Copyright (c) 2006 Andy Jefferson and others. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package org.jpox.jpa.metadata;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.persistence.AssociationOverride;
import javax.persistence.AttributeOverride;
import javax.persistence.CascadeType;
import javax.persistence.Column;
import javax.persistence.ColumnResult;
import javax.persistence.DiscriminatorType;
import javax.persistence.EmbeddedId;
import javax.persistence.EntityResult;
import javax.persistence.EnumType;
import javax.persistence.FetchType;
import javax.persistence.FieldResult;
import javax.persistence.GenerationType;
import javax.persistence.Id;
import javax.persistence.InheritanceType;
import javax.persistence.JoinColumn;
import javax.persistence.NamedNativeQuery;
import javax.persistence.NamedQuery;
import javax.persistence.PostLoad;
import javax.persistence.PostPersist;
import javax.persistence.PostRemove;
import javax.persistence.PostUpdate;
import javax.persistence.PrePersist;
import javax.persistence.PreRemove;
import javax.persistence.PreUpdate;
import javax.persistence.PrimaryKeyJoinColumn;
import javax.persistence.SecondaryTable;
import javax.persistence.SqlResultSetMapping;
import javax.persistence.TemporalType;
import javax.persistence.UniqueConstraint;
import org.jpox.ClassLoaderResolver;
import org.jpox.exceptions.JPOXException;
import org.jpox.jpa.annotations.Extension;
import org.jpox.metadata.AbstractClassMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.AbstractMemberMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.ArrayMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.ClassMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.ClassPersistenceModifier;
import org.jpox.metadata.CollectionMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.ColumnMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.ContainerMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.DiscriminatorMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.ElementMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.EmbeddedMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.EventListenerMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.ExtensionMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.FieldPersistenceModifier;
import org.jpox.metadata.FileMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.IdentityMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.IdentityStrategy;
import org.jpox.metadata.InheritanceMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.InheritanceStrategy;
import org.jpox.metadata.JoinMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.KeyMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.MapMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.MetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.MetaDataManager;
import org.jpox.metadata.OrderMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.PackageMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.PrimaryKeyMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.QueryLanguage;
import org.jpox.metadata.QueryMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.QueryResultMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.SequenceMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.TableGeneratorMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.UniqueMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.ValueMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.VersionMetaData;
import org.jpox.metadata.VersionStrategy;
import org.jpox.metadata.annotations.AbstractAnnotationReader;
import org.jpox.metadata.annotations.AnnotationObject;
import org.jpox.metadata.annotations.Member;
import org.jpox.util.ClassUtils;
import org.jpox.util.JPOXLogger;
import org.jpox.util.StringUtils;
* Implementation for Annotation Reader for JDK 1.5 annotations using JPA's definition.
* This reader also accepts certain JPOX extensions where the JPA annotations dont provide
* full definition of the data required.
* @version $Revision: 1.1 $
public class JPAAnnotationReader extends AbstractAnnotationReader
* Constructor.
* @param mgr MetaData manager
public JPAAnnotationReader(MetaDataManager mgr)
// We support JPA and JPOX annotations in this reader
setSupportedAnnotationPackages(new String[] {"javax.persistence", "org.jpox"});
* Method to process the "class" level annotations and create the outline ClassMetaData object
* @param pmd Parent PackageMetaData
* @param cls The class
* @param annotations Annotations for this class
* @param clr ClassLoader resolver
* @return The ClassMetaData (or null if no annotations)
protected AbstractClassMetaData processClassAnnotations(PackageMetaData pmd, Class cls, AnnotationObject[] annotations,
ClassLoaderResolver clr)
ClassMetaData cmd = null;
if (annotations != null && annotations.length > 0)
String identityType = org.jpox.metadata.IdentityType.APPLICATION.toString();
String identityColumn = null;
String identityStrategy = null;
String identityGenerator = null;
String requiresExtent = "true";
String detachable = "true"; // In JPA default is true.
String embeddedOnly = "false";
String persistenceModifier = ClassPersistenceModifier.NON_PERSISTENT.toString();
String idClassName = null;
String catalog = null;
String schema = null;
String table = null;
String inheritanceStrategyForTree = null;
String inheritanceStrategy = null;
String discriminatorColumnName = null;
String discriminatorColumnType = null;
Integer discriminatorColumnLength = null;
String discriminatorValue = null;
String entityName = null;
Class[] entityListeners = null;
boolean excludeSuperClassListeners = false;
boolean excludeDefaultListeners = false;
ColumnMetaData[] pkColumnMetaData = null;
HashSet<UniqueMetaData> uniques = null;
HashSet<AbstractMemberMetaData> overriddenFields = null;
HashSet<QueryMetaData> namedQueries = null;
List<QueryResultMetaData> resultMappings = null;
HashSet<ExtensionMetaData> extensions = null;
for (int i=0;i<annotations.length;i++)
if (isSupportedAnnotation(annotations[i].getName()))
HashMap<String, Object> annotationValues = annotations[i].getNameValueMap();
String annName = annotations[i].getName();
if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.ENTITY))
// Class is an "Entity" so needs persisting
persistenceModifier = ClassPersistenceModifier.PERSISTENCE_CAPABLE.toString();
entityName = (String) annotationValues.get("name");
if (entityName == null || entityName.length() == 0)
entityName = ClassUtils.getClassNameForClass(cls);
