* Copyright (c) 2008, 2010 Xuggle Inc. All rights reserved.
* This file is part of Xuggle-Xuggler-Main.
* Xuggle-Xuggler-Main is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Xuggle-Xuggler-Main is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with Xuggle-Xuggler-Main. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package com.xuggle.xuggler;
import java.util.Collection;
import org.junit.*;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.xuggle.ferry.IBuffer;
import com.xuggle.xuggler.ICodec;
import com.xuggle.xuggler.IContainer;
import com.xuggle.xuggler.IPixelFormat;
import com.xuggle.xuggler.IRational;
import com.xuggle.xuggler.IStream;
import com.xuggle.xuggler.IStreamCoder;
import com.xuggle.xuggler.IStreamCoder.Direction;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
public class StreamCoderTest extends TestCase
private final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
private final String sampleFile = "fixtures/testfile.flv";
private IStream mStream=null;
private IContainer mContainer=null;
private IStreamCoder mCoder=null;
public void setUp()
log.debug("Executing test case: {}", this.getName());
if (mContainer != null)
mContainer = null;
if (mStream != null)
mStream = null;
if (mCoder != null)
mCoder = null;
public void testGetDirection()
mCoder = getStreamCoder(sampleFile, 1);
IStreamCoder.Direction direction = mCoder.getDirection();
assertTrue(direction == IStreamCoder.Direction.DECODING);
public void testGetCodec()
// First the video stream
ICodec codec = null;
ICodec.Type type = null;
ICodec.ID id = null;
mCoder = getStreamCoder(sampleFile, 0);
codec = mCoder.getCodec();
assertTrue(codec != null);
type = mCoder.getCodecType();
assertTrue(type == codec.getType());
assertTrue(type == ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO);
id = mCoder.getCodecID();
assertTrue(id == codec.getID());
log.debug("Video type: {}", id);
assertTrue(id == ICodec.ID.CODEC_ID_FLV1);
// Then the audio stream.
mCoder = getStreamCoder(sampleFile, 1);
codec = mCoder.getCodec();
assertTrue(codec != null);
type = mCoder.getCodecType();
assertTrue(type == codec.getType());
assertTrue(type == ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO);
id = mCoder.getCodecID();
assertTrue(id == codec.getID());
assertTrue(id == ICodec.ID.CODEC_ID_MP3);
public void testVideoGetters()
int bitRate = -1;
int height = -1;
int width = -1;
IRational timebase = null;
int gops = -1;
IPixelFormat.Type pixFmt= IPixelFormat.Type.NONE;
int sampleRate = -1;
int channels = -1;
// get the video stream
mCoder = getStreamCoder(sampleFile, 0);
bitRate = mCoder.getBitRate();
height = mCoder.getHeight();
width = mCoder.getWidth();
timebase = mCoder.getTimeBase();
gops = mCoder.getNumPicturesInGroupOfPictures();
pixFmt = mCoder.getPixelType();
sampleRate = mCoder.getSampleRate();
channels = mCoder.getChannels();
// Log them all
log.debug("Bitrate: {}", bitRate);
log.debug("Height: {}", height);
log.debug("Width: {}", width);
log.debug("Timebase: {}/{}", timebase.getNumerator(),
log.debug("Num Group of Pictures: {}", gops);
log.debug("Pixel Format: {}", pixFmt);
log.debug("Sample Rate: {}", sampleRate);
log.debug("Channels: {}", channels);
// now our assertions
assertEquals(0, bitRate);
assertEquals(176, height);
assertEquals(424, width);
assertEquals(1, timebase.getNumerator());
assertEquals(1000, timebase.getDenominator());
assertEquals(12, gops);
assertEquals(IPixelFormat.Type.YUV420P, pixFmt);
assertEquals(0, sampleRate);
assertEquals(0, channels);
public void testAudioGetters()
int bitRate = -1;
int height = -1;
int width = -1;
IRational timebase = null;
int gops = -1;
IPixelFormat.Type pixFmt= IPixelFormat.Type.NONE;
int sampleRate = -1;
int channels = -1;
IContainer container = IContainer.make();
container.open("fixtures/testfile.mp3", IContainer.Type.READ, null);
IStream stream = container.getStream(0);
// get the audio stream
mCoder = stream.getStreamCoder();
bitRate = mCoder.getBitRate();
height = mCoder.getHeight();
width = mCoder.getWidth();
timebase = mCoder.getTimeBase();
gops = mCoder.getNumPicturesInGroupOfPictures();
pixFmt = mCoder.getPixelType();
sampleRate = mCoder.getSampleRate();
channels = mCoder.getChannels();
// Log them all
log.debug("Bitrate: {}", bitRate);
log.debug("Height: {}", height);
log.debug("Width: {}", width);
log.debug("Timebase: {}", timebase);
log.debug("Num Group of Pictures: {}", gops);
log.debug("Pixel Format: {}", pixFmt);
log.debug("Sample Rate: {}", sampleRate);
log.debug("Channels: {}", channels);
// now our assertions
assertEquals(128000, bitRate, 1000);
assertEquals(0, height);
assertEquals(0, width);
assertEquals(1, timebase.getNumerator());
assertEquals(14112000, timebase.getDenominator());
assertEquals(12, gops);
assertEquals(IPixelFormat.Type.NONE, pixFmt);
assertEquals(44100, sampleRate);
assertEquals(2, channels);
public void testOpenAndCloseCodec()
int retval = -1;
mCoder = getStreamCoder(sampleFile, 1);
retval = mCoder.open();
