Examples of LinkCollector

Examples of com.ecyrd.jspwiki.LinkCollector

        pagename = parsePageCheckCondition( pagename );

        WikiPage page = m_engine.getPage( pagename );
        String pagedata = m_engine.getPureText( page );

        LinkCollector localCollector = new LinkCollector();
        LinkCollector extCollector   = new LinkCollector();
        LinkCollector attCollector   = new LinkCollector();

        WikiContext context = new WikiContext( m_engine, page );
        context.setVariable( WikiEngine.PROP_REFSTYLE, "absolute" );

        m_engine.textToHTML( context,
                             attCollector );

        Vector<Hashtable<String, String>> result = new Vector<Hashtable<String, String>>();

        // FIXME: Contains far too much common with RPCHandler.  Refactor!

        //  Add local links.
        for( Iterator i = localCollector.getLinks().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            String link = (String) i.next();
            Hashtable<String, String> ht = new Hashtable<String, String>();
            ht.put( "page", link );
            ht.put( "type", LINK_LOCAL );

            if( m_engine.pageExists(link) )
                ht.put( "href", context.getViewURL(link) );
                ht.put( "href", context.getURL(WikiContext.EDIT,link) );

            result.add( ht );

        // Add links to inline attachments
        for( Iterator i = attCollector.getLinks().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            String link = (String) i.next();

            Hashtable<String, String> ht = new Hashtable<String, String>();
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Examples of org.apache.wiki.LinkCollector

        pagename = parsePageCheckCondition( pagename );

        WikiPage page = m_engine.getPage( pagename );
        String pagedata = m_engine.getPureText( page );

        LinkCollector localCollector = new LinkCollector();
        LinkCollector extCollector   = new LinkCollector();
        LinkCollector attCollector   = new LinkCollector();

        WikiContext context = new WikiContext( m_engine, page );
        context.setVariable( WikiEngine.PROP_REFSTYLE, "absolute" );

        m_engine.textToHTML( context,
                             attCollector );

        Vector<Hashtable<String, String>> result = new Vector<Hashtable<String, String>>();

        // FIXME: Contains far too much common with RPCHandler.  Refactor!

        //  Add local links.
        for( Iterator< String > i = localCollector.getLinks().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            String link = i.next();
            Hashtable< String, String > ht = new Hashtable< String, String >();
            ht.put( "page", link );
            ht.put( "type", LINK_LOCAL );

            if( m_engine.pageExists(link) )
                ht.put( "href", context.getViewURL(link) );
                ht.put( "href", context.getURL(WikiContext.EDIT,link) );

            result.add( ht );

        // Add links to inline attachments
        for( Iterator i = attCollector.getLinks().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            String link = (String) i.next();

            Hashtable<String, String> ht = new Hashtable<String, String>();
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Examples of org.apache.wiki.LinkCollector


    public void testCollectingLinks()
    throws Exception
        LinkCollector coll = new LinkCollector();
        String src = "[Test]";
        WikiContext context = new WikiContext( testEngine,
                                               new WikiPage(testEngine,PAGE_NAME) );

        MarkupParser p = new JSPWikiMarkupParser( context,
                                                  new BufferedReader( new StringReader(src)) );
        p.addLocalLinkHook( coll );
        p.addExternalLinkHook( coll );
        p.addAttachmentLinkHook( coll );


        Collection< String > links = coll.getLinks();

        assertEquals( "no links found", 1, links.size() );
        assertEquals( "wrong link", "Test", links.iterator().next() );
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Examples of org.apache.wiki.LinkCollector


    public void testCollectingLinks2()
    throws Exception
        LinkCollector coll = new LinkCollector();
        String src = "["+PAGE_NAME+"/Test.txt]";

        WikiContext context = new WikiContext( testEngine,
                                               new WikiPage(testEngine,PAGE_NAME) );

