JSPWiki - a JSP-based WikiWiki clone.
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package com.ecyrd.jspwiki.xmlrpc;
import java.util.*;
import org.apache.xmlrpc.XmlRpcException;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.LinkCollector;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiContext;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiEngine;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.WikiPage;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.attachment.Attachment;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.permissions.PagePermission;
import com.ecyrd.jspwiki.auth.permissions.PermissionFactory;
* Provides handlers for all RPC routines. These routines are used by
* the UTF-8 interface.
* @since 1.6.13
public class RPCHandlerUTF8
extends AbstractRPCHandler
public String getApplicationName()
checkPermission( PagePermission.VIEW );
return m_engine.getApplicationName();
public Vector getAllPages()
checkPermission( PagePermission.VIEW );
Collection pages = m_engine.getRecentChanges();
Vector<String> result = new Vector<String>();
for( Iterator i = pages.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
WikiPage p = (WikiPage) i.next();
if( !(p instanceof Attachment) )
result.add( p.getName() );
return result;
* Encodes a single wiki page info into a Hashtable.
protected Hashtable<String, Object> encodeWikiPage( WikiPage page )
Hashtable<String, Object> ht = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
ht.put( "name", page.getName() );
Date d = page.getLastModified();
// Here we reset the DST and TIMEZONE offsets of the
// calendar. Unfortunately, I haven't thought of a better
// way to ensure that we're getting the proper date
// from the XML-RPC thingy, except to manually adjust the date.
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.setTime( d );
cal.add( Calendar.MILLISECOND,
- (cal.get( Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET ) +
(cal.getTimeZone().inDaylightTime( d ) ? cal.get( Calendar.DST_OFFSET ) : 0 )) );
ht.put( "lastModified", cal.getTime() );
ht.put( "version", page.getVersion() );
if( page.getAuthor() != null )
ht.put( "author", page.getAuthor() );
return ht;
public Vector getRecentChanges( Date since )
checkPermission( PagePermission.VIEW );
Collection pages = m_engine.getRecentChanges();
Vector<Hashtable<String, Object>> result = new Vector<Hashtable<String, Object>>();
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
cal.setTime( since );
// Convert UTC to our time.
cal.add( Calendar.MILLISECOND,
(cal.get( Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET ) +
(cal.getTimeZone().inDaylightTime(since) ? cal.get( Calendar.DST_OFFSET ) : 0 ) ) );
since = cal.getTime();
for( Iterator i = pages.iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
WikiPage page = (WikiPage)i.next();
if( page.getLastModified().after( since ) && !(page instanceof Attachment) )
result.add( encodeWikiPage( page ) );
return result;
* Simple helper method, turns the incoming page name into
* normal Java string, then checks page condition.
* @param pagename Page Name as an RPC string (URL-encoded UTF-8)
* @return Real page name, as Java string.
* @throws XmlRpcException, if there is something wrong with the page.
private String parsePageCheckCondition( String pagename )
throws XmlRpcException
if( !m_engine.pageExists(pagename) )
throw new XmlRpcException( ERR_NOPAGE, "No such page '"+pagename+"' found, o master." );
WikiPage p = m_engine.getPage( pagename );
checkPermission( PermissionFactory.getPagePermission( p, PagePermission.VIEW_ACTION ) );
return pagename;
public Hashtable getPageInfo( String pagename )
throws XmlRpcException
pagename = parsePageCheckCondition( pagename );
return encodeWikiPage( m_engine.getPage(pagename) );
public Hashtable getPageInfoVersion( String pagename, int version )
throws XmlRpcException
pagename = parsePageCheckCondition( pagename );
return encodeWikiPage( m_engine.getPage( pagename, version ) );
public String getPage( String pagename )
throws XmlRpcException
pagename = parsePageCheckCondition( pagename );
String text = m_engine.getPureText( pagename, -1 );
return text;
public String getPageVersion( String pagename, int version )
throws XmlRpcException
pagename = parsePageCheckCondition( pagename );
return m_engine.getPureText( pagename, version );
public String getPageHTML( String pagename )
throws XmlRpcException
pagename = parsePageCheckCondition( pagename );
return m_engine.getHTML( pagename );
public String getPageHTMLVersion( String pagename, int version )
throws XmlRpcException
pagename = parsePageCheckCondition( pagename );
return m_engine.getHTML( pagename, version );
public Vector listLinks( String pagename )
throws XmlRpcException
pagename = parsePageCheckCondition( pagename );
WikiPage page = m_engine.getPage( pagename );
String pagedata = m_engine.getPureText( page );
LinkCollector localCollector = new LinkCollector();
LinkCollector extCollector = new LinkCollector();
LinkCollector attCollector = new LinkCollector();
WikiContext context = new WikiContext( m_engine, page );
context.setVariable( WikiEngine.PROP_REFSTYLE, "absolute" );
m_engine.textToHTML( context,
attCollector );
Vector<Hashtable<String, String>> result = new Vector<Hashtable<String, String>>();
// FIXME: Contains far too much common with RPCHandler. Refactor!
// Add local links.
for( Iterator i = localCollector.getLinks().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
String link = (String) i.next();
Hashtable<String, String> ht = new Hashtable<String, String>();
ht.put( "page", link );
ht.put( "type", LINK_LOCAL );
if( m_engine.pageExists(link) )
ht.put( "href", context.getViewURL(link) );
ht.put( "href", context.getURL(WikiContext.EDIT,link) );
result.add( ht );
// Add links to inline attachments
for( Iterator i = attCollector.getLinks().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
String link = (String) i.next();
Hashtable<String, String> ht = new Hashtable<String, String>();
ht.put( "page", link );
ht.put( "type", LINK_LOCAL );
ht.put( "href", context.getURL(WikiContext.ATTACH,link) );
result.add( ht );
// External links don't need to be changed into XML-RPC strings,
// simply because URLs are by definition ASCII.
for( Iterator i = extCollector.getLinks().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
String link = (String) i.next();
Hashtable<String, String> ht = new Hashtable<String, String>();
ht.put( "page", link );
ht.put( "type", LINK_EXTERNAL );
ht.put( "href", link );
result.add( ht );
return result;