RubyHelper helper = new RubyHelper();
try {
IRubyParseResult r = helper.parse(aRubyFile);
assertEquals("Expect one error", 1, r.getIssues().size());
IRubyIssue theIssue = r.getIssues().get(0);
assertTrue("Expect one syntax error", theIssue.isSyntaxError());
assertEquals("source line starts with 1", 1, theIssue.getLine());
assertEquals("the file path is reported", aRubyFile.getPath(), theIssue.getFileName());
assertTrue("the error message is the expected", theIssue.getMessage().contains("unexpected tLPAREN_ARG"));
// assertTrue("the error message is the expected", theIssue.getMessage().startsWith("syntax error, unexpected tLPAREN_ARG"));
finally {