        MarkupParser p = new JSPWikiMarkupParser( context,
                                                  new BufferedReader( new StringReader(src)) );
        p.addLocalLinkHook( coll );
        p.addExternalLinkHook( coll );
        p.addAttachmentLinkHook( coll );


        Collection< String > links = coll.getLinks();

        assertEquals( "no links found", 1, links.size() );
        assertEquals( "wrong link", PAGE_NAME+"/Test.txt",
                      links.iterator().next() );
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Examples of org.apache.wiki.LinkCollector

            testEngine.saveText( PAGE_NAME, "content" );
            Attachment att = new Attachment( testEngine, PAGE_NAME, "TestAtt.txt" );
            att.setAuthor( "FirstPost" );
            testEngine.getAttachmentManager().storeAttachment( att, testEngine.makeAttachmentFile() );

            LinkCollector coll        = new LinkCollector();
            LinkCollector coll_others = new LinkCollector();

            String src = "[TestAtt.txt]";
            WikiContext context = new WikiContext( testEngine,
                                                   new WikiPage(testEngine,PAGE_NAME) );

            MarkupParser p = new JSPWikiMarkupParser( context,
                                                      new BufferedReader( new StringReader(src)) );
            p.addLocalLinkHook( coll_others );
            p.addExternalLinkHook( coll_others );
            p.addAttachmentLinkHook( coll );


            Collection< String > links = coll.getLinks();

            assertEquals( "no links found", 1, links.size() );
            assertEquals( "wrong link", PAGE_NAME+"/TestAtt.txt",
                          links.iterator().next() );

            assertEquals( "wrong links found", 0, coll_others.getLinks().size() );
            String files = testEngine.getWikiProperties().getProperty( BasicAttachmentProvider.PROP_STORAGEDIR );
            File storagedir = new File( files, PAGE_NAME+BasicAttachmentProvider.DIR_EXTENSION );
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Examples of org.apache.wiki.LinkCollector

        pagename = parsePageCheckCondition( pagename );

        WikiPage page = m_engine.getPage( pagename );
        String pagedata = m_engine.getPureText( page );

        LinkCollector localCollector = new LinkCollector();
        LinkCollector extCollector   = new LinkCollector();
        LinkCollector attCollector   = new LinkCollector();

        WikiContext context = new WikiContext( m_engine, page );
        context.setVariable( WikiEngine.PROP_REFSTYLE, "absolute" );

        m_engine.textToHTML( context,
                             attCollector );

        Vector<Hashtable<String, String>> result = new Vector<Hashtable<String, String>>();

        //  Add local links.
        for( Iterator< String > i = localCollector.getLinks().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            String link = i.next();
            Hashtable< String, String > ht = new Hashtable<String, String>();
            ht.put( "page", toRPCString( link ) );
            ht.put( "type", LINK_LOCAL );

            //  FIXME: This is a kludge.  The link format should really be queried
            //  from the TranslatorReader itself.  Also, the link format should probably
            //  have information on whether the page exists or not.

            //  FIXME: The current link collector interface is not very good, since
            //  it causes this.

            if( m_engine.pageExists(link) )
                ht.put( "href", context.getURL(WikiContext.VIEW,link) );
                ht.put( "href", context.getURL(WikiContext.EDIT,link) );

            result.add( ht );

        // Add links to inline attachments
        for( Iterator< String > i = attCollector.getLinks().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            String link = i.next();

            Hashtable< String, String > ht = new Hashtable< String, String >();
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Examples of org.apache.wiki.LinkCollector

        pagename = parsePageCheckCondition( pagename );

        WikiPage page = m_engine.getPage( pagename );
        String pagedata = m_engine.getPureText( page );

        LinkCollector localCollector = new LinkCollector();
        LinkCollector extCollector   = new LinkCollector();
        LinkCollector attCollector   = new LinkCollector();

        WikiContext context = new WikiContext( m_engine, page );
        context.setVariable( WikiEngine.PROP_REFSTYLE, "absolute" );

        m_engine.textToHTML( context,
                             attCollector );

        Vector<Hashtable<String, String>> result = new Vector<Hashtable<String, String>>();

        //  Add local links.
        for( Iterator i = localCollector.getLinks().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            String link = (String) i.next();
            Hashtable<String, String> ht = new Hashtable<String, String>();
            ht.put( "page", toRPCString( link ) );
            ht.put( "type", LINK_LOCAL );

            //  FIXME: This is a kludge.  The link format should really be queried
            //  from the TranslatorReader itself.  Also, the link format should probably
            //  have information on whether the page exists or not.