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.MAPPED_SUPERCLASS))
if (isClassPersistenceCapable(cls))
// Class is an "MappedSuperclass" (no table) and has ID fields so needs persisting
persistenceModifier = ClassPersistenceModifier.PERSISTENCE_CAPABLE.toString();
inheritanceStrategy = InheritanceStrategy.SUBCLASS_TABLE.toString();
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.PERSISTENCE_AWARE))
// JPOX extension to define that the class accesses persistable fields so needs enhancing
persistenceModifier = ClassPersistenceModifier.PERSISTENCE_AWARE.toString();
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.DATASTORE_IDENTITY))
// JPOX extension to allow datastore-identity
identityType = org.jpox.metadata.IdentityType.DATASTORE.toString();
identityColumn = (String)annotationValues.get("column");
GenerationType type = (GenerationType) annotationValues.get("generationType");
identityStrategy = JPAAnnotationUtils.getIdentityStrategyString(type);
identityGenerator = (String) annotationValues.get("generator");
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.TABLE))
table = (String)annotationValues.get("name");
catalog = (String)annotationValues.get("catalog");
schema = (String)annotationValues.get("schema");
UniqueConstraint[] constrs = (UniqueConstraint[])annotationValues.get("uniqueConstraints");
if (constrs != null && constrs.length > 0)
for (int j=0;j<constrs.length;j++)
UniqueMetaData unimd = new UniqueMetaData(null, (String)annotationValues.get("name"), null);
for (int k=0;k<constrs[j].columnNames().length;k++)
unimd.addColumn(new ColumnMetaData(unimd, constrs[j].columnNames()[k]));
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.ID_CLASS))
idClassName = ((Class)annotationValues.get("value")).getName();
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.INHERITANCE))
// Only valid in the root class
InheritanceType inhType = (InheritanceType)annotationValues.get("strategy");
inheritanceStrategyForTree = inhType.toString();
if (inhType == InheritanceType.JOINED)
inheritanceStrategy = InheritanceStrategy.NEW_TABLE.toString();
else if (inhType == InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS)
inheritanceStrategy = InheritanceStrategy.COMPLETE_TABLE.toString();
else if (inhType == InheritanceType.SINGLE_TABLE)
// Translated to root class as "new-table" and children as "superclass-table"
// and @Inheritance should only be specified on root class so defaults to JPOX internal default
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.DISCRIMINATOR_COLUMN))
discriminatorColumnName = (String)annotationValues.get("name");
DiscriminatorType type = (DiscriminatorType)annotationValues.get("discriminatorType");
if (type == DiscriminatorType.CHAR)
discriminatorColumnType = "CHAR";
else if (type == DiscriminatorType.INTEGER)
discriminatorColumnType = "INTEGER";
else if (type == DiscriminatorType.STRING)
discriminatorColumnType = "VARCHAR";
discriminatorColumnLength = (Integer)annotationValues.get("length");
// TODO Support JPA "columnDefinition"
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.DISCRIMINATOR_VALUE))
discriminatorValue = (String)annotationValues.get("value");
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.EMBEDDABLE))
embeddedOnly = "true";
persistenceModifier = ClassPersistenceModifier.PERSISTENCE_CAPABLE.toString();
identityType = org.jpox.metadata.IdentityType.NONDURABLE.toString();
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.ENTITY_LISTENERS))
entityListeners = (Class[])annotationValues.get("value");
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.EXCLUDE_SUPERCLASS_LISTENERS))
excludeSuperClassListeners = true;
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.EXCLUDE_DEFAULT_LISTENERS))
excludeDefaultListeners = true;
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.SEQUENCE_GENERATOR))
processSequenceGeneratorAnnotation(pmd, annotationValues);
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.TABLE_GENERATOR))
processTableGeneratorAnnotation(pmd, annotationValues);
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.PRIMARY_KEY_JOIN_COLUMN))
// Override the PK column name when we have a persistent superclass
pkColumnMetaData = new ColumnMetaData[1];
pkColumnMetaData[0] = new ColumnMetaData(cmd,
(String)annotationValues.get("name"), (String)annotationValues.get("referencedColumnName"),
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.PRIMARY_KEY_JOIN_COLUMNS))
// Override the PK column names when we have a persistent superclass
PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[] values = (PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[])annotationValues.get("value");
pkColumnMetaData = new ColumnMetaData[values.length];
for (int j=0;j<values.length;j++)
// TODO Support columnDefinition
pkColumnMetaData[j] = new ColumnMetaData(cmd,
values[j].name(), values[j].referencedColumnName(),
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.ATTRIBUTE_OVERRIDES))
AttributeOverride[] overrides = (AttributeOverride[])annotationValues.get("value");
if (overrides != null)
if (overriddenFields == null)
overriddenFields = new HashSet<AbstractMemberMetaData>();
for (int j=0;j<overrides.length;j++)
AbstractMemberMetaData fmd = mgr.getMetaDataFactory().newFieldObject(cmd,
"#UNKNOWN." + overrides[j].name(),
null, "persistent", null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null, null);
Column col = overrides[j].column();
// TODO Make inferrals about jdbctype, length etc if the field is 1 char etc
fmd.addColumn(new ColumnMetaData(fmd, col.name(), null, null, null, null,
"" + col.length(), "" + col.scale(), "" + col.nullable(), null, null,
"" + col.insertable(), "" + col.updatable(), "" + col.unique()));
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.ATTRIBUTE_OVERRIDE))
if (overriddenFields == null)
overriddenFields = new HashSet<AbstractMemberMetaData>();
AbstractMemberMetaData fmd = mgr.getMetaDataFactory().newFieldObject(cmd,
"#UNKNOWN." + (String)annotationValues.get("name"),
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null, null);
Column col = (Column)annotationValues.get("column");
// TODO Make inferrals about jdbctype, length etc if the field is 1 char etc
fmd.addColumn(new ColumnMetaData(fmd, col.name(), null, null, null, null,
"" + col.length(), "" + col.scale(), "" + col.nullable(), null, null,
"" + col.insertable(), "" + col.updatable(), "" + col.unique()));
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.ASSOCIATION_OVERRIDES))
