// jobsList = new JobInfoList(getJobClasses().size(), true);
protected int process(NetMessage message) throws NetException {
Job job;
int c;
switch (message.getEvent()) {
case NetEvent.EVENT_START:
//the terminal creates all the jobs requested by each class.
//for each job created, it sends to itself a message with delay 0
//log.write(NetLog.LEVEL_RELEASE, null, this, NetLog.EVENT_START);
ListIterator<JobClass> jobClasses = getJobClasses().listIterator();
JobClass jobClass;
//generator of random numbers (uses the same engine of
//distributions and strategies) used to mix the order of
//leaving jobs, otherwise they leave in order of class
//(i.e. c1, c1, c1, ...c2, c2, c2, ... c3....)
RandomEngine randomEng = RandomEngine.makeDefault();
//delay used to mix leaving order
double mixRandomDelay = 0.0;
while (jobClasses.hasNext()) {
jobClass = jobClasses.next();
//@author Stefano Omini
if (jobClass.getType() == JobClass.OPEN_CLASS) {
//open class: no jobs to be generated
//end NEW
c = jobClass.getId();
if (jobsPerClass != null) {
//terminal of a closed system
//generates all the jobs
for (int i = 0; i < jobsPerClass[c]; i++) {
//note that if jobsPerClass[c] = -1 (open class) the instructions
//of this for are not performed
//each job is created and sent to the terminal itself
job = new Job(jobClass);
// the delay of departure is set to 0
//sendMe(job, 0);
//@author Stefano Omini
//sets a random (very small) delay to mix the jobs
//of different classes
//mixRandomDelay = (randomEng.nextDouble()) * 0.00001;
mixRandomDelay = (randomEng.raw()) * 0.00001;
sendMe(job, mixRandomDelay);
//end NEW
//log.write(NetLog.LEVEL_DEBUG, job, this, NetLog.JOB_CREATED);
case NetEvent.EVENT_JOB:
//case EVENT_JOB
//if coolStart=false adds the job to the list of waiting jobs.
//if coolStart=true (no waiting jobs) checks the source
//If the message has been received from the terminal itself, the job's
//bornTime is set, then the job is forwarded. Otherwise, if it has been
//received from the outside, an ack message is sent to the source of the
//message, the job's bornTime is set, then the job is forwarded.
//log.write(NetLog.LEVEL_DEBUG, message.getJob(), this, NetLog.JOB_IN);
// Gets the job from the message
job = message.getJob();
//TODO: serve questa coolStart????
if (coolStart) {
//the queue of waiting jobs is empty
if (message.getSource() == this.getOwnerNode() && message.getSourceSection() == this.getSectionID()) {
//message sent by the terminal itself
sendForward(job, 0.0);
//log.write(NetLog.LEVEL_DEBUG, job, this, NetLog.JOB_OUT);
coolStart = false;
} else {
//job received from the outside
//send an ack
send(NetEvent.EVENT_ACK, job, 0.0, message.getSourceSection(), message.getSource());
//job goes on
sendForward(job, 0.0);
//log.write(NetLog.LEVEL_DEBUG, job, this, NetLog.JOB_OUT);
coolStart = false;
} else {
//coolStart is false: there are waiting jobs. Add the received job.
waitingRequests.add(new WaitingRequest(message.getSource(), message.getSourceSection(), job));
case NetEvent.EVENT_ACK:
//case EVENT_ACK:
//if there are waiting jobs, takes the first, set its bornTime and
//forwards it to the service section.
//then it creates a new job and sends to itself a message whose delay is the time of
//departure of that job.
//otherwise, if there are no waiting jobs, sets coolstart=true
if (waitingRequests.size() != 0) {
WaitingRequest wr;
wr = (WaitingRequest) waitingRequests.removeFirst();
if (!isMyOwnerNode(wr.getNode())) {
send(NetEvent.EVENT_ACK, wr.getJob(), 0.0, wr.getSection(), wr.getNode());
//log.write(NetLog.LEVEL_ALL, message.getJob(), this, NetLog.ACK_JOB);
Job jobSent = wr.getJob();
sendForward(jobSent, 0.0);
//log.write(NetLog.LEVEL_DEBUG, jobSent, this, NetLog.JOB_OUT);
} else {
coolStart = true;