public void testMapper() throws IOException {
TermVectorsReader reader = new TermVectorsReader(dir, seg, fieldInfos);
assertTrue(reader != null);
SortedTermVectorMapper mapper = new SortedTermVectorMapper(new TermVectorEntryFreqSortedComparator());
reader.get(0, mapper);
SortedSet set = mapper.getTermVectorEntrySet();
assertTrue("set is null and it shouldn't be", set != null);
//three fields, 4 terms, all terms are the same
assertTrue("set Size: " + set.size() + " is not: " + 4, set.size() == 4);
//Check offsets and positions
for (Iterator iterator = set.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
TermVectorEntry tve = (TermVectorEntry);
assertTrue("tve is null and it shouldn't be", tve != null);
assertTrue("tve.getOffsets() is null and it shouldn't be", tve.getOffsets() != null);
assertTrue("tve.getPositions() is null and it shouldn't be", tve.getPositions() != null);
mapper = new SortedTermVectorMapper(new TermVectorEntryFreqSortedComparator());
reader.get(1, mapper);
set = mapper.getTermVectorEntrySet();
assertTrue("set is null and it shouldn't be", set != null);
//three fields, 4 terms, all terms are the same
assertTrue("set Size: " + set.size() + " is not: " + 4, set.size() == 4);
//Should have offsets and positions b/c we are munging all the fields together
for (Iterator iterator = set.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
TermVectorEntry tve = (TermVectorEntry);
assertTrue("tve is null and it shouldn't be", tve != null);
assertTrue("tve.getOffsets() is null and it shouldn't be", tve.getOffsets() != null);
assertTrue("tve.getPositions() is null and it shouldn't be", tve.getPositions() != null);
FieldSortedTermVectorMapper fsMapper = new FieldSortedTermVectorMapper(new TermVectorEntryFreqSortedComparator());
reader.get(0, fsMapper);
Map map = fsMapper.getFieldToTerms();
assertTrue("map Size: " + map.size() + " is not: " + testFields.length, map.size() == testFields.length);
for (Iterator iterator = map.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
SortedSet sortedSet = (SortedSet) entry.getValue();
assertTrue("sortedSet Size: " + sortedSet.size() + " is not: " + 4, sortedSet.size() == 4);
for (Iterator inner = sortedSet.iterator(); inner.hasNext();) {
TermVectorEntry tve = (TermVectorEntry);
assertTrue("tve is null and it shouldn't be", tve != null);
//Check offsets and positions.
assertTrue("tve is null and it shouldn't be", tve != null);
String field = tve.getField();
if (field.equals(testFields[0])) {
//should have offsets
assertTrue("tve.getOffsets() is null and it shouldn't be", tve.getOffsets() != null);
assertTrue("tve.getPositions() is null and it shouldn't be", tve.getPositions() != null);
else if (field.equals(testFields[1])) {
//should not have offsets
assertTrue("tve.getOffsets() is not null and it shouldn't be", tve.getOffsets() == null);
assertTrue("tve.getPositions() is not null and it shouldn't be", tve.getPositions() == null);
//Try mapper that ignores offs and positions
fsMapper = new FieldSortedTermVectorMapper(true, true, new TermVectorEntryFreqSortedComparator());
reader.get(0, fsMapper);
map = fsMapper.getFieldToTerms();
assertTrue("map Size: " + map.size() + " is not: " + testFields.length, map.size() == testFields.length);
for (Iterator iterator = map.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);
SortedSet sortedSet = (SortedSet) entry.getValue();
assertTrue("sortedSet Size: " + sortedSet.size() + " is not: " + 4, sortedSet.size() == 4);
for (Iterator inner = sortedSet.iterator(); inner.hasNext();) {
TermVectorEntry tve = (TermVectorEntry);
assertTrue("tve is null and it shouldn't be", tve != null);
//Check offsets and positions.
assertTrue("tve is null and it shouldn't be", tve != null);
String field = tve.getField();