Examples of IniProperties

Examples of org.arch.config.IniProperties

      if (null == auth)
        auth = GAE.servers.select();
      int sid = null == local ? 0 : local.getId();
      IniProperties cfg = SnovaConfiguration.getInstance()
      HttpRequest request = new DefaultHttpRequest(HttpVersion.HTTP_1_1,
              HttpMethod.POST, "/invoke");
      request.setHeader(HttpHeaders.Names.HOST, auth.appid
              + ".appspot.com");
      request.setHeader(HttpHeaders.Names.CONNECTION, "keep-alive");
              cfg.getProperty("GAE", "UserAgent",
                      "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0.1"));

      EventHeaderTags tags = new EventHeaderTags();
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Examples of org.arch.config.IniProperties

//    assertEquals(1, ret);
    String[] splits = "Xyz|as|xfas|wer".split("[,|;|\\|]");
    IniProperties ini = new IniProperties();
    ini.setProperty("Hrlo", "sda", "safas");
    ini.store(new FileOutputStream("test.txt"));
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Examples of plar.core.IniProperties


        ArrayList <String> guns=Common.getJavas(Common.gunsFolder);
        ArrayList <String> players=Common.getJavas(Common.playersFolder);
    IniProperties inis = Common.getConfig();
        Server s = new Server();
    s.resolution.x=Integer.parseInt(inis.getProperty("resolutionx") );
    s.resolution.y=Integer.parseInt(inis.getProperty("resolutiony") );
        String response = new String();
        for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
            if (args[i].equals("--noGui"))
                silent = true;
            else if(response.equals(""))
                response = args[i];
    String topic="";
    String lasd=new String(topic);

            ArrayList <String> ll = Common.getJavas(Common.levelFolder);
            String lista = Common.joinAL(Common.getDescriptions(ll,Common.levelPackage));

            response = inis.getProperty("level");
      topic="Welcome to "
                                  + Common.serverName + "\n\n"
                                  + "The following players were found:\n"+Common.joinAL(players)+"\n"
                                  + "The following guns were found:\n"+Common.joinAL(guns)+"\n"
                                  + "Here the aviable levels:\n"+lista+"\n"
                                  + "\n"
                                  + "According to "+Common.configFile+"\n"
                                  + "The Level to load is "+inis.getProperty("level")+"\n"
                                  + "Screen resolution "+inis.getProperty("resolutionx")+"x"+inis.getProperty("resolutiony")+" px\n"
                                  + "Game resolution "+inis.getProperty("screenx")+"x"+inis.getProperty("screeny")+" m\n"
                                  + "Match lasts "+inis.getProperty("time")+" min\n"
                                  + "\n"
                                  + "\n"
                                  + "Press OK to start\n";

            if (response.equals(""))
                response = ll.get(0);
            if(response.contains(".")) response = "LevelLoader " + response;
            response = Common.levelPackage + response;
        Level l = loadLevel(response);

        if (l == null)

            Common.message("Failed loading the class "+ response, true,silent);


        s.g.gunList = guns;
        s.g.playerList = players;
    s.g.setResolution(new Float(inis.getProperty("screenx") ),new Float(inis.getProperty("screeny") ));

        // s.g.resolution = new Point(800,600);
        for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
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