AssociationOverride[] overrides = (AssociationOverride[])annotationValues.get("value");
if (overrides != null)
if (overriddenFields == null)
overriddenFields = new HashSet<AbstractMemberMetaData>();
for (int j=0;j<overrides.length;j++)
AbstractMemberMetaData fmd = mgr.getMetaDataFactory().newFieldObject(cmd,
"#UNKNOWN." + overrides[j].name(),
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null, null);
JoinColumn[] cols = overrides[j].joinColumns();
for (int k=0;k<cols.length;k++)
fmd.addColumn(new ColumnMetaData(fmd, cols[k].name(), null,
cols[k].referencedColumnName(), null, null,
null, null, "" + cols[k].nullable(), null, null,
"" + cols[k].insertable(), "" + cols[k].updatable(), "" + cols[k].unique()));
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.ASSOCIATION_OVERRIDE))
if (overriddenFields == null)
overriddenFields = new HashSet<AbstractMemberMetaData>();
AbstractMemberMetaData fmd = mgr.getMetaDataFactory().newFieldObject(cmd,
"#UNKNOWN." + (String)annotationValues.get("name"),
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null, null);
JoinColumn[] cols = (JoinColumn[])annotationValues.get("joinColumns");
for (int k=0;k<cols.length;k++)
fmd.addColumn(new ColumnMetaData(fmd, cols[k].name(), null,
cols[k].referencedColumnName(), null, null,
null, null, "" + cols[k].nullable(), null, null,
"" + cols[k].insertable(), "" + cols[k].updatable(), "" + cols[k].unique()));
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.NAMED_QUERIES))
NamedQuery[] queries = (NamedQuery[])annotationValues.get("value");
if (namedQueries == null)
namedQueries = new HashSet<QueryMetaData>();
for (int j=0;j<queries.length;j++)
QueryMetaData qmd = new QueryMetaData(cmd, null, queries[j].name(), QueryLanguage.JPQL.toString(),
"true", null, null, null, null);
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.NAMED_QUERY))
if (namedQueries == null)
namedQueries = new HashSet<QueryMetaData>();
QueryMetaData qmd = new QueryMetaData(cmd, null, (String)annotationValues.get("name"),
QueryLanguage.JPQL.toString(), "true", null, null, null, null);
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.NAMED_NATIVE_QUERIES))
NamedNativeQuery[] queries = (NamedNativeQuery[])annotationValues.get("value");
if (namedQueries == null)
namedQueries = new HashSet<QueryMetaData>();
for (int j=0;j<queries.length;j++)
String resultClassName = null;
if (queries[j].resultClass() != null && queries[j].resultClass() != void.class)
resultClassName = queries[j].resultClass().getName();
String resultMappingName = null;
if (queries[j].resultSetMapping() != null)
resultMappingName = queries[j].resultSetMapping();
QueryMetaData qmd = new QueryMetaData(cmd, null, queries[j].name(), QueryLanguage.SQL.toString(),
"true", resultClassName, resultMappingName, null, null);
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.NAMED_NATIVE_QUERY))
if (namedQueries == null)
namedQueries = new HashSet<QueryMetaData>();
Class resultClass = (Class)annotationValues.get("resultClass");
String resultClassName = null;
if (resultClass != null && resultClass != void.class)
resultClassName = resultClass.getName();
String resultMappingName = (String)annotationValues.get("resultSetMapping");
if (StringUtils.isWhitespace(resultMappingName))
resultMappingName = null;
QueryMetaData qmd = new QueryMetaData(cmd, null, (String)annotationValues.get("name"),
QueryLanguage.SQL.toString(), "true", resultClassName, resultMappingName, null, null);
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.SQL_RESULTSET_MAPPINGS))
SqlResultSetMapping[] mappings = (SqlResultSetMapping[])annotationValues.get("value");
if (resultMappings == null)
resultMappings = new ArrayList<QueryResultMetaData>();
for (int j=0;j<mappings.length;j++)
QueryResultMetaData qrmd = new QueryResultMetaData(cmd, mappings[j].name());
EntityResult[] entityResults = (EntityResult[])mappings[j].entities();
if (entityResults != null)
for (int k=0;k<entityResults.length;k++)
String entityClassName = entityResults[k].entityClass().getName();
qrmd.addPersistentTypeMapping(entityClassName, null,
FieldResult[] fields = entityResults[k].fields();
if (fields != null)
for (int l=0;l<fields.length;l++)
qrmd.addMappingForPersistentTypeMapping(entityClassName, fields[l].name(), fields[l].column());
ColumnResult[] colResults = (ColumnResult[])mappings[j].columns();
if (colResults != null)
for (int k=0;k<colResults.length;k++)
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.SQL_RESULTSET_MAPPING))
if (resultMappings == null)
resultMappings = new ArrayList<QueryResultMetaData>();
QueryResultMetaData qrmd = new QueryResultMetaData(cmd, (String)annotationValues.get("name"));
EntityResult[] entityResults = (EntityResult[])annotationValues.get("entities");
if (entityResults != null)
for (int j=0;j<entityResults.length;j++)
String entityClassName = entityResults[j].entityClass().getName();
qrmd.addPersistentTypeMapping(entityClassName, null,
FieldResult[] fields = entityResults[j].fields();
if (fields != null)
for (int k=0;k<fields.length;k++)
qrmd.addMappingForPersistentTypeMapping(entityClassName, fields[k].name(), fields[k].column());
ColumnResult[] colResults = (ColumnResult[])annotationValues.get("columns");
if (colResults != null)
for (int j=0;j<colResults.length;j++)
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.SECONDARY_TABLES))
// processed below in newJoinMetaData
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.SECONDARY_TABLE))
// processed below in newJoinMetaData
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.EXTENSION))
// JPOX extension
ExtensionMetaData extmd = new ExtensionMetaData((String)annotationValues.get("vendorName"),
(String)annotationValues.get("key"), (String)annotationValues.get("value"));
extensions = new HashSet<ExtensionMetaData>(1);
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.EXTENSIONS))
// JPOX extension
Extension[] values = (Extension[])annotationValues.get("value");
if (values != null && values.length > 0)
extensions = new HashSet<ExtensionMetaData>(values.length);
for (int j=0;j<values.length;j++)
ExtensionMetaData extmd = new ExtensionMetaData(values[j].vendorName(),
values[j].key().toString(), values[j].value().toString());
cls.getName(), annotations[i].getName()));
if (entityName == null || entityName.length() == 0)
entityName = ClassUtils.getClassNameForClass(cls);
if (persistenceModifier.equals(ClassPersistenceModifier.PERSISTENCE_CAPABLE.toString()) ||
JPOXLogger.METADATA.info(LOCALISER.msg("MetaData.Annotations.ClassUsingAnnotations", cls.getName(), "JPA"));
