package abstrasy.libraries.math.rjm;
import abstrasy.Interpreter;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.MathContext;
* BigDecimal special functions.
* <a href="">A Java Math.BigDecimal Implementation of Core Mathematical Functions</a>
* @since 2009-05-22
* @author Richard J. Mathar
* @see <a href="">apfloat</a>
* @see <a href="">dfp</a>
* @see <a href="">JScience</a>
* Subpackage : abstrasy.library.math.rjm (ver:0.1.0)
* Based on org.nevec.rjm (Java library for multi-precision evaluation of basic functions)
* Copyright (c) Richard J. Mathar <>, licensed under the LGPL v3.0.
* Restrictions on combined libraries as of section 5 of the LGPL, lifted/removed by the author.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
* the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
* See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this
* library; if not, write to the
* Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor
* Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This file is a modified version of the original BigDecimalMath class from org.nevec.rjm
* (Richard J. Mathar). All Modifications has been made to support calculations with an
* arbitrary (or explicite) degree of precision.
public class BigDecimalMath {
* Optimization for constant values (l.bruninx, 19-mar-2012):
* NEG_ONE : -1
* TWO : 2
private final static BigDecimal NEG_ONE = BigDecimal.ONE.negate();
private final static BigDecimal TWO = new BigDecimal(2);
* Internal method:
* ---------------
* Create a new MathContext with a precision+2...
* @param mc
* @return new MathContect with mc precision +2...
* @author l.bruninx, 2012-03-22.
* @since 2012-03-22
private static final MathContext _mc_plus2_(MathContext mc){
return new MathContext(mc.getPrecision() + 1, mc.getRoundingMode()); // more precision...
* Internal method:
* ---------------
* Determine the common precision of the two BigDecimal numbers. If numbers have no
* decimal precision (like 2.5 and 1.6) the method return 0. If they have some precision
* (like 2.5679 and 2.5683), the method return the common precision (like 2 for 2.56xx).
* @param x
* @param y
* @return int common precision of x and y.
* @author l.bruninx, 2012-03-27.
* @since 2012-03-27
private static final int _common_precision_of_(BigDecimal x, BigDecimal y){
BigDecimal a_x = x.abs();
BigDecimal f_x = floor(a_x);
BigDecimal a_y = y.abs();
BigDecimal f_y = floor(a_y);
if(f_x.compareTo(f_y)!=0)return 0;
BigDecimal res;
int p=0;
return p-1;
* Utilities by l.bruninx, 2012-03-28
* get digits10 of the Decimal.
* Note: 0.xxxxx give 0 digits10, 1.xxxx give 1 digits10, 23 give 2 digits10, etc...
* @param x BigDecimal
* @return int count of digits of the integer part in base 10.
* @author l.bruninx
* @since 2012-03-28
public static int getIntDigitsCnt(BigDecimal x){
//int digits;
//BigDecimal value=x.abs();
//for (digits = 1; value.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE)>0; digits++) value=value.movePointLeft(1);
//return digits-1;
// simply optimized by...
return x.precision()-x.scale();
final private static BigDecimal _dec_round_(BigDecimal r, MathContext mc){
int digits=r.precision()-r.scale();
return r.round(new MathContext(digits+mc.getPrecision(),mc.getRoundingMode()));
final private static MathContext _mc_adjust_(BigDecimal r, MathContext mc){
int digits=r.precision()-r.scale();
return new MathContext(digits+mc.getPrecision(),mc.getRoundingMode());
final private static MathContext _mc_adjust_exp_(BigDecimal r, MathContext mc){
int digits=r.precision()-r.scale();
double t1=Math.pow(2.718,Math.abs(digits+2));
// precision too big???
return new MathContext(digits+mc.getPrecision(),mc.getRoundingMode());
final private static MathContext _mc_adjust_pow_(BigDecimal r, BigDecimal z, MathContext mc){
int digits=r.precision()-r.scale();
int digits2=z.precision()-z.scale();
double t1=Math.pow(Math.abs(digits2+2),Math.abs(digits+2));
// precision too big???
return new MathContext(digits+mc.getPrecision(),mc.getRoundingMode());
* Constants are moved to Const class.
* Modification by l.bruninx.
static private BigDecimal pi_cache = Const.PI; // added by l.bruninx, 2012-03-26.
static public BigDecimal pi(final MathContext mc) {
/* look it up if possible */
if (mc.getPrecision() < Const.PI.precision())
return Const.PI.round(mc);
else {
* cache optimisation...
synchronized(Const.PI){ // added by l.bruninx, 2012-03-26.
if (mc.getPrecision() < pi_cache.precision()) // added by l.bruninx, 2012-03-26.
return pi_cache.round(mc); // added by l.bruninx, 2012-03-26.
else if ((mc.getPrecision()==pi_cache.precision())) // added by l.bruninx, 2012-03-26.
return pi_cache; // added by l.bruninx, 2012-03-26.
* Broadhurst <a href="">arXiv:math/9803067</a>
int[] a = { 1,
0 };
BigDecimal S = broadhurstBBP(1, 1, a, mc).multiply(new BigDecimal(8),mc);
* cache optimisation...
synchronized(Const.PI){ // added by l.bruninx, 2012-03-26.
if (S.precision() > pi_cache.precision())pi_cache=S; // added by l.bruninx, 2012-03-26.
} // added by l.bruninx, 2012-03-26.
return S;
} /* BigDecimalMath.pi */
/** Euler-Mascheroni constant.
* @param mc The required precision of the result.
* @return 0.577...
* @since 2009-08-13
* Modified by l.bruninx, 2012-03-26 for to use an autodaptative algorithm.
* So, some bugs are found when compute greater precision:
* (Math:euler 1490) -> External error (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Digits < 0)
* This is due to the zeta method.
static public BigDecimal gamma(MathContext mc) {
/* look it up if possible */
if (mc.getPrecision() < Const.GAMMA.precision())
return Const.GAMMA.round(mc);
else {
//double eps = prec2err(0.577, mc.getPrecision()); // removed by l.bruninx, 2012-03-26
* Euler-Stieltjes as shown in Dilcher, Aequat Math 48 (1) (1994) 55-85
MathContext mcloc = new MathContext(2 + mc.getPrecision());
BigDecimal resul = BigDecimal.ONE;
resul = resul.add(log(new BigDecimal(2), mcloc));
resul = resul.subtract(log(new BigDecimal(3), mcloc));
/* how many terms: zeta-1 falls as 1/2^(2n+1), so the
* terms drop faster than 1/2^(4n+2). Set 1/2^(4kmax+2) < eps.
* Leading term zeta(3)/(4^1*3) is 0.017. Leading zeta(3) is 1.2. Log(2) is 0.7
//int kmax = (int) ((Math.log(eps / 0.7) - 2.) / 4.); // removed by l.bruninx, 2012-03-26
//mcloc = new MathContext(1 + err2prec(1.2, eps / kmax)); // removed by l.bruninx, 2012-03-26
int n = Const.GAMMA.precision();//1; // modified by l.bruninx, 2012-03-26
* n : precision ???
BigDecimal old_resul=Const.GAMMA;
Bernoulli bern_cache=new Bernoulli();
Factorial fact_cache=new Factorial();
Interpreter.Log("Start gamma:");
do{ // modified by l.bruninx, 2012-03-26
* zeta is close to 1. Division of zeta-1 through
* 4^n*(2n+1) means divion through roughly 2^(2n+1)
//System.out.print("A("+(2 * n + 1)+"):");
BigDecimal c = zeta(2 * n + 1, mcloc,bern_cache,fact_cache).subtract(BigDecimal.ONE,mcloc);
BigInteger fourn = new BigInteger("" + (2 * n + 1));
fourn = fourn.shiftLeft(2 * n);
c = c.divide(new BigDecimal(fourn),mcloc);
resul = resul.subtract(c,mcloc);
//if (c.doubleValue() < 0.1 * eps) // removed by l.bruninx, 2012-03-26
// break; // removed by l.bruninx, 2012-03-26
Interpreter.Log("gamma Step:"+resul.round(new MathContext(_common_precision_of_(old_resul,resul))).toPlainString());
}while(resul.round(mc).compareTo(old_resul)!=0); // modified by l.bruninx, 2012-03-26
return resul.round(mc);
} /* BigDecimalMath.gamma */
/** The square root.
* @param x the non-negative argument.
* @param mc Arbitrary MathContext (added/modified by l.bruninx 19-mar-2012).
* @return the square root of the BigDecimal.
* @since 2008-10-27
static public BigDecimal sqrt(final BigDecimal x, final MathContext mc) {
if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0)
throw new ArithmeticException("negative argument " + x.toString() + " of square root");
if (x.abs().subtract(new BigDecimal(Math.pow(10., -mc.getPrecision()))).compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0)
return BigDecimalMath.scalePrec(BigDecimal.ZERO, mc);
/* start the computation from a double precision estimate */
BigDecimal s = new BigDecimal(Math.sqrt(x.doubleValue()), mc);
final BigDecimal half = new BigDecimal("2");
/* increase the local accuracy by 2 digits */
MathContext locmc = new MathContext(mc.getPrecision() + 2, mc.getRoundingMode());
* relative accuracy requested is 10^(-precision)
//final double eps = Math.pow(10.0, -mc.getPrecision()); // removed by l.bruninx, 2012-03-23
BigDecimal olds;
do {
/* s = s -(s/2-x/2s); test correction s-x/s for being
* smaller than the precision requested. The relative correction is 1-x/s^2,
* (actually half of this, which we use for a little bit of additional protection).
//if (Math.abs(BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(x.divide(s.pow(2, locmc), locmc)).doubleValue()) < eps)
// break; // removed by l.bruninx, 2012-03-23
s = s.add(x.divide(s, locmc)).divide(half, locmc);
/* debugging
* System.out.println("itr "+x.round(locmc).toString() + " " + s.round(locmc).toString()) ;
}while(_dec_round_(s,mc).compareTo(olds)!=0); // added by l.bruninx, 2012-03-23
return _dec_round_(s,mc); // modified by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19
} /* BigDecimalMath.sqrt */
/** The square root.
* @param x the non-negative argument.
* @return the square root of the BigDecimal rounded to the precision implied by x.
* @since 2009-06-25
static public BigDecimal sqrt(final BigDecimal x) {
if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0)
throw new ArithmeticException("negative argument " + x.toString() + " of square root");
return root(2, x);
} /* BigDecimalMath.sqrt */
/** The cube root.
* @param x The argument.
* @return The cubic root of the BigDecimal rounded to the precision implied by x.
* The sign of the result is the sign of the argument.
* @since 2009-08-16
static public BigDecimal cbrt(final BigDecimal x) {
if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0)
return root(3, x.negate()).negate();
return root(3, x);
} /* BigDecimalMath.cbrt */
/** The integer root.
* @param n the positive argument.
* @param x the non-negative argument.
* @return The n-th root of the BigDecimal rounded to the precision implied by x, x^(1/n).
* @since 2009-07-30
static public BigDecimal root(final int n, final BigDecimal x) {
if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0)
throw new ArithmeticException("negative argument " + x.toString() + " of root");
if (n <= 0)
throw new ArithmeticException("negative power " + n + " of root");
if (n == 1)
return x;
/* start the computation from a double precision estimate */
BigDecimal s = new BigDecimal(Math.pow(x.doubleValue(), 1.0 / n));
* this creates nth with nominal precision of 1 digit
final BigDecimal nth = new BigDecimal(n);
/* Specify an internal accuracy within the loop which is
* slightly larger than what is demanded by 'eps' below.
final BigDecimal xhighpr = scalePrec(x, 2);
MathContext mc = new MathContext(2 + x.precision());
* Relative accuracy of the result is eps.
final double eps = x.ulp().doubleValue() / (2 * n * x.doubleValue());
for (; ; ) {
/* s = s -(s/n-x/n/s^(n-1)) = s-(s-x/s^(n-1))/n; test correction s/n-x/s for being
* smaller than the precision requested. The relative correction is (1-x/s^n)/n,
BigDecimal c = xhighpr.divide(s.pow(n - 1), mc);
c = s.subtract(c);
MathContext locmc = new MathContext(c.precision());
c = c.divide(nth, locmc);
s = s.subtract(c);
if (Math.abs(c.doubleValue() / s.doubleValue()) < eps)
return s.round(new MathContext(err2prec(eps)));
} /* BigDecimalMath.root */
/** The hypotenuse.
