Package javax.naming

Examples of javax.naming.Reference

    public void bind(EjbJarInfo ejbJarInfo, BeanContext bean, EnterpriseBeanInfo beanInfo, JndiNameStrategy strategy) {

        Bindings bindings = new Bindings();
        bean.set(Bindings.class, bindings);

        Reference simpleNameRef = null;

        Object id = bean.getDeploymentID();

        // Our openejb.jndiname.format concept works such that there doesn't need to be one explicit jndi name
        // for each view that the bean may offer.  If the user configured a name that results in few possible
        // jndi names than views, this is ok.  The 'optionalBind' method will do its best and log the results.
        // This openejb.jndiname.format affects only the OpenEJB-specific global jndi tree.
        // Should there be a so described "deficit" of names, we give precedence to the most universal and local first
        // Essentially this:
        //     1. Local Bean view as it implements all business interfaces of the bean, local or remote
        //     2. The business local view -- "the" is applicable as create proxies with all possible local interfaces
        //     3. The business remote view -- same note on "the" as above
        //     4. The EJBLocalHome
        //     5. The EJBHome
        // This ordering also has an affect on which view wins the "java:global/{app}/{module}/{ejbName}" jndi name.
        // In the case that the bean has just one view, the name refers to that view.  Otherwise, the name is unspecified

        try {
            if (bean.isLocalbean()) {
                Class beanClass = bean.getBeanClass();

                BeanContext.BusinessLocalBeanHome home = bean.getBusinessLocalBeanHome();
                BusinessLocalBeanReference ref = new BusinessLocalBeanReference(home);

                optionalBind(bindings, ref, "openejb/Deployment/" + format(bean.getDeploymentID(), beanClass.getName(), InterfaceType.LOCALBEAN));

                // if the user inject the EJB using a parent class
                if (!bean.getBeanClass().isInterface()) {
                    for(Class<?> clazz = bean.getBeanClass().getSuperclass(); !clazz.equals(Object.class); clazz = clazz.getSuperclass()) {
                        optionalBind(bindings, ref, "openejb/Deployment/" + format(bean.getDeploymentID(), clazz.getName(), InterfaceType.LOCALBEAN));

                String internalName = "openejb/Deployment/" + format(bean.getDeploymentID(), beanClass.getName(), InterfaceType.BUSINESS_LOCALBEAN_HOME);
                bind(internalName, ref, bindings, beanInfo, beanClass);

                String name = strategy.getName(beanClass, DEFAULT_NAME_KEY, JndiNameStrategy.Interface.LOCALBEAN);
                bind("openejb/local/" + name, ref, bindings, beanInfo, beanClass);
                bindJava(bean, beanClass, ref, bindings, beanInfo);

                simpleNameRef = ref;
        } catch (NamingException e) {
            throw new OpenEJBRuntimeException("Unable to bind business remote deployment in jndi.", e);

        try {

            for (Class interfce : bean.getBusinessLocalInterfaces()) {

                BeanContext.BusinessLocalHome home = bean.getBusinessLocalHome(interfce);
                BusinessLocalReference ref = new BusinessLocalReference(home);

                optionalBind(bindings, ref, "openejb/Deployment/" + format(bean.getDeploymentID(), interfce.getName()));

                String internalName = "openejb/Deployment/" + format(bean.getDeploymentID(), interfce.getName(), InterfaceType.BUSINESS_LOCAL);
                bind(internalName, ref, bindings, beanInfo, interfce);

                String externalName = "openejb/local/" + strategy.getName(interfce, DEFAULT_NAME_KEY, JndiNameStrategy.Interface.BUSINESS_LOCAL);
                bind(externalName, ref, bindings, beanInfo, interfce);
                bindJava(bean, interfce, ref, bindings, beanInfo);
                if (simpleNameRef == null) simpleNameRef = ref;
        } catch (NamingException e) {
            throw new OpenEJBRuntimeException("Unable to bind business local interface for deployment " + id, e);

        try {

            for (Class interfce : bean.getBusinessRemoteInterfaces()) {

                BeanContext.BusinessRemoteHome home = bean.getBusinessRemoteHome(interfce);
                BusinessRemoteReference ref = new BusinessRemoteReference(home);

                optionalBind(bindings, ref, "openejb/Deployment/" + format(bean.getDeploymentID(), interfce.getName(), null));

                String internalName = "openejb/Deployment/" + format(bean.getDeploymentID(), interfce.getName(), InterfaceType.BUSINESS_REMOTE);
                bind(internalName, ref, bindings, beanInfo, interfce);