if (pmd == null)
// No owning package defined so add one
FileMetaData filemd = new FileMetaData("annotations", null, null, null);
pmd = new PackageMetaData(filemd, cls.getPackage().getName(), null, null);
boolean superClassPC = isClassPersistenceCapable(cls.getSuperclass());
cmd = mgr.getMetaDataFactory().newClassObject(pmd, ClassUtils.getClassNameForClass(cls), identityType, idClassName,
requiresExtent, detachable, embeddedOnly, persistenceModifier,
superClassPC ? cls.getSuperclass().getName() : null, catalog, schema, table, entityName);
if (excludeSuperClassListeners)
if (excludeDefaultListeners)
if (entityListeners != null)
for (int i=0; i<entityListeners.length; i++)
// Any EventListener will not have their callback methods registered at this point
EventListenerMetaData elmd = new EventListenerMetaData(entityListeners[i].getName());
// Inheritance
InheritanceMetaData inhmd = null;
if (inheritanceStrategy != null)
// Strategy specified so create inheritance data
inhmd = new InheritanceMetaData(cmd, inheritanceStrategy);
else if (discriminatorValue != null || discriminatorColumnName != null ||
discriminatorColumnLength != null || discriminatorColumnType != null)
// Discriminator specified so we need inheritance data
inhmd = new InheritanceMetaData(cmd, null);
if (discriminatorValue != null || discriminatorColumnName != null ||
discriminatorColumnLength != null || discriminatorColumnType != null)
// Add discriminator information to the inheritance of this class
DiscriminatorMetaData dismd = null;
if (discriminatorColumnType != null && discriminatorColumnType != "VARCHAR")
dismd = new DiscriminatorMetaData(inhmd, discriminatorColumnName, discriminatorValue,
"value-map", "false");
dismd = new DiscriminatorMetaData(inhmd, discriminatorColumnName, discriminatorValue,
"class-name", "false");
ColumnMetaData discolmd = null;
if (discriminatorColumnLength != null || discriminatorColumnName != null || discriminatorColumnType != null)
discolmd = new ColumnMetaData(dismd, discriminatorColumnName);
if (discriminatorColumnType != null)
if (discriminatorColumnLength != null)
if (inhmd != null)
// JPOX extension - datastore-identity
if (identityType == org.jpox.metadata.IdentityType.DATASTORE.toString())
IdentityMetaData idmd = new IdentityMetaData(cmd, identityColumn, identityStrategy, identityGenerator);
if (identityGenerator != null)
if (pkColumnMetaData != null)
// PK columns overriding those in the root class
PrimaryKeyMetaData pkmd = cmd.getPrimaryKeyMetaData();
if (pkmd == null)
pkmd = new PrimaryKeyMetaData(cmd, null, null);
for (int i=0;i<pkColumnMetaData.length;i++)
if (uniques != null && uniques.size() > 0)
// Unique constraints for the primary/secondary tables
Iterator<UniqueMetaData> uniquesIter = uniques.iterator();
while (uniquesIter.hasNext())
if (overriddenFields != null)
// Fields overridden from superclasses
Iterator<AbstractMemberMetaData> iter = overriddenFields.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
if (namedQueries != null)
Iterator<QueryMetaData> iter = namedQueries.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
if (resultMappings != null)
Iterator<QueryResultMetaData> iter = resultMappings.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
if (extensions != null)
Iterator<ExtensionMetaData> iter = extensions.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
ExtensionMetaData extmd = iter.next();
cmd.addExtension(extmd.getVendorName(), extmd.getKey(), extmd.getValue());
// Process any secondary tables
newJoinMetaDataForClass(cmd, annotations);
return cmd;
* Convenience method to process the annotations for a field/property.
* The passed annotations may have been specified on the field or on a getter method.
* @param cmd The ClassMetaData to update
* @param member The field/property
* @param annotations The annotations for the field/property
* @param propertyAccessor if has persistent properties
* @return The FieldMetaData/PropertyMetaData that was added (if any)
protected AbstractMemberMetaData processMemberAnnotations(AbstractClassMetaData cmd, Member member,
AnnotationObject[] annotations, boolean propertyAccessor)
if (Modifier.isTransient(member.getModifiers()))
// Field is transient so nothing to persist
return null;
// TODO Change this when JPA is enhanced using methods starting "jpox"
if (member.getName().startsWith("jdo"))
// ignore JDO fields/methods added during enhancement
return null;
if ((annotations != null && annotations.length > 0) || JPAAnnotationUtils.isBasicByDefault(member.getType()))
if (!member.isProperty() && (annotations == null || annotations.length == 0) && propertyAccessor)
return null;
if (member.isProperty() && (annotations == null || annotations.length == 0) && !propertyAccessor)
// field accessor will ignore all methods not annotated
return null;
// Create the Field/Property MetaData so we have something to add to
AbstractMemberMetaData mmd = newMetaDataForMember(cmd, member, annotations);
// Process other annotations
ColumnMetaData[] columnMetaData = null;
JoinMetaData joinmd = null;
boolean oneToMany = false;
boolean manyToMany = false;
for (int i=0;annotations != null && i<annotations.length;i++)
if (isSupportedAnnotation(annotations[i].getName()))
String annName = annotations[i].getName();
HashMap<String, Object> annotationValues = annotations[i].getNameValueMap();
if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.JOIN_COLUMNS))
// 1-1 FK columns, or 1-N FK columns, or N-1 FK columns
JoinColumn[] cols = (JoinColumn[])annotationValues.get("value");
if (cols != null)
columnMetaData = new ColumnMetaData[cols.length];
for (int j=0;j<cols.length;j++)
columnMetaData[j] = new ColumnMetaData(mmd, cols[j].name(), null,
cols[j].referencedColumnName(), null, null, null, null, "" + cols[j].nullable(),
null, null, "" + cols[j].insertable(), "" + cols[j].updatable(), "" + cols[j].unique());
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.JOIN_COLUMN))
// 1-1 FK column, or 1-N FK column, or N-1 FK column
columnMetaData = new ColumnMetaData[1];
String colNullable = null;
String colInsertable = null;
String colUpdateable = null;
String colUnique = null;
if (annotationValues.get("nullable") != null)
colNullable = annotationValues.get("nullable").toString();
if (annotationValues.get("insertable") != null)
colInsertable = annotationValues.get("insertable").toString();
if (annotationValues.get("updatable") != null)
// Note : "updatable" is spelt incorrectly in the JPA spec.
