Examples of ICodec

Examples of com.xuggle.xuggler.ICodec

  public int addVideoStream(int inputIndex, int streamId,
      ICodec.ID codecId, IRational frameRate, int width, int height)
    if (codecId == null)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("null codecId");
    ICodec codec = ICodec.findEncodingCodec(codecId);
    if (codec == null)
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("cannot encode with codec: "+
      return addVideoStream(inputIndex, streamId, codec,
          frameRate, width, height);
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Examples of com.xuggle.xuggler.ICodec

  public void testGetCodec()
    // First the video stream
    ICodec codec = null;
    ICodec.Type type = null;
    ICodec.ID id = null;

    mCoder = getStreamCoder(sampleFile, 0);
    codec = mCoder.getCodec();
    assertTrue(codec != null);
    type = mCoder.getCodecType();
    assertTrue(type == codec.getType());
    assertTrue(type == ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO);
    id = mCoder.getCodecID();
    assertTrue(id == codec.getID());
    log.debug("Video type: {}", id);
    assertTrue(id == ICodec.ID.CODEC_ID_FLV1);
    // Then the audio stream.
    mCoder = getStreamCoder(sampleFile, 1);
    codec = mCoder.getCodec();
    assertTrue(codec != null);
    type = mCoder.getCodecType();
    assertTrue(type == codec.getType());
    assertTrue(type == ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO);
    id = mCoder.getCodecID();
    assertTrue(id == codec.getID());
    assertTrue(id == ICodec.ID.CODEC_ID_MP3);
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Examples of com.xuggle.xuggler.ICodec

      throw new RuntimeException("could not open output file");

    outStream = outContainer.addNewStream(0);
    outStreamCoder = outStream.getStreamCoder();

    ICodec codec = ICodec.guessEncodingCodec(null, null, outFile, null,
    if (codec == null)
      throw new RuntimeException("could not guess a codec");

    codec = ICodec.findEncodingCodec(ICodec.ID.CODEC_ID_FLASHSV);
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Examples of com.xuggle.xuggler.ICodec

    // override the input codec
    if (iacodec != null)
      ICodec codec = null;
       * Looks like they did specify one; let's look it up by name.
      codec = ICodec.findDecodingCodecByName(iacodec);
      if (codec == null || codec.getType() != ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO)
        throw new RuntimeException("could not find decoder: " + iacodec);
       * Now, tell the output stream coder that it's to use that codec.

     * Open the input container for Reading.
    IContainerParameters parameters = IContainerParameters.make();
    if (isampleRate > 0)
    if (ichannels > 0)

    retval = mIContainer.open(inputURL, IContainer.Type.READ, iFmt);
    if (retval < 0)
      throw new RuntimeException("could not open url: " + inputURL);

     * If the user EXPLICITLY asked for a output container format, we'll try to
     * honor their request here.
    if (containerFormat != null)
      oFmt = IContainerFormat.make();
       * Try to find an output format based on what the user specified, or
       * failing that, based on the outputURL (e.g. if it ends in .flv, we'll
       * guess FLV).
      retval = oFmt.setOutputFormat(containerFormat, outputURL, null);
      if (retval < 0)
        throw new RuntimeException("could not find output container format: "
            + containerFormat);
     * Open the output container for writing. If oFmt is null, we are telling
     * Xuggler to guess the output container format based on the outputURL.
    retval = mOContainer.open(outputURL, IContainer.Type.WRITE, oFmt);
    if (retval < 0)
      throw new RuntimeException("could not open output url: " + outputURL);

     * Find out how many streams are there in the input container? For example,
     * most FLV files will have 2 -- 1 audio stream and 1 video stream.
    int numStreams = mIContainer.getNumStreams();
    if (numStreams <= 0)
      throw new RuntimeException("not streams in input url: " + inputURL);

     * Here we create IStream, IStreamCoders and other objects for each input
     * stream.
     * We make parallel objects for each output stream as well.
    mIStreams = new IStream[numStreams];
    mICoders = new IStreamCoder[numStreams];
    mOStreams = new IStream[numStreams];
    mOCoders = new IStreamCoder[numStreams];
    mASamplers = new IAudioResampler[numStreams];
    mVSamplers = new IVideoResampler[numStreams];
    mIVideoPictures = new IVideoPicture[numStreams];
    mOVideoPictures = new IVideoPicture[numStreams];
    mISamples = new IAudioSamples[numStreams];
    mOSamples = new IAudioSamples[numStreams];