assertTrue("Could not open codec", retval >= 0);
retval = mCoder.close();
assertTrue("Could not close codec", retval >= 0);
* Regression test for https://sourceforge.net/tracker2/?func=detail&aid=2508480&group_id=248424&atid=1126411
public void testGetCodecTypeBugFix2508480()
IContainer container = IContainer.make();
assertTrue("should be able to open",
container.open("fixtures/subtitled_video.mkv", IContainer.Type.READ, null) >= 0);
assertEquals("unexpected codec type", ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO, container.getStream(0).getStreamCoder().getCodecType());
assertEquals("unexpected codec type", ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_AUDIO, container.getStream(1).getStreamCoder().getCodecType());
assertEquals("unexpected codec type", ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_SUBTITLE, container.getStream(2).getStreamCoder().getCodecType());
public void testGetCodecTag()
IContainer container = IContainer.make();
assertTrue("should be able to open",
container.open("fixtures/subtitled_video.mkv", IContainer.Type.READ, null) >= 0);
IStreamCoder coder = container.getStream(0).getStreamCoder();
assertEquals("should be 0 by default", 0, coder.getCodecTag());
assertEquals("should be set now", 0xDEADBEEF, coder.getCodecTag());
public void testGetCodecTagArray()
IContainer container = IContainer.make();
assertTrue("should be able to open",
container.open("fixtures/subtitled_video.mkv", IContainer.Type.READ, null) >= 0);
IStreamCoder coder = container.getStream(0).getStreamCoder();
char[] tag = coder.getCodecTagArray();
assertNotNull("should exist", tag);
assertEquals("should always be 4", 4, tag.length);
for(int i = 0; i < tag.length; i++)
assertEquals("should be 0 by default", (char)0, tag[i]);
assertEquals("should be set now", 0xDEADBEEF, coder.getCodecTag());
tag = coder.getCodecTagArray();
assertNotNull("should exist", tag);
assertEquals("should always be 4", 4, tag.length);
assertEquals("test value", 0xDE, tag[3]);
assertEquals("test value", 0xAD, tag[2]);
assertEquals("test value", 0xBE, tag[1]);
assertEquals("test value", 0xEF, tag[0]);
public void testSetCodecTagArray()
IContainer container = IContainer.make();
assertTrue("should be able to open",
container.open("fixtures/subtitled_video.mkv", IContainer.Type.READ, null) >= 0);
IStreamCoder coder = container.getStream(0).getStreamCoder();
char[] tag = new char[4];
tag[3] = 0xDE;
tag[2] = 0xAD;
tag[1] = 0xBE;
tag[0] = 0xEF;
assertEquals("should be set now", 0xDEADBEEF, coder.getCodecTag());
public void testGetDefaultAudioFrameSize()
IStreamCoder coder = getStreamCoder(sampleFile, 0);
assertEquals(coder.getDefaultAudioFrameSize(), 576);
assertEquals(coder.getDefaultAudioFrameSize(), 3);
// sample file has nellymoser audio, which has a non default frame size
assertTrue(coder.getAudioFrameSize() != coder.getDefaultAudioFrameSize());
coder = IStreamCoder.make(IStreamCoder.Direction.ENCODING);
assertTrue(coder.open() >= 0);
assertEquals(coder.getAudioFrameSize(), coder.getDefaultAudioFrameSize());
assertEquals(coder.getAudioFrameSize(), coder.getDefaultAudioFrameSize());
private IStreamCoder getStreamCoder(String url, int index)
IStreamCoder retval = null;
int errorVal = 0;
mContainer = IContainer.make();
assertTrue(mContainer != null);
errorVal = mContainer.open(url, IContainer.Type.READ, null);
assertTrue(errorVal >= 0);
mStream = mContainer.getStream(index);
assertTrue(mStream != null);
assertTrue(mStream.getIndex() == index);
retval = mStream.getStreamCoder();
assertTrue(retval != null);
return retval;
public void testGetPropertyNames()
IStreamCoder coder = IStreamCoder.make(Direction.ENCODING);
Collection<String> properties = coder.getPropertyNames();
assertTrue(properties.size() > 0);
for(String name : properties)
String value = coder.getPropertyAsString(name);
log.debug("{}={}", name, value);
public void testGetAutomaticallyStampOutputStream()
IStreamCoder coder = IStreamCoder.make(Direction.ENCODING);
public void testOpenGetAndSetExtraData()
// For this test file, this is the header info for the video stream
byte[] expected = {
1, 77, 64, 20, -1, -31, 0, 20, 39, 77, 64,
20, -87, 24, 60, 54, -9, -128, 53, 6, 1,
6, -74, -62, -75, -17, 124, 4, 1, 0, 4,
40, -34, 9, -120
int retval = -1;
mCoder = getStreamCoder("fixtures/testfile_h264_mp4a_tmcd.mov", 0);
assertEquals(ICodec.Type.CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO, mCoder.getCodecType());
retval = mCoder.open();
assertTrue("Could not open codec", retval >= 0);
int extraDataSize = mCoder.getExtraDataSize();
assertEquals(expected.length, extraDataSize);
IBuffer buffer = mCoder.getExtraData();
assertEquals(extraDataSize, buffer.getBufferSize());
retval = mCoder.close();
assertTrue("Could not close codec", retval >= 0);
byte[] actual = new byte[expected.length];
buffer.get(0, actual, 0, actual.length);
for(int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++)
assertEquals("differ at: "+i, expected[i], actual[i]);