colUpdateable = annotationValues.get("updatable").toString();
if (annotationValues.get("unique") != null)
colUnique = annotationValues.get("unique").toString();
columnMetaData[0] = new ColumnMetaData(mmd, (String)annotationValues.get("name"), null,
(String)annotationValues.get("referencedColumnName"), null, null,
null, null, colNullable, null, null, colInsertable, colUpdateable, colUnique);
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.ATTRIBUTE_OVERRIDES) && mmd.isEmbedded())
// Embedded field overrides
EmbeddedMetaData emd = new EmbeddedMetaData(mmd,mmd.getName(),"","");
AttributeOverride[] attributeOverride = (AttributeOverride[])annotationValues.get("value");
for (int j=0; j<attributeOverride.length; j++)
AbstractMemberMetaData apmd = mgr.getMetaDataFactory().newFieldObject(emd,
//needs to do the same for methods
Field overrideField = member.getType().getDeclaredField(attributeOverride[j].name());
new Member(overrideField), attributeOverride[j].column()));
catch (SecurityException e)
throw new JPOXException("Cannot obtain override field "+
attributeOverride[j].name()+" of class "+member.getType()+
" for persistent class "+cmd.getName(),e);
catch (NoSuchFieldException e)
throw new JPOXException("Override field "+attributeOverride[j].name()+
" does not exist in class "+member.getType()+" for persistent class "+
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.JOIN_TABLE))
// Process @JoinTable to generate JoinMetaData
joinmd = new JoinMetaData(mmd, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
if (annotationValues.get("joinColumns") != null)
ArrayList<JoinColumn> joinColumns = new ArrayList<JoinColumn>();
for (int j = 0; j < joinColumns.size(); j++)
ColumnMetaData colmd = new ColumnMetaData(joinmd,
joinColumns.get(j).name(), joinColumns.get(j).referencedColumnName(),
null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null);
if (annotationValues.get("inverseJoinColumns") != null)
ArrayList<JoinColumn> elementColumns = new ArrayList<JoinColumn>();
ElementMetaData elmd = new ElementMetaData(mmd, null, null, null, null, null, null);
for (int j = 0; j < elementColumns.size(); j++)
ColumnMetaData colmd = new ColumnMetaData(elmd, elementColumns.get(j).name(),
null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null, null);
UniqueConstraint[] joinUniqueConstraints = (UniqueConstraint[])annotationValues.get("uniqueConstraints");
if (joinUniqueConstraints != null && joinUniqueConstraints.length > 0)
// Unique constraints on the join table
for (int j=0;j<joinUniqueConstraints.length;j++)
UniqueMetaData unimd = new UniqueMetaData(null, null, null);
for (int k=0;k<joinUniqueConstraints[j].columnNames().length;k++)
unimd.addColumn(new ColumnMetaData(unimd, joinUniqueConstraints[j].columnNames()[k]));
joinmd.setUniqueMetaData(unimd); // JDO only supports a single unique constraint on a join table
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.MAP_KEY))
String keyMappedBy = (String)annotationValues.get("name");
if (keyMappedBy != null)
mmd.setKeyMetaData(new KeyMetaData(mmd, null, null, null, null, null, keyMappedBy));
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.ORDER_BY))
String orderBy = (String)annotationValues.get("value");
if (orderBy != null)
// "Ordered List"
mmd.setOrderMetaData(new OrderMetaData(orderBy));
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.ONE_TO_MANY))
// 1-N relation
oneToMany = true;
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.MANY_TO_MANY))
// M-N relation
manyToMany = true;
// Post-processing to apply JPA rules for field relationships etc
if (oneToMany && mmd.getJoinMetaData() == null && mmd.getMappedBy() == null &&
// 1-N with no join specified and unidirectional so JPA says it has to be via join (no 1-N uni FKs)
mmd.setJoinMetaData(new JoinMetaData(mmd, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null));
if (manyToMany && mmd.getJoinMetaData() == null && mmd.getMappedBy() == null)
// M-N with no join specified and unidir so add the join for them
mmd.setJoinMetaData(new JoinMetaData(mmd, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null));
if (mmd.getOrderMetaData() == null && Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(member.getType()))
// @OrderBy not specified but is a Collection so use ordering of element using PK field(s)
mmd.setOrderMetaData(new OrderMetaData("#PK"));
if (columnMetaData == null)
// Column specified (at least in part) via @Column/@Lob/@Enumerated/@Temporal
ColumnMetaData colmd = newColumnMetaData(mmd, member, annotations);
if (colmd != null)
columnMetaData = new ColumnMetaData[1];
columnMetaData[0] = colmd;
if (columnMetaData != null)
// Column definition provided so apply to the respective place
if ((mmd.hasCollection() || mmd.hasArray()) && joinmd==null)
// Column is for the FK of the element of the collection/array
ElementMetaData elemmd = mmd.getElementMetaData();
if (elemmd == null)
elemmd = new ElementMetaData(mmd, null, null, null, null, null, null);
for (int i=0;i<columnMetaData.length;i++)
else if (mmd.hasMap() && joinmd == null)
// Column is for the FK value of the map
ValueMetaData valmd = mmd.getValueMetaData();
if (valmd == null)
valmd = new ValueMetaData(mmd, null, null, null, null, null,null);
for (int i=0;i<columnMetaData.length;i++)
// Column is for the field
for (int i=0;i<columnMetaData.length;i++)
return mmd;
return null;
* Method to take the passed in outline ClassMetaData and process the annotations for
* method adding any necessary MetaData to the ClassMetaData.