     * Now let's go through the input streams one by one and explicitly set up
     * our contexts.
    for (int i = 0; i < numStreams; i++)
       * Get the IStream for this input stream.
      IStream is = mIContainer.getStream(i);
       * And get the input stream coder. Xuggler will set up all sorts of
       * defaults on this StreamCoder for you (such as the audio sample rate)
       * when you open it.
       * You can create IStreamCoders yourself using
       * IStreamCoder#make(IStreamCoder.Direction), but then you have to set all
       * parameters yourself.
      IStreamCoder ic = is.getStreamCoder();

       * Find out what Codec Xuggler guessed the input stream was encoded with.
      ICodec.Type cType = ic.getCodecType();

      mIStreams[i] = is;
      mICoders[i] = ic;
      mOStreams[i] = null;
      mOCoders[i] = null;
      mASamplers[i] = null;
      mVSamplers[i] = null;
      mIVideoPictures[i] = null;
      mOVideoPictures[i] = null;
      mISamples[i] = null;
      mOSamples[i] = null;

      if (cType == ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO && mHasAudio
          && (astream == -1 || astream == i))
         * So it looks like this stream as an audio stream. Now we add an audio
         * stream to the output container that we will use to encode our
         * resampled audio.
        IStream os = mOContainer.addNewStream(i);

         * And we ask the IStream for an appropriately configured IStreamCoder
         * for output.
         * Unfortunately you still need to specify a lot of things for
         * outputting (because we can't really guess what you want to encode
         * as).
        IStreamCoder oc = os.getStreamCoder();
        String apreset = cmdLine.getOptionValue("apreset");
        if (apreset != null)
          Configuration.configure(apreset, oc);

        mOStreams[i] = os;
        mOCoders[i] = oc;

         * First, did the user specify an audio codec?
        if (acodec != null)
          ICodec codec = null;
           * Looks like they did specify one; let's look it up by name.
          codec = ICodec.findEncodingCodecByName(acodec);
          if (codec == null || codec.getType() != cType)
            throw new RuntimeException("could not find encoder: " + acodec);
           * Now, tell the output stream coder that it's to use that codec.
           * Looks like the user didn't specify an output coder for audio.
           * So we ask Xuggler to guess an appropriate output coded based on the
           * URL, container format, and that it's audio.
          ICodec codec = ICodec.guessEncodingCodec(oFmt, null, outputURL, null,
          if (codec == null)
            throw new RuntimeException("could not guess " + cType
                + " encoder for: " + outputURL);
           * Now let's use that.

         * In general a IStreamCoder encoding audio needs to know: 1) A ICodec
         * to use. 2) The sample rate and number of channels of the audio. Most
         * everything else can be defaulted.

         * If the user didn't specify a sample rate to encode as, then just use
         * the same sample rate as the input.
        if (sampleRate == 0)
          sampleRate = ic.getSampleRate();
         * If the user didn't specify a bit rate to encode as, then just use the
         * same bit as the input.
        if (abitrate == 0)
          abitrate = ic.getBitRate();
        if (abitrate == 0)
          // some containers don't give a bit-rate
          abitrate = 64000;
         * If the user didn't specify the number of channels to encode audio as,
         * just assume we're keeping the same number of channels.
        if (channels == 0)
          channels = ic.getChannels();

         * And set the quality (which defaults to 0, or highest, if the user
         * doesn't tell us one).

