private Shape dashedStroke(PathIterator pi)
// The choice of (flatnessSq == width / 3) is made to be consistent with
// the flattening in CubicSegment.getDisplacedSegments
FlatteningPathIterator flat = new FlatteningPathIterator(pi,
Math.sqrt(width / 3));
// Holds the endpoint of the current segment (or piece of a segment)
double[] coords = new double[2];
// Holds end of the last segment
double x, y, x0, y0;
x = x0 = y = y0 = 0;
// Various useful flags
boolean pathOpen = false;
boolean dashOn = true;
boolean offsetting = (phase != 0);
// How far we are into the current dash
double distance = 0;
int dashIndex = 0;
// And variables to hold the final output
GeneralPath output = new GeneralPath();
Segment[] p;
// Iterate over the FlatteningPathIterator
while (! flat.isDone())
switch (flat.currentSegment(coords))
case PathIterator.SEG_MOVETO:
x0 = x = coords[0];
y0 = y = coords[1];
if (pathOpen)
convertPath(output, start);
start = end = null;
pathOpen = false;
case PathIterator.SEG_LINETO:
boolean segmentConsumed = false;
while (! segmentConsumed)
// Find the total remaining length of this segment
double segLength = Math.sqrt((x - coords[0]) * (x - coords[0])
+ (y - coords[1])
* (y - coords[1]));
boolean spanBoundary = true;
double[] segmentEnd = null;
// The current segment fits entirely inside the current dash
if ((offsetting && distance + segLength <= phase)
|| distance + segLength <= dash[dashIndex])
spanBoundary = false;
// Otherwise, we need to split the segment in two, as this
// segment spans a dash boundry
segmentEnd = (double[]) coords.clone();
// Calculate the remaining distance in this dash,
// and coordinates of the dash boundary
double reqLength;
if (offsetting)
reqLength = phase - distance;
reqLength = dash[dashIndex] - distance;
coords[0] = x + ((coords[0] - x) * reqLength / segLength);
coords[1] = y + ((coords[1] - y) * reqLength / segLength);
if (offsetting || ! dashOn)
// Dash is off, or we are in offset - treat this as a
// moveTo
x0 = x = coords[0];
y0 = y = coords[1];
if (pathOpen)
convertPath(output, start);
start = end = null;
pathOpen = false;
// Dash is on - treat this as a lineTo
p = (new LineSegment(x, y, coords[0], coords[1])).getDisplacedSegments(width / 2.0);
if (! pathOpen)
start = p[0];
end = p[1];
pathOpen = true;
x = coords[0];
y = coords[1];
// Update variables depending on whether we spanned a
// dash boundary or not
if (! spanBoundary)
distance += segLength;
segmentConsumed = true;
if (offsetting)
offsetting = false;
dashOn = ! dashOn;
distance = 0;
coords = segmentEnd;
if (dashIndex + 1 == dash.length)
dashIndex = 0;
// Since the value of segmentConsumed is still false,
// the next run of the while loop will complete the segment
// This is a flattened path, so we don't need to deal with curves
if (pathOpen)