* @param cmd The ClassMetaData (to be updated)
* @param method The method
protected void processMethodAnnotations(AbstractClassMetaData cmd, Method method)
Annotation[] annotations = method.getAnnotations();
EventListenerMetaData elmd = cmd.getListenerForClass(cmd.getFullClassName());
if (elmd == null)
elmd = new EventListenerMetaData(cmd.getFullClassName());
if (annotations != null)
for (int i=0; i<annotations.length; i++)
String annotationTypeName = annotations[i].annotationType().getName();
if (annotationTypeName.equals(PrePersist.class.getName()) ||
annotationTypeName.equals(PostPersist.class.getName()) ||
annotationTypeName.equals(PreRemove.class.getName()) ||
annotationTypeName.equals(PostRemove.class.getName()) ||
annotationTypeName.equals(PreUpdate.class.getName()) ||
annotationTypeName.equals(PostUpdate.class.getName()) ||
elmd.addCallback(annotationTypeName, method.getDeclaringClass().getName(), method.getName());
* Method to create a new field/property MetaData for the supplied annotations.
* @param cmd MetaData for the class
* @param field The field/method
* @param annotations Annotations for the field/property
* @return The MetaData for the field/property
private AbstractMemberMetaData newMetaDataForMember(AbstractClassMetaData cmd, Member field,
AnnotationObject[] annotations)
String modifier = null;
String dfg = null;
String embedded = null;
String pk = null;
String version = null;
String nullValue = null;
String mappedBy = null;
CascadeType[] cascades = null;
HashSet<ExtensionMetaData> extensions = null;
String valueStrategy = null;
String valueGenerator = null;
boolean storeInLob = false;
Class targetEntity = null;
for (int i=0;annotations != null && i<annotations.length;i++)
if (isSupportedAnnotation(annotations[i].getName()))
String annName = annotations[i].getName();
HashMap<String, Object> annotationValues = annotations[i].getNameValueMap();
if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.EMBEDDED))
embedded = "true";
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.ID))
pk = "true";
if (modifier == null)
modifier = FieldPersistenceModifier.PERSISTENT.toString();
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.TRANSIENT))
modifier = FieldPersistenceModifier.NONE.toString();
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.ENUMERATED))
if (modifier == null)
modifier = FieldPersistenceModifier.PERSISTENT.toString();
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.VERSION))
version = "true";
if (modifier == null)
modifier = FieldPersistenceModifier.PERSISTENT.toString();
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.EMBEDDED_ID))
pk = "true";
embedded = "true";
if (modifier == null)
modifier = FieldPersistenceModifier.PERSISTENT.toString();
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.BASIC))
FetchType fetch = (FetchType)annotationValues.get("fetch");
if (fetch == FetchType.LAZY)
dfg = "false";
dfg = "true";
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.ONE_TO_ONE))
// 1-1 relation
modifier = FieldPersistenceModifier.PERSISTENT.toString();
mappedBy = (String)annotationValues.get("mappedBy");
cascades = (CascadeType[])annotationValues.get("cascade");
targetEntity = (Class)annotationValues.get("targetEntity");
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.ONE_TO_MANY))
// 1-N relation
modifier = FieldPersistenceModifier.PERSISTENT.toString();
mappedBy = (String)annotationValues.get("mappedBy");
cascades = (CascadeType[])annotationValues.get("cascade");
targetEntity = (Class)annotationValues.get("targetEntity");
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.MANY_TO_MANY))
// M-N relation
modifier = FieldPersistenceModifier.PERSISTENT.toString();
mappedBy = (String)annotationValues.get("mappedBy");
cascades = (CascadeType[])annotationValues.get("cascade");
targetEntity = (Class)annotationValues.get("targetEntity");
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.MANY_TO_ONE))
// N-1 relation
modifier = FieldPersistenceModifier.PERSISTENT.toString();
mappedBy = (String)annotationValues.get("mappedBy");
cascades = (CascadeType[])annotationValues.get("cascade");
targetEntity = (Class)annotationValues.get("targetEntity");
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.GENERATED_VALUE))
GenerationType type = (GenerationType) annotationValues.get("strategy");
valueStrategy = JPAAnnotationUtils.getIdentityStrategyString(type);
valueGenerator = (String) annotationValues.get("generator");
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.LOB))
storeInLob = true;
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.EXTENSION))
ExtensionMetaData extmd = new ExtensionMetaData((String)annotationValues.get("vendorName"),
(String)annotationValues.get("key"), (String)annotationValues.get("value"));
extensions = new HashSet<ExtensionMetaData>(1);
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.EXTENSIONS))
Extension[] values = (Extension[])annotationValues.get("value");
if (values != null && values.length > 0)
extensions = new HashSet<ExtensionMetaData>(values.length);
for (int j=0;j<values.length;j++)
ExtensionMetaData extmd = new ExtensionMetaData(values[j].vendorName(),
values[j].key().toString(), values[j].value().toString());
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.SEQUENCE_GENERATOR))
// Sequence generator, so store it against the package that we are under
processSequenceGeneratorAnnotation(cmd.getPackageMetaData(), annotationValues);
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.TABLE_GENERATOR))
// Table generator, so store it against the package that we are under
processTableGeneratorAnnotation(cmd.getPackageMetaData(), annotationValues);
if (JPAAnnotationUtils.isBasicByDefault(field.getType()) && modifier == null)
modifier = FieldPersistenceModifier.PERSISTENT.toString();
// Create the field
AbstractMemberMetaData fmd;
if (field.isProperty())
fmd = mgr.getMetaDataFactory().newPropertyObject(cmd, field.getName(), pk, modifier, dfg, nullValue,
embedded, null, null, mappedBy, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null, null);
fmd = mgr.getMetaDataFactory().newFieldObject(cmd, field.getName(), pk, modifier, dfg, nullValue,
embedded, null, null, mappedBy, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null,
null, null, null);