         * Now check if our output channels or sample rate differ from our input
         * channels or sample rate.
         * If they do, we're going to need to resample the input audio to be in
         * the right format to output.
        if (oc.getChannels() != ic.getChannels()
            || oc.getSampleRate() != ic.getSampleRate())
           * Create an audio resampler to do that job.
          mASamplers[i] = IAudioResampler.make(oc.getChannels(), ic
              .getChannels(), oc.getSampleRate(), ic.getSampleRate());
          if (mASamplers[i] == null)
            throw new RuntimeException(
                "could not open audio resampler for stream: " + i);
          mASamplers[i] = null;
         * Finally, create some buffers for the input and output audio
         * themselves.
         * We'll use these repeated during the #run(CommandLine) method.
        mISamples[i] = IAudioSamples.make(1024, ic.getChannels());
        mOSamples[i] = IAudioSamples.make(1024, oc.getChannels());
      else if (cType == ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO && mHasVideo
          && (vstream == -1 || vstream == i))
         * If you're reading these commends, this does the same thing as the
         * above branch, only for video. I'm going to assume you read those
         * comments and will only document something substantially different
         * here.
        IStream os = mOContainer.addNewStream(i);
        IStreamCoder oc = os.getStreamCoder();
        String vpreset = cmdLine.getOptionValue("vpreset");
        if (vpreset != null)
          Configuration.configure(vpreset, oc);

        mOStreams[i] = os;
        mOCoders[i] = oc;

        if (vcodec != null)
          ICodec codec = null;
          codec = ICodec.findEncodingCodecByName(vcodec);
          if (codec == null || codec.getType() != cType)
            throw new RuntimeException("could not find encoder: " + vcodec);
          ICodec codec = ICodec.guessEncodingCodec(oFmt, null, outputURL, null,
          if (codec == null)
            throw new RuntimeException("could not guess " + cType
                + " encoder for: " + outputURL);

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Examples of com.xuggle.xuggler.ICodec

    // override the input codec
    if (iacodec != null)
      ICodec codec = null;
       * Looks like they did specify one; let's look it up by name.
      codec = ICodec.findDecodingCodecByName(iacodec);
      if (codec == null || codec.getType() != ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO)
        throw new RuntimeException("could not find decoder: " + iacodec);
       * Now, tell the output stream coder that it's to use that codec.

     * Open the input container for Reading.
    IMetaData parameters = IMetaData.make();
    if (isampleRate > 0)
      parameters.setValue("sample_rate", ""+isampleRate);

    if (ichannels > 0)
      parameters.setValue("channels", ""+ichannels);
    IMetaData rejectParameters = IMetaData.make();

    retval = mIContainer.open(inputURL, IContainer.Type.READ, iFmt, false, true,
        parameters, rejectParameters);
    if (retval < 0)
      throw new RuntimeException("could not open url: " + inputURL);
    if (rejectParameters.getNumKeys() > 0)
      throw new RuntimeException("some parameters were rejected: " + rejectParameters);
     * If the user EXPLICITLY asked for a output container format, we'll try to
     * honor their request here.
    if (containerFormat != null)
      oFmt = IContainerFormat.make();
       * Try to find an output format based on what the user specified, or
       * failing that, based on the outputURL (e.g. if it ends in .flv, we'll
       * guess FLV).
      retval = oFmt.setOutputFormat(containerFormat, outputURL, null);
      if (retval < 0)
        throw new RuntimeException("could not find output container format: "
            + containerFormat);
     * Open the output container for writing. If oFmt is null, we are telling
     * Xuggler to guess the output container format based on the outputURL.
    retval = mOContainer.open(outputURL, IContainer.Type.WRITE, oFmt);
    if (retval < 0)
      throw new RuntimeException("could not open output url: " + outputURL);

     * Find out how many streams are there in the input container? For example,
     * most FLV files will have 2 -- 1 audio stream and 1 video stream.
    int numStreams = mIContainer.getNumStreams();
    if (numStreams <= 0)
      throw new RuntimeException("not streams in input url: " + inputURL);

     * Here we create IStream, IStreamCoders and other objects for each input
     * stream.
     * We make parallel objects for each output stream as well.
    mIStreams = new IStream[numStreams];
    mICoders = new IStreamCoder[numStreams];
    mOStreams = new IStream[numStreams];
    mOCoders = new IStreamCoder[numStreams];
    mASamplers = new IAudioResampler[numStreams];
    mVSamplers = new IVideoResampler[numStreams];
    mIVideoPictures = new IVideoPicture[numStreams];
    mOVideoPictures = new IVideoPicture[numStreams];
    mISamples = new IAudioSamples[numStreams];
    mOSamples = new IAudioSamples[numStreams];

