Examples of IloConstraint

Examples of ilog.concert.IloConstraint

        double[] coefficients = new double[nWarehouses + nCustomers];
        sub.dualFarkas(constraints, coefficients);
        double temp = 0// sum of cut terms not involving primal variables
        // process all elements of the Farkas certificate
        for (int i = 0; i < constraints.length; i++) {
          IloConstraint c = constraints[i];
          expr = master.sum(expr, master.prod(coefficients[i], rhs.get(c)));
        // generate a feasibility cut
        IloRange r = master.le(master.sum(temp, expr), 0);
        //test the cut against the current solution
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Examples of ilog.concert.IloConstraint

        double[] coefficients = new double[nWarehouses + nCustomers];
        sub.dualFarkas(constraints, coefficients);
        double temp = 0// sum of cut terms not involving primal variables
        // process all elements of the Farkas certificate
        for (int i = 0; i < constraints.length; i++) {
          IloConstraint c = constraints[i];
          expr = master.sum(expr, master.prod(coefficients[i], rhs.get(c)));
        // add a feasibility cut
        IloConstraint r = add(master.le(master.sum(temp, expr), 0));
        System.out.println("\n>>> Adding feasibility cut: " + r + "\n");
      } else if (status == IloCplex.Status.Optimal) {
        if (zMaster < sub.getObjValue() - FUZZ) {
          // the master problem surrogate variable underestimates the actual
          // flow cost -- add an optimality cut
          double[] lambda = sub.getDuals(cDemand);
          double[] mu = sub.getDuals(cSupply);
          // compute the scalar product of the RHS of the demand constraints
          // with the duals for those constraints
          for (int j = 0; j < nCustomers; j++) {
            expr = master.sum(expr, master.prod(lambda[j], rhs.get(cDemand[j])));
          // repeat for the supply constraints
          for (int i = 0; i < nWarehouses; i++) {
            expr = master.sum(expr, master.prod(mu[i], rhs.get(cSupply[i])));
          // add the optimality cut
          IloConstraint r = add((IloRange) master.ge(flowCost, expr));
          System.out.println("\n>>> Adding optimality cut: " + r + "\n");
        } else {
          System.out.println("\n>>> Accepting new incumbent with value "
                             + getObjValue() + "\n");
          // the master and subproblem flow costs match
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