* @param x the first argument.
* @param y the second argument.
* @return the square root of the sum of the squares of the two arguments, sqrt(x^2+y^2).
* @since 2009-06-25
static public BigDecimal hypot(final BigDecimal x, final BigDecimal y) {
* compute x^2+y^2
BigDecimal z = x.pow(2).add(y.pow(2));
/* truncate to the precision set by x and y. Absolute error = 2*x*xerr+2*y*yerr,
* where the two errors are 1/2 of the ulp's. Two intermediate protectio digits.
BigDecimal zerr = x.abs().multiply(x.ulp()).add(y.abs().multiply(y.ulp()));
MathContext mc = new MathContext(2 + err2prec(z, zerr));
/* Pull square root */
z = sqrt(z.round(mc));
* Final rounding. Absolute error in the square root is (y*yerr+x*xerr)/z, where zerr holds 2*(x*xerr+y*yerr).
mc = new MathContext(err2prec(z.doubleValue(), 0.5 * zerr.doubleValue() / z.doubleValue()));
return z.round(mc);
} /* BigDecimalMath.hypot */
/** The hypotenuse.
* @param n the first argument.
* @param x the second argument.
* @return the square root of the sum of the squares of the two arguments, sqrt(n^2+x^2).
* @since 2009-08-05
static public BigDecimal hypot(final int n, final BigDecimal x) {
* compute n^2+x^2 in infinite precision
BigDecimal z = (new BigDecimal(n)).pow(2).add(x.pow(2));
/* Truncate to the precision set by x. Absolute error = in z (square of the result) is |2*x*xerr|,
* where the error is 1/2 of the ulp. Two intermediate protection digits.
* zerr is a signed value, but used only in conjunction with err2prec(), so this feature does not harm.
double zerr = x.doubleValue() * x.ulp().doubleValue();
MathContext mc = new MathContext(2 + err2prec(z.doubleValue(), zerr));
/* Pull square root */
z = sqrt(z.round(mc));
/* Final rounding. Absolute error in the square root is x*xerr/z, where zerr holds 2*x*xerr.
mc = new MathContext(err2prec(z.doubleValue(), 0.5 * zerr / z.doubleValue()));
return z.round(mc);
} /* BigDecimalMath.hypot */
/** The exponential function.
* @param x the argument.
* @param mc Arbitrary MathContext (added by l.bruninx 19-mar-2012).
* @return exp(x).
* The precision of the result is explicitly defined by the MathContext argument.
* @since 2012-03-21
* @author l.bruninx
* Based on Richard J. Mathar exp(BigDecimal) method.
static public BigDecimal exp(BigDecimal x, MathContext mc) {
* To calculate the value if x is negative, use exp(-x) = 1/exp(x)
if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) {
final BigDecimal invx = exp(x.negate());
* Relative error in inverse of invx is the same as the relative errror in invx.
* This is used to define the precision of the result.
//MathContext mc = new MathContext(invx.precision());
return BigDecimal.ONE.divide(invx, mc);
else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) {
/* recover the valid number of digits from x.ulp(), if x hits the
* zero. The x.precision() is 1 then, and does not provide this information.
return new BigDecimal(1, mc); // (BigDecimal.ONE, -(int) (Math.log10(x.ulp().doubleValue())));
else {
* Use exp(x) = 1 + x/1! + x2/2! + x3/3! + ... until max precision (no more modifications of the rounding value).
BigDecimal e = BigDecimal.ONE;
BigDecimal t = BigDecimal.ONE;
BigDecimal olde = e;
MathContext nmc = _mc_adjust_exp_(x,mc); // more precision (exponent case)...
int i = 1;
do {
olde = _dec_round_(e,mc);
t = t.multiply(x.divide(new BigDecimal(i++),nmc),nmc);
e = e.add(t);
if(i==Integer.MAX_VALUE) break; // max of the calculation
while (_dec_round_(e,mc).compareTo(olde) != 0);
return _dec_round_(e,mc);
} /* BigDecimalMath.exp */
/** A suggestion for the maximum numter of terms in the Taylor expansion of the exponential.
static private int TAYLOR_NTERM = 8;
/** The exponential function.
* @param x the argument.
* @return exp(x).
* The precision of the result is implicitly defined by the precision in the argument.
* In particular this means that "Invalid Operation" errors are thrown if catastrophic
* cancellation of digits causes the result to have no valid digits left.
* @since 2009-05-29
* @author Richard J. Mathar
static public BigDecimal exp(BigDecimal x) {
* To calculate the value if x is negative, use exp(-x) = 1/exp(x)
if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) {
final BigDecimal invx = exp(x.negate());
* Relative error in inverse of invx is the same as the relative errror in invx.
* This is used to define the precision of the result.
MathContext mc = new MathContext(invx.precision());
return BigDecimal.ONE.divide(invx, mc);
else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) {
/* recover the valid number of digits from x.ulp(), if x hits the
* zero. The x.precision() is 1 then, and does not provide this information.
return scalePrec(BigDecimal.ONE, -(int) (Math.log10(x.ulp().doubleValue())));
else {
* Push the number in the Taylor expansion down to a small
* value where TAYLOR_NTERM terms will do. If x<1, the n-th term is of the order
* x^n/n!, and equal to both the absolute and relative error of the result
* since the result is close to 1. The x.ulp() sets the relative and absolute error
* of the result, as estimated from the first Taylor term.
* We want x^TAYLOR_NTERM/TAYLOR_NTERM! < x.ulp, which is guaranteed if
final double xDbl = x.doubleValue();
final double xUlpDbl = x.ulp().doubleValue();
if (Math.pow(xDbl, TAYLOR_NTERM) < TAYLOR_NTERM * (TAYLOR_NTERM - 1.0) * (TAYLOR_NTERM - 2.0) * xUlpDbl) {
* Add TAYLOR_NTERM terms of the Taylor expansion (Euler's sum formula)
BigDecimal resul = BigDecimal.ONE;
/* x^i */
BigDecimal xpowi = BigDecimal.ONE;
/* i factorial */
BigInteger ifac = BigInteger.ONE;
* TAYLOR_NTERM terms to be added means we move x.ulp() to the right
* for each power of 10 in TAYLOR_NTERM, so the addition won't add noise beyond
* what's already in x.
MathContext mcTay = new MathContext(err2prec(1., xUlpDbl / TAYLOR_NTERM));
for (int i = 1; i <= TAYLOR_NTERM; i++) {
ifac = ifac.multiply(new BigInteger("" + i));
xpowi = xpowi.multiply(x);
final BigDecimal c = xpowi.divide(new BigDecimal(ifac), mcTay);
resul = resul.add(c);
if (Math.abs(xpowi.doubleValue()) < i && Math.abs(c.doubleValue()) < 0.5 * xUlpDbl)
* exp(x+deltax) = exp(x)(1+deltax) if deltax is <<1. So the relative error
* in the result equals the absolute error in the argument.
MathContext mc = new MathContext(err2prec(xUlpDbl / 2.));
return resul.round(mc);
else {
* Compute exp(x) = (exp(0.1*x))^10. Division by 10 does not lead
* to loss of accuracy.
int exSc = (int) (1.0 - Math.log10(TAYLOR_NTERM * (TAYLOR_NTERM - 1.0) * (TAYLOR_NTERM - 2.0) * xUlpDbl / Math.pow(xDbl, TAYLOR_NTERM)) / (TAYLOR_NTERM - 1.0));
BigDecimal xby10 = x.scaleByPowerOfTen(-exSc);
BigDecimal expxby10 = exp(xby10);
* Final powering by 10 means that the relative error of the result
* is 10 times the relative error of the base (First order binomial expansion).
* This looses one digit.
MathContext mc = new MathContext(expxby10.precision() - exSc);
/* Rescaling the powers of 10 is done in chunks of a maximum of 8 to avoid an invalid operation
* response by the BigDecimal.pow library or integer overflow.
while (exSc > 0) {
int exsub = Math.min(8, exSc);
exSc -= exsub;
MathContext mctmp = new MathContext(expxby10.precision() - exsub + 2);
int pex = 1;
while (exsub-- > 0)
pex *= 10;
expxby10 = expxby10.pow(pex, mctmp);
return expxby10.round(mc);
} /* BigDecimalMath.exp */
/** The base of the natural logarithm.
* @param mc the required precision of the result
* @return exp(1) = 2.71828....
* @since 2009-05-29
static public BigDecimal exp(final MathContext mc) {
/* look it up if possible */
if (mc.getPrecision() < Const.E.precision())
return Const.E.round(mc);
else {
/* Instantiate a 1.0 with the requested pseudo-accuracy
* and delegate the computation to the public method above.
BigDecimal uni = scalePrec(BigDecimal.ONE, mc.getPrecision());
return exp(uni,mc); // modified by l.bruninx, 2012-03-22.
} /* BigDecimalMath.exp */
/** The natural logarithm.
* @param x the argument.
* @return ln(x).
* The precision of the result is implicitly defined by the precision in the argument.
* @since 2009-05-29
* @author Richard J. Mathar
static public BigDecimal log(BigDecimal x) {
* the value is undefined if x is negative.
if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0)
throw new ArithmeticException("Cannot take log of negative " + x.toString());
else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) == 0) {
/* log 1. = 0. */
return scalePrec(BigDecimal.ZERO, x.precision() - 1);
else if (Math.abs(x.doubleValue() - 1.0) <= 0.3) {
/* The standard Taylor series around x=1, z=0, z=x-1. Abramowitz-Stegun 4.124.
* The absolute error is err(z)/(1+z) = err(x)/x.
BigDecimal z = scalePrec(x.subtract(BigDecimal.ONE), 2);
BigDecimal zpown = z;
double eps = 0.5 * x.ulp().doubleValue() / Math.abs(x.doubleValue());
BigDecimal resul = z;
for (int k = 2; ; k++) {
zpown = multiplyRound(zpown, z);
BigDecimal c = divideRound(zpown, k);
if (k % 2 == 0)
resul = resul.subtract(c);
resul = resul.add(c);
if (Math.abs(c.doubleValue()) < eps)
MathContext mc = new MathContext(err2prec(resul.doubleValue(), eps));
return resul.round(mc);
else {
final double xDbl = x.doubleValue();
final double xUlpDbl = x.ulp().doubleValue();
/* Map log(x) = log root[r](x)^r = r*log( root[r](x)) with the aim
* to move roor[r](x) near to 1.2 (that is, below the 0.3 appearing above), where log(1.2) is roughly 0.2.
int r = (int) (Math.log(xDbl) / 0.2);
/* Since the actual requirement is a function of the value 0.3 appearing above,
* we avoid the hypothetical case of endless recurrence by ensuring that r >= 2.
r = Math.max(2, r);
* Compute r-th root with 2 additional digits of precision
BigDecimal xhighpr = scalePrec(x, 2);
BigDecimal resul = root(r, xhighpr);
resul = log(resul).multiply(new BigDecimal(r));
/* error propagation: log(x+errx) = log(x)+errx/x, so the absolute error
* in the result equals the relative error in the input, xUlpDbl/xDbl .
MathContext mc = new MathContext(err2prec(resul.doubleValue(), xUlpDbl / xDbl));
return resul.round(mc);
} /* BigDecimalMath.log */
/** The natural logarithm.
* @param x the argument.
* @param mc Arbitrary MathContext (added by l.bruninx 19-mar-2012).
* @return ln(x).
* The precision of the result is explicitly defined by the arbitrary MathContext.