     * Now let's go through the input streams one by one and explicitly set up
     * our contexts.
    for (int i = 0; i < numStreams; i++)
       * Get the IStream for this input stream.
      IStream is = mIContainer.getStream(i);
       * And get the input stream coder. Xuggler will set up all sorts of
       * defaults on this StreamCoder for you (such as the audio sample rate)
       * when you open it.
       * You can create IStreamCoders yourself using
       * IStreamCoder#make(IStreamCoder.Direction), but then you have to set all
       * parameters yourself.
      IStreamCoder ic = is.getStreamCoder();

       * Find out what Codec Xuggler guessed the input stream was encoded with.
      ICodec.Type cType = ic.getCodecType();

      mIStreams[i] = is;
      mICoders[i] = ic;
      mOStreams[i] = null;
      mOCoders[i] = null;
      mASamplers[i] = null;
      mVSamplers[i] = null;
      mIVideoPictures[i] = null;
      mOVideoPictures[i] = null;
      mISamples[i] = null;
      mOSamples[i] = null;

      if (cType == ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO && mHasAudio
          && (astream == -1 || astream == i))
         * First, did the user specify an audio codec?
        ICodec codec = null;
        if (acodec != null)
           * Looks like they did specify one; let's look it up by name.
          codec = ICodec.findEncodingCodecByName(acodec);
          if (codec == null || codec.getType() != cType)
            throw new RuntimeException("could not find encoder: " + acodec);
           * Looks like the user didn't specify an output coder for audio.
           * So we ask Xuggler to guess an appropriate output coded based on the
           * URL, container format, and that it's audio.
          codec = ICodec.guessEncodingCodec(oFmt, null, outputURL, null,
          if (codec == null)
            throw new RuntimeException("could not guess " + cType
                + " encoder for: " + outputURL);
         * So it looks like this stream as an audio stream. Now we add an audio
         * stream to the output container that we will use to encode our
         * resampled audio.
        IStream os = mOContainer.addNewStream(codec);

         * And we ask the IStream for an appropriately configured IStreamCoder
         * for output.
         * Unfortunately you still need to specify a lot of things for
         * outputting (because we can't really guess what you want to encode
         * as).
        IStreamCoder oc = os.getStreamCoder();

        mOStreams[i] = os;
        mOCoders[i] = oc;

         * Now let's see if the codec can support the input sample format; if not
         * we pick the last sample format the codec supports.
        Format preferredFormat = ic.getSampleFormat();
        List<Format> formats = codec.getSupportedAudioSampleFormats();
        for(Format format : formats) {
          if (format == preferredFormat)

        final String apreset = cmdLine.getOptionValue("apreset");
        if (apreset != null)
          Configuration.configure(apreset, oc);
         * In general a IStreamCoder encoding audio needs to know: 1) A ICodec
         * to use. 2) The sample rate and number of channels of the audio. Most
         * everything else can be defaulted.

         * If the user didn't specify a sample rate to encode as, then just use
         * the same sample rate as the input.
        if (sampleRate == 0)
          sampleRate = ic.getSampleRate();
         * If the user didn't specify a bit rate to encode as, then just use the
         * same bit as the input.
        if (abitrate == 0)
          abitrate = ic.getBitRate();
        if (abitrate == 0)
          // some containers don't give a bit-rate
          abitrate = 64000;
         * If the user didn't specify the number of channels to encode audio as,
         * just assume we're keeping the same number of channels.
        if (channels == 0)
          channels = ic.getChannels();

         * And set the quality (which defaults to 0, or highest, if the user
         * doesn't tell us one).

