* Copyright (C) 2009, Laboratorio di Valutazione delle Prestazioni - Politecnico di Milano
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
package jmt.engine.NodeSections;
import jmt.common.exception.NetException;
import jmt.engine.NetStrategies.ServiceStrategy;
import jmt.engine.QueueNet.Job;
import jmt.engine.QueueNet.JobClass;
import jmt.engine.QueueNet.NetEvent;
import jmt.engine.QueueNet.NetMessage;
import jmt.engine.QueueNet.NetNode;
import jmt.engine.QueueNet.NetSystem;
import jmt.engine.QueueNet.NodeSection;
* This class implements a multi-class, single/multi server service.
* Every class has a specific distribution and a own set of statistical
* parameters.
* A server service remains busy while processing one or more jobs.
* @author Francesco Radaelli, Stefano Omini, Bertoli Marco
public class Server extends ServiceSection {
public static final boolean DEBUG = false;
/** Property Identifier: Busy counter. */
public static final int PROPERTY_ID_BUSY_COUNTER = 0x0101;
/** Property Identifier: Max jobs (number of servers). */
public static final int PROPERTY_ID_MAX_JOBS = 0x0102;
/** Property Identifier: Visits per class. */
public static final int PROPERTY_ID_VISITS_PER_CLASS = 0x0103;
/** Property Identifier: Service strategy. */
public static final int PROPERTY_ID_SERVICE_STRATEGY = 0x0104;
//TODO: use this to correct residence times (R=r*v) or remove them!!
private int numberOfVisitsPerClass[];
private int busyCounter, numberOfServers;
private ServiceStrategy serviceStrategy[];
/** Creates a new instance of Server.
* @param numberOfVisitsPerClass Number of job visits per class: if null
* the server will be single visit.
* @param serverNumber Number of jobs which can be served simultaneously.
* @param serviceStrategy Array of service strategies, one per class.
* @throws jmt.common.exception.NetException
public Server(Integer serverNumber, Integer numberOfVisitsPerClass[], ServiceStrategy serviceStrategy[]) throws jmt.common.exception.NetException {
//numberOfVisitsPerClass is null
if (numberOfVisitsPerClass == null) {
this.serviceStrategy = serviceStrategy;
this.numberOfVisitsPerClass = null;
busyCounter = 0;
this.numberOfServers = serverNumber.intValue();
} else {
//else creates an array of int & then use the same cosntructor
int[] nVisits = new int[numberOfVisitsPerClass.length];
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfVisitsPerClass.length; i++) {
nVisits[i] = numberOfVisitsPerClass[i].intValue();
this.serviceStrategy = serviceStrategy;
this.numberOfVisitsPerClass = nVisits;
busyCounter = 0;
this.numberOfServers = serverNumber.intValue();
/** Creates a new instance of Server.
* @param serverNumber Number of jobs which can be served simultaneously.
* @param numberOfVisitsPerClass Number of job visits per class: if null
* the server will be single visit.
* @param serviceStrategy Array of service strategies, one per class.
* @throws jmt.common.exception.NetException
public Server(int serverNumber, int numberOfVisitsPerClass[], ServiceStrategy serviceStrategy[]) throws jmt.common.exception.NetException {
this.serviceStrategy = serviceStrategy;
this.numberOfVisitsPerClass = numberOfVisitsPerClass;
busyCounter = 0;
this.numberOfServers = serverNumber;
public int getIntSectionProperty(int id) throws jmt.common.exception.NetException {
switch (id) {
return busyCounter;
return numberOfServers;
return super.getIntSectionProperty(id);
public int getIntSectionProperty(int id, JobClass jobClass) throws jmt.common.exception.NetException {
switch (id) {
return numberOfVisitsPerClass[jobClass.getId()];
return super.getIntSectionProperty(id, jobClass);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see jmt.engine.QueueNet.NodeSection#getDoubleSectionProperty(int, jmt.engine.QueueNet.JobClass)
public double getDoubleSectionProperty(int id, JobClass jobClass) throws NetException {
double divisor = numberOfServers;
return jobsList.getBusyTimePerClass(jobClass) / NetSystem.getTime() / divisor;
} else {
return super.getDoubleSectionProperty(id, jobClass);
/* (non-Javadoc)
* @see jmt.engine.QueueNet.NodeSection#getDoubleSectionProperty(int)
public double getDoubleSectionProperty(int id) throws NetException {
double divisor = numberOfServers;
return jobsList.getBusyTime() / NetSystem.getTime() / divisor;
} else {
return super.getDoubleSectionProperty(id);
public Object getObject(int id, JobClass jobClass) throws jmt.common.exception.NetException {
switch (id) {
return serviceStrategy[jobClass.getId()];
return super.getObject(id);
public Object getObject(int id) throws jmt.common.exception.NetException {
switch (id) {
return serviceStrategy;
return super.getObject(id);
protected void nodeLinked(NetNode node) {
//if (numberOfVisitsPerClass != null)
// tempJobsList = new JobInfoList(getJobClasses().size(), true);
protected int process(NetMessage message) throws jmt.common.exception.NetException {
int c;
Job job;
double serviceTime;
switch (message.getEvent()) {
case NetEvent.EVENT_ACK:
//If there are no jobs in the service section, message is not processed.
//Otherwise an ack is sent backward to the input section and
//the counter of jobs in service is decreased.
if (busyCounter == 0) {
//it wasn't waiting for any job
return NodeSection.MSG_NOT_PROCESSED;
} else if (busyCounter == numberOfServers) {
// Sends a request to the input section
sendBackward(NetEvent.EVENT_ACK, message.getJob(), 0.0);
} else {
// Avoid ACK as we already sent ack
case NetEvent.EVENT_JOB:
//If the message has been sent by the server itself,
// then the job is forwarded.
//If the message has been sent by another section, the server, if
//is not completely busy, sends to itself a message containing the
//job and with delay equal to the service time calculated using
//the service strategy.
//The counter of jobs in service is increased and, if further service
//capacity is left, an ack is sent to the input section.
// Gets the job from the message
job = message.getJob();
if (isMine(message)) {
// this job has been just served (the message has been sent by the server itself)
// forwards the job to the output section
sendForward(job, 0.0);
} else {
//message received from another node section: if the server is not completely busy,
//it sends itself a message with this job
if (busyCounter < numberOfServers) {
// Gets the class of the job
c = job.getJobClass().getId();
// Auto-sends the job with delay equal to "serviceTime"
serviceTime = serviceStrategy[c].wait(this);
// Calculates the service time of job
sendMe(job, serviceTime);
if (busyCounter < numberOfServers) {
// Sends an ACK to the input section (remember not to propagate
// this ack again when computation is finished)
sendBackward(NetEvent.EVENT_ACK, message.getJob(), 0.0);
} else {
//server is busy
return NodeSection.MSG_NOT_PROCESSED;