* @since 2012-03-19
* @author l.bruninx
* Based on log(BigDecimal) from Richard J. Mathar.
static public BigDecimal log(BigDecimal x, MathContext mc) {
* the value is undefined if x is negative.
if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0)
throw new ArithmeticException("Cannot take log of negative " + x.toString());
else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) == 0) {
/* log 1. = 0. */
return scalePrec(BigDecimal.ZERO, x.precision() - 1);
else if ((x.compareTo(TWO) == 0) && mc.getPrecision()<Const.LOG2.precision()){
return Const.LOG2.round(mc);
else if ((x.compareTo(BigDecimal.TEN) == 0) && mc.getPrecision()<Const.LOG10.precision()){
return Const.LOG10.round(mc);
else if (Math.abs(x.doubleValue() - 1.0) <= 0.3) {
* The standard Taylor series around x=1, z=0, z=x-1. Abramowitz-Stegun 4.124.
* The absolute error is err(z)/(1+z) = err(x)/x.
BigDecimal z = x.subtract(BigDecimal.ONE);
MathContext nmc = _mc_adjust_(z,_mc_plus2_(mc)); // more precision (the integer part include by _mc_adjust_)...
BigDecimal zpown = z;
BigDecimal resul = z;
BigDecimal oldr = resul;
int k = 2;
do {
oldr = _dec_round_(resul,mc);
for(int j=2;j>0;j--){
zpown = zpown.multiply(z);
BigDecimal c = zpown.divide(new BigDecimal(k), nmc);
if (k++ % 2 == 0)
resul = resul.subtract(c);
resul = resul.add(c);
//System.out.println(k+" sqrt :"+resul.toPlainString());
while (_dec_round_(resul,mc).compareTo(oldr) != 0); // auto-adaptative algo for maximum precision
return _dec_round_(resul,mc);
else {
* Recursively log(x) = 2 * log(sqrt(x)) = log(sqrt(x)) + log(sqrt(x))
MathContext nmc = _mc_adjust_(x,_mc_plus2_(mc)); // more precision (the integer part include by _mc_adjust_)...
BigDecimal r2x = sqrt(x, nmc);
BigDecimal log_r2x = log(r2x, nmc);
return _dec_round_(log_r2x.add(log_r2x),mc);
//final double xDbl = x.doubleValue();
/* Map log(x) = log root[r](x)^r = r*log( root[r](x)) with the aim
* to move roor[r](x) near to 1.2 (that is, below the 0.3 appearing above), where log(1.2) is roughly 0.2.
//int r = (int) (Math.log(xDbl) / 0.2);
/* Since the actual requirement is a function of the value 0.3 appearing above,
* we avoid the hypothetical case of endless recurrence by ensuring that r >= 2.
//r = Math.max(2, r);
* Compute r-th root with 2 additional digits of precision
//BigDecimal resul = pow(x,BigDecimal.ONE.divide(new BigDecimal(r),mc),mc);
//return log(resul,mc).multiply(new BigDecimal(r),mc);
} /* BigDecimalMath.log */
* The base 10 logarithm.
* @param x the argument.
* @param mc Arbitrary MathContext (added by l.bruninx 19-mar-2012).
* @return ln(x).
* The precision of the result is explicitly defined by the arbitrary MathContext.
* @since 2012-03-19
* @author l.bruninx
public static BigDecimal log10(BigDecimal x, MathContext mc) {
* simply use log10=ln(x) / ln(10)..
MathContext nmc = _mc_adjust_(x,_mc_plus2_(mc)); // more precision (the integer part include by _mc_adjust_)...
// use Const.LOG10 for optimization.
BigDecimal ln10 = nmc.getPrecision()<Const.LOG10.precision() ? Const.LOG10.round(nmc) : log(BigDecimal.TEN, nmc);
BigDecimal lnx = log(x, nmc);
return lnx.divide(ln10, mc);
/** The natural logarithm.
* @param n The main argument, a strictly positive integer.
* @param mc The requirements on the precision.
* @return ln(n).
* @since 2009-08-08
* @author Richard J. Mathar
static public BigDecimal log(int n, final MathContext mc) {
* the value is undefined if x is negative.
if (n <= 0)
throw new ArithmeticException("Cannot take log of negative " + n);
else if (n == 1)
return BigDecimal.ZERO;
else if (n == 2) {
if (mc.getPrecision() < Const.LOG2.precision())
return Const.LOG2.round(mc);
else {
/* Broadhurst <a href="">arXiv:math/9803067</a>
* Error propagation: the error in log(2) is twice the error in S(2,-5,...).
int[] a = { 2,
-3 };
BigDecimal S = broadhurstBBP(2, 1, a, new MathContext(1 + mc.getPrecision()));
S = S.multiply(new BigDecimal(8));
S = sqrt(divideRound(S, 3));
return _dec_round_(S,mc);
else if (n == 3) {
/* summation of a series roughly proportional to (7/500)^k. Estimate count
* of terms to estimate the precision (drop the favorable additional
* 1/k here): 0.013^k <= 10^(-precision), so k*log10(0.013) <= -precision
* so k>= precision/1.87.
int kmax = (int) (mc.getPrecision() / 1.87);
MathContext mcloc = new MathContext(mc.getPrecision() + 1 + (int) (Math.log10(kmax * 0.693 / 1.098)));
BigDecimal log3 = multiplyRound(log(new BigDecimal(2), mcloc), 19);
/* log3 is roughly 1, so absolute and relative error are the same. The
* result will be divided by 12, so a conservative error is the one
* already found in mc
double eps = prec2err(1.098, mc.getPrecision()) / kmax;
Rational r = new Rational(7153, 524288);
Rational pk = new Rational(7153, 524288);
for (int k = 1; ; k++) {
Rational tmp = pk.divide(k);
if (tmp.doubleValue() < eps)
* how many digits of tmp do we need in the sum?
mcloc = new MathContext(err2prec(tmp.doubleValue(), eps));
BigDecimal c = pk.divide(k).BigDecimalValue(mcloc);
if (k % 2 != 0)
log3 = log3.add(c);
log3 = log3.subtract(c);
pk = pk.multiply(r);
log3 = divideRound(log3, 12);
return _dec_round_(log3,mc);
else if (n == 5) {
/* summation of a series roughly proportional to (7/160)^k. Estimate count
* of terms to estimate the precision (drop the favorable additional
* 1/k here): 0.046^k <= 10^(-precision), so k*log10(0.046) <= -precision
* so k>= precision/1.33.
int kmax = (int) (mc.getPrecision() / 1.33);
MathContext mcloc = new MathContext(mc.getPrecision() + 1 + (int) (Math.log10(kmax * 0.693 / 1.609)));
BigDecimal log5 = multiplyRound(log(new BigDecimal(2), mcloc), 14);
/* log5 is roughly 1.6, so absolute and relative error are the same. The
* result will be divided by 6, so a conservative error is the one
* already found in mc
double eps = prec2err(1.6, mc.getPrecision()) / kmax;
Rational r = new Rational(759, 16384);
Rational pk = new Rational(759, 16384);
for (int k = 1; ; k++) {
Rational tmp = pk.divide(k);
if (tmp.doubleValue() < eps)
* how many digits of tmp do we need in the sum?
mcloc = new MathContext(err2prec(tmp.doubleValue(), eps));
BigDecimal c = pk.divide(k).BigDecimalValue(mcloc);
log5 = log5.subtract(c);
pk = pk.multiply(r);
log5 = divideRound(log5, 6);
return _dec_round_(log5,mc);
else if (n == 7) {
/* summation of a series roughly proportional to (1/8)^k. Estimate count
* of terms to estimate the precision (drop the favorable additional
* 1/k here): 0.125^k <= 10^(-precision), so k*log10(0.125) <= -precision
* so k>= precision/0.903.
int kmax = (int) (mc.getPrecision() / 0.903);
MathContext mcloc = new MathContext(mc.getPrecision() + 1 + (int) (Math.log10(kmax * 3 * 0.693 / 1.098)));
BigDecimal log7 = multiplyRound(log(new BigDecimal(2), mcloc), 3);
* log7 is roughly 1.9, so absolute and relative error are the same.
double eps = prec2err(1.9, mc.getPrecision()) / kmax;
Rational r = new Rational(1, 8);
Rational pk = new Rational(1, 8);
for (int k = 1; ; k++) {
Rational tmp = pk.divide(k);
if (tmp.doubleValue() < eps)
* how many digits of tmp do we need in the sum?
mcloc = new MathContext(err2prec(tmp.doubleValue(), eps));
BigDecimal c = pk.divide(k).BigDecimalValue(mcloc);
log7 = log7.subtract(c);
pk = pk.multiply(r);
return _dec_round_(log7,mc);
else if ((n == 10) && (mc.getPrecision() < Const.LOG10.precision())) // added by l.bruninx, 2012-03-29
return Const.LOG10.round(mc); // added by l.bruninx, 2012-03-29
else {
/* At this point one could either forward to the log(BigDecimal) signature (implemented)
* or decompose n into Ifactors and use an implemenation of all the prime bases.
* Estimate of the result; convert the mc argument to an absolute error eps
* log(n+errn) = log(n)+errn/n = log(n)+eps
double res = Math.log((double) n);
double eps = prec2err(res, mc.getPrecision());
* errn = eps*n, convert absolute error in result to requirement on absolute error in input
eps *= n;
* Convert this absolute requirement of error in n to a relative error in n
final MathContext mcloc = new MathContext(1 + err2prec((double) n, eps));
/* Padd n with a number of zeros to trigger the required accuracy in
* the standard signature method
BigDecimal nb = scalePrec(new BigDecimal(n), mcloc);
return _dec_round_(log(nb),mc);
} /* log */
/** The natural logarithm.
* @param r The main argument, a strictly positive value.
* @param mc The requirements on the precision.
* @return ln(r).
* @since 2009-08-09
* @author Richard J. Mathar
static public BigDecimal log(final Rational r, final MathContext mc) {
* the value is undefined if x is negative.
if (r.compareTo(Rational.ZERO) <= 0)
throw new ArithmeticException("Cannot take log of negative " + r.toString());
else if (r.compareTo(Rational.ONE) == 0)
return BigDecimal.ZERO;
else {
/* log(r+epsr) = log(r)+epsr/r. Convert the precision to an absolute error in the result.
* eps contains the required absolute error of the result, epsr/r.
double eps = prec2err(Math.log(r.doubleValue()), mc.getPrecision());
/* Convert this further into a requirement of the relative precision in r, given that
* epsr/r is also the relative precision of r. Add one safety digit.
MathContext mcloc = new MathContext(1 + err2prec(eps));
final BigDecimal resul = log(r.BigDecimalValue(mcloc));
return resul.round(mc);
} /* log */
/** Power function.
* @param x Base of the power.
* @param y Exponent of the power.
* @param mc Arbitrary MathContext (added by l.bruninx 19-mar-2012).
* @return x^y.
* The estimation of the relative error in the result is |log(x)*err(y)|+|y*err(x)/x|
* @since 2009-06-01
* Arbitrary MathContext added by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19 (fix java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Digits < 0 Errors).
static public BigDecimal pow(final BigDecimal x, final BigDecimal y, MathContext mc) {
if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0)
throw new ArithmeticException("Cannot power negative " + x.toString());
else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0)
return BigDecimal.ZERO;
else {
* return x^y = exp(y*log(x)) ;
MathContext nmc=_mc_adjust_pow_(x,y,mc);
BigDecimal logx = log(x, nmc);
BigDecimal ylogx = y.multiply(logx);
return _dec_round_(ylogx,mc);
} /* BigDecimalMath.pow */
/** Raise to an integer power and round.
* @param x The base.
* @param n The exponent.
* @return x^n.
* @since 2009-08-13
* @since 2010-05-26 handle also n<0 cases.
static public BigDecimal powRound(final BigDecimal x, final int n) {
/** Special cases: x^1=x and x^0 = 1
if (n == 1)
return x;
else if (n == 0)
return BigDecimal.ONE;
else {
/* The relative error in the result is n times the relative error in the input.
* The estimation is slightly optimistic due to the integer rounding of the logarithm.
* Since the standard BigDecimal.pow can only handle positive n, we split the algorithm.
MathContext mc = new MathContext(x.precision() - (int) Math.log10((double) (Math.abs(n))));
if (n > 0)
return x.pow(n, mc);
return BigDecimal.ONE.divide(x.pow(-n), mc);
} /* BigDecimalMath.powRound */
/** Raise to an integer power and round.