            //  FIXME: The current link collector interface is not very good, since
            //  it causes this.

            if( m_engine.pageExists(link) )
                ht.put( "href", context.getURL(WikiContext.VIEW,link) );
                ht.put( "href", context.getURL(WikiContext.EDIT,link) );

            result.add( ht );

        // Add links to inline attachments
        for( Iterator i = attCollector.getLinks().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            String link = (String) i.next();

            Hashtable<String, String> ht = new Hashtable<String, String>();
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Examples of org.apache.wiki.LinkCollector

        pagename = parsePageCheckCondition( pagename );

        WikiPage page = m_engine.getPage( pagename );
        String pagedata = m_engine.getPureText( page );

        LinkCollector localCollector = new LinkCollector();
        LinkCollector extCollector   = new LinkCollector();
        LinkCollector attCollector   = new LinkCollector();

        WikiContext context = new WikiContext( m_engine, page );
        context.setVariable( WikiEngine.PROP_REFSTYLE, "absolute" );

        m_engine.textToHTML( context,
                             attCollector );

        Vector<Hashtable<String, String>> result = new Vector<Hashtable<String, String>>();

        // FIXME: Contains far too much common with RPCHandler.  Refactor!

        //  Add local links.
        for( Iterator i = localCollector.getLinks().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            String link = (String) i.next();
            Hashtable<String, String> ht = new Hashtable<String, String>();
            ht.put( "page", link );
            ht.put( "type", LINK_LOCAL );

            if( m_engine.pageExists(link) )
                ht.put( "href", context.getViewURL(link) );
                ht.put( "href", context.getURL(WikiContext.EDIT,link) );

            result.add( ht );

        // Add links to inline attachments
        for( Iterator i = attCollector.getLinks().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
            String link = (String) i.next();

            Hashtable<String, String> ht = new Hashtable<String, String>();
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Examples of org.apache.wiki.LinkCollector


    public void testCollectingLinks()
    throws Exception
        LinkCollector coll = new LinkCollector();
        String src = "[Test]";
        WikiContext context = new WikiContext( testEngine,
                                               new WikiPage(testEngine,PAGE_NAME) );

        MarkupParser p = new JSPWikiMarkupParser( context,
                                                  new BufferedReader( new StringReader(src)) );
        p.addLocalLinkHook( coll );
        p.addExternalLinkHook( coll );
        p.addAttachmentLinkHook( coll );


        Collection< String > links = coll.getLinks();

        assertEquals( "no links found", 1, links.size() );
        assertEquals( "wrong link", "Test", links.iterator().next() );
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Examples of org.apache.wiki.LinkCollector


    public void testCollectingLinks2()
    throws Exception
        LinkCollector coll = new LinkCollector();
        String src = "["+PAGE_NAME+"/Test.txt]";

        WikiContext context = new WikiContext( testEngine,
                                               new WikiPage(testEngine,PAGE_NAME) );

        MarkupParser p = new JSPWikiMarkupParser( context,
                                                  new BufferedReader( new StringReader(src)) );
        p.addLocalLinkHook( coll );
        p.addExternalLinkHook( coll );
        p.addAttachmentLinkHook( coll );


        Collection< String > links = coll.getLinks();

        assertEquals( "no links found", 1, links.size() );
        assertEquals( "wrong link", PAGE_NAME+"/Test.txt",
                      links.iterator().next() );
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