"extractValueFromDOM", className, il, cpg);
// Values needed for the switch statement
final int levels = sortObjects.size();
final int match[] = new int[levels];
final InstructionHandle target[] = new InstructionHandle[levels];
InstructionHandle tblswitch = null;
// Compile switch statement only if the key has multiple levels
if (levels > 1) {
// Put the parameter to the swtich statement on the stack
il.append(new ILOAD(extractMethod.getLocalIndex("level")));
// Append the switch statement here later on
tblswitch = il.append(new NOP());
// Append all the cases for the switch statment
for (int level = 0; level < levels; level++) {
match[level] = level;
final Sort sort = (Sort)sortObjects.elementAt(level);
target[level] = il.append(NOP);
sort.translateSelect(sortRecord, extractMethod);
// Compile def. target for switch statement if key has multiple levels
if (levels > 1) {
// Append the default target - it will _NEVER_ be reached
InstructionHandle defaultTarget =
il.append(new PUSH(cpg, EMPTYSTRING));
il.insert(tblswitch,new TABLESWITCH(match, target, defaultTarget));