* @param x The base.
* @param n The exponent.
* The current implementation allows n only in the interval of the standard int values.
* @return x^n.
* @since 2010-05-26
static public BigDecimal powRound(final BigDecimal x, final BigInteger n) {
/** For now, the implementation forwards to the cases where n
* is in the range of the standard integers. This might, however, be
* implemented to decompose larger powers into cascaded calls to smaller ones.
if (n.compareTo(Rational.MAX_INT) > 0 || n.compareTo(Rational.MIN_INT) < 0)
throw new ProviderException("Not implemented: big power " + n.toString());
return powRound(x, n.intValue());
} /* BigDecimalMath.powRound */
/** Raise to a fractional power and round.
* @param x The base.
* Generally enforced to be positive, with the exception of integer exponents where
* the sign is carried over according to the parity of the exponent.
* @param q The exponent.
* @return x^q.
* @since 2010-05-26
static public BigDecimal powRound(final BigDecimal x, final Rational q) {
* Special cases: x^1=x and x^0 = 1
if (q.compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) == 0)
return x;
else if (q.signum() == 0)
return BigDecimal.ONE;
else if (q.isInteger()) {
/* We are sure that the denominator is positive here, because normalize() has been
* called during constrution etc.
return powRound(x, q.a);
* Refuse to operate on the general negative basis. The integer q have already been handled above.
else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0)
throw new ArithmeticException("Cannot power negative " + x.toString());
else {
if (q.isIntegerFrac()) {
* Newton method with first estimate in double precision.
* The disadvantage of this first line here is that the result must fit in the
* standard range of double precision numbers exponents.
double estim = Math.pow(x.doubleValue(), q.doubleValue());
BigDecimal res = new BigDecimal(estim);
/* The error in x^q is q*x^(q-1)*Delta(x).
* The relative error is q*Delta(x)/x, q times the relative error of x.
BigDecimal reserr = new BigDecimal(0.5 * q.abs().doubleValue() * x.ulp().divide(x.abs(), MathContext.DECIMAL64).doubleValue());
/* The main point in branching the cases above is that this conversion
* will succeed for numerator and denominator of q.
int qa = q.a.intValue();
int qb = q.b.intValue();
/* Newton iterations. */
BigDecimal xpowa = powRound(x, qa);
for (; ; ) {
/* numerator and denominator of the Newton term. The major
* disadvantage of this implementation is that the updates of the powers
* of the new estimate are done in full precision calling BigDecimal.pow(),
* which becomes slow if the denominator of q is large.
BigDecimal nu = res.pow(qb).subtract(xpowa);
BigDecimal de = multiplyRound(res.pow(qb - 1), q.b);
/* estimated correction */
BigDecimal eps = nu.divide(de, MathContext.DECIMAL64);
BigDecimal err = res.multiply(reserr, MathContext.DECIMAL64);
int precDiv = 2 + err2prec(eps, err);
if (precDiv <= 0) {
* The case when the precision is already reached and any precision
* will do.
eps = nu.divide(de, MathContext.DECIMAL32);
else {
MathContext mc = new MathContext(precDiv);
eps = nu.divide(de, mc);
res = subtractRound(res, eps);
/* reached final precision if the relative error fell below reserr,
* |eps/res| < reserr
if (eps.divide(res, MathContext.DECIMAL64).abs().compareTo(reserr) < 0) {
/* delete the bits of extra precision kept in this
* working copy.
MathContext mc = new MathContext(err2prec(reserr.doubleValue()));
return res.round(mc);
else {
/* The error in x^q is q*x^(q-1)*Delta(x) + Delta(q)*x^q*log(x).
* The relative error is q/x*Delta(x) + Delta(q)*log(x). Convert q to a floating point
* number such that its relative error becomes negligible: Delta(q)/q << Delta(x)/x/log(x) .
int precq = 3 + err2prec((x.ulp().divide(x, MathContext.DECIMAL64)).doubleValue() / Math.log(x.doubleValue()));
MathContext mc = new MathContext(precq);
* Perform the actual calculation as exponentiation of two floating point numbers.
return pow(x, q.BigDecimalValue(mc), mc);
} /* BigDecimalMath.powRound */
/** Trigonometric sine.
* @param x The argument in radians.
* @param mc Arbitrary MathContext (added by l.bruninx 19-mar-2012).
* @return sin(x) in the range -1 to 1.
* @since 2009-06-01
* Arbitrary MathContext added by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19 (+fix java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Digits < 0 Errors).
static public BigDecimal sin(final BigDecimal x, final MathContext mc) {
if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0)
return sin(x.negate(), mc).negate();
else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0)
return BigDecimal.ZERO;
else {
* reduce modulo 2pi
BigDecimal res = mod2pi(x);
* Simple Taylor expansion, sum_{i=1..infinity} (-1)^(..)res^(2i+1)/(2i+1)!
* All removed & replaced by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19 to support an arbitrary Mathcontext and to fix
* the java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Digits < 0 Errors encountered with the original code.
BigDecimal resx = BigDecimal.ZERO;
BigDecimal oldx = resx;
MathContext nmc = _mc_adjust_(res,_mc_plus2_(mc)); // more precision (the integer part include by _mc_adjust_)...
int k = 0;
do {
oldx = _dec_round_(resx,mc); // auto-adaptative algo...
for (int z = 2; z > 0; z--) {
int k2p1 = 2 * k + 1;
BigDecimal a = res.pow(k2p1);
BigDecimal b = new BigDecimal(k2p1);
for (int i = (k2p1 - 1); i > 1; i--)
b = b.multiply(new BigDecimal(i));
BigDecimal t = a.divide(b, nmc);
if (0 == k % 2)
resx = resx.add(t);
resx = resx.subtract(t);
while (_dec_round_(resx,mc).compareTo(oldx) != 0); // auto-adaptative algo...
return _dec_round_(resx,mc);
} /* sin */
/** Trigonometric cosine.
* @param x The argument in radians.
* @param mc Arbitrary MathContext (added by l.bruninx 19-mar-2012).
* @return cos(x) in the range -1 to 1.
* @since 2009-06-01
* Arbitrary MathContext added by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19 (fix java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Digits < 0 Errors).
static public BigDecimal cos(final BigDecimal x, final MathContext mc) {
if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0)
return cos(x.negate(), mc);
else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0)
return BigDecimal.ONE;
else {
* reduce modulo 2pi
BigDecimal res = mod2pi(x);
MathContext nmc = _mc_adjust_(res,_mc_plus2_(mc)); // more precision (the integer part include by _mc_adjust_)...
BigDecimal p = pi(nmc);
* Simple Taylor expansion, sum_{i=1..infinity} (-1)^(..)res^(2i+1)/(2i+1)!
* All removed & replaced by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19 to support an arbitrary Mathcontext and to fix
* the java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Digits < 0 Errors encountered with the original code.
BigDecimal r = sin(p.divide(new BigDecimal(2)).add(res), nmc);
return _dec_round_(r,mc);
} /* BigDecimalMath.cos */
/** The trigonometric tangent.
* @param x the argument in radians.
* @return the tan(x)
static public BigDecimal tan(final BigDecimal x, final MathContext mc) {
if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0)
return BigDecimal.ZERO;
else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) {
return tan(x.negate(), mc).negate();
else {
* All removed & replaced by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19 to support an arbitrary Mathcontext and to fix
* the java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Digits < 0 Errors encountered with the original code.
* Use tan{x} = sin{x} / cos{x}
MathContext nmc = _mc_adjust_(x,_mc_plus2_(mc)); // more precision (the integer part include by _mc_adjust_)...
BigDecimal r=sin(x, nmc).divide(cos(x, nmc),nmc);
return _dec_round_(r,mc);
} /* BigDecimalMath.tan */
/** The trigonometric co-tangent.
* @param x the argument in radians.
* @return the cot(x)
* @since 2009-07-31
static public BigDecimal cot(final BigDecimal x) {
if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) {
throw new ArithmeticException("Cannot take cot of zero " + x.toString());
else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) {
return cot(x.negate()).negate();
else {
* reduce modulo pi
BigDecimal res = modpi(x);
* absolute error in the result is err(x)/sin^2(x) to lowest order
final double xDbl = res.doubleValue();
final double xUlpDbl = x.ulp().doubleValue() / 2.;
final double eps = xUlpDbl / 2. / Math.pow(Math.sin(xDbl), 2.);
final BigDecimal xhighpr = scalePrec(res, 2);
final BigDecimal xhighprSq = multiplyRound(xhighpr, xhighpr);
MathContext mc = new MathContext(err2prec(xhighpr.doubleValue(), eps));
BigDecimal resul = BigDecimal.ONE.divide(xhighpr, mc);
/* x^(2i-1) */
BigDecimal xpowi = xhighpr;
Bernoulli b = new Bernoulli();
/* 2^(2i) */
BigInteger fourn = new BigInteger("4");
/* (2i)! */
BigInteger fac = BigInteger.ONE;
for (int i = 1; ; i++) {
Rational f = * i);
fac = fac.multiply(new BigInteger("" + (2 * i))).multiply(new BigInteger("" + (2 * i - 1)));
f = f.multiply(fourn).divide(fac);
BigDecimal c = multiplyRound(xpowi, f);
if (i % 2 == 0)
resul = resul.add(c);
resul = resul.subtract(c);
if (Math.abs(c.doubleValue()) < 0.1 * eps)
fourn = fourn.shiftLeft(2);
xpowi = multiplyRound(xpowi, xhighprSq);
mc = new MathContext(err2prec(resul.doubleValue(), eps));
return resul.round(mc);
} /* BigDecimalMath.cot */
/** The inverse trigonometric sine.
* @param x the argument.
* @param mc MathContext (added by l.bruninx 2012-03-19).
* @return the arcsin(x) in radians.
* Arbitrary MathContext added by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19 (fix java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Digits < 0 Errors).
static public BigDecimal asin(final BigDecimal x, MathContext mc) {
if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) > 0 || x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE.negate()) < 0) {
throw new ArithmeticException("Out of range argument " + x.toString() + " of asin");
else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0)
return BigDecimal.ZERO;
else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) == 0) {
* arcsin(1) = pi/2
//double errpi = Math.sqrt(x.ulp().doubleValue()); // removed by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19
//MathContext mc = new MathContext(err2prec(3.14159, errpi)); // removed by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19
return pi(mc).divide(TWO, mc); // modified by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19
else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) {
return asin(x.negate(), mc).negate();
else {
* Use asin{x} = atan{ x / sqrt{1 - (x * x) } }
* All removed & replaced by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19 to support an arbitrary Mathcontext and to fix
* the java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Digits < 0 Errors encountered with the original code.
BigDecimal x2 = x.multiply(x);
BigDecimal d = sqrt(BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(x2), mc);
return atan(x.divide(d, mc), mc);
} /* BigDecimalMath.asin */
/** The inverse trigonometric cosine.
* @param x the argument.
* @param mc Arbitrary MathContext (added by l.bruninx 19-mar-2012).
* @return the arccos(x) in radians.
* @since 2009-09-29
* Arbitrary MathContext added by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19 (fix java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Digits < 0 Errors).
static public BigDecimal acos(final BigDecimal x, MathContext mc) {
* Check range and results for 0, 1 and -1 arguments (l.bruninx, 19-mar-2012).
if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) > 0 || x.compareTo(NEG_ONE) < 0) {
throw new ArithmeticException("Out of range argument " + x.toString() + " of acos");
else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) == 0) {
// (acos 1) -> 0
return BigDecimal.ZERO;
else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0) {
// (acos 0) -> pi/2
return pi(mc).divide(TWO, mc); // l.bruninx, 19-mar-2012.
else if (x.compareTo(NEG_ONE) == 0) {
// (acos -1) -> pi
return pi(mc);
* end of check range and results for 0, 1 and -1 values (l.bruninx, 19-mar-2012).