if (version != null)
// Tag this field as the version field
VersionMetaData vermd = new VersionMetaData(VersionStrategy.VERSION_NUMBER.toString(), fmd.getName());
if (cascades != null)
for (int i = 0; i < cascades.length; i++)
if (cascades[i] == CascadeType.ALL)
else if (cascades[i] == CascadeType.PERSIST)
else if (cascades[i] == CascadeType.MERGE)
else if (cascades[i] == CascadeType.REMOVE)
else if (cascades[i] == CascadeType.REFRESH)
// Value generation
if (valueStrategy != null && valueGenerator != null)
if (valueStrategy != null)
// Type storage
if (storeInLob)
// Container fields : If the field is a container then add its container element
ContainerMetaData contmd = null;
if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType()))
String elementType = null;
if (targetEntity != null && targetEntity != void.class)
elementType = targetEntity.getName();
if (elementType == null)
elementType = ClassUtils.getCollectionElementType(field.getType(),field.getGenericType());
// No annotation for collections so cant specify the element type, dependent, embedded, serialized
contmd = new CollectionMetaData(fmd, elementType, null, null, null);
else if (field.getType().isArray())
contmd = new ArrayMetaData(fmd, null, null, null, null);
else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType()))
String keyType = ClassUtils.getMapKeyType(field.getType(),field.getGenericType());
String valueType = null;
if (targetEntity != null && targetEntity != void.class)
valueType = targetEntity.getName();
if (valueType == null)
valueType = ClassUtils.getMapValueType(field.getType(),field.getGenericType());
// No annotation for maps so cant specify the key/value type, dependent, embedded, serialized
contmd = new MapMetaData(fmd, keyType, null, null, null, valueType, null, null, null);
if (contmd != null)
// JPOX extensions
if (extensions != null)
Iterator<ExtensionMetaData> iter = extensions.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext())
ExtensionMetaData extmd = iter.next();
fmd.addExtension(extmd.getVendorName(), extmd.getKey(), extmd.getValue());
return fmd;
* Method to create a new ColumnMetaData.
* @param parent The parent MetaData object
* @param field The field/property
* @param annotations Annotations on this field/property
* @return MetaData for the column
private ColumnMetaData newColumnMetaData(MetaData parent, Member field, AnnotationObject[] annotations)
String columnName= null;
String target= null;
String targetField= null;
String jdbcType= null;
String sqlType= null;
String length= null;
String scale= null;
String allowsNull= null;
String defaultValue= null;
String insertValue= null;
String insertable= null;
String updateable= null;
String unique= null;
String table = null;
for (int i=0;annotations != null && i<annotations.length;i++)
if (isSupportedAnnotation(annotations[i].getName()))
String annName = annotations[i].getName();
HashMap<String, Object> annotationValues = annotations[i].getNameValueMap();
if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.COLUMN))
columnName = (String)annotationValues.get("name");
if (field.getType().isPrimitive())
if (annotationValues.get("precision") != null)
int precisionValue = ((Integer)annotationValues.get("precision")).intValue();
if (precisionValue != 0)
length = "" + precisionValue;
if (annotationValues.get("scale") != null)
int scaleValue = ((Integer)annotationValues.get("scale")).intValue();
if (scaleValue != 0)
scale = "" + scaleValue;
if ((length == null || length.equals("0") ) && char.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType()))
//in the TCK, char is stored by default in a CHAR column with 1 length
//if nothing defined, then default to this
length = "1";
if (field.getType() == boolean.class)
jdbcType = "SMALLINT";
else if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType()))
if (annotationValues.get("length") != null)
length = annotationValues.get("length").toString();
else if (Number.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType()))
if (annotationValues.get("precision") != null)
length = annotationValues.get("precision").toString();
if (annotationValues.get("scale") != null)
scale = annotationValues.get("scale").toString();
if (annotationValues.get("nullable") != null)
allowsNull = annotationValues.get("nullable").toString();
if (annotationValues.get("insertable") != null)
insertable = annotationValues.get("insertable").toString();
if (annotationValues.get("updatable") != null)
// Note : "updatable" is spelt incorrectly in the JPA spec.
updateable = annotationValues.get("updatable").toString();
if (annotationValues.get("unique") != null)
unique = annotationValues.get("unique").toString();
if (annotationValues.get("table") != null)
// Column in secondary-table
String columnTable = (String)annotationValues.get("table");
if (!StringUtils.isWhitespace(columnTable))
table = columnTable;
else if (Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(field.getType()) && annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.ENUMERATED))
EnumType type = (EnumType)annotationValues.get("value");
jdbcType = (type == EnumType.STRING ? "VARCHAR" : "INTEGER");
else if (JPAAnnotationUtils.isTemporalType(field.getType()) && annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.TEMPORAL_TYPE))
TemporalType type = (TemporalType)annotationValues.get("value");
if (type == TemporalType.DATE)
jdbcType = "DATE";
else if (type == TemporalType.TIME)
jdbcType = "TIME";
else if (type == TemporalType.TIMESTAMP)
jdbcType = "TIMESTAMP";
if (columnName == null && length == null && scale == null && insertable == null && updateable == null &&
allowsNull == null && unique == null && jdbcType == null && sqlType == null)
return null;
ColumnMetaData colmd = new ColumnMetaData(parent, columnName, target, targetField, jdbcType, sqlType, length,
scale, allowsNull, defaultValue, insertValue, insertable, updateable, unique);
if (parent instanceof AbstractMemberMetaData)
AbstractMemberMetaData apmd = (AbstractMemberMetaData) parent;
// apmd.addColumn(colmd);
// update column settings if primary key, cannot be null
colmd.setAllowsNull(new Boolean(apmd.isPrimaryKey() ? false : colmd.isAllowsNull()));
return colmd;
// TODO Support columnDefinition
* Method to create a new JoinMetaData for a secondary table.
