if ( isTemporalType( mappedAttribute.getAttributeType() ) ) {
if ( temporalAnnotation == null ) {
//SPEC 11.1.47 The Temporal annotation must be specified for persistent fields or properties of type java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar.
throw new AnnotationException( "Attribute " + mappedAttribute.getName() + " is a Temporal type, but no @Temporal annotation found." );
TemporalType temporalType = JandexHelper.getEnumValue( temporalAnnotation, "value", TemporalType.class );
boolean isDate = Date.class.isAssignableFrom( mappedAttribute.getAttributeType() );
String type;
switch ( temporalType ) {
case DATE:
type = isDate ? StandardBasicTypes.DATE.getName() : StandardBasicTypes.CALENDAR_DATE.getName();