                String name = strategy.getName(interfce, DEFAULT_NAME_KEY, JndiNameStrategy.Interface.BUSINESS_REMOTE);
                bind("openejb/local/" + name, ref, bindings, beanInfo, interfce);
                bind("openejb/remote/" + name, ref, bindings, beanInfo, interfce);
                bindJava(bean, interfce, ref, bindings, beanInfo);
                if (simpleNameRef == null) simpleNameRef = ref;
        } catch (NamingException e) {
            throw new OpenEJBRuntimeException("Unable to bind business remote deployment in jndi.", e);

        try {
            Class localHomeInterface = bean.getLocalHomeInterface();
            if (localHomeInterface != null) {

                ObjectReference ref = new ObjectReference(bean.getEJBLocalHome());

                String name = strategy.getName(bean.getLocalHomeInterface(), DEFAULT_NAME_KEY, JndiNameStrategy.Interface.LOCAL_HOME);
                bind("openejb/local/" + name, ref, bindings, beanInfo, localHomeInterface);
                optionalBind(bindings, ref, "openejb/Deployment/" + format(bean.getDeploymentID(), localHomeInterface.getName(), InterfaceType.EJB_LOCAL_HOME));

                name = "openejb/Deployment/" + format(bean.getDeploymentID(), bean.getLocalInterface().getName());
                bind(name, ref, bindings, beanInfo, localHomeInterface);

                name = "openejb/Deployment/" + format(bean.getDeploymentID(), bean.getLocalInterface().getName(), InterfaceType.EJB_LOCAL);
                bind(name, ref, bindings, beanInfo, localHomeInterface);
                bindJava(bean, localHomeInterface, ref, bindings, beanInfo);

                if (simpleNameRef == null) simpleNameRef = ref;
        } catch (NamingException e) {
            throw new OpenEJBRuntimeException("Unable to bind local home interface for deployment " + id, e);

        try {
            Class homeInterface = bean.getHomeInterface();
            if (homeInterface != null) {

                ObjectReference ref = new ObjectReference(bean.getEJBHome());

                String name = strategy.getName(homeInterface, DEFAULT_NAME_KEY, JndiNameStrategy.Interface.REMOTE_HOME);
                bind("openejb/local/" + name, ref, bindings, beanInfo, homeInterface);
                bind("openejb/remote/" + name, ref, bindings, beanInfo, homeInterface);
                optionalBind(bindings, ref, "openejb/Deployment/" + format(bean.getDeploymentID(), homeInterface.getName(), InterfaceType.EJB_HOME));
                name = "openejb/Deployment/" + format(bean.getDeploymentID(), bean.getRemoteInterface().getName());
                bind(name, ref, bindings, beanInfo, homeInterface);

                name = "openejb/Deployment/" + format(bean.getDeploymentID(), bean.getRemoteInterface().getName(), InterfaceType.EJB_OBJECT);
                bind(name, ref, bindings, beanInfo, homeInterface);
                bindJava(bean, homeInterface, ref, bindings, beanInfo);

                if (simpleNameRef == null) simpleNameRef = ref;
        } catch (NamingException e) {
            throw new OpenEJBRuntimeException("Unable to bind remote home interface for deployment " + id, e);

        try {
            if (simpleNameRef != null) {
                bindJava(bean, null, simpleNameRef, bindings, beanInfo);
        } catch (NamingException e) {
            throw new OpenEJBRuntimeException("Unable to bind simple java:global name in jndi", e);

        try {
            if (MessageListener.class.equals(bean.getMdbInterface())) {

                String destinationId = bean.getDestinationId();
                String jndiName = "openejb/Resource/" + destinationId;
                Reference reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);

                String deploymentId = bean.getDeploymentID().toString();
                bind("openejb/local/" + deploymentId, reference, bindings, beanInfo, MessageListener.class);
                bind("openejb/remote/" + deploymentId, reference, bindings, beanInfo, MessageListener.class);
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            try {
                iface = cl.loadClass(type);
            } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                throw new DeploymentException("could not load class " + type, e);
            Reference ref;
            if (iface == URL.class) {
                if (gerResourceRef == null || !gerResourceRef.isSetUrl()) {
                    throw new DeploymentException("No url supplied to resolve: " + name);
                try {
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                throw new DeploymentException("could not load class " + type, e);
            GerResourceEnvRefType gerResourceEnvRef = (GerResourceEnvRefType) refMap.get(name);
            try {
                AbstractNameQuery containerId = getAdminObjectContainerId(name, gerResourceEnvRef);
                Reference ref = refContext.getAdminObjectRef(containerId, iface, earContext);