* Essentially forwarded to pi/2 - asin(x)
final BigDecimal xhighpr = scalePrec(x, 2);
BigDecimal resul = asin(xhighpr, mc); // modified by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19
// double eps = resul.ulp().doubleValue() / 2.; // removed by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19
//MathContext mc = new MathContext(err2prec(3.14159, eps)); // removed by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19
BigDecimal pihalf = pi(mc).divide(TWO, mc); // modified by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19
return pihalf.subtract(resul, mc);
* Orignial section to check absolute error in the result is err(x)/sqrt(1-x^2) to lowest order
* removed by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19.
* All removed & replaced by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19 to support an arbitrary Mathcontext and to fix
* the java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Digits < 0 Errors encountered with the original code.
} /* BigDecimalMath.acos */
/** The inverse trigonometric tangent.
* @param x the argument.
* @param mc Arbitrary MathContext (added by l.bruninx 19-mar-2012).
* @return the principal value of arctan(x) in radians in the range -pi/2 to +pi/2.
* @since 2009-08-03
* Arbitrary MathContext added by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19 (fix java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Digits < 0 Errors).
static public BigDecimal atan(final BigDecimal x, final MathContext mc) {
if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0) {
return atan(x.negate(), mc).negate();
else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0)
return BigDecimal.ZERO;
else {
* For arbitrary precision:
* x2 = x * x
* a = 1 / ( sqrt{ 1 + x2} )
* b = 1
* Iterations for maximal precision:
* a = (a + b) / 2
* b = sqrt{a * b}
* Result:
* r = x / (sqrt{ 1 + x2 } * a)
* -----------------------------------------------------------
* All modified by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19.
* -----------------------------------------------------------
BigDecimal x2 = x.multiply(x);
BigDecimal a = BigDecimal.ONE.divide(sqrt(BigDecimal.ONE.add(x2), mc), mc);
BigDecimal b = BigDecimal.ONE;
BigDecimal olda;
do {
olda = a.round(mc);
a = a.add(b).divide(new BigDecimal(2), mc);
b = sqrt(a.multiply(b), mc);
while (a.round(mc).compareTo(olda) != 0);
BigDecimal r = x.divide(sqrt(BigDecimal.ONE.add(x2), mc).multiply(a), mc);
return r;
} /* BigDecimalMath.atan */
/** The hyperbolic cosine.
* @param x The argument.
* @return The cosh(x) = (exp(x)+exp(-x))/2 .
* @author Richard J. Mathar
* @since 2009-08-19
* Arbitrary MathContext added by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19 (fix java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Digits < 0 Errors).
static public BigDecimal cosh(final BigDecimal x, final MathContext mc) {
if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0)
return cos(x.negate(), mc);
else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0)
return BigDecimal.ONE;
else {
if (x.doubleValue() > 1.5) {
/* cosh^2(x) = 1+ sinh^2(x). */
return hypot(1, sinh(x, mc));
else {
BigDecimal xhighpr = scalePrec(x, 2);
* Simple Taylor expansion, sum_{0=1..infinity} x^(2i)/(2i)!
BigDecimal resul = BigDecimal.ONE;
/* x^i */
BigDecimal xpowi = BigDecimal.ONE;
/* 2i factorial */
BigInteger ifac = BigInteger.ONE;
* The absolute error in the result is the error in x^2/2 which is x times the error in x.
double xUlpDbl = 0.5 * x.ulp().doubleValue() * x.doubleValue();
/* The error in the result is set by the error in x^2/2 itself, xUlpDbl.
* We need at most k terms to push x^(2k)/(2k)! below this value.
* x^(2k) < xUlpDbl; (2k)*log(x) < log(xUlpDbl);
int k = (int) (Math.log(xUlpDbl) / Math.log(x.doubleValue())) / 2;
/* The individual terms are all smaller than 1, so an estimate of 1.0 for
* the absolute value will give a safe relative error estimate for the indivdual terms
MathContext mcTay = new MathContext(err2prec(1., xUlpDbl / k));
for (int i = 1; ; i++) {
* TBD: at which precision will 2*i-1 or 2*i overflow?
ifac = ifac.multiply(new BigInteger("" + (2 * i - 1)));
ifac = ifac.multiply(new BigInteger("" + (2 * i)));
xpowi = xpowi.multiply(xhighpr).multiply(xhighpr);
BigDecimal corr = xpowi.divide(new BigDecimal(ifac), mcTay);
resul = resul.add(corr);
if (corr.abs().doubleValue() < 0.5 * xUlpDbl)
* The error in the result is governed by the error in x itself.
// MathContext mc = new MathContext(err2prec(resul.doubleValue(), xUlpDbl)); // removed by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19
return resul.round(mc);
} /* BigDecimalMath.cosh */
/** The hyperbolic sine.
* @param x the argument.
* @return the sinh(x) = (exp(x)-exp(-x))/2 .
* @author Richard J. Mathar
* @since 2009-08-19
* Arbitrary MathContext added by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19 (fix java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Digits < 0 Errors).
static public BigDecimal sinh(final BigDecimal x, final MathContext mc) {
if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0)
return sinh(x.negate(), mc).negate(); // modified by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19
else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0)
return BigDecimal.ZERO;
else {
if (x.doubleValue() > 2.4) {
* Move closer to zero with sinh(2x)= 2*sinh(x)*cosh(x).
BigDecimal two = new BigDecimal(2);
BigDecimal xhalf = x.divide(two);
BigDecimal resul = sinh(xhalf, mc).multiply(cosh(xhalf, mc)).multiply(two); // modified by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19
/* The error in the result is set by the error in x itself.
* The first derivative of sinh(x) is cosh(x), so the absolute error
* in the result is cosh(x)*errx, and the relative error is coth(x)*errx = errx/tanh(x)
//double eps = Math.tanh(x.doubleValue()); // removed by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19
//MathContext mc = new MathContext(err2prec(0.5 * x.ulp().doubleValue() / eps)); // removed by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19
return resul.round(mc);
else {
BigDecimal xhighpr = scalePrec(x, 2);
/* Simple Taylor expansion, sum_{i=0..infinity} x^(2i+1)/(2i+1)! */
BigDecimal resul = xhighpr;
/* x^i */
BigDecimal xpowi = xhighpr;
/* 2i+1 factorial */
BigInteger ifac = BigInteger.ONE;
* The error in the result is set by the error in x itself.
double xUlpDbl = x.ulp().doubleValue();
/* The error in the result is set by the error in x itself.
* We need at most k terms to squeeze x^(2k+1)/(2k+1)! below this value.
* x^(2k+1) < x.ulp; (2k+1)*log10(x) < -x.precision; 2k*log10(x)< -x.precision;
* 2k*(-log10(x)) > x.precision; 2k*log10(1/x) > x.precision
int k = (int) (x.precision() / Math.log10(1.0 / xhighpr.doubleValue())) / 2;
MathContext mcTay = new MathContext(err2prec(x.doubleValue(), xUlpDbl / k));
for (int i = 1; ; i++) {
/* TBD: at which precision will 2*i or 2*i+1 overflow?
ifac = ifac.multiply(new BigInteger("" + (2 * i)));
ifac = ifac.multiply(new BigInteger("" + (2 * i + 1)));
xpowi = xpowi.multiply(xhighpr).multiply(xhighpr);
BigDecimal corr = xpowi.divide(new BigDecimal(ifac), mcTay);
resul = resul.add(corr);
if (corr.abs().doubleValue() < 0.5 * xUlpDbl)
* The error in the result is set by the error in x itself.
// MathContext mc = new MathContext(x.precision()); // removed by l.bruninx, 2012-03-19
return resul.round(mc);
} /* BigDecimalMath.sinh */
/** The hyperbolic tangent.
* @param x The argument.
* @return The tanh(x) = sinh(x)/cosh(x).
* @author Richard J. Mathar
* @since 2009-08-20
static public BigDecimal tanh(final BigDecimal x) {
if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0)
return tanh(x.negate()).negate();
else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0)
return BigDecimal.ZERO;
else {
BigDecimal xhighpr = scalePrec(x, 2);
* tanh(x) = (1-e^(-2x))/(1+e^(-2x)) .
BigDecimal exp2x = exp(xhighpr.multiply(new BigDecimal(-2)));
* The error in tanh x is err(x)/cosh^2(x).
double eps = 0.5 * x.ulp().doubleValue() / Math.pow(Math.cosh(x.doubleValue()), 2.0);
MathContext mc = new MathContext(err2prec(Math.tanh(x.doubleValue()), eps));
return BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(exp2x).divide(BigDecimal.ONE.add(exp2x), mc);
} /* BigDecimalMath.tanh */
/** The inverse hyperbolic sine.
* @param x The argument.
* @return The arcsinh(x) .
* @author Richard J. Mathar
* @since 2009-08-20
static public BigDecimal asinh(final BigDecimal x) {
if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) == 0)
return BigDecimal.ZERO;
else {
BigDecimal xhighpr = scalePrec(x, 2);
* arcsinh(x) = log(x+hypot(1,x))
BigDecimal logx = log(hypot(1, xhighpr).add(xhighpr));
* The absolute error in arcsinh x is err(x)/sqrt(1+x^2)
double xDbl = x.doubleValue();
double eps = 0.5 * x.ulp().doubleValue() / Math.hypot(1., xDbl);
MathContext mc = new MathContext(err2prec(logx.doubleValue(), eps));
return logx.round(mc);
} /* BigDecimalMath.asinh */
/** The inverse hyperbolic cosine.
* @param x The argument.
* @return The arccosh(x) .
* @author Richard J. Mathar
* @since 2009-08-20
static public BigDecimal acosh(final BigDecimal x) {
if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) < 0)
throw new ArithmeticException("Out of range argument cosh " + x.toString());
else if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) == 0)
return BigDecimal.ZERO;
else {
BigDecimal xhighpr = scalePrec(x, 2);
* arccosh(x) = log(x+sqrt(x^2-1))
BigDecimal logx = log(sqrt(xhighpr.pow(2).subtract(BigDecimal.ONE)).add(xhighpr));
* The absolute error in arcsinh x is err(x)/sqrt(x^2-1)
double xDbl = x.doubleValue();
double eps = 0.5 * x.ulp().doubleValue() / Math.sqrt(xDbl * xDbl - 1.);
MathContext mc = new MathContext(err2prec(logx.doubleValue(), eps));
return logx.round(mc);
} /* BigDecimalMath.acosh */
/** The Gamma function.
* @param x The argument.
* @return Gamma(x).
* @since 2009-08-06
static public BigDecimal Gamma(final BigDecimal x) {
* reduce to interval near 1.0 with the functional relation, Abramowitz-Stegun 6.1.33
if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0)
return divideRound(Gamma(x.add(BigDecimal.ONE)), x);
else if (x.doubleValue() > 1.5) {
* Gamma(x) = Gamma(xmin+n) = Gamma(xmin)*Pochhammer(xmin,n).
int n = (int) (x.doubleValue() - 0.5);
BigDecimal xmin1 = x.subtract(new BigDecimal(n));
return multiplyRound(Gamma(xmin1), pochhammer(xmin1, n));
else {
* apply Abramowitz-Stegun 6.1.33
BigDecimal z = x.subtract(BigDecimal.ONE);
* add intermediately 2 digits to the partial sum accumulation
z = scalePrec(z, 2);
MathContext mcloc = new MathContext(z.precision());
* measure of the absolute error is the relative error in the first, logarithmic term
double eps = x.ulp().doubleValue() / x.doubleValue();
BigDecimal resul = log(scalePrec(x, 2)).negate();
if (x.compareTo(BigDecimal.ONE) != 0) {
BigDecimal gammCompl = BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(gamma(mcloc));
resul = resul.add(multiplyRound(z, gammCompl));
Bernoulli bern_cache=new Bernoulli();
Factorial fact_cache=new Factorial();
for (int n = 2; ; n++) {
/* multiplying z^n/n by zeta(n-1) means that the two relative errors add.
* so the requirement in the relative error of zeta(n)-1 is that this is somewhat
* smaller than the relative error in z^n/n (the absolute error of thelatter is the
* absolute error in z)
BigDecimal c = divideRound(z.pow(n, mcloc), n);
MathContext m = new MathContext(err2prec(n * z.ulp().doubleValue() / 2. / z.doubleValue()));
c = c.round(m);
/* At larger n, zeta(n)-1 is roughly 1/2^n. The product is c/2^n.
