {
log.log(Level.FINER, e.toString(), e);
for (int i = 0; _removePaths != null && i < _removePaths.size(); i++) {
Path path = _removePaths.get(i);
try {
catch (IOException e) {
log.log(Level.FINER, e.toString(), e);
AbstractFunction []fun = _fun;
_fun = null;
if (fun != null) {
boolean isUsed = false;
if (_page.setRuntimeFunction(fun)) {
isUsed = true;
for (QuercusPage page : _includeMap.values()) {
if (page.setRuntimeFunction(fun)) {
isUsed = true;
if (! isUsed) {
for (int i = fun.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
fun[i] = null;
ClassDef []classDef = _classDef;
_classDef = null;
if (classDef != null) {
// php/0b3b
for (int i = 0; i < classDef.length; i++) {
classDef[i] = null;
QuercusClass []qClass = _qClass;
_qClass = null;
if (qClass != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < qClass.length; i++) {
qClass[i] = null;
Value []consts = _const;
_const = null;
if (consts != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < consts.length; i++) {
consts[i] = null;
if (_gmtDate != null)
if (_localDate != null)
public void sessionWriteClose()
SessionArrayValue session = _session;
_session = null;
if (session != null) {
SessionCallback callback = getSessionCallback();
if (callback != null) {
String value;
// php/1k6e
if (session.getSize() > 0)
value = VariableModule.serialize(this, session.getArray());
value = "";
callback.write(this, session.getId(), value);
else {
_quercus.saveSession(this, session);
Value sessionCopy = session.copy(this);
setGlobalValue("_SESSION", sessionCopy);
setGlobalValue("HTTP_SESSION_VARS", sessionCopy);
public String dbgId()
return getClass().getSimpleName() + "[" + _selfPath + "] ";
static class FieldGetEntry {
private final String _className;
private final StringValue _fieldName;
FieldGetEntry(String className, StringValue fieldName)
_className = className;
_fieldName = fieldName;
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (! (o instanceof FieldGetEntry))
return false;
FieldGetEntry entry = (FieldGetEntry) o;
return entry._className.equals(_className)
&& entry._fieldName.equals(_fieldName);
static class ClassKey {
private final WeakReference<ClassDef> _defRef;
private final WeakReference<QuercusClass> _parentRef;
private final int _hash;
ClassKey(ClassDef def, QuercusClass parent)
_defRef = new WeakReference<ClassDef>(def);
if (parent != null)
_parentRef = new WeakReference<QuercusClass>(parent);
_parentRef = null;
// hash needs to be precalculated so losing a weak references won't
// change the result
int hash = 37;
if (def != null)
hash = 65521 * hash + def.hashCode();
if (parent != null)
hash = 65521 * hash + parent.hashCode();
_hash = hash;
public int hashCode()
return _hash;
public boolean equals(Object o)
ClassKey key = (ClassKey) o;
ClassDef aDef = _defRef.get();
ClassDef bDef = key._defRef.get();
if (aDef != bDef)
return false;
if (_parentRef == key._parentRef)
return true;
else if (_parentRef == null || key._parentRef == null)
return false;
QuercusClass aParent = _parentRef.get();
QuercusClass bParent = key._parentRef.get();
return (aParent != null && aParent.equals(bParent));
public String toString()
return (getClass().getSimpleName()
+ "[" + _defRef.get() + ","
+ (_parentRef != null ? _parentRef.get() : null) + "]");
static {