* @param cmd MetaData for the class
* @param annotations Annotations on the class
* @return The join metadata
private JoinMetaData[] newJoinMetaDataForClass(AbstractClassMetaData cmd, AnnotationObject[] annotations)
HashSet<JoinMetaData> joins = new HashSet<JoinMetaData>();
for (int i=0;annotations != null && i<annotations.length;i++)
String annName = annotations[i].getName();
HashMap<String, Object> annotationValues = annotations[i].getNameValueMap();
if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.SECONDARY_TABLES))
SecondaryTable[] secTableAnns = (SecondaryTable[])annotationValues.get("value");
if (secTableAnns != null)
for (int j=0;j<secTableAnns.length;j++)
JoinMetaData joinmd = new JoinMetaData(cmd,
secTableAnns[j].name(), secTableAnns[j].catalog(), secTableAnns[j].schema(),
null, null, null, null, null);
PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[] pkJoinCols = secTableAnns[j].pkJoinColumns();
if (pkJoinCols != null)
for (int k = 0; k < pkJoinCols.length; k++)
ColumnMetaData colmd = new ColumnMetaData(joinmd, pkJoinCols[k].name(),
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
UniqueConstraint[] constrs = secTableAnns[j].uniqueConstraints();
if (constrs != null && constrs.length > 0)
for (int k=0;k<constrs.length;k++)
UniqueMetaData unimd = new UniqueMetaData(null, (String)annotationValues.get("table"), null);
for (int l=0;l<constrs[k].columnNames().length;l++)
unimd.addColumn(new ColumnMetaData(unimd, constrs[k].columnNames()[l]));
joinmd.setUniqueMetaData(unimd); // JDO only allows one unique
else if (annName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.SECONDARY_TABLE))
JoinMetaData joinmd = new JoinMetaData(cmd,
(String)annotationValues.get("name"), (String)annotationValues.get("catalog"),
(String)annotationValues.get("schema"), null, null, null, null, null);
if (annotationValues.get("pkJoinColumns") != null)
PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[] joinCols = (PrimaryKeyJoinColumn[])annotationValues.get("pkJoinColumns");
for (int j = 0; j < joinCols.length; j++)
ColumnMetaData colmd = new ColumnMetaData(joinmd, joinCols[j].name(),
null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null);
UniqueConstraint[] constrs = (UniqueConstraint[])annotationValues.get("uniqueConstraints");
if (constrs != null && constrs.length > 0)
for (int j=0;j<constrs.length;j++)
UniqueMetaData unimd = new UniqueMetaData(null, (String)annotationValues.get("table"), null);
for (int k=0;k<constrs[j].columnNames().length;k++)
unimd.addColumn(new ColumnMetaData(unimd, constrs[j].columnNames()[k]));
joinmd.setUniqueMetaData(unimd); // JDO only allows one unique
return (JoinMetaData[])joins.toArray(new JoinMetaData[joins.size()]);
* Process a @SequenceGenerator annotation.
* @param pmd Package MetaData to add the sequence to
* @param annotationValues The annotation info
private void processSequenceGeneratorAnnotation(PackageMetaData pmd, HashMap<String, Object> annotationValues)
// Sequence generator, so store it against the package that we are under
String name = (String)annotationValues.get("name");
String seqName = (String)annotationValues.get("sequenceName");
Integer initialValue = (Integer)annotationValues.get("initialValue");
if (initialValue == null)
initialValue = new Integer(1); // JPA default
Integer allocationSize = (Integer)annotationValues.get("allocationSize");
if (allocationSize == null)
allocationSize = new Integer(50); // JPA default
SequenceMetaData seqmd = new SequenceMetaData(pmd, name, seqName, null, null,
"" + initialValue.intValue(), "" + allocationSize.intValue());
* Process a @TableGenerator annotation and add it to the specified package MetaData.
* @param pmd Package MetaData to add the table generator to
* @param annotationValues The annotation info
private void processTableGeneratorAnnotation(PackageMetaData pmd, HashMap<String, Object> annotationValues)
String name = (String)annotationValues.get("name");
String tgTable = (String)annotationValues.get("table");
String tgCatalog = (String)annotationValues.get("catalog");
String tgSchema = (String)annotationValues.get("schema");
String tgPKColumnName = (String)annotationValues.get("pkColumnName");
String tgValueColumnName = (String)annotationValues.get("valueColumnName");
String tgPKColumnValue = (String)annotationValues.get("pkColumnValue");
Integer initialValue = (Integer)annotationValues.get("initialValue");
Integer allocationSize = (Integer)annotationValues.get("allocationSize");
TableGeneratorMetaData tgmd = new TableGeneratorMetaData(pmd, name, tgTable,
tgCatalog, tgSchema, tgPKColumnName, tgValueColumnName, tgPKColumnValue,
"" + initialValue.intValue(), "" + allocationSize.intValue());
// TODO Support uniqueConstraints
* Check if class is persistence capable, by looking at annotations
* @param cls the Class
* @return true if the class has Entity annotation
protected boolean isClassPersistenceCapable(Class cls)
AnnotationObject[] annotations = getClassAnnotationsForClass(cls);
for (int i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++)
String annClassName = annotations[i].getName();
if (annClassName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.ENTITY))
return true;
else if (annClassName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.EMBEDDABLE))
return true;
else if (annClassName.equals(JPAAnnotationUtils.MAPPED_SUPERCLASS))
Field[] fields = cls.getDeclaredFields();
for (int j = 0; j < fields.length; j++)
if (fields[j].getAnnotation(Id.class) != null)
return true;
if (fields[j].getAnnotation(EmbeddedId.class) != null)
return true;
Method[] methods = cls.getDeclaredMethods();
for (int j = 0; j < methods.length; j++)
if (methods[j].getAnnotation(Id.class) != null)
return true;
if (methods[j].getAnnotation(EmbeddedId.class) != null)
return true;
return false;