m_outDebug.println( getRes().getString( " Implementation Vendor: {0}", pkg.getImplementationVendor() ) );
m_outDebug.println( getRes().getString( " Implementation Version: {0}", pkg.getImplementationVersion() ) );
m_outDebug.println( getRes().getString( " Is Sealed?: {0}", pkg.isSealed() ? getRes().getString( "True" ) : getRes().getString( "False" ) ) );
ProtectionDomain proDom = clazz.getProtectionDomain();
m_outDebug.println( getRes().getString( "{0} protection domain:", clazz.getName() ) );
CodeSource codeSource = proDom.getCodeSource();
URL jarLocation = codeSource.getLocation();
m_outDebug.println( getRes().getString( " Location: {0}", jarLocation ) );
// Try reading in the full jar so we can calculate its size and MD5 hash.