* The relative error in c is c.ulp/2/c . The error in the product should be small versus eps/10.
* Error from 1/2^n is c*err(sigma-1).
* We need a relative error of zeta-1 of the order of c.ulp/50/c. This is an absolute
* error in zeta-1 of c.ulp/50/c/2^n, and also the absolute error in zeta, because zeta is
* of the order of 1.
if (eps / 100. / c.doubleValue() < 0.01)
m = new MathContext(err2prec(eps / 100. / c.doubleValue()));
m = new MathContext(2);
/* zeta(n) -1 */
BigDecimal zetm1 = zeta(n, m,bern_cache,fact_cache).subtract(BigDecimal.ONE);
c = multiplyRound(c, zetm1);
if (n % 2 == 0)
resul = resul.add(c);
resul = resul.subtract(c);
/* alternating sum, so truncating as eps is reached suffices
if (Math.abs(c.doubleValue()) < eps)
/* The relative error in the result is the absolute error in the
* input variable times the digamma (psi) value at that point.
double zdbl = z.doubleValue();
eps = psi(zdbl) * x.ulp().doubleValue() / 2.;
mcloc = new MathContext(err2prec(eps));
return exp(resul).round(mcloc);
} /* BigDecimalMath.gamma */
/** The Gamma function.
* @param q The argument.
* @param mc The required accuracy in the result.
* @return Gamma(x).
* @since 2010-05-26
static public BigDecimal Gamma(final Rational q, final MathContext mc) {
if (q.isBigInteger()) {
if (q.compareTo(Rational.ZERO) <= 0)
throw new ArithmeticException("Gamma at " + q.toString());
else {
/* Gamma(n) = (n-1)! */
Factorial f = new Factorial();
BigInteger g = - 1);
return scalePrec(new BigDecimal(g), mc);
else if (q.b.intValue() == 2) {
* half integer cases which are related to sqrt(pi)
BigDecimal p = sqrt(pi(mc));
if (q.compareTo(Rational.ZERO) >= 0) {
Rational pro = Rational.ONE;
Rational f = q.subtract(1);
while (f.compareTo(Rational.ZERO) > 0) {
pro = pro.multiply(f);
f = f.subtract(1);
return multiplyRound(p, pro);
else {
Rational pro = Rational.ONE;
Rational f = q;
while (f.compareTo(Rational.ZERO) < 0) {
pro = pro.divide(f);
f = f.add(1);
return multiplyRound(p, pro);
else {
/* The relative error of the result is psi(x)*Delta(x). Tune Delta(x) such
* that this is equivalent to mc: Delta(x) = precision/psi(x).
double qdbl = q.doubleValue();
double deltx = 5. * Math.pow(10., -mc.getPrecision()) / psi(qdbl);
MathContext mcx = new MathContext(err2prec(qdbl, deltx));
BigDecimal x = q.BigDecimalValue(mcx);
/* forward calculation to the general floating point case */
return Gamma(x);
} /* BigDecimalMath.Gamma */
/** Pochhammer's function.
* @param x The main argument.
* @param n The non-negative index.
* @return (x)_n = x(x+1)(x+2)*...*(x+n-1).
* @since 2009-08-19
static public BigDecimal pochhammer(final BigDecimal x, final int n) {
* reduce to interval near 1.0 with the functional relation, Abramowitz-Stegun 6.1.33
if (n < 0)
throw new ProviderException("Not implemented: pochhammer with negative index " + n);
else if (n == 0)
return BigDecimal.ONE;
else {
* internally two safety digits
BigDecimal xhighpr = scalePrec(x, 2);
BigDecimal resul = xhighpr;
double xUlpDbl = x.ulp().doubleValue();
double xDbl = x.doubleValue();
* relative error of the result is the sum of the relative errors of the factors
double eps = 0.5 * xUlpDbl / Math.abs(xDbl);
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
eps += 0.5 * xUlpDbl / Math.abs(xDbl + i);
resul = resul.multiply(xhighpr.add(new BigDecimal(i)));
final MathContext mcloc = new MathContext(4 + err2prec(eps));
resul = resul.round(mcloc);
return resul.round(new MathContext(err2prec(eps)));
} /* BigDecimalMath.pochhammer */
/** Reduce value to the interval [0,2*Pi].
* @param x the original value
* @return the value modulo 2*pi in the interval from 0 to 2*pi.
* @since 2009-06-01
static public BigDecimal mod2pi(BigDecimal x) {
/* write x= 2*pi*k+r with the precision in r defined by the precision of x and not
* compromised by the precision of 2*pi, so the ulp of 2*pi*k should match the ulp of x.
* First get a guess of k to figure out how many digits of 2*pi are needed.
int k = (int) (0.5 * x.doubleValue() / Math.PI);
* want to have err(2*pi*k)< err(x)=0.5*x.ulp, so err(pi) = err(x)/(4k) with two safety digits
double err2pi;
if (k != 0)
err2pi = 0.25 * Math.abs(x.ulp().doubleValue() / k);
err2pi = 0.5 * Math.abs(x.ulp().doubleValue());
MathContext mc = new MathContext(2 + err2prec(6.283, err2pi));
BigDecimal twopi = pi(mc).multiply(new BigDecimal(2));
/* Delegate the actual operation to the BigDecimal class, which may return
* a negative value of x was negative .
BigDecimal res = x.remainder(twopi);
if (res.compareTo(BigDecimal.ZERO) < 0)
res = res.add(twopi);
* The actual precision is set by the input value, its absolute value of x.ulp()/2.
mc = new MathContext(err2prec(res.doubleValue(), x.ulp().doubleValue() / 2.));
return res.round(mc);
} /* mod2pi */
/** Reduce value to the interval [-Pi/2,Pi/2].
* @param x The original value
* @return The value modulo pi, shifted to the interval from -Pi/2 to Pi/2.
* @since 2009-07-31
static public BigDecimal modpi(BigDecimal x) {
/* write x= pi*k+r with the precision in r defined by the precision of x and not
* compromised by the precision of pi, so the ulp of pi*k should match the ulp of x.
* First get a guess of k to figure out how many digits of pi are needed.
int k = (int) (x.doubleValue() / Math.PI);
/* want to have err(pi*k)< err(x)=x.ulp/2, so err(pi) = err(x)/(2k) with two safety digits
double errpi;
if (k != 0)
errpi = 0.5 * Math.abs(x.ulp().doubleValue() / k);
errpi = 0.5 * Math.abs(x.ulp().doubleValue());
MathContext mc = new MathContext(2 + err2prec(3.1416, errpi));
BigDecimal onepi = pi(mc);
BigDecimal pihalf = onepi.divide(new BigDecimal(2));
/* Delegate the actual operation to the BigDecimal class, which may return
* a negative value of x was negative .
BigDecimal res = x.remainder(onepi);
if (res.compareTo(pihalf) > 0)
res = res.subtract(onepi);
else if (res.compareTo(pihalf.negate()) < 0)
res = res.add(onepi);
* The actual precision is set by the input value, its absolute value of x.ulp()/2.
mc = new MathContext(err2prec(res.doubleValue(), x.ulp().doubleValue() / 2.));
return res.round(mc);
} /* modpi */
/** Riemann zeta function.
* @param n The positive integer argument.
* @param mc Specification of the accuracy of the result.
* @return zeta(n).
* @since 2009-08-05
* l.bruninx modifications (2012-03-26);
* Corrections needed for arbitrary precision: The original code raise many exceptions...
* Optimizations needed... too long!!!... (memoization???)
static public BigDecimal zeta(final int n, final MathContext mc, Bernoulli bern_cache, Factorial fact_cache) {
MathContext nmc=new MathContext(3+mc.getPrecision(),mc.getRoundingMode());
if (n <= 0)
throw new ProviderException("Not implemented: zeta at negative argument " + n);
if (n == 1)
throw new ArithmeticException("Pole at zeta(1) ");
if (n % 2 == 0) {
* Even indices. Abramowitz-Stegun 23.2.16. Start with 2^(n-1)*B(n)/n!
Rational b = (bern_cache!=null ? bern_cache : new Bernoulli()).at(n).abs();
b = b.divide((fact_cache!=null ? fact_cache : new Factorial()).at(n));
b = b.multiply(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(n - 1));
/* to be multiplied by pi^n. Absolute error in the result of pi^n is n times
* error in pi times pi^(n-1). Relative error is n*error(pi)/pi, requested by mc.
* Need one more digit in pi if n=10, two digits if n=100 etc, and add one extra digit.
MathContext mcpi = new MathContext(mc.getPrecision() + (int) (Math.log10(10.0 * n)));
BigDecimal piton = pi(mcpi).pow(n, mc);
return piton.multiply(b.BigDecimalValue(mc),mc);
else if (n == 3) {
/* Broadhurst BBP <a href="">arXiv:math/9803067</a>
* Error propagation: S31 is roughly 0.087, S33 roughly 0.131
int[] a31 = { 1,
0 };
int[] a33 = { 1,
0 };
BigDecimal S31 = broadhurstBBP(3, 1, a31, mc);
BigDecimal S33 = broadhurstBBP(3, 3, a33, mc);
S31 = S31.multiply(new BigDecimal(48),nmc);
S33 = S33.multiply(new BigDecimal(32),nmc);
return S31.add(S33).divide(new BigDecimal(7), mc);
else if (n == 5) {
/* Broadhurst BBP <a href=">arXiv:math/9803067</a>
* Error propagation: S51 is roughly -11.15, S53 roughly 22.165, S55 is roughly 0.031
* 9*2048*S51/6265 = -3.28. 7*2038*S53/61651= 5.07. 738*2048*S55/61651= 0.747.
* The result is of the order 1.03, so we add 2 digits to S51 and S52 and one digit to S55.
int[] a51 = { 31,
74552 };
int[] a53 = { 173,
-111 };
int[] a55 = { 1,
1 };
BigDecimal S51 = broadhurstBBP(5, 1, a51, new MathContext(2 + mc.getPrecision()));
BigDecimal S53 = broadhurstBBP(5, 3, a53, new MathContext(2 + mc.getPrecision()));
BigDecimal S55 = broadhurstBBP(5, 5, a55, new MathContext(1 + mc.getPrecision()));
S51 = S51.multiply(new BigDecimal(18432),nmc);
S53 = S53.multiply(new BigDecimal(14336),nmc);
S55 = S55.multiply(new BigDecimal(1511424),nmc);
return S51.add(S53).subtract(S55).divide(new BigDecimal(62651), mc);
else {
/* Cohen et al Exp Math 1 (1) (1992) 25
Rational betsum = new Rational();
Bernoulli bern = bern_cache!=null ? bern_cache : new Bernoulli();
Factorial fact = fact_cache!=null ? fact_cache : new Factorial();
for (int npr = 0; npr <= (n + 1) / 2; npr++) {
Rational b = * npr).multiply( + 1 - 2 * npr));
b = b.divide( * npr)).divide( + 1 - 2 * npr));
b = b.multiply(1 - 2 * npr);
if (npr % 2 == 0)
betsum = betsum.add(b);
betsum = betsum.subtract(b);
betsum = betsum.divide(n - 1);
/* The first term, including the facor (2pi)^n, is essentially most
* of the result, near one. The second term below is roughly in the range 0.003 to 0.009.
* So the precision here is matching the precisionn requested by mc, and the precision
* requested for 2*pi is in absolute terms adjusted.
