Member msig = getSignature();
if (msig.getArity() == 0 && getKind() == MethodCall && msig.getName().charAt(0) == 'c' && tx.equals(ResolvedType.OBJECT)
&& msig.getReturnType().equals(ResolvedType.OBJECT) && msig.getName().equals("clone")) {
// Lets go back through the code from the start of the shadow
InstructionHandle searchPtr = range.getStart().getPrev();
while (Range.isRangeHandle(searchPtr) || searchPtr.getInstruction().isStoreInstruction()) { // ignore this instruction -
// it doesnt give us the
// info we want
searchPtr = searchPtr.getPrev();
// A load instruction may tell us the real type of what the clone() call is on
if (searchPtr.getInstruction().isLoadInstruction()) {
LocalVariableTag lvt = LazyMethodGen.getLocalVariableTag(searchPtr, searchPtr.getInstruction().getIndex());
if (lvt != null) {
return UnresolvedType.forSignature(lvt.getType());
// A field access instruction may tell us the real type of what the clone() call is on
if (searchPtr.getInstruction() instanceof FieldInstruction) {
FieldInstruction si = (FieldInstruction) searchPtr.getInstruction();
Type t = si.getFieldType(getEnclosingClass().getConstantPool());
return BcelWorld.fromBcel(t);
// A new array instruction obviously tells us it is an array type !
if (searchPtr.getInstruction().opcode == Constants.ANEWARRAY) {
// ANEWARRAY ana = (ANEWARRAY)searchPoint.getInstruction();
// Type t = ana.getType(getEnclosingClass().getConstantPool());
// Just use a standard java.lang.object array - that will work fine
return BcelWorld.fromBcel(new ArrayType(Type.OBJECT, 1));
// A multi new array instruction obviously tells us it is an array type !
if (searchPtr.getInstruction() instanceof MULTIANEWARRAY) {
MULTIANEWARRAY ana = (MULTIANEWARRAY) searchPtr.getInstruction();
// Type t = ana.getType(getEnclosingClass().getConstantPool());
// t = new ArrayType(t,ana.getDimensions());
// Just use a standard java.lang.object array - that will work fine
return BcelWorld.fromBcel(new ArrayType(Type.OBJECT, ana.getDimensions()));
throw new BCException("Can't determine real target of clone() when processing instruction "
+ searchPtr.getInstruction() + ". Perhaps avoid selecting clone with your pointcut?");
return tx;