Package javax.naming

Examples of javax.naming.Reference

            if (MessageListener.class.equals(deployment.getMdbInterface())) {
                String name = "openejb/ejb/" + deployment.getDeploymentID().toString();

                String destinationId = deployment.getDestinationId();
                String jndiName = "java:openejb/Resource/" + destinationId;
                Reference reference = new IntraVmJndiReference(jndiName);

                bind(name, reference, bindings, beanInfo, MessageListener.class);
        } catch (NamingException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Unable to bind mdb destination in jndi.", e);
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import javax.naming.spi.ObjectFactory;
import java.util.Hashtable;

public abstract class AbstractObjectFactory implements ObjectFactory {
    public Object getObjectInstance(Object object, Name name, Context context, Hashtable environment) throws Exception {
        Reference ref = (Reference) object;

        // the jndi context to use for the lookup (usually null which is the default context)
        String jndiProviderId = getProperty(ref, JNDI_PROVIDER_ID);

        // the jndi name
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        // Binding a User Transaction reference
        if (container instanceof Context) {
            try {
                Reference ref = new TransactionRef();
                compCtx.bind("UserTransaction", ref);
                ContextTransaction transaction = namingResources.getTransaction();
                if (transaction != null) {
                    Iterator params = transaction.listProperties();
                    while (params.hasNext()) {
                        String paramName = (String);
                        String paramValue = (String) transaction.getProperty(paramName);
                        StringRefAddr refAddr = new StringRefAddr(paramName, paramValue);
            } catch (NameAlreadyBoundException e) {
                // Ignore because UserTransaction was obviously
                // added via ResourceLink
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     * Set the specified EJBs in the naming context.
    public void addEjb(ContextEjb ejb) {

        // Create a reference to the EJB.
        Reference ref = new EjbRef
            (ejb.getType(), ejb.getHome(), ejb.getRemote(), ejb.getLink());
        // Adding the additional parameters, if any
        Iterator params = ejb.listProperties();
        while (params.hasNext()) {
            String paramName = (String);
            String paramValue = (String) ejb.getProperty(paramName);
            StringRefAddr refAddr = new StringRefAddr(paramName, paramValue);
        try {
            createSubcontexts(envCtx, ejb.getName());
            envCtx.bind(ejb.getName(), ref);
        } catch (NamingException e) {
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        // Create a reference to the resource.
        Reference ref = new ServiceRef
            (service.getName(), service.getType(), service.getServiceqname(),
             service.getWsdlfile(), service.getJaxrpcmappingfile());
        // Adding the additional port-component-ref, if any
        Iterator portcomponent = service.getServiceendpoints();
        while (portcomponent.hasNext()) {
            String serviceendpoint = (String);
            StringRefAddr refAddr = new StringRefAddr(ServiceRef.SERVICEENDPOINTINTERFACE, serviceendpoint);
            String portlink = (String) service.getPortlink(serviceendpoint);
            refAddr = new StringRefAddr(ServiceRef.PORTCOMPONENTLINK, portlink);
        // Adding the additional parameters, if any
        Iterator handlers = service.getHandlers();
        while (handlers.hasNext()) {
            String handlername = (String);
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     * Set the specified resources in the naming context.
    public void addResource(ContextResource resource) {

        // Create a reference to the resource.
        Reference ref = new ResourceRef
            (resource.getType(), resource.getDescription(),
             resource.getScope(), resource.getAuth());
        // Adding the additional parameters, if any
        Iterator params = resource.listProperties();
        while (params.hasNext()) {
            String paramName = (String);
            String paramValue = (String) resource.getProperty(paramName);
            StringRefAddr refAddr = new StringRefAddr(paramName, paramValue);
        try {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("  Adding resource ref "
                             + resource.getName() + "  " + ref);
            createSubcontexts(envCtx, resource.getName());
            envCtx.bind(resource.getName(), ref);
        } catch (NamingException e) {
            logger.error(sm.getString("naming.bindFailed", e));

        if ("javax.sql.DataSource".equals(ref.getClassName())) {
            try {
                ObjectName on = createObjectName(resource);
                Object actualResource = envCtx.lookup(resource.getName());
                Registry.getRegistry(null, null).registerComponent(actualResource, on, null);
                objectNames.put(resource.getName(), on);
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     * Set the specified resources in the naming context.
    public void addResourceEnvRef(ContextResourceEnvRef resourceEnvRef) {

        // Create a reference to the resource env.
        Reference ref = new ResourceEnvRef(resourceEnvRef.getType());
        // Adding the additional parameters, if any
        Iterator params = resourceEnvRef.listProperties();
        while (params.hasNext()) {
            String paramName = (String);
            String paramValue = (String) resourceEnvRef.getProperty(paramName);
            StringRefAddr refAddr = new StringRefAddr(paramName, paramValue);
        try {
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("  Adding resource env ref " + resourceEnvRef.getName());
            createSubcontexts(envCtx, resourceEnvRef.getName());
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     * Set the specified resource link in the naming context.
    public void addResourceLink(ContextResourceLink resourceLink) {

        // Create a reference to the resource.
        Reference ref = new ResourceLinkRef
            (resourceLink.getType(), resourceLink.getGlobal(),
        Iterator i = resourceLink.listProperties();
        while (i.hasNext()) {
            String key =;
            Object val = resourceLink.getProperty(key);
            if (val!=null) {
                StringRefAddr refAddr = new StringRefAddr(key, val.toString());

        javax.naming.Context ctx =
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  public Reference getReference() throws NamingException {
    //Expect Hibernate Core to use one StringRefAddr based address
    String uuid = String.valueOf( delegate.getReference().get( 0 ).getContent() );
    return new Reference(
        new StringRefAddr( "uuid", uuid ),
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                    return null;
                return parseEntry(prop, value);

            case ResponseCodes.JNDI_REFERENCE:
                Reference ref = (Reference)res.getResult();
                try {
                    return NamingManager.getObjectInstance(ref, getNameParser(name).parse(name), this, env);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    throw (NamingException) new NamingException("Could not dereference " + ref).initCause(e);
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Related Classes of javax.naming.Reference

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