-3 };
BigDecimal S = broadhurstBBP(2, 1, a, new MathContext(1 + mc.getPrecision()));
S = S.multiply(new BigDecimal(8));
S = sqrt(divideRound(S, 3));
return _dec_round_(S,mc);
else if (n == 3) {
/* summation of a series roughly proportional to (7/500)^k. Estimate count
* of terms to estimate the precision (drop the favorable additional
* 1/k here): 0.013^k <= 10^(-precision), so k*log10(0.013) <= -precision
* so k>= precision/1.87.
int kmax = (int) (mc.getPrecision() / 1.87);
MathContext mcloc = new MathContext(mc.getPrecision() + 1 + (int) (Math.log10(kmax * 0.693 / 1.098)));
BigDecimal log3 = multiplyRound(log(new BigDecimal(2), mcloc), 19);
/* log3 is roughly 1, so absolute and relative error are the same. The
* result will be divided by 12, so a conservative error is the one
* already found in mc
double eps = prec2err(1.098, mc.getPrecision()) / kmax;
Rational r = new Rational(7153, 524288);
Rational pk = new Rational(7153, 524288);
for (int k = 1; ; k++) {
Rational tmp = pk.divide(k);
if (tmp.doubleValue() < eps)
* how many digits of tmp do we need in the sum?
mcloc = new MathContext(err2prec(tmp.doubleValue(), eps));
BigDecimal c = pk.divide(k).BigDecimalValue(mcloc);
if (k % 2 != 0)
log3 = log3.add(c);
log3 = log3.subtract(c);
pk = pk.multiply(r);
log3 = divideRound(log3, 12);
return _dec_round_(log3,mc);
else if (n == 5) {
/* summation of a series roughly proportional to (7/160)^k. Estimate count
* of terms to estimate the precision (drop the favorable additional
* 1/k here): 0.046^k <= 10^(-precision), so k*log10(0.046) <= -precision
* so k>= precision/1.33.
int kmax = (int) (mc.getPrecision() / 1.33);
MathContext mcloc = new MathContext(mc.getPrecision() + 1 + (int) (Math.log10(kmax * 0.693 / 1.609)));
BigDecimal log5 = multiplyRound(log(new BigDecimal(2), mcloc), 14);
/* log5 is roughly 1.6, so absolute and relative error are the same. The
* result will be divided by 6, so a conservative error is the one
* already found in mc
double eps = prec2err(1.6, mc.getPrecision()) / kmax;
Rational r = new Rational(759, 16384);
Rational pk = new Rational(759, 16384);
for (int k = 1; ; k++) {
Rational tmp = pk.divide(k);
if (tmp.doubleValue() < eps)
* how many digits of tmp do we need in the sum?
mcloc = new MathContext(err2prec(tmp.doubleValue(), eps));
BigDecimal c = pk.divide(k).BigDecimalValue(mcloc);
log5 = log5.subtract(c);
pk = pk.multiply(r);
log5 = divideRound(log5, 6);
return _dec_round_(log5,mc);
else if (n == 7) {
/* summation of a series roughly proportional to (1/8)^k. Estimate count
* of terms to estimate the precision (drop the favorable additional
* 1/k here): 0.125^k <= 10^(-precision), so k*log10(0.125) <= -precision
* so k>= precision/0.903.
int kmax = (int) (mc.getPrecision() / 0.903);
MathContext mcloc = new MathContext(mc.getPrecision() + 1 + (int) (Math.log10(kmax * 3 * 0.693 / 1.098)));
BigDecimal log7 = multiplyRound(log(new BigDecimal(2), mcloc), 3);
* log7 is roughly 1.9, so absolute and relative error are the same.
double eps = prec2err(1.9, mc.getPrecision()) / kmax;
Rational r = new Rational(1, 8);
Rational pk = new Rational(1, 8);
for (int k = 1; ; k++) {
Rational tmp = pk.divide(k);
if (tmp.doubleValue() < eps)
* how many digits of tmp do we need in the sum?
mcloc = new MathContext(err2prec(tmp.doubleValue(), eps));
BigDecimal c = pk.divide(k).BigDecimalValue(mcloc);
log7 = log7.subtract(c);
pk = pk.multiply(r);
return _dec_round_(log7,mc);
else if ((n == 10) && (mc.getPrecision() < Const.LOG10.precision())) // added by l.bruninx, 2012-03-29
return Const.LOG10.round(mc); // added by l.bruninx, 2012-03-29
else {
/* At this point one could either forward to the log(BigDecimal) signature (implemented)
* or decompose n into Ifactors and use an implemenation of all the prime bases.
* Estimate of the result; convert the mc argument to an absolute error eps
* log(n+errn) = log(n)+errn/n = log(n)+eps
double res = Math.log((double) n);
double eps = prec2err(res, mc.getPrecision());
* errn = eps*n, convert absolute error in result to requirement on absolute error in input
eps *= n;
* Convert this absolute requirement of error in n to a relative error in n
final MathContext mcloc = new MathContext(1 + err2prec((double) n, eps));
/* Padd n with a number of zeros to trigger the required accuracy in
* the standard signature method
BigDecimal nb = scalePrec(new BigDecimal(n), mcloc);
return _dec_round_(log(nb),mc);