MathContext mcloc = new MathContext(2 + mc.getPrecision() + (int) (Math.log10((double) (n))));
BigDecimal ftrm = pi(mcloc).multiply(TWO,mcloc);
ftrm = ftrm.pow(n,mcloc);
ftrm = ftrm.multiply(betsum.BigDecimalValue(mcloc),mcloc);
BigDecimal exps = new BigDecimal(0);
/* the basic accuracy of the accumulated terms before multiplication with 2
//double eps = Math.pow(10., -mc.getPrecision());
if (n % 4 == 3) {
/* since the argument n is at least 7 here, the drop
* of the terms is at rather constant pace at least 10^-3, for example
* 0.0018, 0.2e-7, 0.29e-11, 0.74e-15 etc for npr=1,2,3.... We want 2 times these terms
* fall below eps/10.
int kmax = mc.getPrecision() / 3;
//eps /= kmax;
/* need an error of eps for 2/(exp(2pi)-1) = 0.0037
* The absolute error is 4*exp(2pi)*err(pi)/(exp(2pi)-1)^2=0.0075*err(pi)
BigDecimal exp2p = pi(mcloc);//new MathContext(3 + err2prec(3.14, eps / 0.0075)));
exp2p = exp(exp2p.multiply(TWO),mcloc);
BigDecimal c = exp2p.subtract(BigDecimal.ONE,mcloc);
exps = BigDecimal.ONE.divide(c,mcloc);
for (int npr = 2; npr <= kmax; npr++) {
/* the error estimate above for npr=1 is the worst case of
* the absolute error created by an error in 2pi. So we can
* safely re-use the exp2p value computed above without
* reassessment of its error.
c = exp2p.pow(npr,mcloc).subtract(BigDecimal.ONE,mcloc);
c = c.multiply(new BigDecimal( (new BigInteger("" + npr)).pow(n) ) ,mcloc);
c = BigDecimal.ONE.divide(c,mcloc);
exps = exps.add(c,mcloc);
else {
/* since the argument n is at least 9 here, the drop
* of the terms is at rather constant pace at least 10^-3, for example
* 0.0096, 0.5e-7, 0.3e-11, 0.6e-15 etc. We want these terms
* fall below eps/10.
int kmax = (1 + mc.getPrecision()) / 3;
//eps /= kmax;
/* need an error of eps for 2/(exp(2pi)-1)*(1+4*Pi/8/(1-exp(-2pi)) = 0.0096
* at k=7 or = 0.00766 at k=13 for example.
* The absolute error is 0.017*err(pi) at k=9, 0.013*err(pi) at k=13, 0.012 at k=17
BigDecimal twop = pi(mcloc);//new MathContext(3 + err2prec(3.14, eps / 0.017)));
twop = twop.multiply(TWO,mcloc);
BigDecimal exp2p = exp(twop,mcloc);
BigDecimal c = exp2p.subtract(BigDecimal.ONE,mcloc);
exps = BigDecimal.ONE.divide(c,mcloc);
c = BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(BigDecimal.ONE.divide(exp2p,mcloc),mcloc);
c = twop.divide(c,nmc).multiply(TWO,mcloc);
BigDecimal nm1=new BigDecimal(n - 1);
c = c.divide(nm1,mcloc).add(BigDecimal.ONE,mcloc);
exps = exps.multiply(c,mcloc);
for (int npr = 2; npr <= kmax; npr++) {
c = exp2p.pow(npr,mcloc).subtract(BigDecimal.ONE,mcloc);
c = c.multiply(new BigDecimal( (new BigInteger("" + npr)).pow(n) ),mcloc);
BigDecimal d = BigDecimal.ONE.divide(exp2p.pow(npr,mcloc),mcloc);
d = BigDecimal.ONE.subtract(d,mcloc);
d = twop.divide(d,mcloc).multiply(new BigDecimal(2 * npr),mcloc);
d = d.divide(nm1,mcloc).add(BigDecimal.ONE,mcloc);
d = d.divide(c,mcloc);
exps = exps.add(d,nmc);
exps = exps.multiply(TWO,mcloc);
return ftrm.subtract(exps, mc);
} /* zeta */
/** Riemann zeta function.
* @param n The positive integer argument.
* @return zeta(n)-1.
* @since 2009-08-20
static public double zeta1(final int n) {
/* precomputed static table in double precision
final double[] zmin1 = { 0.,
7.888609052210118073520537800e-31 };
if (n <= 0)
throw new ProviderException("Not implemented: zeta at negative argument " + n);
if (n == 1)
throw new ArithmeticException("Pole at zeta(1) ");
if (n < zmin1.length)
/* look it up if available */
return zmin1[n];
else {
/* Result is roughly 2^(-n), desired accuracy 18 digits. If zeta(n) is computed, the equivalent accuracy
* in relative units is higher, because zeta is around 1.
double eps = 1.e-18 * Math.pow(2., (double) (-n));
MathContext mc = new MathContext(err2prec(eps));
Bernoulli bern_cache=new Bernoulli();
Factorial fact_cache=new Factorial();
return zeta(n, mc,bern_cache,fact_cache).subtract(BigDecimal.ONE).doubleValue();
} /* zeta */
/** trigonometric cot.
* @param x The argument.
* @return cot(x) = 1/tan(x).
static public double cot(final double x) {
return 1. / Math.tan(x);
/** Digamma function.
* @param x The main argument.
* @return psi(x).
* The error is sometimes up to 10 ulp, where AS 6.3.15 suffers from cancellation of digits and psi=0
* @since 2009-08-26
static public double psi(final double x) {
* the single positive zero of psi(x)
final double psi0 = 1.46163214496836234126265954232572132846819;
if (x > 2.0) {
* Reduce to a value near x=1 with the standard recurrence formula.
* Abramowitz-Stegun 6.3.5
int m = (int) (x - 0.5);
double xmin1 = x - m;
double resul = 0.;
for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++)
resul += 1. / (x - i);
return resul + psi(xmin1);
else if (Math.abs(x - psi0) < 0.55) {
/* Taylor approximation around the local zero
final double[] psiT0 = { 9.67672245447621170427e-01,
5.72922285984999377160e-09 };
final double xdiff = x - psi0;
double resul = 0.;
for (int i = psiT0.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
resul = resul * xdiff + psiT0[i];
return resul * xdiff;
else if (x < 0.) {
/* Reflection formula */
double xmin = 1. - x;
return psi(xmin) + Math.PI / Math.tan(Math.PI * xmin);
else {
double xmin1 = x - 1;
double resul = 0.;
for (int k = 26; k >= 1; k--) {
resul -= zeta1(2 * k + 1);
resul *= xmin1 * xmin1;
/* 0.422... = 1 -gamma */
return resul + 0.422784335098467139393487909917597568 + 0.5 / xmin1 - 1. / (1 - xmin1 * xmin1) - Math.PI / (2. * Math.tan(Math.PI * xmin1));
} /* psi */
/** Broadhurst ladder sequence.
* @param a The vector of 8 integer arguments
* @param mc Specification of the accuracy of the result
* @return S_(n,p)(a)
* @since 2009-08-09
* @see <a href="">arXiv:math/9803067</a>
static protected BigDecimal broadhurstBBP(final int n, final int p, final int[] a, MathContext mc) {
* Explore the actual magnitude of the result first with a quick estimate.
double x = 0.0;
for (int k = 1; k < 10; k++)
x += a[(k - 1) % 8] / Math.pow(2., p * (k + 1) / 2) / Math.pow((double) k, n);
* Convert the relative precision and estimate of the result into an absolute precision.
//double eps = prec2err(x, mc.getPrecision()); // removed by l.bruninx, 2012-03-22
/* Divide this through the number of terms in the sum to account for error accumulation
* The divisor 2^(p(k+1)/2) means that on the average each 8th term in k has shrunk by
* relative to the 8th predecessor by 1/2^(4p). 1/2^(4pc) = 10^(-precision) with c the 8term
* cycles yields c=log_2( 10^precision)/4p = 3.3*precision/4p with k=8c
//int kmax = (int) (6.6 * mc.getPrecision() / p); // removed by l.bruninx, 2012-03-22
/* Now eps is the absolute error in each term */
//eps /= kmax; // removed by l.bruninx, 2012-03-22
BigDecimal res = BigDecimal.ZERO;
MathContext nmc=_mc_plus2_(mc);
BigDecimal oldres=res; // modoiied by l.bruninx, 2012-03-22
int c = 0; // modoiied by l.bruninx, 2012-03-22
do{ // modoiied by l.bruninx, 2012-03-22
oldres=res.round(mc); // modoiied by l.bruninx, 2012-03-22
Rational r = new Rational();
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
Rational tmp = new Rational(new BigInteger("" + a[k]), (new BigInteger("" + (1 + 8 * c + k))).pow(n));
/* floor( (pk+p)/2)
int pk1h = p * (2 + 8 * c + k) / 2;
tmp = tmp.divide(BigInteger.ONE.shiftLeft(pk1h));
r = r.add(tmp);
//if (Math.abs(r.doubleValue()) < eps)// removed by l.bruninx, 2012-03-22
// break; // removed by l.bruninx, 2012-03-22
//MathContext mcloc = new MathContext(1 + err2prec(r.doubleValue(), eps)); // removed by l.bruninx, 2012-03-22
res = res.add(r.BigDecimalValue(nmc),nmc);
c++; // modoiied by l.bruninx, 2012-03-22
}while(res.round(mc).compareTo(oldres)!=0); // modoiied by l.bruninx, 2012-03-22
return res.round(mc);
} /* broadhurstBBP */
/** Add a BigDecimal and a BigInteger.
* @param x The left summand
* @param y The right summand
* @return The sum x+y.
* @since 2012-03-02
static public BigDecimal add(final BigDecimal x, final BigInteger y) {
return x.add(new BigDecimal(y));
} /* add */
/** Add and round according to the larger of the two ulp's.
* @param x The left summand
* @param y The right summand
* @return The sum x+y.
* @since 2009-07-30
static public BigDecimal addRound(final BigDecimal x, final BigDecimal y) {
BigDecimal resul = x.add(y);
* The estimation of the absolute error in the result is |err(y)|+|err(x)|
double errR = Math.abs(y.ulp().doubleValue() / 2.) + Math.abs(x.ulp().doubleValue() / 2.);
MathContext mc = new MathContext(err2prec(resul.doubleValue(), errR));
return resul.round(mc);
} /* addRound */
/** Add and round according to the larger of the two ulp's.
* @param x The left summand
* @param y The right summand
* @return The sum x+y.
* @since 2010-07-19
static public BigComplex addRound(final BigComplex x, final BigDecimal y) {
final BigDecimal R = addRound(, y);
return new BigComplex(R,;
} /* addRound */
/** Add and round according to the larger of the two ulp's.
* @param x The left summand
* @param y The right summand
* @return The sum x+y.
* @since 2010-07-19
static public BigComplex addRound(final BigComplex x, final BigComplex y) {
final BigDecimal R = addRound(,;
final BigDecimal I = addRound(,;
return new BigComplex(R, I);
} /* addRound */
/** Subtract and round according to the larger of the two ulp's.
* @param x The left term.
* @param y The right term.
* @return The difference x-y.
* @since 2009-07-30
static public BigDecimal subtractRound(final BigDecimal x, final BigDecimal y) {
BigDecimal resul = x.subtract(y);
* The estimation of the absolute error in the result is |err(y)|+|err(x)|
double errR = Math.abs(y.ulp().doubleValue() / 2.) + Math.abs(x.ulp().doubleValue() / 2.);
MathContext mc = new MathContext(err2prec(resul.doubleValue(), errR));
return resul.round(mc);
} /* subtractRound */
/** Subtract and round according to the larger of the two ulp's.
* @param x The left summand
* @param y The right summand
* @return The difference x-y.
* @since 2010-07-19
static public BigComplex subtractRound(final BigComplex x, final BigComplex y) {
final BigDecimal R = subtractRound(,;
final BigDecimal I = subtractRound(,;
return new BigComplex(R, I);
} /* subtractRound */
/** Multiply and round.
* @param x The left factor.
* @param y The right factor.
* @return The product x*y.
* @since 2009-07-30
static public BigDecimal multiplyRound(final BigDecimal x, final BigDecimal y) {
BigDecimal resul = x.multiply(y);
/* The estimation of the relative error in the result is the sum of the relative
* errors |err(y)/y|+|err(x)/x|
MathContext mc = new MathContext(Math.min(x.precision(), y.precision()));
return resul.round(mc);
} /* multiplyRound */
/** Multiply and round.
* @param x The left factor.
* @param y The right factor.