         * Now check if our output channels or sample rate differ from our input
         * channels or sample rate.
         * If they do, we're going to need to resample the input audio to be in
         * the right format to output.
        if (oc.getChannels() != ic.getChannels()
            || oc.getSampleRate() != ic.getSampleRate()
            || oc.getSampleFormat() != ic.getSampleFormat())
           * Create an audio resampler to do that job.
          mASamplers[i] = IAudioResampler.make(oc.getChannels(), ic
              .getChannels(), oc.getSampleRate(), ic.getSampleRate(),
              oc.getSampleFormat(), ic.getSampleFormat());
          if (mASamplers[i] == null)
            throw new RuntimeException(
                "could not open audio resampler for stream: " + i);
          mASamplers[i] = null;
         * Finally, create some buffers for the input and output audio
         * themselves.
         * We'll use these repeated during the #run(CommandLine) method.
        mISamples[i] = IAudioSamples.make(1024, ic.getChannels(), ic.getSampleFormat());
        mOSamples[i] = IAudioSamples.make(1024, oc.getChannels(), oc.getSampleFormat());
      else if (cType == ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO && mHasVideo
          && (vstream == -1 || vstream == i))
         * If you're reading these commends, this does the same thing as the
         * above branch, only for video. I'm going to assume you read those
         * comments and will only document something substantially different
         * here.
        ICodec codec = null;
        if (vcodec != null)
          codec = ICodec.findEncodingCodecByName(vcodec);
          if (codec == null || codec.getType() != cType)
            throw new RuntimeException("could not find encoder: " + vcodec);
          codec = ICodec.guessEncodingCodec(oFmt, null, outputURL, null,
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Examples of com.xuggle.xuggler.ICodec

    MediaWriter writer = new MediaWriter(file.toString());
    writer.addListener(new MediaViewer(mViewerMode, true));

    // add the video stream

    ICodec codec = ICodec.findEncodingCodec(ICodec.ID.CODEC_ID_FLV1);
    writer.addVideoStream(videoStreamIndex, videoStreamId, codec, w, h);

    // create a place for video pictures

    IVideoPicture picture = IVideoPicture.make(IPixelFormat.Type.YUV420P, w, h);
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Examples of com.xuggle.xuggler.ICodec

    IMediaWriter writer = new MediaWriter(file.toString());

    // add the audio stream

    ICodec codec = ICodec.findEncodingCodec(ICodec.ID.CODEC_ID_MP3);
    IContainer container = writer.getContainer();
    IStream stream = container.getStream(
        writer.addAudioStream(audioStreamIndex, audioStreamId,
            codec, channelCount, sampleRate));
    int sampleCount = stream.getStreamCoder().getDefaultAudioFrameSize();
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Examples of com.xuggle.xuggler.ICodec

    IMediaWriter writer = new MediaWriter(file.toString());

    // add the audio stream

    ICodec codec = ICodec.findEncodingCodec(ICodec.ID.CODEC_ID_MP3);
    IContainer container = writer.getContainer();
    int streamIndex = writer.addAudioStream(
        audioStreamIndex, audioStreamId, codec, channelCount, sampleRate);
    IStream stream = container.getStream(streamIndex);
    int sampleCount = stream.getStreamCoder().getDefaultAudioFrameSize();
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Examples of com.xuggle.xuggler.ICodec

    MediaWriter writer = new MediaWriter(file.toString());
    writer.addListener(new MediaViewer(mViewerMode, true));

    // add the video stream

    ICodec videoCodec = ICodec.findEncodingCodec(ICodec.ID.CODEC_ID_FLV1);
    writer.addVideoStream(videoStreamIndex, videoStreamId, videoCodec, w, h);

    // add the audio stream

    ICodec audioCodec = ICodec.findEncodingCodec(ICodec.ID.CODEC_ID_MP3);
    IContainer container = writer.getContainer();
    IStream stream = container.getStream(writer.addAudioStream(audioStreamIndex, audioStreamId,
      audioCodec, channelCount, sampleRate));
    int sampleCount = stream.getStreamCoder().getDefaultAudioFrameSize();
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Examples of com.xuggle.xuggler.ICodec

    IMediaWriter writer = new MediaWriter(file.toString());

    // add the audio stream

    ICodec codec = ICodec.findEncodingCodec(ICodec.ID.CODEC_ID_MP3);
    IContainer container = writer.getContainer();
    IStream stream = container.getStream(
        writer.addAudioStream(audioStreamIndex, audioStreamId,
            codec, channelCount, sampleRate));
    int sampleCount = stream.getStreamCoder().getDefaultAudioFrameSize();
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