                builder.bind(name, ref);
            } catch (UnresolvedReferenceException e) {
                throw new DeploymentException("Unable to resolve resource env reference '" + name + "' (" + (e.isMultiple() ? "found multiple matching resources" : "no matching resources found") + ")");
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            //try to resolve ref based only matching resource-ref-name
            //throws exception if it can't locate ref.
            AbstractNameQuery containerId = buildAbstractNameQuery(null, moduleURI, linkName, NameFactory.JCA_ADMIN_OBJECT, NameFactory.RESOURCE_ADAPTER_MODULE);
            Reference ref = refContext.getAdminObjectRef(containerId, iface, earContext);
            builder.bind(name, ref);


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            EjbRefType ejbRef = ejbRefs[i];

            String ejbRefName = getStringValue(ejbRef.getEjbRefName());
            GerEjbRefType remoteRef = (GerEjbRefType) ejbRefMap.get(ejbRefName);

            Reference ejbReference = addEJBRef(earContext, ejbContext, refContext, moduleURI, ejbRef, remoteRef, cl);
            builder.bind(ejbRefName, ejbReference);
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            assureEJBHomeInterface(home, cl);
        } catch (DeploymentException e) {
            throw new DeploymentException("Error processing 'home' element for EJB Reference '" + refName + "' for module '" + moduleURI + "': " + e.getMessage());

        Reference ejbReference;
        boolean isSession = "Session".equals(getStringValue(ejbRef.getEjbRefType()));

        if (isSession && remote.equals("") && home.equals("")) {
            AbstractNameQuery query = new AbstractNameQuery(null, Collections.singletonMap("name", "ejb/mgmt/MEJB"));
            ejbReference = refContext.getEJBRemoteRef(null, ejbContext, null, null, null, null, query, isSession, home, remote);
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            EjbLocalRefType ejbLocalRef = ejbLocalRefs[i];

            String ejbRefName = getStringValue(ejbLocalRef.getEjbRefName());
            GerEjbLocalRefType localRef = (GerEjbLocalRefType) ejbLocalRefMap.get(ejbRefName);

            Reference ejbReference = addEJBLocalRef(ejbContext, refContext, moduleURI, ejbLocalRef, localRef, cl);
            builder.bind(ejbRefName, ejbReference);
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                  Name name,
                  Context nameCtx,
                  Hashtable environment)
     throws Exception
    Reference ref = (Reference)obj;
    String classname = ref.getClassName();

    Object ds = Class.forName(classname).newInstance();

    for (Enumeration e = ref.getAll(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      RefAddr attribute = (RefAddr) e.nextElement();

      String propertyName = attribute.getType();
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  public final Reference getReference() throws NamingException
    // These fields will be set by the JNDI server when it decides to
    // materialize a data source.
    Reference ref = new Reference(this.getClass().getName(),

    // Look for all the getXXX methods in the class that take no arguments.
    Method[] methods = this.getClass().getMethods();

    for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {

      Method m = methods[i];

      // only look for simple getter methods.
      if (m.getParameterTypes().length != 0)

      // only non-static methods
      if (Modifier.isStatic(m.getModifiers()))

      // Only getXXX methods
      String methodName = m.getName();
      if ((methodName.length() < 5) || !methodName.startsWith("get"))

      Class returnType = m.getReturnType();

      if (Integer.TYPE.equals(returnType) || STRING_ARG[0].equals(returnType) || Boolean.TYPE.equals(returnType)) {

        // setSomeProperty
        // 01234

        String propertyName = methodName.substring(3,4).toLowerCase(java.util.Locale.ENGLISH).concat(methodName.substring(4));

        try {
          Object ov = m.invoke(this, null);

          //Need to check for nullability for all the properties, otherwise
          //rather than null, "null" string gets stored in jndi.
          if (ov != null) {
            ref.add(new StringRefAddr(propertyName, ov.toString()));
        } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
        } catch (InvocationTargetException ite) {

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                  Name name,
                  Context nameCtx,
                  Hashtable environment)
     throws Exception
    Reference ref = (Reference)obj;
    String classname = ref.getClassName();

    Object ds = Class.forName(classname).newInstance();

    for (Enumeration e = ref.getAll(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
      RefAddr attribute = (RefAddr) e.nextElement();

      String propertyName = attribute.getType();
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Related Classes of javax.naming.Reference

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