* @return The product x*y.
* @since 2010-07-19
static public BigComplex multiplyRound(final BigComplex x, final BigDecimal y) {
BigDecimal R = multiplyRound(, y);
BigDecimal I = multiplyRound(, y);
return new BigComplex(R, I);
} /* multiplyRound */
/** Multiply and round.
* @param x The left factor.
* @param y The right factor.
* @return The product x*y.
* @since 2010-07-19
static public BigComplex multiplyRound(final BigComplex x, final BigComplex y) {
BigDecimal R = subtractRound(multiplyRound(,, multiplyRound(,;
BigDecimal I = addRound(multiplyRound(,, multiplyRound(,;
return new BigComplex(R, I);
} /* multiplyRound */
/** Multiply and round.
* @param x The left factor.
* @param f The right factor.
* @return The product x*f.
* @since 2009-07-30
static public BigDecimal multiplyRound(final BigDecimal x, final Rational f) {
if (f.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) == 0)
return BigDecimal.ZERO;
else {
* Convert the rational value with two digits of extra precision
MathContext mc = new MathContext(2 + x.precision());
BigDecimal fbd = f.BigDecimalValue(mc);
* and the precision of the product is then dominated by the precision in x
return multiplyRound(x, fbd);
/** Multiply and round.
* @param x The left factor.
* @param n The right factor.
* @return The product x*n.
* @since 2009-07-30
static public BigDecimal multiplyRound(final BigDecimal x, final int n) {
BigDecimal resul = x.multiply(new BigDecimal(n));
* The estimation of the absolute error in the result is |n*err(x)|
MathContext mc = new MathContext(n != 0 ? x.precision(): 0);
return resul.round(mc);
/** Multiply and round.
* @param x The left factor.
* @param n The right factor.
* @return the product x*n
* @since 2009-07-30
static public BigDecimal multiplyRound(final BigDecimal x, final BigInteger n) {
BigDecimal resul = x.multiply(new BigDecimal(n));
* The estimation of the absolute error in the result is |n*err(x)|
MathContext mc = new MathContext(n.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) != 0 ? x.precision(): 0);
return resul.round(mc);
/** Divide and round.
* @param x The numerator
* @param y The denominator
* @return the divided x/y
* @since 2009-07-30
static public BigDecimal divideRound(final BigDecimal x, final BigDecimal y) {
* The estimation of the relative error in the result is |err(y)/y|+|err(x)/x|
MathContext mc = new MathContext(Math.min(x.precision(), y.precision()));
BigDecimal resul = x.divide(y, mc);
/* If x and y are precise integer values that may have common factors,
* the method above will truncate trailing zeros, which may result in
* a smaller apparent accuracy than starte... add missing trailing zeros now.
return scalePrec(resul, mc);
/** Build the inverse and maintain the approximate accuracy.
* @param z The denominator
* @return The divided 1/z = [Re(z)-i*Im(z)]/ [Re^2 z + Im^2 z]
* @since 2010-07-19
static public BigComplex invertRound(final BigComplex z) {
if ( == 0) {
* In this case with vanishing Im(x), the result is simply 1/Re z.
final MathContext mc = new MathContext(;
return new BigComplex(BigDecimal.ONE.divide(, mc));
else if ( == 0) {
* In this case with vanishing Re(z), the result is simply -i/Im z
final MathContext mc = new MathContext(;
return new BigComplex(BigDecimal.ZERO, BigDecimal.ONE.divide(, mc).negate());
else {
* 1/(* = 1/(^2/ - I /(^2/
BigDecimal R = addRound(, divideRound(multiplyRound(,,;
BigDecimal I = addRound(, divideRound(multiplyRound(,,;
MathContext mc = new MathContext(1 + R.precision());
R = BigDecimal.ONE.divide(R, mc);
mc = new MathContext(1 + I.precision());
I = BigDecimal.ONE.divide(I, mc);
return new BigComplex(R, I.negate());
/** Divide and round.
* @param x The numerator
* @param y The denominator
* @return the divided x/y
* @since 2010-07-19
static public BigComplex divideRound(final BigComplex x, final BigComplex y) {
return multiplyRound(x, invertRound(y));
/** Divide and round.
* @param x The numerator
* @param n The denominator
* @return the divided x/n
* @since 2009-07-30
static public BigDecimal divideRound(final BigDecimal x, final int n) {
* The estimation of the relative error in the result is |err(x)/x|
MathContext mc = new MathContext(x.precision());
return x.divide(new BigDecimal(n), mc);
/** Divide and round.
* @param x The numerator
* @param n The denominator
* @return the divided x/n
* @since 2009-07-30
static public BigDecimal divideRound(final BigDecimal x, final BigInteger n) {
* The estimation of the relative error in the result is |err(x)/x|
MathContext mc = new MathContext(x.precision());
return x.divide(new BigDecimal(n), mc);
} /* divideRound */
/** Divide and round.
* @param n The numerator
* @param x The denominator
* @return the divided n/x
* @since 2009-08-05
static public BigDecimal divideRound(final BigInteger n, final BigDecimal x) {
* The estimation of the relative error in the result is |err(x)/x|
MathContext mc = new MathContext(x.precision());
return new BigDecimal(n).divide(x, mc);
} /* divideRound */
/** Divide and round.
* @param n The numerator
* @param x The denominator
* @return the divided n/x
* @since 2012-03-01
static public BigComplex divideRound(final BigInteger n, final BigComplex x) {
* catch case of real-valued denominator first
if ( == 0)
return new BigComplex(divideRound(n,, BigDecimal.ZERO);
else if ( == 0)
return new BigComplex(BigDecimal.ZERO, divideRound(n,;
BigComplex z = invertRound(x);
* n/(x+iy) = nx/(x^2+y^2) -nyi/(x^2+y^2)
BigDecimal repart = multiplyRound(, n);
BigDecimal impart = multiplyRound(, n);
return new BigComplex(repart, impart);
} /* divideRound */
/** Divide and round.
* @param n The numerator.
* @param x The denominator.
* @return the divided n/x.
* @since 2009-08-05
static public BigDecimal divideRound(final int n, final BigDecimal x) {
* The estimation of the relative error in the result is |err(x)/x|
MathContext mc = new MathContext(x.precision());
return new BigDecimal(n).divide(x, mc);
/** Append decimal zeros to the value. This returns a value which appears to have
* a higher precision than the input.
* @param x The input value
* @param d The (positive) value of zeros to be added as least significant digits.
* @return The same value as the input but with increased (pseudo) precision.
static public BigDecimal scalePrec(final BigDecimal x, int d) {
return x.setScale(d + x.scale());
/** Append decimal zeros to the value. This returns a value which appears to have
* a higher precision than the input.
* @param x The input value
* @param d The (positive) value of zeros to be added as least significant digits.
* @return The same value as the input but with increased (pseudo) precision.
static public BigComplex scalePrec(final BigComplex x, int d) {
return new BigComplex(scalePrec(, d), scalePrec(, d));
/** Boost the precision by appending decimal zeros to the value. This returns a value which appears to have
* a higher precision than the input.
* @param x The input value
* @param mc The requirement on the minimum precision on return.
* @return The same value as the input but with increased (pseudo) precision.
static public BigDecimal scalePrec(final BigDecimal x, final MathContext mc) {
final int diffPr = mc.getPrecision() - x.precision();
if (diffPr > 0)
return scalePrec(x, diffPr);
return x;
} /* BigDecimalMath.scalePrec */
/** Convert an absolute error to a precision.
* @param x The value of the variable
* @param xerr The absolute error in the variable
* @return The number of valid digits in x.
* The value is rounded down, and on the pessimistic side for that reason.
* @since 2009-06-25
static public int err2prec(BigDecimal x, BigDecimal xerr) {
return err2prec(xerr.divide(x, MathContext.DECIMAL64).doubleValue());
/** Convert an absolute error to a precision.
* @param x The value of the variable
* The value returned depends only on the absolute value, not on the sign.
* @param xerr The absolute error in the variable
* The value returned depends only on the absolute value, not on the sign.
* @return The number of valid digits in x.
* Derived from the representation x+- xerr, as if the error was represented
* in a "half width" (half of the error bar) form.
* The value is rounded down, and on the pessimistic side for that reason.
* @since 2009-05-30
static public int err2prec(double x, double xerr) {
/* Example: an error of xerr=+-0.5 at x=100 represents 100+-0.5 with
* a precision = 3 (digits).
return 1 + (int) (Math.log10(Math.abs(0.5 * x / xerr)));
/** Convert a relative error to a precision.
* @param xerr The relative error in the variable.
* The value returned depends only on the absolute value, not on the sign.
* @return The number of valid digits in x.
* The value is rounded down, and on the pessimistic side for that reason.
* @since 2009-08-05
static public int err2prec(double xerr) {
/* Example: an error of xerr=+-0.5 a precision of 1 (digit), an error of
* +-0.05 a precision of 2 (digits)
return 1 + (int) (Math.log10(Math.abs(0.5 / xerr)));
/** Convert a precision (relative error) to an absolute error.
* The is the inverse functionality of err2prec().
* @param x The value of the variable
* The value returned depends only on the absolute value, not on the sign.
* @param prec The number of valid digits of the variable.
* @return the absolute error in x.
* Derived from the an accuracy of one half of the ulp.
* @since 2009-08-09
static public double prec2err(final double x, final int prec) {
return 5. * Math.abs(x) * Math.pow(10., -prec);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Additional methods inspired from the java.lang.Math class model...
* Returns the largest (closest to positive infinity) BigDecimal value that
* is less than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.
* This method is similar to Math.floor(double) but it applies to a BigDecimal
* value.
* @param x the BigDecimal value
* @return the largest (closest to positive infinity) BigDecimal value that less
* than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.
* @since 2012-03-15
* @author l.bruninx
static public BigDecimal floor(BigDecimal x) {
return x.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_FLOOR);
* Returns the smallest (closest to negative infinity) BigDecimal value that is
* greater than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.
* This method is similar to Math.ceil(double) but it applies to a BigDecimal
* value.
* @param x the BigDecimal value
* @return the smallest (closest to negative infinity) floating-point value that
* is greater than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.
* @since 2012-03-15
* @author l.bruninx
static public BigDecimal ceil(BigDecimal x) {
return x.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_CEILING);
* Returns the closest integer value to the argument. The result is rounded to
* an integer value by adding 1/2, taking the floor of the result. In other words,
* the result is equal to the value of the expression:
* BigDecimal.floor(a.add(new BigDecimal(0.5d)))
* This method is similar to Math.ceil(double) but it applies to a BigDecimal
* value.
* @param x the BigDecimal value
* @return the smallest (closest to negative infinity) floating-point value that
* is greater than or equal to the argument and is equal to a mathematical integer.
* @since 2012-03-15
* @author l.bruninx
static public BigDecimal round(BigDecimal x) {
return x.setScale(0, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN);
* Returns the converted value from radians to degrees.
* @param x the BigDecimal value in radians
* @param mc Arbitrary MathContext
* @return the BigDecimal value in degrees
* @since 2012-03-22
* @author l.bruninx
static public BigDecimal toDegrees(BigDecimal x, MathContext mc) {
MathContext nmc = _mc_adjust_(x,_mc_plus2_(mc)); // more precision (the integer part include by _mc_adjust_)...
BigDecimal c=new BigDecimal(180,nmc);
c= x.multiply(c).divide(pi(nmc), nmc);
return _dec_round_(c,mc); // mc precision (the integer part include by _dec_round_)...
* Returns the converted value from detgrees to radians.
* @param x the BigDecimal value in degrees
* @param mc Arbitrary MathContext
* @return the BigDecimal value in radians
* @since 2012-03-22
* @author l.bruninx
static public BigDecimal toRadians(BigDecimal x, MathContext mc) {
MathContext nmc = _mc_adjust_(x,_mc_plus2_(mc)); // more precision (the integer part include by _mc_adjust_)...
BigDecimal c=new BigDecimal(180,nmc);
return _dec_round_(c,mc); // mc precision (the integer part include by _dec_round_)...
} /* BigDecimalMath */