int measures = 0;
Note[] currentNotes = null;
boolean useTwoNoteChords = Chance.test(14);
Chord chord = null;
for (int i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) {
Note currentNote = notes[i];
if (currentNote.getRhythmValue() == 0) {
continue; // rhythm value is 0 for the first notes of a (main-part) chord. So progress to the next
boolean lastMeasure = measures == ctx.getMeasures() - 1;
if (currentMeasureSize == 0 && !currentNote.isRest() && !lastMeasure) {
boolean preferStable = ToneResolver.needsContrastingChord(firstToneTypes, ToneGroups.UNSTABLE);
boolean preferUnstable = ToneResolver.needsContrastingChord(firstToneTypes, ToneGroups.STABLE);
// change the chord only in 1/4 of the cases
if (currentNotes == null || Chance.test(25)) {
// no alternatives for now - only 3-note chords
Chord previous = chord;
chord = ChordUtils.getChord(ctx, currentNote.getPitch(), previous, scaleChords, scaleChords, scaleChords, preferStable, preferUnstable);
if (chord != null) {
int[] pitches = chord.getPitches();
//remove the middle note in some cases (but make it possible to have three-note chords in a generally two-note phrase)
if (pitches.length == 3 && useTwoNoteChords && Chance.test(90)) {
pitches = ArrayUtils.remove(pitches, 1);
int count = Chance.test(90) ? (Chance.test(80) ? 4 : 2) : (Chance.test(80) ? 3 : 5);
currentNotes = new Note[count];
double length = normalizedMeasureSize / count;
for (int k = 0; k < count; k++) {
Note note = NoteFactory.createNote(pitches[random.nextInt(pitches.length)], length);
note.setDynamic(InstrumentGroups.getInstrumentSpecificDynamics(65 + random.nextInt(10), part.getInstrument()));
if (specialNoteType != null) {
note.setDuration(note.getRhythmValue() * specialNoteType.getValue());
currentNotes[k] = note;