* Copyright (c) 2013 Puppet Labs, Inc. and other contributors, as listed below.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
* http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
* Contributors:
* Puppet Labs
package com.puppetlabs.geppetto.ruby.tests;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.io.File;
import com.puppetlabs.geppetto.ruby.RubyHelper;
import com.puppetlabs.geppetto.ruby.spi.IRubyIssue;
import com.puppetlabs.geppetto.ruby.spi.IRubyParseResult;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.junit.Test;
public class SmokeTest {
public void testConfiguration() {
RubyHelper rubyHelper = new RubyHelper();
assertTrue("Should have a real ruby service configured", rubyHelper.isRubyServicesAvailable());
public void testHelloBrokenWorld() throws Exception {
File aRubyFile = TestDataProvider.getTestFile(new Path("testData/ruby/helloBrokenWorld.rb"));
RubyHelper helper = new RubyHelper();
try {
IRubyParseResult r = helper.parse(aRubyFile);
assertEquals("Expect one error", 1, r.getIssues().size());
IRubyIssue theIssue = r.getIssues().get(0);
assertTrue("Expect one syntax error", theIssue.isSyntaxError());
assertEquals("source line starts with 1", 1, theIssue.getLine());
assertEquals("the file path is reported", aRubyFile.getPath(), theIssue.getFileName());
assertTrue("the error message is the expected", theIssue.getMessage().contains("unexpected tLPAREN_ARG"));
// assertTrue("the error message is the expected", theIssue.getMessage().startsWith("syntax error, unexpected tLPAREN_ARG"));
finally {
public void testHelloBrokenWorld2() throws Exception {
File aRubyFile = TestDataProvider.getTestFile(new Path("testData/ruby/helloBrokenWorld2.rb"));
RubyHelper helper = new RubyHelper();
try {
IRubyParseResult r = helper.parse(aRubyFile);
assertEquals("Expect one error", 1, r.getIssues().size());
IRubyIssue theIssue = r.getIssues().get(0);
assertTrue("Expect one syntax error", theIssue.isSyntaxError());
assertEquals("source line is 2", 2, theIssue.getLine());
assertEquals("the file path is reported", aRubyFile.getPath(), theIssue.getFileName());
assertTrue("the error message is the expected", theIssue.getMessage().contains("unexpected tLPAREN_ARG"));
finally {
public void testHelloWorld() throws Exception {
File aRubyFile = TestDataProvider.getTestFile(new Path("testData/ruby/helloWorld.rb"));
RubyHelper helper = new RubyHelper();