* This class creates master and subproblems and solves the fixed-charge
* transportation problem using Benders decomposition. It is more aggressive
* than the Benders class in that it looks to generate cuts at every node,
* not just when an integer-feasible incumbent is found. It does this by
* rounding fractional solutions to the master problem.
* The master problem (MIP) selects the warehouses to use.
* The subproblem (LP) determines flows from warehouses to customers.
package bendersexample;
import ilog.concert.IloConstraint;
import ilog.concert.IloException;
import ilog.concert.IloLinearNumExpr;
import ilog.concert.IloLinearNumExprIterator;
import ilog.concert.IloNumExpr;
import ilog.concert.IloNumVar;
import ilog.concert.IloRange;
import ilog.cplex.IloCplex;
import java.util.HashMap;
* @author Paul A. Rubin <rubin@msu.edu>
public class AggressiveBenders extends Benders {
* Constructor.
* @param nW number of potential warehouses
* @param nC number of customers
* @param capacity warehouse capacities
* @param demand customer demands
* @param fixed fixed costs to use warehouses
* @param unitCost unit flow costs
* @throws IloException if something makes CPLEX unhappy
public AggressiveBenders(int nW, int nC, double[] capacity, double[] demand,
double[] fixed, double[][] unitCost)
throws IloException {
super(nW, nC, capacity, demand, fixed, unitCost);
// attach a user cut callback to the master
master.use(new BendersCutCallback());
* BendersCutCallback implements a user cut callback that rounds the
* warehouse selection decisions from the current master problem node
* solution, uses them to set the subproblem constraints, and tries
* to solve the subproblem.
* Optimality and feasibility cuts are generated exactly as in the Benders
* class (lazy constraint callback). Before adding the cuts, though, they
* are checked to verify that the (fractional) node solution violates them,
* and are added only if it does.
class BendersCutCallback extends IloCplex.UserCutCallback {
protected void main() throws IloException {
HashMap<IloNumVar, Double> msol = new HashMap<IloNumVar, Double>();
// maps master variables to their values in the node solution
double zMaster = getValue(flowCost); // get master flow cost estimate
msol.put(flowCost, zMaster);
// which warehouses does the proposed master solution use?
double[] x = getValues(use);
// set the supply constraint right-hand sides in the subproblem
for (int i = 0; i < nWarehouses; i++) {
msol.put(use[i], x[i]);
cSupply[i].setUB((x[i] >= 0.5) ? capacity[i] : 0);
// solve the subproblem
IloCplex.Status status = sub.getStatus();
IloNumExpr expr = master.numExpr();
if (status == IloCplex.Status.Infeasible) {
// subproblem is infeasible -- add a feasibility cut
// first step: get a Farkas certificate, corresponding to a dual ray
// along which the dual is unbounded
IloConstraint[] constraints = new IloConstraint[nWarehouses + nCustomers];
double[] coefficients = new double[nWarehouses + nCustomers];
sub.dualFarkas(constraints, coefficients);
double temp = 0; // sum of cut terms not involving primal variables
// process all elements of the Farkas certificate
for (int i = 0; i < constraints.length; i++) {
IloConstraint c = constraints[i];
expr = master.sum(expr, master.prod(coefficients[i], rhs.get(c)));
// generate a feasibility cut
IloRange r = master.le(master.sum(temp, expr), 0);
//test the cut against the current solution
IloLinearNumExpr rexpr = (IloLinearNumExpr) r.getExpr();
IloLinearNumExprIterator it = rexpr.linearIterator();
double lhs = 0;
double rhs = r.getUB();
while (it.hasNext()) {
IloNumVar v = it.nextNumVar();
lhs += it.getValue()*msol.get(v);
// if a violation occurs, add a feasibility cut
if (lhs > rhs + FUZZ) {
System.out.println("!!! Adding user feasibility cut: " + r);
} else if (status == IloCplex.Status.Optimal) {
if (zMaster < sub.getObjValue() - FUZZ) {
// the master problem surrogate variable underestimates the actual
// flow cost -- add an optimality cut
double[] lambda = sub.getDuals(cDemand);
double[] mu = sub.getDuals(cSupply);
// compute the scalar product of the RHS of the demand constraints
// with the duals for those constraints
for (int j = 0; j < nCustomers; j++) {
expr = master.sum(expr, master.prod(lambda[j], rhs.get(cDemand[j])));
// repeat for the supply constraints
for (int i = 0; i < nWarehouses; i++) {
expr = master.sum(expr, master.prod(mu[i], rhs.get(cSupply[i])));
// generate an optimality cut
IloRange r = (IloRange) master.le(master.diff(expr, flowCost), 0);
//test the cut against the current solution
IloLinearNumExpr rexpr = (IloLinearNumExpr) r.getExpr();
IloLinearNumExprIterator it = rexpr.linearIterator();
double lhs = 0;
double rhs = r.getUB();
while (it.hasNext()) {
IloNumVar v = it.nextNumVar();
lhs += it.getValue()*msol.get(v);
// if a violation occurs, add an optimality cut
if (lhs - rhs > FUZZ) {
System.out.println("!!! Adding user optimality cut: " + r);
} else {
// unexpected status -- report but do nothing
System.err.println("!!! Unexpected subproblem solution status: "
+ status);